(2014/01) January 2014

Oscar was normal!!! happy!

ya la, mouth very tham jiat, overeat le then feel like puking.. hahaa.. just now my lunch came out..

which hospital r u delivering in?
GBOB, b gd and rest well... I noe tt kind of sian feeling to see spots on the underwear. Hope it gets better soon.

Mummies, do you all buy the insurance before baby is born? Any recommendations?

Music, stretch mark can remove one meh? I tot cannot remove one.....

Shirlynn, I wanna b like you. lose so much weight at the end of confinement. Although I can still fit my 'S' clothing, I hope I won't gain too much for the whole pregnancy. Just enough can liao....
Daphne, ya. I usually mc bcos of that. Never know now company so calculating.. I should cancel away my leave when I came back to work for 1.5 hrs in the morning when I am suppose to be on leave.. my mgr call me say urgent..

Bblove, but I never stay hospital mah.. how can gyean issue HL ??

Daphne, just keep quiet first.. dun scare the birdie..
happygal, i got the policies after the bb is born. previously i got NTUC for my kids but i think recently NTUC no more full coverage for kids under the CPF.... I heard the AIA one is better as full coverage..... so for my 2nd girl, i'll be switching her to maybe AIA while my elder girl will stick to NTUC as hers under the older coverage which is good.
Daphne, yes yes, everything follow my sis.. haha..

i only bought hospitalisation plan for my no. 1, thank goodnees i bought it early coz she was admitted for 4 days when she was 5 months old due to mycoplasma (chest infection) I asked for 1 bedded room, it was entirely claimable from insurance! PHEW! zero cost from me!
for me, we didn't buy insurance coz my hubby was not comfortable that all insurances has the component of death coverage. He said, if anything happens to her, he wouldn't want to be compensated. Also, said that company's policy should cover for child's health.
Hi curry, welcome here

Thanks shirlynn n happy gal. Am lying on the bed (again) n harvesting mushroom growth! Lolx

Gals, if u gals keen to buy insurance for baby. Prudential got one v good de called "PRUfirst gift:- baby insurance" can insured starting from week 18 of pregnancy n when bb is born can convert to savings plan or something like that. If keen can pm me. I give u my agent's contact. Not say I sing praises but my agent is v v v good. Pls dnt misunderstand I am not selling insurance nor hard sell my agent. Just wanna share good things with u gals
<font color="aa00aa">Hi all! Regarding insurance, yes hospitalization insurance is indeed v v impt for everyone..cos hefty bills fm hospital stay can reali wipe out ur savings..n usually company's coverage r v limited..
N yes GBOB, there r prenatal plans in e mkt where they cover e mother to be's pregnancy complications, n e child's congenital illnesses (choy! If there's any)..you'll transfer e policy to e child aft he's born, so tt e child will haf coverage w/o any underwriting irregardless of his health status when born..it's a gd plan I find..intend to buy myself too..anyone need more info can pm me ;)</font>
<font color="aa00aa">GM, there r many kinds of insurance, like hospitalization plan where it reimburses ur expenses when u r hospitalized..or child personal accident plans which covers medical expenses due to accident n even hfmd..I und tt no parent wld b keen in getting e death benefit fm ur child, but tink of it this way, u r doing her gd by buying one for her now, so she has a headstart in coverage where she can takeover next x..cos it's so much cheaper to buy it when young n healthy, u'd never noe wat may happen in future, so if she were to wait until she's grown up to buy, e policies wun cover any pre-existing ailments tt she may haf fm now..</font>
Re: insurance,

I'm from great eastern. I had attend classes and they made a comparison. In fact, if you are with NTUC, pru, Aia and GE basically it's fine but if u r with Aviva u might wanna switch cuz they do not cover stem cell as 1st option, meaning if u r sick and doc says stem cell treatment is e best but Aviva only will cover if it is e last resort. If u choose to do it as 1st choice even if doc recommends. It's not covered.

Another thing I love about GE shield plan is that we cover wide range of pregnancy complications. Cuz I experience complication before so I understand e impt but that time I just switch and still under e 10 months waiting period so can't claim.

