(2014/01) January 2014

Hopeful_mum: I think my doc pricing a little bit more ex. Each visit about 100-200. Can understand how you feel. Jia you

GBOB: Dont worry, you might be the lucky few without symptoms. If not, think you call your gynae and check will be safer.

T_T: i put my job hunting job on hold for the moment. Cos if put on probation during the first few months, if they sack one, dont think the company is held reliable. Not sure if i got the facts right thou. If not very bo hua
Shan: my hus also ask me stay home n rest.. but I see him work 2 jobs v tiring.. n I believe by being frank n upfront with e employers will give dem different impression. Moreover im in e law firm industry. So e lawyers shld noe better than me.. hee..
I know symptoms come n go but mine seems to have been gone for so long... Which makes me worried... I am really worried that history will repeat again.... M feeling so so demoralized n down... Sorry gals for my negativity. I cnt help feeling this way. I know I shouldn't but just cnt seem to control my mind at all.... I'm feeling rather stressed out.
GBOB: I can understand how you feel, cos my previous case was a misfortunate case. Even now i am also quite paranoid as i havent visit my gynae yet. But i trying to keep my spirit high.

Why not make an appointment to see the gynae earlier? According to my gynae, ms peak at certain week, then it start to get better. Or maybe your threshold for ms improved?
Hi gbob, I also not much symptoms at about 5 Weeks. Panicked and stressed. Can only see my ivf doc at kkh at 6Weeks. Then he scanned. There's a heartbeat in the screen beating away. I asked him why I Dun have much symptoms like nausea, morning sickness. My symptoms are just tired but will sleep at 10plus, not like some say they will drop to sleep at 8 or 9 plus, and right butt pain. Doc just assured me it's normal. Till now 8 Weeks also not much. No butt pain. Waiting patiently for my next scan next tues at my 9th week. When will you be able to see your gynae? I Thot if have earlier loss before, can ask to see doc earlier like 6 Weeks?
Hi gbob.. some pple doesnt haf symptoms. Earlier I also din have.. my previous pregnancy also doesnt haf symptoms. Which shocked me when I tested positive. If posible jus schedule to see a gynae whn u at week 6 n after.. shld be able to see something..
hi ppl, yes, i try not to eat so much but my stomach still feel very bloated. im going to see my gynae next week and i will ask her if my stomach size looks ok...cos its actually looks bloated (or maybe i just ate too much)..

Do you girls feel depressed? hahaha...i feel abit emo these few weeks..and i blame it on being bloated all the time.
I feeling scared. Don't dare to make appt to do scan again. But my bleeding and spotting stops for 2 days Liao. I already prepared for bad news. But hubby not around I don't feel like taking bad news alone. Don't want to face the truth. Sigh.

Still considering if I shd go to the drs u all suggested or back to my old dr whom I like a lot. Sigh. Not nice right tell him I go see other drs. Now then go back and see him.

i think it's perfectly fine that u tell ur old dr that u hv seen other drs. i'm sure he/she has other patients same like u. many of us just want to seek a 2nd opinion. if ur old dr mind so much on this, then prob he's not worth it at all.

since u r comfy w old dr, i strongly encourage u to go bk n see him instead.

all the best! =)
Thanks Shan, nidella, hopeful mum and T_T. I've made an apt to c my Gynae next wed which by then I will b just nice 6weeks. Actually I kinda dread seeing Gynae so early cos if cnt find heartbeat I will panick again... Haha.. Guess my ONE AND ONLY CONSISTENT SYMPTOM is PANICK ATTACK!!! I m not so worried if I dnt have any symptoms from day one but I am now more worried cos I used to have some symptoms n now suddenly all gone... Makes me wonder lor... Paisei hor gals, paisei for being so niam niam niam... I myself find myself irritating cos I know I kept on Chao Chao niam on this symptom issue... Sigh...
hopeful_mum, i think you should go back to your old doc since you are already familiar with him and you like him. It is ok to tell him you have visited other docs, im sure he wont ask you why.
Hopeful mum, I agree with curry. If your dr minds so much then probably his character got abit of problem lor. I'm sure he knows patients have the rights to seek second opinion ma. Mayb u can tell him it was your MIL or friend or whoever lah who insisted u to see other doc lor.. I sincerely sincerely hope n wish things will turn out fine for u deary. Will pray for u
ppeanut, ya lor.. i also try not to eat alot. i feel really uncomfortable if i eat alot. now i eat lesser than i used to eat. still feel bloated after eating.. and yes, i can feel emo at times.. sometimes my hubby will ask mi wat happen to me. haha..

