(2014/01) January 2014

Hi Shan, I have a blood test and oscar scheduled during week 13. I also can't wait.

When I was arranging my appointment, they did ask if I would like to do all the tests in a day or separate. I was told blood test could be done earlier but the scan slightly later.

My Oscar will b mid of week 12.

Faye, hi5! Me also first time mtb, I also find it too stressful so I just whack anything n everything but not too much of it
Morning Faye!
GBOB, my gyne said couldn't see quite clearly yet cos 10 weeks still a bit small, so proper scan will be next wk, but she said provisional looks gd.. Will know blood test results next week.
. Your Oscar next week? Or this week?
Joy, mine next wed 17 July... Zzzz.... Still so long... N I'm wondering how's the little bud doing in there now... Hope Oscar result will b good. Me 37 my DH 43 Liao... Both lao Kok Kok alrdy hope wnt affect Oscar result.
for those not done OSCAR yet and if can do blood test earlier, try to do it earlier and then when doing the scan, will be able to know the result immediately after scan... else got to wait later if blood test is done with scanning day... cos blood test needs to be sent to the lab for testing on a few things.....
my OSCAR and blood test were done on same day so that result can be revealed within a week. I did it when was week 11 day 6 so that i don't need to wait and wait and worry. Too early, scared that baby too small and cannot scan.
Hi Faye, just eat everything in moderation. Sometimes is not what is healthy and what is not.. it is our appetite problem. I am eating whatever thing I can keep in my stomach.

Think for Oscar, most gynea will do between week 11 to week 13. Not over week 13.

GBOB, my next appt will be 26 July..even longer than you. Now appt is once per month.. I am also old liao.. 36 and my hb is 40. My oscar results turn out ok.. so you dun worry too

Daphne, so glad that we have a group of LKK mummies here
Usually there are more young mummies .
morning mummies!

i'm fighting against the zzz monster haha!

gbob, mine appt was 1 day before u! but the Oscar scan is on the 26th.. only blood test 1st
Mei2.. You fighting zzzz monster.. I do not even feel like waking up.

My gal beside me keep crying here and there whole night.. I have to tell her I am beside her then she go back to sleep..Wake up at 4 am and had diarrhea..only went back to sleep at 5 am.. 5.30 am my gal suddenly cry non stop..feed her milk and she wake up to play.. keep smiling at me when I open my eyes to see her.. only fell back to sleep at 6.45 am when my hb wake me up for breakfast
Hi Shirlynn, Yah! Sometimes i crave for the weirdest stuff hahahaha.. oh well, thats part of the pregnancy process i guess.

Those who are going for the scan, i recommend bringing your ipad or camera along to take the video clip of the scan. We regretted not recording our first scan cause it was pretty amazing!
GBOB, you already said it in your user name. God Bless our babies! I am sure you will be blessed. I was really scared leading up to the first scan as well and couldn;t sleep at all the night before.
But of course the scan turned out really well and i cried when i heard the baby heartbeat!
Faye, for my #1 pregnancy..for the first three months, I cannot stomach a lot of things.. everyday I am eating fast food and soft drinks. My hb complain to my gynea on that. My gynea rebuk.. let her eat whatever she wants to eat.. as long as she is eating. And for cold drinks, does not matter..go inside body also become warm.. nothing will harm the baby.. if she dun eat..then will be big problem. My hubby .......hahaha
Faye I was initially also v worried n tot I will mc *touchwood* luckily all turned out well at the first scan. Really scared die me. Just hope everything will turn out well for all of us.

Shirlynn, I like your Gynae! Hahaha. I've been feeling rather guilty on the cold drinks I've been taking but I really no mood to drink hot drinks leh. I feel so shiok drinking cold drinks especially coke!!!! Terrible right! Lol
Shirlynn, what about grass jelly and cheng teng? I heard its cooling and I have been deprived of it.

Before my pregnancy, I eat them quite frequently, now my in-laws and my mom said I shouldn't eat. Sometimes will crave for it.
Shirylnn, your gynae very steady leh! and so funny that your hubby snitch on you! i am sure he is concerned for you! hahaha
I am now living in NZ so alot of things, although i am craving for (wanton mee, chicken rice, prawan noodles, Char Kway teow) i cannot eat. Cause can't find!
I've been trying my best to eat hot meals during lunch.. but recently been craving this noodles whereby the chicken is not served piping hot. But i told myself, chicken rice back in Singapore, the chicken also not piping hot and i am sure lots of pregnant women still eat it. So i just whack lah. :p

GBOB, i've been craving Coke and San pellegrino!