So those who are expecting girls can compare it with GE supreme shield. Expecting boys also can la.. Hee.. If u all need anymore info can pm me too... =D
Thx! Will consider, but think their pricing is more ex

K, u ask n share wif us ya

Think is press down on puffy part, if the skin colour take some time to return to normal, consider as water retention.
Me not too sure. But my mum n close olleagues noted i look puffy.

I hv a slight bump now, prob enhanced by my dress today. But not so kua zhang dat i look like gonna pop anytime soon lor.
Yes, u can request gynae to give u HL. Remember our old fren, chubby?

I also believe in insurance. All of us r well covered except for hb cos of super high premium due to medical reasons.
A lot of hair?@_@ I hope not but I got allergy during pregnancy so dunno is the expansion or my allergy

Happy gal
I dunno so asking around maybe those experience mum can advise
Good am!

Sorry I MIA so long.. Busy at work n kids until not much time to myself..

Those second and third timer mommies, have you told your older kids??
GBOB: Agreed with you that PruFirstGift is a good plan to get, esp it cover both mummy and unborn child. I am currently in my week 11, gg week 12. And I will be getting this plan for myself at week 18.

I am so anxious about my Oscar scan next Mon. How long is the procedure gg to be? Cos I heard from my gynae that have to see whether the bb cooperate on the day.
morning...... musicgenie, why a lot of hair no good? haha.... i mean hair on the head, not body leh.....

as for insurance, i buy only when bb is out. good to have insurance that covers the hospital and accident part..... cos when bb young, sometimes high fever already need to stay in hospital and such costs are not cheap...

jasmommy, ya i already told my 2 older kids.... in fact i told them quite early when i'm at wk 9 and they were quite excited. I even brought them with me for my detailed scan so that they see the bb from monitor... now they are already helping me think of names to call the baby and even drawing pictures to welcome the bb and they also came up with a list of things they will do for the baby like, carry the baby, feed the baby milk etc.... everynight, i will tell each of them to talk to the bb aka my tummy hee hee....
joey, if your bb cooperate meaning in the correct position, very fast one... maybe 10 - 15 mins done.... but if bb not cooperative like mine, it took me more than an hour lor.....
Good morning everyone!!

Bblove, never stay hospital how to ask gynea to issue HL, sorry, sometimes when ask gynea to give mc also pai seh..

GBOB, good to rest on bed. My gynea tells me baby grow best when we bed rest.. even if we do other things

Juju...what happen to chubby?? I see her on FB only.. think she is living great life now with her son ..

My bump is also showing but bcos rest of my body still slim.. as long as my tops are not too tight.. cannot see my bump yet

Jas.. my son ask when he see the utra-scan .. if the photo is him or mei mei.. I say nope.. then that day he see my stomach big after dinner.. he ask me if I am having a baby?? He say he wants di di this time round..keke
Daphne, good job.. I think your kids will even treasure the young sibling since already started building a strong bond.

As for insurance, my hubby secondary school friend has been his agent for coming 20 yrs.. just did a review for me and hb last year.. my hb will call him to come to our place for our every new born

Daphne.. so long.. I just lie down there.. gynea scan here scan there.. think here think there.. walk here walk there.. but still very fast.. just tell me the neck thickness, draw blood.. then take urine sample.. think all done is less than 20 mins
Hi Good morning all Mommies, had been a silent reader for sometimes as too lazy to post.. Am 11.5 weeks and EDD 25Jan. Am having lots of stress at work and since I made known to my immediate superior that I am Preggie early last week. I think my life had never been easy. They had been purposely finding fault and push indoor colleagues's fault on me as I am doin outdoor sales.. What are your recommendations on how I should do? I do not wish to quit at this moment because I was thinking to save more moni for my baby...
<font color="aa00aa">musicgenie, insurance for yourself is actuali best to get asap..esp e hospitalization shield plan..tt is offered by private insurers to enhance e coverage by medishield..for Bb, u can consider e prenatal plan, prudential, aviva n Aia all haf it..I'm from Aia, if u need more clarification can pm me. No offence to strawberries ya! I believe all insurance is gd..no matter fm which company ;) Aft Bb is born, best to get e hospitalization shield plan asap too..
Jasmommy, I told my #1 right aft I tested positive! Ask her wan didi or meimei..Haa..n nowadays she'll tok to my belly..v funny..n try to 'share' her food or 'show' her doodling to 'baby'.. ^_^</font>
Morning, jus mentioned abt my sicky son n hospitalization, my son admitted again last night..... scare the hell out of me, he had fit suddenly...... now might need to do mri scan.
<font color="aa00aa">Welcome Maybel! Hmm..diff for us to judge wat u shd do..but for me guess I'd rather leave e job n b happy, cos pregnancy is a precious journey..I wouldn't wish to b bullied n suffering during then..wait Bb come out oso unhappy..can always try to find another job, else tink of it this way, money can always b earned back..but pregnancy is reali oni few times in our lifetime oni..</font>
shuyan, hope he will be ok soon.. my son recently also keep getting sick,,keep having high fever.. January hospitalised due to nose bleeding.. fever keep hovering above 40 degree.

