(2014/01) January 2014

Hi Amy, i think clarins and bio oil is good. However bio oil can only use after 3 months.

THY and GBOB: Me too. Very thirsty. Duno is it because of the hot weather or what. My symptoms also come and go.

But i do get a little paranoid cos my previous mc case, initially i have the symptoms, then it stop. And its all because the pregnancy did not follow through.

But then, there are always some very fortunate mummies who have no morning sickness at all.

hopeful_mum: Dont worry too much, everything will be alright. My sister had bleeding all the way until her fifth month. And even dilated when she is in her forth month.Doctor say dont give too high hope. But now, she had just given birth two months ago. Baby girl is strong and healthy. There is always miracle!!!

Dont walk too much.Try to bed rest

Apple & Jos Jos,
apparently my mil jus cooked everything in sesame oil and added loads of shredded ginger. i even had wat others call cooling food, but mil say ok cos got sesame oil and ginger.

i only used baby lotion. still hv stretch marks but faded silvery lines dat type.

yup! my #1, i din hv any morning sickness till almost end of 3rd tri then i had the gagging feeling when i ate or smelt certain smells
hi mummies,

i just realized i am 6week preg haven go to gynae yet this is my #2
im not mentally prepared yet, so quite emo and tats y im here to get some positive air from u mummies
Hi Shan,

thanks for encouraging me, my #1 is 26 months now and i am a FTWM.
when i had my #1 my outbreak was all on my back it was so scary n painful i tolerated until i gave birth then went for facial to extract all out
yeah I almost want to park myself in e toilet.


I used palmer's stretch mark cream during my #1, but I still have abit at e side. but at least it's not dry and it wouldnt cause too much itchness. so it's better to apply.

Thanks mummies, I jus have to continue drinking loads of water. ;p

Congrats to mummies who tested positive!
hi ladies, i just went to see my gynae yesterday and my add is on the 8jan. saw baby heartbeat and gynae on the speaker to allow hubby and me to hear the sound of the heartbeat too!
i am on my 7weeks.

she gave me maxalon to control my horrible morning sickness and so far it works pretty well. still nausea and vomitting but less than 12 times yesterday.

ivy koh /shan: i had a terrible breakout on my back with my #1, my mom bought this cooling powder from one of the shops that selling indonesian jamu and stuffs. it works well and dries up the break out. it feels much better after that. maybe u can try them?

amy : i use clarins oil. i can't stand palmers smell during pregnancy so i use clarins.

i hope i wont hv outbreak on my back again so scary and painful

it seems like alot of mummies with #2 here hehe...

I have the following brand new items to sell. Please contact [email protected] or 97440444 to quote your price if you are interested.

1 X 6 piece Breast Shell Set
1 X Moisturising Nipple Cream
10 X Breast Milk Containers 180ml/6oz - 1 set
2 X 125ml/4oz classic feeding bottles with 0m+ teats
1 X 125ml/4oz classic feeding bottles with 0m+ teat
ivy koh: lets hope not.. i also scared. it is not a nice feeling at all. want to lie down also very uncomfortable

I have the following brand new items to sell. Please contact [email protected] or 97440444 to quote your price if you are interested.

1 X 6 piece Breast Shell Set
1 X Moisturising Nipple Cream
10 X Breast Milk Containers 180ml/6oz - 1 set
2 X 125ml/4oz classic feeding bottles with 0m+ teats
1 X 125ml/4oz classic feeding bottles with 0m+ teat
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Ivy, I'm in q abit of shock too..n this is my #2 too..not q prepared for it..now stressing how to handle my #1 when new baby is here..frantically booking plc for childcare next yr! However, kids r a blessing n I guess u can't reali choose when u wan or dun wan..so let's jus keep positive n enjoy e ride!</font>
hi all!

i'm 7 weeks preg with no. 2, EDD 8 Jan.

