(2014/01) January 2014

Today's thread so active.

Welcome all mummies who joined us recently!

Re: Coke
I craved for it sometimes as it can make me burp. Only when I managed burp then I feel shiok.
I dont take coke often but I take cold drinks quite frequently.

Daphne, troublesome if baby salivate too much.. keep thinking whether is baby teething bo.. so it gives us reason to satisfy all our cravings

Darbebe.. sometimes I feel so bloated that I want to burp out but cannot.. hate that feelings
Did the doc make any remarks during the oscar scan?
Mine was super quiet, never say any thing like "looks good" etc.
I am really worried.
Not sure isst something wrong, base on their experience....or they are not suppose to comment anything.

My scan was done at TMC
during during the scan, they won't say anything as they need to compare the readings from the scan with your blood test. only gynae will only comment after seeing all the results and readings...
my sonographer also never say anything except ask me if i wanna know gender or not... other than that, just tell me turn here turn there or cough few times or keep saying why my bb don't wanna face up etc.... only sometimes she will tell me this is the legs, the eyes, the hands or now the bb is facing us, or this is the heartbeat etc....
i weighed myself this morning... put on 3kg liao.... now at wk 14..... i hope to keep it to just 10 kg if possible this round... wonder if i can do it or not.... but at the rate my appetite now improving and cravings for noodles all the time..... i think quite tough...
Thanks Faye n GBOB. Im looking for the snoogle kind but I din like it with the 'C' shape coz I still wanna use my head pillow. I went Mothercare yest and they sell a kind for approx $130. So ex! So haven decided if I wan to buy or take up hubby's offer of making me one. Gd sleep is priceless!

Brown/ yellowish discharge:
My gynae says it's ok and common. Not to worry. Coz i also got brown discharge on n off n also worry but he everytime he scans n say not affecting baby, no problem.

Cold drinks:
I love! but my TCM say not too much coz cold stuff not gd for women in the first place. My gynae everyting also can. So, i juz drink in moderation. I don't dare drink coke coz too much caffeine i heard. I drink sprite or root beer when craving comes.

Music, U juz stimulated my cravings for waffles. Mayb I will go out n get some. Waffles frm Eggs n berries not bad too....
Hi Shirlynn,
I think the myth was when the baby is born if pregnant mummy's craving for food is not satisfied...they will be very 贪吃 when they are born.

For me, i have craving for black pepper crab on sat, so bought a small crab from House of Seafood and share with my hubby...Yummy.
Crystal, mine was also done at TMC, my sonographer did abt the same stuff as Daphne's. Meaning she will tell me the parts of my baby and show me wats she's measuring but never ask me if I wanna noe gender. Daphne, so lucky she can tell you gender liao! But I won't worry too much if I am you. Mayb she's juz not the talkative kind. Wait for ur gynae to review. *Hugs coz I noe we worry over everyting*

Daphne, I think it's gd you are putting on weight. Shows gd appetite and baby is growing. I still losing weight at Wk 13.
Daphne, I put on 2kg now at Week 14+ and was kinda upset knowing it. Ever since the birth of #1, I have always retained some weight from each pregnancy. So this time I hope to keep to 10kg.

Ever since my MS subsided greatly, I have been eating alot as though for revenge. Always hungry. How how?
Darbebe, I am also experiencing a better appetite in week 14+. I think cos I no longer feel as exhausted as during first trimester. Last time after work will get hungry, but more tired so no appetite. Trying now to eat foods high in water content (noodle soup etc with more veggie) and drinking water after eating an apple to help stay full. seems to help so far...
Darbebe, same! same! i also still got excess weight from the past 2 pregnancies... each time i retain 3 - 4kg and last 2 pregnancies, i gained 16kg so i hope to gain within 10kg too..... sigh..... now MS subsided i started to crave for food liao esp noodles! so much carbo.... i can finish one big plate of noodles by myself when i used to only eat 1/2 or 3/4 last time..... and somemore, i still take small snacks in between.... jialat!
cheer_bb, ya i should try taking fruits to work..... maybe cherry tomatoes..... my desk is full of biscuits, wafers, sweets! aiyo........ i think it's time i start to go for prenatal yoga... still cannot find one that is near to me or fits my timing..... maybe i should just go youtube and download..... i used to attend a prenatal yoga course last time but as never practice as not pregnant last time, totally forgotten liao....
but i suspect that i'm also having water retention as i have puffy fingers.... i admit that i'm not drinking enough water and with me not able to take veg, this is bad for bowel movements.... i constipated so badly yesterday and now my arse still in pain hahaha... sorry for the gross details....
Daphne, ya cherry tomatoes sound like a good idea! Got vit C and antioxidants too! Haha i'm still trying to learn to eat those. Never really liked tomatoes. but they're good cos less sugar than other fruits.