My hubby has been quite relax about my food intake.. he says just try to enjoy the process and eat what i want within reasons.
I think moderation is key. Once awhile indugle yourself!

If you take these cooling stuff, then maybe you can also prepare red dates with dried logan as this is heaty drink and helps with your blood too.
Afternoon mummies, the thread is so active today.

Wanted to ask if any of you have bought a pregnancy pillow (looks like bolster but can double up as breastfeeding pillow next time). I wanted to buy one so that I can sleep better on my side but duno if it's any good or any brands better. Any suggestions?
Happy gal! I asked the same question a few days ago. Lolx.. I googled n found out that snoogle brand seems to have the best reviews. But apparently it's not sold in sg. Yst I passed by spring maternity n they got sell another brand de at $129. So ex hor. In USA they sell v cheap nia leh
saw some of you using bio-oil as stretch mark cream... my gyne ask me not to use as retin is part of the ingredient.
Hi Mommies & mommies-to-be,

I have the following items for sale:

1. Brand new in box - Classic bottles starter kit for sale @ S$40.

2. Brand new in box - Avent Teat travel pack (2 pcs) @ $10.

3. Brand new in box - Three Natural bottles (260ml/9oz) in box @ S$38

4. Brand new in box - 3m+ teats (for Classic bottle) @ $7

5. Avent Warmer bag with ice pack @ $10

The above are all brand new and will throw in some 0m+ & 1m teats for free.

6. Lightly used Belly belt combo kit, in excellent condition with box selling at $25

7. Kotex adhesive maternity pads @$5 per pack, take all three packs @ $12

8. BRAND NEW Bumwear prefolds (washed but not used):

5 premium (14" x 21") white prefolds and 5 infant (12" x 16") unbleached prefolds. I will add in 2 snappies (retail cost $6.90) together @ a bundle price of $35

Self collect at Bedok or Tanah Merah MRT station OR buyer can pay for postage which will be advise once deal is confirm.
Please email me @ [email protected] to deal.
My friends swear by Mustela Stretch Marks Double Action and Clarins Stretch Mark Control... No mention of retin as part of the ingredients in both brands.
GBOB, I tested and confirm cold drinks become warm in our body.. Sorry for being gross.. but when I MS .. everything come out warm..keke

Glasie, everything in moderate.. unless you feel unwell..then you avoid. I did drink a few times of cheng teng during the initial weeks.

Actually to gynea, they will say.. baby will take in all nutrients that they need. Its up to mummy to replenish back for themselves. So for those intake of vitamins.. a lot is not for baby.. is more for ourselves.
GBOB, Hahaha yeah.. after i posted my comment i went to google snoogle (it rhymes!) and realised it is completely different looking from Boppy :p

I saw that they sell Snoogle on Amazon for USD$45. And i think Amazon offers free shipping to Singapore for purchases over $100?
Oh i didn't know root beer has no caffine! thats good info to know!

Here is some info on caffeine:
Experts have stated that moderate levels of caffeine have not been found to have a negative effect on pregnancy. The definition of moderate varies anywhere from 150 mg – 300 mg a day.

How much caffeine is in your favorite drinks & snacks?
•Starbucks Grande Coffee (16 oz) 400 mg
• Starbucks House Blend Coffee (16 oz) 259 mg
• Dr. Pepper (12 oz) 37 mg
• 7 Eleven Big Gulp Diet Coke (32 oz) 124 mg
• 7 Eleven Big Gulp Coca-Cola (32 oz) 92 mg
• Ben & Jerry’s Coffee Buzz Ice Cream (8 oz) 72 mg
• Baker’s chocolate (1 oz) 26 mg
• Green tea (6 oz) 40 mg
• Black tea (6 oz) 45 mg
•Excedrin (per capsule) 65mg
GBOB, I have such a craving for ice cold coke!!! But hubby ban me from coke cos of caffeine and MIL ban me from cold drinks.. Although I sometimes still drink cold fruit juice when I'm very nauseous..
Ah such a relief that cold drinks becomes warm after it enters our body. Haha... But still I will restrict myself la. Root beer somehow doesn't do the trick de leh. Must b coke n coke only. I allow myself maximum two cans a week. Hehe

Joynpeace u so guai! U nvr touch ah despite your craving, my DH will order n stare at me when he c me gulp all up n he will roll eyes. But he still let me drink. WAHAHAHAHAHA...