crystalbelle, when i first got preg, i was ok with drinking water. coz i pee alot. so i scared i will lose too much water. so i drink alot everyday. these few days, i start to dislike plain water. but will still try to drink. coz always drink flavoured drinks also not really good. i'm thinking maybe boil like barley or something like that at hm. will it be more healthy?

hopeful_mum, ya, i think nothing wrong to go back to old doctor if u feel he's good. i don't think he'll mind such things. hope for the best for u & ur little one.
Hopefully mum , ya I think you should Ho back to see your previous doc . Since u are more comfortable with him . Think possitive .
I stil have some light brown discharge and can only know my blood test result on beta hcg next Wednesday , I hope next week k get good news . Just relax and think possitive ba .
I also think its betta to c ur old doc.

Had pinkish brown discharge today, supposed to be implantation bleeding. But cos my prev mc started wif such symptom, im gg to gynae for scan tmr
Thanks ladies. U all really been very nice and helpful to hear me whine. I will go back and see my old dr. Will make appt soon. Keep u all posted.

Wishing all of u healthy healthy and very happy!
GBOB: haha it's ok.. we are all woman.. we noe our nature is to niam n niam over the same issue! hee..

I am eager to go for my gynae visit too! But i think im only 7weeks. Might as well just wait for a week more.
I'm impatient. Tmr Week 6 I already cannot wait. Cox if gone At least I know. Don't like the hanging there feeling.
hopeful mum: I went for 1st visit on 4weeks+ but my gynae, Dr Poon say it's too small that he cant confirm. ask me go back again in 3 weeks. den week5 i went Dr Adrian Woodworth.. he also say just a sac. so gotta wait.. but yst was the appt i skipped as im afraid cant see anything and i gotta go back again. each visit $100+.. now not working so gotta be abit thrifty.

Dr Poon is very nice. Because i called and cancel the appt.. he called me and ask if everything ok with me etc.. i guess some gynae when u cancel the appt they just dun bother..
btw mommies.. tmr until sunday there's motherhood fair at expo!! can get some pampers to stock up for #1.. haha
Ya ur dr very nice! So far no dr will ask if I'm okay! But KWLee nurse very good. After my lost in feb, she text me in march. Ask me how m I doing. For try again. Apr text me again, and will wish me luck. That's why I like the old dr. More of his staff. Really friendly. Lol I have her number but I don't quite dare to bother her lah.

Where is ur dr from?
Hi gbob, I was the same like you. At 4 Weeks, I've had slight nausea, dizziness, warm body but all these vanished suddenly at end of 4 Weeks. Panicked, can't sleep well, keep thinking. Emailed my doc. He says no worries, he wants to see me in 2 Weeks time. But at about 5w, I really cannot tahan. Instead of being happily pregnant, I was paranoid. I dropped by the kkh o&g to check. The doc got a specialist gynae to scan me. That time can only see a sac and yolk. After talking to some mummies here, I decided to be positive. Subsequently relaxed myself. Not easy but still have to do it as stress will affect bb too. Take it easy.
Yo nidella, thank q so much for your comforting words... I am v grateful to hear from u really. Indeed I know deep inside there's really nothing much we can do in situations like this... I will try my very very best to stay zen n relaxed. Tough... Need to really constantly psycho n remind myself...hehehe
hopeful mum: Dr Poon King Fu is at Blk 108 Hougang Avenue 1. Lorong Ah Soo area.. whenever i do any pap smear or any blood test, he will call me and tell me the result. his full time counter aunty also nice and quite experience. last time some of the staff we will communicate thru FB.

But becoz now im not working, i intend to go to KKH for next 2 3mths n do all the expensive blood test n detailed scans there. after that i will go back to Dr Poon to sign package and deliver under him.
GBOB: hee.. it's normal la.. no symptom oso worry.. got symptom den complain n complain.. haha.. today my symptom is almost ZERO to the extend that i may forgot im pregnant! haha!! sometimes just abit of smell i will puke.. really like a WAVE~ -___-"
T_T i stay in jurong west... hougang very far! lol
i so envy u ladies with symptoms leh... today even with my progestrone pills no more sore boobs

GBOB and Nidella, dont worry. Nidella at least u saw a yolk, mine nothing

Jos_jos how are u coping? hope u are okay rest well.
Hi GBOB, I am just as stressed & worried as you. I came down with diarrhea last weekend & hubby took me to KKH O&G clinic. They did a scan for me and told me there is only a sac visible. I am worried sick I have been so paranoid I might lose this baby! I'm already planning to visit my gynae at TMC this weekend to do another scan. Please pray for me!

