(2014/01) January 2014

Hopeful, my spotting kinda got a tad but worst today. Become v dark (almost black) colour n got some tissues also... Zzzz.

GBOB not to console u, but might not be what u think. The tissues normally is bright red and quite big. Of cox I don't hope that u pass out those tissues. Don't guess. Rest more. U nvr know u can also see a heartbeat this time

I don't want u to go thru the Pain with me. I wish and pray for u that u also have happy news like them. I really happy for u all. See this and that it also motivates me so that I can see something for next pregnancy

Lol then all of u can give me good advice. Now I think think maybe I shd go the tcm there.

U all say go weekday no need wait so long maybe ill go week day
Hopeful, ya the last round I took cytotec is bright red n large clots. But I just thinking mayb it's the utro stopping it. Whatever it is, I wnt guess on. Wait for miracle lor like what u said. Lolx. I also wish n pray u will have a miracle n this thurs can hear Bom Bom Bom loud loud one!
Ya Loh really early leh. Lol thanks I also hope got miracle. But nvm I also don't want to think. Like u say take the utro first. Sometimes I feel why I not fully bleeding maybe my little bean waiting for my hubby to come back to comfort me. So give me some time to prep myself.

But hor no matter how I prep myself I know I still
Be very sad. But nvm I very excited abt getting appts at nuh. I tired leh try for 2.5years.

Why cannot fast fwd get pregnant then 3weeks later deliver. Lol!!! Don't have to worry so much. 3weeks only. Or 3mths lah! Lol
WAHAHAHAHAHA! 3weeks? 3months? That's a good one dear! I've been trying for almost 5 years Liao dear. Double your time! Hahaha... Anyway whatever will b will b right.
Wah 5 years. I hope this one is the one. Ya Loh 3mths just nice. Find out pregnant. Then next prepare mentally. After that deliver baby !

Lol. Then morning sickness max also 3mths. 1 mth confinement. Wah 4mths maternity. Lol maybe become 4 weeks maternity! Lol

Ya I know wishful thinking. I believe god will bless all of us here with healthy kids. Just when only

My cousin ivf have triplets! Then after that 6-8 years later accident got one more leh! So like u say what will be will be

So happy Loh but the triplets very difficult to teach and one poor thing has a weak heart. But very fun they are their own friends.
. Happy family. I think so many I will faint!
Hahahahahahhahaha!!! I also want 3 weeks/ 3 months!!!

T-T : thinking of parkway east cos its 5 minutes from my mum's home. Am doing confinement at my mum's cos my new home is not ready yet
Jal: oh.. I dun think my gynae deliver there. But near where i stay with my in law. My experience with Mt A is very good. N also near to my mom's plc abt 5 to 7mins drive..which im going for confinement. Hee.. but my hubby ask me try Raffles. My cousin say not tt expensive as what we thought. But dun wanna take e risk..
i have many friends deliver at mt. A. so far all the feedback is very good. u all so lucky the hospital near family's place very impt.
Can I ask a non pregnancy related qn.....

Anyone shopped at brands fever before?
Got any issues or problems with them?
Morning ladies! ;)
Wah Oreo u must be quite rich. Keke. Anyhow if near Camden then is near to glen-e and mount e.

Don't know what is brands fever leh. What's that? Share share.
Hi mummies to be, can I ask some advice? For a first time mum, would you ladies advise me to get a confinement lady? My mum is ill, hence unable to help. I have a helper, but her job is mainly to do cooking, cleaning and taking care of my mum, so prob unable to take care of baby as well, I'm not sure if MIL is able to help.. I'm quite scared after reading a lot of stories online abt horror CLs!
No la... Not rich...my gynae is t tmc, so will b going tmc. Can't afford gleneagles or mt e. haha

I'm not getting a confinement lady. Already made it clear to my hb that I do not want one...

Brands fever is this online shopping portal... They used to be quite prompt in their delivery, now I'm having so much problems with them, I'm getting so upset just thinking about it... Also don't know what to do.
By the way, another qn ah.....
If have to do c-section, can we so call set the date for the c-sect or have to wait until u go into labour, then go in to hspt and the doc will do the op for you?
Good Morning mummies!

sorry for being so random and always pop out only in the morning hehe...
im sure gg back to Mt A to deliver and will get a CL tis round to "close shop", the last round my MIL do for me wasnt tat good n i got wind in my stomach even until now its those growling sounds very loud so paisei esp inside a meeting lol...
Oreo, is this your first child? I also told Hb I didn't want one at first but a little worried I can't cope. CNY also at that time, so MIL will be quite busy!
though i havent have a child yet, i suggest getting one confinement lady. really helps
if i can successfully have a kid, then my mum will help me.

as for c-sec u can choose date one. unless u set 20th, then ur child cant wait to see u, and decided to come on 19, then u need to shift the dates loh.
hopeful mum, brandsfever is an online website that sells things from clothes to watches to bags. brands from esprit to burberry kind..

