(2014/01) January 2014

ppeanut: I was telling my gynae that when she stick it inside, i feel like kicking her in the face. lol. cos the feeling is just too weird

ppl: i start to crave for all the funny funny food. But whenever i feel like eating my normal stuff i get a little paranoid

Btw, when is a good time to visit the gynae? My no 1 i visited her at 5weeks 3days, i can hear the heartbeat. My previous mc case, i visited 5 weeks 4days and hear nothing. I am so worried now. Any advise?
hi hi..

shan: i think 6weeks will be good.. by then can see more. i went at 5weeks only can see the sac..

today i went back my mom's place to had pig trotter vinegar and felt so good!! when i return home.. i really dislike eating.. now my dinner is mostly fruits...
really dun like my mil's cooking.. not that i wanna be picky.. but everyday the same dish..
Hi all Jan m2b, I'm carrying my #2 at week 4 now. #1 is now coming to 4yo. Tested positive but faint line 2days ago. I wonder how much are gynae check up nowadays? Anyone keen to share how much you paid?
i went to the gynae when im 7 weeks. Can see the baby (shaped like a peanut and 1cm long) and the yolk. So i think 6-7weeks is a good time to see the gynae.

Starry: my gynae consultation $150 (ultrasound is another $120)
Starry, I went to SGH n I'm seeing Dr Yu Su Ling. my first consultation was abt $106, includes the ultrasound scan.

Ppeanut, urs is at tmc?
Good morning peeps!

Ppeanut, yours is expensive. So you will deliver in mt e?

Ppl, is waiting time at sgh very long?

I went to kowa clinic at mt e, first consultation was $130+ w/o ultrasound scan which costs $90. Thought its kinda pricey.
Hi Starry, I'm with Dr. Kowa too and I think he is good! The consultation and ultrasound scan charge will be reduced to S$70 each from second visit onwards.
Hi.. i went to Dr Poon King Fu @ Hougang Ave 1. $130 incl scan. I think e consultation was $60 and scan $60 + gst. He delivered my #1.
Btw mommies at 6 7weeks.. are ur tummy showing alr?? Im not sure becoz I ate too much or wat. I seem to haf my stomach bloating out abit!!n my ring is abit tight!! How I wish I can go to the gym still!! But gynae say swimming n walking is fine..
starry, the waiting time is quite ok. my whole first consultation took abt an hr. waited awhile coz she went to deliver a baby. she wore the OT attire back to her clinic to see patients. if not, should be not so long waiting time i think. subsequent consultations will be abt $75 per visit if i'm not wrong. oh btw, i'm not sure abt private hospital. but for SGH, there's a rebate of $450 if u get ur whole pregnancy done there. I think NUH also same if i didn't rem wrongly.

jt_junior, i'm just completed 7 wks. last time when i just woke up, and after pee, my tummy will be flat. now will not be flat.. i also dunno issit i eat too much or not. haha.. i told my HB and asked is the baby growing? he said i think too much. baby only few mm now. haha..
Hi I went for my first scan yesterday at 5w2days. Can only see the sac. My next appointment is 2 weeks later. Hopefully by then can see bb and hear heartbeat.

And now down with bad flu since
going to see GP later, wonder what medicine she will prescribe for me.
i jus tested positive yest. LMP calculates dat im 7wks but sac size shows 4wks, so my EDD will be 30 Jan (CNY eve)!
Ppl: haha so which means we are eating too much?? Lol..

Acadia: if can, avoid medication. As long no fever.. can subside one..

Juju: nice edd date u haf!!! Hee..
Hi chyi, Dr Kowa is very friendly, assuring and experienced. Just that the charges seem to have increased so wanted to check market rate. My #1 was delivered by him too. I guess I will still stick with him since I'm so comfortable with him already.

And sure I do have a bulge too. Breast is fuller that I bought new bras without wire already. Lol.
jt_junior: whahahaha.. but i really feel i eat more.. or rather more frequently. i eat like 4-5x a day.. but my main meals are lesser than wat i normally eat. so maybe thats y i get hungry faster..

acadia: ya, my gf had a bad cough during her pregnancy n she nv get any medicine from dr. she tried home remedy like ginger tea kind. maybe u can search online on some home remedy?

juju: congrats! nice date..

all of us cannot eat all the CNY goodies next yr!!!!
I planned to seek gynae to induce on 31 dec n give birth on 1 jan. Den 28 days of confinement.. jus nice for cny!!! Haha
tt and ppl: thanks for the advice. i already took 1 dose of medicine (pregnancy safe dr said). i think i shall stop and hopefully get well soon! doc is kind enough to give me mc for sat as well, so i can rest more, and no need go back office, can't bear the cold aircon when having flu.

haha guess we have to eat the leftover cry cookies after our confinement :p
Juju, then u'll cook ur own food? Is this not ur 1st pregnancy?

Acadia, rest well.. Hope u'll get well soon!

Jt_junior, u steady.. Even tot of that.. Haha..
Congrats ladies!

So happy to see this thread filling up so quickly! Just been away for a few days and already have to catch up on all the posts!!!