I have a 17 months old girl. =)

the bloated feeling makes me feel like sleeping thru out the whole pregnancy.. really dislike the feeling. this symptoms of this preg is also very much worse than my first. =(

congrats to all mummies! let's all have sticky babies thru out the whole journey!

josjos, jiayou n take care!
Hi rach,

thanks for your encouragement, my gal luckily is already settled down in school she started cc in Jan but its the shock, i cant accept the fact leh

i haven visited gynae think my edd is on 14 Jan base on baby center calculation...
<font color="aa00aa">KWXY, beta start now..n I mean now! I was jus looking at pre-nursery for my ger who'll b 3 next yr, n registration r mostly starting or starting soon..n some r even left w very few vacancies le..but alas, discovered #2, so thought will b a beta idea to send her to cc..so asked ard, n it's all being taken up vvv fast too! Yesterday ask left 4 slots, today left 2 oni! *gulps
Oh btw tink we're gg to e same gynae Dr Ben rite? ;)</font>
ivy: my EDD n urs quite near.. i think mine is 13 Jan.. haven got a confirmation from gynae.. next week appt!! Weee so excited..

curry: Same here!! this pregnancy my nose is so sensative to smell.. esp cooking of deep fry stuff.. goshhh.. hate the feeling too..
T_T, i so feel like forcing myself to throw up now. the feeling is so yucky! hate it man!

Amy Li,
I used Elanycl stretch marks cream. but i think stretch marks is hereditary, my mum n sis doesn't have, n i'm lucky not to have any too. =)
T_T, wow so near but i think i will be early my #1 was on week38 so i hope #2 also will be the same so tat i dont need to pay extra cos eat into cny leh...

im quite lucky mummy so far no morning sickness everything is normal except tummy abit bloated...
Ivy Koh,
I'm also hoping my #2 will be out in dec instead. haha! coz #1 and my birth month r all in dec.
envious! that u hv zero morning sickness leh!
curry: ya.. yst after my hubby finished his late dinner and came and tok to me while i was slping.. i just force him to leave the room. wanna puke when he speak.. i dun mean he is stink or what.. but jus abit of smell makes me wanna vomit..

Ivy: my #1 came out on 39weeks 1day water bag broke. But she wasnt engaged yet. so Csec. I also hope this #2 will come out 1st week of Jan! I wanna enjoy my CNY! hee.. my hubby say i just cant give up the CNY goodies and Gamblings!! haha
my 1st pregnancy i was very stubborn and lazy.. din apply any stretchmark cream and my lower tummy have lots of stretchmark now.. hopefully this pregnancy i will apply Bio Oil (after 1st trim) and the stretchmarks will be gone as well!!! hee..
T_T, I just puked, felt so much better! hahhaa!
yes yes, let all stretchmarks be gone! we seriously don't need these ugly 'badge of honour' LOL!
My mummy and most of my sisters doesnt have stretch mark. Only me and my second sister have. i apply a lot of anti stretch mark cream, still have a bit

Btw mummies, any of you experience pain in your lower tummy?
curry, im juz lucky la hopefully #2 also same like jiejie so guai...

T_T, i applied clarins oil all the way also hv stretchmarks so i give up liao haha....
curry: i just keep eating from 2pm.. haha.. but my puking feeling onli come in after dinner!! boiled my fav soup.. sesame oil ginger chicken soup.. wahh shiok.. esp with lots of pepper seed! cure all the nauseaous feeling.. hee..

ivy: that's what i heard before too! That's why my 1st pregnancy i just anihow. feel like applying den apply.. dun feel like it.. forget it. hee..
Jos jos and Shan: thanks for the encouragement. I'm feeling very frustrated today. Good news was my bleeding and spotting stops after I inserted the utrogestan back into my vaginal.

Bad news: took blood test today my hcg level didn't double. Now dr say could be ectopic. But we saw a sac for the past 2 scans, now he tells me maybe those are not the sac. He wasn't confident!

Then I asked for another test since it didint double, he says dont need. Quite obvious already. But he cannot tell me I'm miscarrying. He says "oh let's give it another week. Come back next week to scan. By then shd see something. But not optimistic at all". I asked if I can go this sat, he says no too soon.

By right I shd be at least 5w6d or 6w2d by this sat.

And he was the one who told me on 25th that my 25th test may be a bit higher since I had hcg (pregnyl) shots on 18 and 21 may.