Sorry sisters for tmi but does anyone have yellowish discharge? I think I asked before le but this morning mine seems to b abit more n more yellowish... Ma chiam light brown... I cnt differentiate if its yellow or light brown.... Zzzz
for those indulging in coke etc... it's not only the caffaine to avoid but the sugar in it...... too much will lead to gestational diabeties so better limit on such sugary drinks.... that goes to fruit juices too.... eating fruits by itself is ok cos got fibre but to make it into juice it will turn to higher sugar content cos more fruits will be needed to make a glass.... for my #2, i don't take canned drinks but i drink lotsa fruit juices and everytime fail my urine test for sugar until gynae wanted to test my glucose liao.... so i told gynae about my juices, she give me 1 month where i will stop taking fruit juices and true enough, i pass the urine test... so do take note on the fruit juices too....
GBOB for the coke, is it because the gas will cause you to burp out the gas and thus u feel better? it's the same for me but as i'm scared of the sugar, i turned to perrier with lemon or any carbonated water where it's gassy enough to make me burp but no sugar content....
and i realized that warmer drinks or hot soups also makes me burp better than cold drinks..... maybe the hot air makes the gas rise???? hahaha....
I've got brownish discharge on and off through out. I did a urine test during my 5 weeks doctor's visit and doc mentioned i have traces of blood in my urine. But it was nothing worrying.
Haha daphne, mmm... I think it's not the burping... Or mayb it is... I also not sure. I just jin suka lim ice cold coke lor. Like super satisfying to drink it n thirst quenching though I know it doesn't quench thirst at all de... Lolx
I've got yellowish discharge too... Kinda of worried as well cos it just doesn't seem normal. Haven't got a chance to ask gynae. But my hb said its still okay.
GBOB, its better for you to check with your gynea. Think they will test if you got any infection and give you medicine if it is.

I always share with hubby so that I dun drink too much soft drinks. Right now I turn to cold plain water. As too much gas makes me bloated

Daphne, I am worried about GD too. as my mum had it when she was pregnant with me. Thats why I also need to look out..
San Pellegrino Aranciata has got no caffeine and has lesser sugar than of Sunkist Orange juice. So those who are craving for carbonated drinks and want less sugar. Might want to consider San Pellegrino :D But of course, all in moderation la :p
I wanted to drink root beer but not sure if we can take soft drink! There is an ice-cream @ my hse sell awesome Waffle & handmade ice-cream & they serve root beer with ice-cream!
I gg to try tmr , they close today -_-
shirlynn ya and for my current preg, i have to monitor too cos right now, though i'm not taking soft drinks, i still take milk tea but i try to go with 0% sugar level. But what i'm worried is that i'm still dependent on mint sweets to curb my nausea and the metallic taste on tongue.... i'm basically sucking on 3 ricola sweets a day! how sinful..... i think i better stop after this week as i will be 2 wks away from my 16 wk scan and that's when we will start to test the sugar on urine....
faye ya intending to buy peppermint tea liao but sweets hor anytime on the go can pop into mouth..... very convenient when nausea hits while on the road....
San pellegrino is a good choice! I love that too but abit ex here in sg.

Ai yo I ain't seeing my dr till next week. Guess can only check with dr next week abt the discharge
Daphne.. yeah.. sweets definitely more convenient especially when on the go and you feel nausea... for me, it helps when i eat just anything when i feel nausea. So i will usually pop almonds or dried strawberries.

Luckily San Pellegrino not too ex here. $1.30 a can... hehehehe

I read from internet that discharge is fairly normal. Some women get that throughout their pregnancy and have healthy babies.
But still good to check with dr in case of infection.
Musicgenie, I always tell myself ice cream is good.. another form if milk..kekeke.. dun keep thinking and thinking..as long as eat in moderation. There is a myth saying about baby when born if pregnant mummy's craving for food is not satisfied...forgotten details liao.

Daphne, last time I play cheat..I always go and see gynea in the morning without breakfast. Then drink lots of plain water before doing urine test. Not sure it helps or not.

GBOB, I also have discharged during my #1 pregnancy. Gynea test and say infection... one course of antibiotics solved the problem

shirlynn, hee i think the myth is that if the mummy's craving is not satisfied then when bb is out, bb will salivate a lot.....