0re0, my experience with brandsfever wasn't very good. i ordered watches and a bag and they took soooooooooooo long to reach. the bad thing is, the goods will only reach 2-3wks AFTER the "event" is over. they'll only order after the event ends. so if u order at the begining of the event, u'll probably have to wait at least a mth to get ur goods. and also depends on season. i ordered in dec, near xmas. so it was even more delayed. as i wasn't always at home, and the items were bounced. when bounced, they nv contact me! even if they didn't have my contact number, they could have emailed me. i had to go trace all the tracking number and call them to check.

and oh ya, they hv a main dispatch co who will sub-con the delivery job to other small delivery service co. which makes it even harder to track even when u hv a tracking no. coz the tracking no is linked to the main dispatch..

overall, not very efficient.. i nv buy anything from them since then.. haha..
Hi joy, yes. My first child. But I'm very anal about how I want my child to be taken care of.... And I've seen how my mil takes care of my husband's niece.... I don't think I want her to do the confinement for me... And if I'm not going to listen to what the confinement lady says, then no point hiring her right?

Hi hopeful, how u know I want my Bb to come on 19? Haha...
I'm those kind very kae kiang kind. Everything also must do on my own. Haha
Hi ppl, I have been ordering from them a few years ago, and back then, they were very quick and efficient. I'm ok with the "delivery within 21 days after sales end" but it has been more then 21 days already.... And the best part is... I ordered a bag from them previously. So this bag was damaged. They emailed to inform that due to some damage, they will not be sending the bag. And they will refund the money to my cc within like a week or 10 days or something. I waited like 2 months, but no refund!!!!!

Call, email also don't reply. Finally, so fed up, I told them to refund it to my brands fever ac as credit, at least I still have my money "back" right? That they did it in like less then 5 mins.

So I decided to just finish spending all that credits inside... So bought stuff.... Now one month already still not here...
Oh. And "complain" on their fb page also no use cos they just totally ignore. Send emails also don't respond
* Letting go Avent breast shells (BNIB) - $10

* Used once NUK wide neck bottle (small bottle - 125ml / 150ml) - $5

* Lightly used Avent digital warmer (Used less than a month) - $ 30

* BNIB Pigeon Compact sterilizer - $30 (Warranty available)

* Lamaz activity mat (Lightly used) - $20

* GNC Goldmind DHA (1 bottle and FOC another open bottle which I had taken abt 8 pills) = $30

* Fenugrek (Brand new bottle) - $15

Email me at [email protected]
0re0, its always difficult to ask them to take out $ that already went into their pocket.

oh anyway, if u have been to any of the brandsfever event.. u would realise their bags quality is not very good. i see some LV/prada bags at used condition.. maybe it wasn't really used, but its just soooo old until it looked like its used. so i was lucky when i bought my bag, it wasn't the case. ever since i went to the event, i nv browse their website anymore. haha..
sigh im officiall out of this grp already
lucikly im working from home today.. begining to bleed liao.. even the utrogestan also cannot help... good also, dont need to do a D&C.
oh ic, so its like a reebonz per say. nvr leh i find all these prices very ex. if have friends go overseas, i rather ask them to help me buy.

Then usually US brands, i will buy on my own. shipped back urself cheaper.
Hopeful, what do u mean officially outta this group? Are u still not here?

Ppl, I think some of their events are for pre-loved bags.. I'm not going to visit them anymore. Just hoping that the last few items I got will come. If by this Friday still don't come, I'll ask my husband to go down with me to their shop.
as in, i confirmed miscarrying liao. wont be a Jan mummy.

But im here to give u ladies support!

GBOB i got my appt at polyclinic already. this Friday at 1030am
im going to ask them to refer me to NUH.
thanks ladies. abit sad, my last 5% of hope also gone. have to go. so hopefully i will pass out some tissues so can bring and show dr to confirmed everything is out

then fri go get referral letter. see when go NUH
Hopeful, I also not good in consoling people. I hope u wont find my words offensive dear but i very practical one.... Look at it in a positive way. Means your body isn't as retarded as mine. No nd waste unnecessary money do d&c. U can move on faster n get things sorted out at nuh. U go girl! ((Big bear hugs)) n hey, I'll b with u deary!!! I hope lah, if really gone case, I'll start bleeding ASAP so that I dnt need to waste any money on seeing gynae or doing d&c. But hor, my last round, bb stopped growing at week 6, I waited till almost week 10 also no start bleeding! Zzzzzz....
hello ladies,

i hope everyone is ok..

hopeful_mum : so sorry to hear about it. but don't worry, my cousin tried IVF many many times and finally she conceive a set of triplets.... its about patience and if it is meant for you, it will be for u k..

ladies : i hope you guys are not having horrid morning sickness like me!i was on IV drip on sat.. due to severe dehydration.. after 2 pints doc requested me to be admitted but i told her i can't cos my #1 needs me at home...
i wonder when this ordeal will be over... super not nice feeling leh. tastebuds changes , sweet becomes bitter... aiyooooo

anyone delivering at tmc? i heard tmc standard drop let, my sil delivered there last year , they place my nephew in a torn n tattered comforter, so unsightly... but i no choice cos my gynae only delivers at tmc..
lol dont worry ladies abt having to console me. i think i quite "kan Kai" already. though will still feel sad.