Now he is so confident something is wrong.
This is my so-called 2nd opinion dr. Cox the first one didn't do tests for me after my previous 2 losses.

My hubby is overseas now. Any ladies wanna give me some advice on what I shd do?? Dr told me to continue with progestrone. I feel like going back to my old dr cox I prefer him. But don't know how to tell him I already seeing another one. Lol
Hopeful_mum > this happened to me before. HCG level MUST double within X hours. If it didn't means it not growing. Even it's growing, it's slow, not very good sign too.

What happened to me 2 years ago. My HCG level very low and didn't double. My sac also very small. I got to go mount A almost every 3 days to test my blood. Eventually I finally see bb heart beat, but heart beat stopped at 8 weeks. That eventually lead to MC.

I was very hopeful and praying for HCG level to go up, but only go up a little.

I hope your little fighter can pull thru this and you mustn't give up too!

For this pregnancy, this phobia came bk to me again! Though I hv a healthy and happy 16 months old boy, I can't help it but worry for this one too.

Lets jiayou together!
Thanks kwxy. So sad
I probably wait for my hubby to come back and face it together with me next week. My level was 209 1st test then 339 2nd test. Didn't double. Sigh 3rd mc

Angry cox I want to do one more on Friday dr don't let me do. Sigh.

But thanks for the advice

Wishing you all the best and safe pregnancy.
Thanks for cream/oil recommendations, will go check them out and drink lots of fluids (as doc recommended)..

Shan: i have a little pain sometimes like stitch that type of pain.. but it goes away after a while.. should we be worried?
Oh, mine never test wat HCG level....
Hopeful mum, dun think so much, think u too stress. Relax and will be better

Me also hope to have one more... Dunno y I feel the more i want, the lesser chance I got... Last time mine 1st girl, also took me mths trying after we decided to have a baby then have. The last try is just relax and dun think of anything...

This time also force to try for months but end up mc....
Think my next try I need to let nature takes it's cause..

I am sure if we can get preggy, there is still a chance. Let's jia you!
My doc pre-empt me that I will experience stretching sensation and slight pain as the womb is growing.......
Thanks all for bearing with my long posts.

Praying for all of u to have a healthy and happy pregnancy. For those who may be having a miscarriage i pray for a miracle for us. For those who may have miscarried I pray for ur good health and that u will be able to conceive when u are ready
Good morning mummies!! I'm having some on and off cramps. Anyone having it? Having heartburn at night too
jos, sorry to hear your loss. take good care of yourself.

hopeful_mum, which docs do u go? u wanna go find another doctor?

kwxy, i do have tummy pains at times, backpain also.

ppeanut, i feel my stomach sooooooo stretched.. even when i didn't eat alot..
Ppl I went to Gordon lim at gleneagles. The dr I usually visit is kw lee at glen-e. I went to seek 2nd opinion becox he didn't do any testing on my previous 2 losses.

But I actually more comfy with him. He removed my fibroid and was very good.

Any dr to recommend. But I scared see too many I more confused. Sigh
Hopeful_mum: u can try my gynae. She is a female. Very detailed. She is call Dr Ang Huai Yen International Women's Clinic
Gleneagles Medical Centre, 6 Napier Road, Singapore 258499 #05-06. Her contact no is 6473 6626
hopeful_mum, i personally only met Dr Yu Su Ling from SGH once since its my first pregnancy. My impression of her was not bad.

My sis recommended me as she's very careful and detailed.

I've also read a review on her which i thought might be good to share with you.
* Please replace # with . as it was blocked.

This lady may not encounter the same problem as you do, but at least the doctor did help in her case.

Indeed, see more doctors may become more confused. But I'm not sure if waiting another week will do good.

Good luck to u and keep us posted.
Thanks ppl. I went to read. Seems like a nice gynae. Ya I don't know. Can't concentrate at work.

Ill keep u ladies posted. Thanks for helping out.

Symptom come on n off.. but I hope its off all e time.. n im still searching for new job.. decided to b frank w e interviewers tt im currently pregnant. In fact im left with like 7mths to maternity! !
