(2014/01) January 2014

OMG Shuyan, I am amazed! hahahaha welcome!

I asked my gynae last time. He said no problem juz do after first trimester. But then, my gynae everyting also ok wan de. I haven decide if I wanna bear the pain. At most juz shave.

Robinson Sales:
If I am not wrong, tmr got close door sales for members.

GBOB, did your gynae reply you? But I tink should b ok wan de.
Happygal, no leh he didn't reply me. Mayb he's busy ba... It's ok la I think I just monitor lor. Yst morning 2 spots, at night 2 spots n this am 2spots on pantyliner, it's kind of dark yellowish light brownish... I also dnt know how to tell the colour (sorry for tmi)... I now ownself bedrest myself minimize moving ard lor... Oh n I felt abit of shooting pain in abdomen also. Just a few times.
Re: waxing,

I think now there's a new method. No need so pain de but I thk each time cost about $100+. Forgot Liao. At central got 1 shop offer. That time I go waxing they wanna upswell me but I not interested.

But I'll be doing it when near edd. So that it will be cleaner down there after birth since we will be bleeding like for at least 1 month.. Haha.. So it's really good to be cleaner some more we can't bath often.
Haha, cos for my first two I did not encounter gastric problem before, so I only tot its indigestion or acid too much. Gynae measure the thickness of the neck n check heartbeat, everything normal, so I skip the oscar test as my elder 2 are normal.
i got a scare last night...... dunno why i got spotting and it's fresh blood..... i suspect could be due to me exerting too much during constipation on sunday..... i saw the blood only on tissue when i wipe after peeing..... not a lot but as it's fresh blood, i did get a scare..... heng this morning don't have liao but got crampy feeling so now monitor.....
Hi Shuyan, welcome here. You also having #3?

GBOB, Is the pain abdomen similar to cramps? If spotting is accompanied with cramps, you may want to pay a visit your gynae.
Daphne, u minimize moving ard also ok. If can u bedrest. Very nerve wrecking hor.

Darbebe, I think i kinda have a bit of cramps last night... Little bit only very very mild n last only 5 mins. As for the shooting pain it's nothing like cramp, it's just "piu piu" less than two seconds dio bo Liao...
Hi Cheer bb & Daphne48,

I'm from Dec13 MTB thread and I'm also looking for a prenatal yoga class. Am quite interested in going for the trial class ($19) at Space & Light. I emailed them and there is free parking facilities onsite.
oh ya, i wanted to ask u ladies here.... did anyone here went for interview during preggie stage? cos i'm going for one and i have no idea how to dress up in my current state. the interviewer already knew i'm preg so no need to hide but i have no idea how to dress professionally with a tummy showing....
Thanks darbebe.

Daphne, mmm, mayb wear a black dress n blazer? No heels but mayb some pumps/flats that's not too casual...
GBOB.... i'm thinking of pants but dunno what top to go with ... cos hor i have no maternity dress! hahaha...... i have one from last time but it's too casual... if not i have to quickly find one soon.... stressed...
Gbob, hope u are ok now and the evil spot stopped already? mine is on-going on n off... have to live with it for the next 7mths LOL!

welcome shuyan!
Darbebe, yes #3, really never expected, cos me n hubby not active lor.... my 2 boys are 8 n 3, the younger de very weak always sick... very difficult to handle him, now #3 otw, I m scare lor.... how abt u?
Mei2, thx girl. I'm ok for now. It's on n off de.

Shuyan, dnt think I'll call my Gynae yet. Will monitor first lor. Will rest s much s possible. Thanks dear
Shuyan, #3 for me too! My 2 girls are 6 and 2.

Daphne, how about pants with a tube and blazer? That's very nice of the company to give preggies a chance for an interview. Some bad ones will just cut preggies out.
good luck Daphne
mei2, ya thanks. however bedrest is not quite possible now cos these 2 weeks are very hectic for me..... major team meeting onsite next week and my elder girl p1 registration on monday and this week busy preparing for the meeting next week... sigh.... i realized that when i'm stressed, my nausea came back..... today feel quite unwell again.....

GBOB and Darbebe, tube? where to find tube? haha... sorry but i'm too lazy to think of where to shop....
Am looking at confinement food delivery. Tried natal essentials before and thought of trying something new like Chilli Padi. So wondering which is better: natal essentials or Chilli Padi.