i researching on prenatal yoga too. found one Mother and Child one at Tanglin Mall, and one more at my facial place, at Phoenix Park. any of you try Mother and Child one before?
cheer_bb, yeah i also considering mother and child at tanglin mall but now i'm wondering how to go there from my office... my office at pasir panjang....
cheer_bb, since pregnant, I seldom take fruits. Good idea, maybe I should move my ass and stock up soon.

Cheer_bb / Daphne, prenatal yoga helps with what? I only intending to go for prenatal massage after the 4 months.
cheer_bb, the one at Phoenix Park is it the Space & Light Studio? I heard one of the guru is very good and I've emailed her and she only teaches on sat and thurs. Am considering her too... Her name is Sarah.

Darbebe, doing yoga during pregnancy helps to soothe ourselves and it's a form of exercies too and there's a lot in yoga that helps during pregnancy.... they do meditation, breathing exercises, muscle relaxes etc..... and of cos helps to control weight gain too.... it's just like yoga except that they don't do a lot of the intensive stuff like headstand lah etc.... it's very fun and relaxing...
Crystalbelle, my #2, gal, everytime like to touch things.. hb say must be bcos I eat crabs. Buay tahan him.. anyway if have, I sure to eat too..kekeke

Putting on weight.. I scare I will put on a lot this time round. I really eat like nobody biz.. one day 6 meals. But till now I am still 1 kg lesser than pre-pregnancy weight. Hope I dun put on too much this time round.. think lao liao.. It took me much longer to shed the pregnancy weight for #2 compare to #1. #1, I shed off 20 kg within my baby full month. #2.. I almost hitting my pre-pregnancy weight ..only to find out that I am pregnant again..
Darbebe, prenatal yoga is supposed to be a good pregnancy exercise that helps to keep muscles toned, improve blood circulation and helps to prevent or reduce lower back pain that's experienced in pregnancy. but before doing that, or any exercise, better to clear it with your gynae first. I haven't asked mine, just do research first and decide so that once she OK's it, i can go sign up
Daphne, yeah the one at Phoenix Park is the Space and Light Studio. I'm contacting them to ask for a quote, but suspect may be quite ex there. that place (Verita Wellness) also does pre-natal massage, $120 for 60 min i think.

the Mother and Child one have package for 4 classes at $110, 8 classes at $220, and 16 classes at $375. They also have trial class for $30. they have classes at the following times:

Tues - 10-11am and 11-12pm
Wed - 3-4pm
Thurs - 7.15-8.30pm
Fri - 3.30-4.45pm
Sat - 9.30-10.30am
Sun - 11-12noon and 12-1pm

hehe i popped by on sat and picked up a pamphlet to check it out.
cheer_bb which one you intending to go? I saw this by Sara Powell and she teaches at Space & Light Studio at Phoenix Park and i'm quite keen to try her.... but now just figuring how to go there cos the place like a but birds don't lay eggs place...
There's one at Turf City under Om Shiva that does prenatal too and I know the lady too... she not bad but location doesn't suit me...
cheer_bb, once you have the quotes from Phoenix Park, let me know can? I'm also torn between the 2. Mother and Child seems reasonable.... thinking to start soon man...... i feel so slack after i stopped my yoga for 3 months the min i got pregnant....
I am keen with sara powell cos she trained under this guy called Cooper who is also a guru at Pure Yoga and I simply love his classes... he is good but pure prenatal are all weekdays lunch time and thus timing not for me...
oh i just saw their online schedule, sarah powell doesn't teach evenings... sigh! why do most prenatal classes are done during lunch time??? there's alot of working pregnant women leh.....
actually i am considering the Phoenix Park one, cos i am already familiar with the place and surroundings from having facial there. but... see the price hehe. If too much difference frm Mother and Child i might go for the more economical option :p Plus Phoenix Park one the slots are limited and Sat is very early! 9.30am hehe.