talking abt retarted, once i put my pad on, the bleeding happily stops.. i also dont know. its just very frustrating. but im beginging to have cramps..

even bleed naturalyl still must go see dr, to make sure everything out, else inside will get infection one. then may affect trying.

why hor make appt still made me wait till friday, cannot go on thursday meh, let me settle once and for all!

eh ask u hor, make appt with NUH needs to take very long then can get slot? i impatient i want quick quick fast fast! lol

how are the rest of u feeling today? puking? no appetitie or eating a lot?
Hopeful, u r right. Must c doc to make sure inside clean. U having cramps ah? Think u better lie down n get ready a heat pad on your tummy. It helps to ease the cramp alot dear. As for apt at nuh I think wnt b so fast de wor... That time I went polyclinic got referral letter after that almost a month later then get to go nuh wor
hopeful mum, sorry to hear that. be strong and think positive. i have a gf tried many years for baby also. after ivf at sgh and success too! please take care..
Hopeful mum,

Sorry to hear that.. hugs.. Do take good care and rest in bed.. I think your appt will depend on how the queue is at the point in time, sometimes fast, sometimes maybe a mth.. Take the time to recuperate first.. Take care!
wah wait so long! maybe by then i pregnant again already! lol....

okay lah see how loh, cannot hiam right since its referral at a lower rate.

im working at home leh. cannot lay and rest. although i got mc lah, but i dont want ppl say i quit my job then always absent and not doing work.

so at least work from home today. tmr i officially on leave and thur on mc since i go see dr. probably if continue bleeding, dr will give me another week of mc. so sad my brithday spend bleeding away
sigh one of the saddest birthday i have.

dont worry i tink i very strong liao compare to many gals. lol hubby not around i still surviving well. also still can cook, go work, do this and that. and come here chat with u all.

i lie on the bed until i sian liao... nvm i play candy crush. lol
Wreen, I shld b at tmc. So far I'm perfectly fine. No morning sickness or any weird cravings.... Just breast about sore which is gone already, and get hungry more often, and damn tired.
Other than that, I don't even feel pregnant
Hopeful, don't know how u do it. If me, I think I'll b gone case already...
Happy birthday!
Hopeful, yes! U r a very strong girl! But I'm sure behind your strong self, u r crying hard n hurting bad. It's heartbreaking. It's just that u know there's nothing much we can do nor control n life still goes on. Me same as u. I think we r those who r the more 看得开. U steady lah, cramp still work. Must rest lah girl. Ya play candy crush to distract attention. Wah I stuck at stupid level 305 for two months alrdy. Sibey sian.

Oreo, u wait ok... You still early... Symptoms haven't really set in yet... Kekekekeke
lol ya loh normally strong more heartbroken right. then i cannot cry in front of others except my hubby. but my crying stop liao coz i cry so long then always ganna false hope.

lol eh use computer to play!! those stages i cannot cross i use com to play then can pass liao. now i struggling with 325.

Oreo dont worry, feeling tired and hungry are symptoms also!

i think im abit workaholic, so thats why need to quit from the job and rest my mind and body. i worked very long hours and very stressed up.
Gbob, hopeful, candy crush so nice to play? I see must ask help from fb friends, I don't wana play already....

Now I'm just damn lazy. Have been lying down the whole morning. Don't even wana get up to sayang my dog
Hopeful, ya. The stronger ones r usually the most vulnerable ones. We r just the die wan face kind (I think). Lolx. Eh u not bad la u can at least cry in front of your DH. I buay sai de. I dnt let him c my cry one. I dnt know y. I just dnt like. Moreover he aqua la I still have to console him back hor! Tsk.... Ok I'll try use pc later c can clear 305 bo. Sibey pek chek Liao.

Oreo, candy crush ok la, quite fun. Pass time play lor. Rest as much as u wan dear! U r PREGNANT!! Lolx

OREO: lol ya i refused to play candy crush. REFUSED. then hubby let me try his. after that i addicted liao.. lol

GBOB: last time when im a kid i just cry like nobody business. abit i cry. lol then grow up liao think build a self defence mechanism around myself.

then my friends and i see same gynae right coz i intro them. so one of them pregnant leh abt 7mths in feb. i met her at the clinic the day i mc. when i saw her she so happy to see me. then when i start to tell her what happend i burst out in tears. she in shocked and so heartpain see me like tat.

coz all along i am their pillar of strength and support. then she lost dont know what to do. lol nvr see my teared before.

i think hor if can, dont be so strong. we must learn to let go of our emotions, else very xin ku also. hubby see me cry until so qi cham, he also dont know what to do.

got once he cry with me. lol then i see him cry, i also heartache so i stop crying.

Shirely: Thanks i will