Ohh.. regarding post-natal massage lady, any recommendation? The one i had before, think I am a traditional confinement person and always last min, change my schedule. She thinks I am at home all the time. Thanks!
Hi GM/Shan, the yoga session is 1 hour. They have it on weekday and weekend. You could check out the website

Daphne, good luck to your interview. I wanted to change job too as my current boss is not really supportive when i have my 2nd baby. Now if they know i am having my 3rd one, i don't know what their reaction will be. But if go for interview, will they have prejudice also against you since you are already expecting and will be going on 4 month Maternity leave?
Also, today, I feel that my tummy has a tightening feeling. Esp so when I got up from seat. Anyone has such feeling? Keep rubbing tummy and ask if bb is alright in there.
Daphne: Good luck to your interview. You are very lucky! I never thought preg ladies will never have a chance in changing jobs.
GM, i am planning to take confinement food delivery from TMC. saw my cousin's confinement food from TMC, looks so yummy, she told me the food is not bad.

I just booked my massage lady last week. she is good, so i msg her to see if she got slots, heng, she still available during dec/Jan period.
Daphne, good luck with your interview

GBOB, I talked to my midwife this afternoon regarding my spotting, she says it is not normal nor is it abnormal hahaha... But she did tell me to monitor closely if there is more discharge cause between week 11-14, there s higher chance of this happening.
Bblove: let me know if she is available? Can you share more of your experiences with her? Never heard of TMC delivery. Will look it up. But I have tried Natal Essential before and the portion is huge. My hubby ate the internal organs while i have the rest. But bit sian and wana try something new. Ha...

GBOB: haha... better to go for recommendation.
Discharge during these weeks are caused by stepped-up production of estrogen (your other pregnancy hormone pal) as well as the increased blood flow to the pelvic area..
But ii guess its always good to ask the doc to have a piece of mind.
As for me, I'll wait till the blood test result is out to decide if I need to go see specialist.
Thanks girls for the good luck

Tracy, i was very upfront with the recruiter. Told her my current state and when i'm due and they decide to go with interview first and see how...
u ordered Natal Essential as trial or for confinement month? i wanna order for lunch and hope to keep some for dinner, so if really big portion, it would be good.

if dun deliver at TMC, can order their confinement food? i also heard alot of good reviews abt TMC confinement meals served in the hospital.

i dislike Weds. im almost on my feet the entire day. sianz...
so far anyone know e gender of their baby already?

I went for FTS on 2n jul. n doc saw e little "bird" pop out. say most likely a boy. it would be my 2nd boy.

yeah it's mid week, hang in there, Friday is coming!
Morning everyone. .... I oso tot of ordering confinement food for lunch n keep some for dinner, as usually I ate very little de.... but is it ok to reheat in microwave?
Hey Mickeygal, Don't know the gender yet... i can barely see BB's hands and feet. Can't wait for Week 20 scan!

Hang in there MTB! it is mid week!
Juju: My hubby likes Natal Essential. Saying that it is delicious and portion is substantial.
I am not sure if enough to save for dinner. I am medium eater so I think I can finish but very full. Why are you on your feet for so long?

Shuyan: I do reheat. So should be no problem bah.

I ate French toast for breakfast and 2hrs, merlion it out. Week 14.. and still not over?!
But I rarely merlion.. so seems that it is getting worse and not better? Sigh
morning all...... yeah so sian, it's on Wednesday.... can't wait for Sat and Sun....
sigh...... my ms seems to be creeping back again after a break of 1 week... why why why?????? sian..... i hope it goes away in 2 weeks time which is the 16wk milestone.... if not, jialat big time.... i hate the nausea feeling... it just drag my whole mood down.....
gm, i feel you!!!!! my merlion starts around wk 11 and ended by wk 13..... and was fine for 1 wk but this wk, nausea is creeping back.... maybe i'm tired too so nausea hits..... sigh.....
Gm, sometimes over 20 weeks still will vomit de, my ex-colleague vomit till she give birth... So far mine I feel like to vomit but always nothing comes out, it's like hanging inside me, which make me feel worst....
is everyone guai guai eating the multi vits? i realized that i can only eat on alternate days...... like yesterday no issue but today, just the look of the pills, i already started to gag...... so putting it off today....