Like to introduce a free app called 'my pregnancy' for a mummies from babycentre. It's really helpful during my first preg so I'm using it again.

Btw, any mummies taking ice cream frequently? Got huge craving but TCM would usually advise not to so don't really dare eat. Can share experiences?
T_T > they say that #2 will show up mich much faster! So dun be surprised if by 3mths we look like 5mths liao! Haha.
Guess its bcos the body is used to the pregnancy process so expand v easily now! Wahaha :D
I love ice cream but I don't eat everyday. My only craving is steamboat and milo. Haha...I told my hb to buy packets of milo drink, and he bought milo wafer, milo powder and milo packet drinks.

My stomach always feel bloated....but I think I eat too much
Cl: huh.. dun wan la.. I trying v hard to control to eat whatever I wan!! I haven start my new job yet.. haven even sign e letter!! I think if I tell dem.. they wun employ me alr..
Juju, I am also thinking of doing my own confinement but my mum may not agree. My previous confinement was a nightmare. Don't want to go through it again.
Tt-My tummy is really bloated too and its my #1.. I kept comparing to my friends due in dec and they dont seem to have my problem! Argh..
Anyway i saw a few spots of faint red blood yday about noon and panicked. Called the clinic and they said they close at 1pm. In the end they decided to wait for me as doc thinks i require an injection. I reached the clinic at 1:40pm. I tot it was really nice of them to wait. Am visiting dr Loke at Tampines. He charges $50 for consultation and $50 for scan.
And oh, I heard the bb's heartbeat for the first time. Amazing!
I went for check up yesterday . Only can see the sac , so my gyane suggest me to take blood test see whether the bb is growing . I have spotting in the pass few days , I'm so worry . Tmr going for another blood test . Hopefully the bb is growing well.
Anyone experience spotting in the early pregnancy ?
I plan to ask my grandma cook confinement food for me and my mother in law offer to help out with the rest, cause I only love my grandma food plus during cny the confinement lady should be super expensive n I heard some is really bad. Zzzz
Cl: I downloaded the app.. Thanks.. It's useful.. Better than the website itself..

Ppeanut: is sit ok to take so much milo? I always feel hungry in office by 4+pm. And had to eat something. Is packet milo ok if drink everyday? Not too sweet or what? I forgot to ask my gynea.. Argh..

Shirley: one of my gfs had spotting.. N she had to take a jab n eat more medication for precaution.

Ladies, wanna check with u all... Will u all (or those with #2, did u all) travel in ur 2nd trimester?

Hb n I actually bought tix for travelling in sep. but he's so worried that I may fall sick coz of the cold weather or need medical attention, so he firmly said that we should not go in sep. at the most go in April next yr coz ticket valid till then. April will still be my maternity though, so not soo bad, dun hv to take leave. But with a 3 mth baby, will it be very difficult?

Would like to hear ur opinions..
hi shirely, how many weeks are u now? i also can only see sac during my last scan 5w2days. hope yr blood test result is good
Apple!!! I just realised.. U posted at 3am??? U not tired? Now I cannot even stay up after 1am. Ill be so tired after 10pm. And better to sleep early every night. I heard the baby will follow ur sleeping habits.. Haha.. So I'll try to slp early every night. last time wkend, mi n my Hb will slp until at least 2-3pm. Now i'll try to wake up latest ard 10. Haha..
Hi Acadia , I'm about 5 weeks . So my gyane said it may be too early to see heartbeat so he advise me to go blood test to see the beta bcg ensure the bb is growing fine .pray hard I'm fine.
Jal: its really difficult to explain what is e cause to e bloating. Mine is like rounder n rounder.. sian lo.. I finally slim down abit n enjoying my kick boxing classes.. but now I gotta give up n stop for so long!!
Shirley you should be fine. my doc also say the same, too early to see. I'm scheduled 2 weeks later for another scan.
Shirley, dont worry. 5 wks shud be too early and it differs in different people anyway
did ur doc give u a jab? My doc gave me this progesterone pills that he wanted me to stuff up my vagina.
Tt- I tried to eat smaller and more frequent meals. I think it helped a little! Or maybe all in my mind. Hahaha
Hi mummies, just found out positive few days ago!

This is my #2...waiting to see Dr Benjamin Tham when I'm 6 weeks. Hope everything will be okay.
Jal, he never give me any injection . He just help me do blood test . Tmr going for 2nd blood test see whether beta bcg is growing or not .
Acadia n Shirley, 5w a bit early to see. At least u can see a sac in the uterus and not anywhere else. Wait till at least 6weeks plus and u can see bb heartbeat. Just relax. I feel pregnancy is like a waiting game. Have to wait n wait.
I need some encouragement here. I'm currently abt 5w5d. Yest after pee, I wiped red blood. Then it wen away to turn into brown blood with slight spotting. Then it was okay. Just 2 hours ago after pee, it happened again. I'm going in to see my gynae tmr.

I'm so nervous. Already had 2mc, i thought this time ill get my first child. I'm so devastated now.

As it is I'm on all types of medication. Progestrone, pregnyl, prednisolone. I don't know what's wrong.