Oh ya & my symptoms seem to wane off too. Not sure if its psychological because it seems to come on and off. The only symptoms I'm facing now is headaches & tiredness. But i will still be able to keep awake until about 10pm every night. Only keep dozing off in the office around mid-afternoon, not sure if that's a symptom as well. My boobs were very sore the past week but it seems to be OK now. So I am really worried this time around, but hubby keep telling me to be positive. Not easy though.
if u r gg kkh as subsidised patient, remember to go polyclinic for referral letter first. else considered as private patient
Okay here we go. Made my appt. going in this sat. Don't know what to expect. I guess, good to know even if I'm miscarrying with all that crappy hcg level I got
juju: Thanks.. Yes i have done that~

hannah: my boobs also sore on and off.. esp when removing the bra when the boobs are not being supported.. felt so heavy!! Used not to wear bra to slp.. but now i start wearing the wireless nursing bra to make myself feel better..

Hopeful mum: Jia you.. you still have us to give you encouragements!
Hi Hannah, it seems to me u still have one or two symptoms... Headache n tiredness. For me, totally nothing. Last night I had a horrible horrible dream... I dreamt I miscarried. Argh!!!
think normal to be tired during 1st tri. i had dat for #1 and now.
now at clinic waiting to c gynae. jus had to come so dat i dun worry myself sick.
ltr still nid to go back and attend to my class and hv ptm
GBOB think u all very worried. When u seeing ur gynae? Maybe see earlier can have peace of mind? My nightmare ended last fri. Then till now no dreams.

My boobs also not sore, the only symptom I have is I feel tired. Sigh. Not even bloated!

Thanks t-t
My apt is next wed. Till then also wnt have peace of mind cos next wed I will just nice b 6 weeks nia. Dnt think can c heartbeat. So I guess it will make me worried even more... Fml
GBOB. Praying for u! Don't worry.

Though I'm sad of my situation, u gals rock and will have my support! Wishing all a healthy and happy pregnancy!
Hopeful mum, gbob,

Just wanna drop a note to you gals, i know it's tough but try to stay positive k.. I had gone for my scan at 5w5d according to LMP but could only see an empty odd shaped elongated sac.. Even after a detailed scan, the sonographer was not sure if it was a gestational sac or some fluid sac.. I then read that such elongated sacs could indicate an m/c as it was already collapsing onto itself.. I could see my doc was worried too as he referred to the notes on my previous m/c.. But he kept telling me to stay positive and not to give up hope as nothing is confirmed.. Hubby told me the same thing and tokked to bb everyday.. At my repeat scan 10 days later to check for viability, we saw bb heartbeat very clearly.. Turns out bb was just growing very slowly in the beginning, at my 15 wks now.. So jia you k, wish you all all the best! My tcm had advised me to use chicken breast to brew plain chicken essence every alternate day that time, and i suppose it did help.. Maybe you wanna give it a try too..
Yoyo min81, thanks for popping by! M trying v v hard to stay zen n keep an open mind. Sort of convinced myself alrdy n then I gotta have that stupid nightmare last night.
Thanks mini81. Ya because of 2 previous lost, and one of them happened just 3 mths ago is not making me feel good.

I already grieved twice this time. First when I bled and the "sac" didnt grow. 2nd time was Tuesday this week when my hcg didn't double but my bleeding stops.

I even read up to convinced myself to be positive that this is going to be viable. Maybe a slow start etc. but the more i be positive the harder it gets later if its really another miscarriage. And now all my symptoms are gone so I don't know. Lol

But I'm really glad to be here. Whining and not being asked to leave this chat. Lol
my SIL also bleed n bleed during her 1st trim. sometimes alot.. just keep going back to the gynae and get jabs.. rest alot and not carry heavy stuff.. my nephew is already coming 2yrs old.. just keep the fingers cross that your baby is just purely mischeivous!
jus saw gynae and my sac had doubled in size. gynae said it is growing well. thr is also blood clot which caused the spotting. best of all, i heard and saw bb heartbeat. the dating showed sac to be 5wk4d.