Will share the rates when i hear back from them!
Daphne, harrrrrrr like that ah. Then I will prob go with Mother and Child le. At least they got weekend slots. A lot of MTB also working leh, I'm surprised that they only offer lunch time slots
ya lor! i find that prenatal yoga in sg is still very limited...... ya i think mother and child is my only option left too... those other yoga studios around orchard / clarke quay don't really have prenatal.... maybe i'll call them one of these days and try out this sun and see how.....
Cheer_bb, Daphne...thanks for explaining the benefits of prenatal yoga. Even if I'm interested, very tough for me to commit time to attend such classes weekly. :S

But I do try to visit the gym for some light exercise since my MS got better. Just to make myself sweat it out especially when I'm eating so much now.
Oh by the way, anyone know if we can drink sugar cane? Suddenly crave for it and it's been ages since I had one.
Darbebe, i think the Mother and Child one, you just have a package of 4, 8 or 16 sessions, you can go when you want, not necessary to have a fixed day a week. Cos the lady said need to call and pre-book a day in advance. Which is good also, got flexibility in schedule
Darbebe, I drink sugar cane juice too..but dun drink too much as very sweet.

I had my lunch at 12 pm..2+ pm already start to be hungry..just finished my whopper jr set
Yeah..I am going to buy sugar cane juice after work. Today's craving = sugar cane juice & jok for dinner.

Wow whopper set. I'm hungry too but I got tired of the buscuits in office so got to wait till dinner time then get to satsify my stomach.
Darbebe / Daphne, I am having 6 meals per day.

Breakfast at home...mostly bread or cakes, then 10 am have lor mai kai or bao .. then 12 eat lunch, porridge or noodles then 3-4 pm take snacks, like burger, sandwich or bao or noodles, 6.30 pm take porridge or noodles.. then 9 pm - 10 pm.. noodles or fast food again..

If I look at what I eat each day.. quite scary..
YouTube has got some videos on pregnancy mediation. find it quite good, cause force you to sit upright and after a 5min session, my lower back pain is much Better now!

I try to eat fruits when I snack. Then once a week will snack on chips or choclate biscuits hehehehe... Stil, gained 2kg at 12 weeks...
shirlynn, then how comeu are not putting weight as much as i do??????? so unfair...
my daily meals:

breakfast - half a packet of noodles if help went market early or 2 slices of bread and milo
then if still hungry at most 1 or 2 biscuits in office.

lunch - usually soupy noodles / ban mian but won't finish it... 3/4 of it

tea time - 2 or 3 biscuits and rubbish like ice cream / cakes if on weekends

dinner - rice with meat and soup and again only half bowl of rice

supper which is like 1x a week at most - 1 roti prata kosong at most....

and i gained 3kg at wk 14!
Daphne, I lost weight from 50.2 kg to 47.4 kg previously due to MS. This morning measures 49 kg.

My hubby this pregnancy very guai.. will not follow me eat all the way. Last pregnancy he put on so much weight as eating with me.. this time round..he really curb his food intake..keke
All the way even not pregnant, I am quite tam jiat..

But now pregnant, I really gets hungry fast. Thats why every day after dinner at mil place, I still need to pack extra portion for my supper. Or else I will need to eat maggie noodles.. or else I will drive to mac drive thru. If hb goes running, he will get me a set meal
Buay tahan liao..hungry till nasuea sets in and now have to take biscuits in the meantime.

Shirlynn, what time you sleep at night? I realized if I go to bed with full tummy, I wont be able sleep well that night. Usually I just drink milk to curb my hunger at night.

Daphne, you take those pregnancy milk? I'm taking them and thinking if that also contributes to my 2kg weight gain within the 2 weeks after MS subsides.
Darbebe, I normally will sleep with my gal who is 8 mths old. Depends what time she sleep..range from 7.30 pm to 9+ pm. So I will wake up after she slept.. either to watch TV or eat..

Last pregnancy, I wake up to eat 2-3 pcs of bread with a cup of milo. But this pregnancy I dun like bread of milo.. so no choice..have to be more troublesome.. I dun even like biscuits..thats why so ma fan

Shirlynn I also got ms but I didn't lose weight leh... Sigh...
Darbebe no I am not taking milk cos I can't stand milk yet but once I can I will take lo fat milk..
