(2014/01) January 2014

faye, ya! I was so thankful to her especially I need a seat that time after my class :p

Orea, usually Oscar they will keep quite coz scare to commit hee
GBOB, I agree.. really jin gao wei...
maybe bb noe we going to meet later... today no ms ... yeah... feeling great
ohh.... i hope can tell the gender. so when i announce the pregnancy, can straight away tell if it's boy or girl, and people no need to keep asking if it's a boy or girl...

my gynae just emailed me back, saying no scientific proof that all these chemicals will affect the baby. but no more rebonding or perm until after pregnancy. although i didn't rebond the hair. just smooth-en it so it'd be straight... oh wells....
haaa.. i've always had short hair. so since now i'm pregnant, i've made myself a promise that i won't cut until i give birth. but it was getting messy... lol... so now it's more managable...
I had tiramisu for dessert coz it looks soo good. Halfway thru, i realised its made of rum. But i can't really taste it. Some preg ladies drinks glass of red wine.. Oh well.
gbob, I experienced that before too. think not considered heartburn ba..coz no burning sensation. I just need to burp out the extra air. drink water..rest..then ok.

oreo, think hard to tell gender at Oscar wor. unless the sonographer very confident and willing to tell you. coz not 100%. what if tell you boy, later become gal how? for me, I would not do those chemicals on my hair since this would enter into our skin and blood stream. thus, no rebonding, colouring, perming, straightening. if not, why would there be skin patches for birth control, mosquito patch? Just stick to skin and it works? Thus, some chemicals are able to enter into the skin and into the blood stream for the products to work. Skin have pores. Nevermind, since done liao, just relax. think our body should be able to detox all those chemicals. drink more water ba.
gm, ya tiramisu hv rum. but I think another aspect is it uses a layer of mascarpone and mixed with raw egg white to make the mousse. Thus, we are not encouraged to eat that for fear of bacteria. it also uses baileys as well.
quoted from peanut "try bending down..if u are fat, ur tummy with "fold"...if ur tummy is still rounded when u bend, then its the baby.... "

i agree!!
i observed n ppl watch so i agree with what u said. haha

o_O i was just asking my hubby tis morning if i can go do colouring this weekend -_-
Jus realised i made uupset. Sorry.
Cos after i noe i was pregs n went to trim my hair. Stylist commented on my fading hair colour. then she told me cannot do anything when she noe i was pregs.
Juju.... No la.... U didn't make me upset... Did I sound upset? Just worried for awhile... But I am not that worried already. Since my gynae already replied my email and after some research, I am quite convienced that it won't affect the bb.

So no worries. U didn't upset me... I'm okay...

What upsets me are the neighbors ho are moving in. So annoying..... Almost 2 months Liao, every single damn day still renovating their house. And always in the pm will start drilling..... Wake me up from my pm nap..... -__-
Our snake babies:

As the year 2013 is the Year of the Water Snake, it is believed that those born under the sign of the Water Snake are financially lucky as money will most likely flow their way, like flowing water.

The Year of the Snake
The Year of the Snake (Si) comes after the Year of the Dragon (Chen) and before the Year of the Horse (Wu) in the Chinese calendar. During Spring Festival, people paste the sign for “happiness” on their doors and windows. They also display paintings and drawings showing a snake twisting around a rabbit. This is a popular pattern that symbolizes wealth. The Year of the Water Snake, 2013, starts on February 10, 2013 and ends on Jan 30, 2014, in the Gregorian calendar.

Snake personalities
People born in the Year of the Snake are believed to be wise, charming, romantic and intuitive. It is also thought that Snakes tend to be overly cautious, jealous and fickle.
My Oscar result is out. Low risk! Hooray but hor my cervix short so I just did a cerclage op. dr say cannot move abt too much... Zzz
Happygal, cos I got some prev medical history before n I showed my Gynae my med record plus he scan he can c the cervix is shorter than normal ppl
Gbob..... I had surgery before too, and they cut off part of my cervix as well.... My gynae told me it could result in an earlier birth. Hopefully not too early tho...
GBOB, Oreo,
Yea, heard short cervix can result in premature delivery. Move less, rest more. Maybe 3rd tri, u hv to go on bedrest...

Hee... Thx thx
Aiyoh.... Just now suddenly had a sharp pain in my tummy. Lasted maybe a minute or two. And now it's gone....wth.....

Gbob, what is cerclage? My gynae knows.
she was the same one that did my op... Heh
OMG.... owwwww.... cerclage sounds painful!!!
i think my gynae will suggest that if it is necessary ba... so far she didn't say anything, she just say will have to monitor...
No la Oreo not pain la. Procedure simple n v fast. Abt an hour nia & I woke up le. Abit crampy at first n now subsiding... So far so good. U just remind your Gynae ya cos sometimes they tend to forget cos they have many patients. I believe precaution is always better... I kiasu... Hehe
good morning ladies!!!! Congrats on your OSCAR results GBOB!! I am going for my OSCAR later at 3pm. Hope everything goes well....
thanks GBOB!! heard from my hubby that his superior's wife also went for amnio. their risk is 1:50. Results negative. And they have 2 children. Just have to rest well.
Thanks Faye for the snake infor.. hopefully my bb can come out on time or earlier.. else I might missed the snake as my edd is 30jan.
Lynhope, my cervix short so admitted to sew it up to prevent premature labour in future. Even sew le still must b v careful lor.

Fanntasy, have fun with your bb later!

Ya nidellia, we must have positive tots. Baby come out will b happy baby.

Thanks mei2
Thanks MeiMei & GBOB
I so gun cheong leh... but at the same time worry also.. GBOB, when you see your gynae after your OSCAR? i wont be seeing my gynae today but she says she will call me up maybe on Monday to let me know the results...

meimei, where will you be doing your oscar? TMC too? good luck
Fanntasy, mine special case la. My Gynae hurried the result for me de. I did Oscar on wed, thurs go c doc n got the results n straightaway admit for op...
The first time i went for my scan on week7, i keep admiring the scan pic before i sleep everynite. haha... everyday wanna know how is baby doing inside... ehehehe

Fanntasy n Faye, same here! Hi5! Sometimes when I miss bb I'll just whop out my doppler n listening to the galloping hb... Magical sound to my ears