At the same time of taking care of your son.. do rest in between if you can.

Maybel, you really have to weigh it out yourself. Whether do you really need this job financially? Stress will affect the growth of baby.. and unhappy also affect the baby.. I am sure you do not want a frowning and unhappy baby right? Or else maybe you can have a talk with your immediate superior.. maybe misunderstanding??
Mummies, Thanks for all ur inputs on insurance. O hav a better idea now!

Shuyan. hope he recovers soon. U muz take care also k.

Hi Maybel, it's really up to you. I quit my job when I just got pregnant. Hubby is supportive coz he said the 4 months maternity leave tt I wanted to wait to get is really not able to balance off my mental health which will affect my baby. If he has to choose between money and health for his wife n child, he rather choose health so he rather I stay hm n b tai tai for the time being n slowly find another job. Hugs. I know not easy for you.
Rach: Thanks for the advice... I think I will seriously weigh the importance. I could Bo chap them but I can't Bo chap my clients... I do not wish to add on to hubby's burden...

Shirlynn: it shouldn't be misunderstanding but more to they do not like my straight forward.

Happy: my hubby did ask me to quit .. Again with the new house on its way.. Currently on rental. With baby on its way... I just couldn't bring myself to tender.

Nevertheless, thanks a lot .. I will seriously consider again....:D
Maybel, understand the pressure when new house coming.. expenses..baby.. more expenses.. do consider.. if you think quiting will put in into greater financial pressure..then hang on till you delivered. At least collect the year end bonus and 4 months maternity before you quit
yup! J noes alrdy n she is looking fwd to bb. she talks to bb everyday!

nthg happen to her. jus dat she used to tell us she will utilise her mc and then HL when she see her GP lor. so, we can also ask gynae to issue HL de, esp since ur gynae noes u had bad ms.
juju.. can ah? I am not sure.. I only have 1 week of HL when I was hospitalised for sever vomitting last round. Other than that all under mc. Dun know why this time my company so stingy..
juju.. hope can lor..

I keep having cramps in the middle of the stomach..about one hand width from breast area.. anyone experience it? Think started 1-2 weeks liao.. but I just think nothing serious.. now wondering if need to see gynea bo
Rach/strawberi, can I ask, is the hospitalisation insurance for babies different from plans like prufirst? I looked through prufirst and it seems more like an endowment plan.. Hospitalisation benefits for bb are not that much. What kind f hospitalisation insurance for bb is good? Thanks!!
Maybel..yup..working.. you only see me here during working hours..kekeke.. last year I was pregnant.. until almost delivering then they managed to find another gal to help out. Or else I one person have to support 4 sales managers and the worldwide business.. 2 gals come in .. less than 3 weeks all run as they worried not able to handle my job when I go for maternity.

Now my job reduced to 1 to 1 support.. more relax..keke
Joy: pru first gift is in fact a investment link plan. Before bb is out it covers mother and some pregnancy complications. When bb is out e policy will be transfer to bb. This is more like a life plan and is totally different to hospitalization plan.

Rach: yup. Like I mention earlier in my post, if u r from NTUC, Aia, pru and GE all ok, I nb say not good ar. In fact they r good but when it comes to Aviva, they do not cover non - standard drugs as well as stem cell as first option.

I mean that what I found out and correct me if I'm wrong.
<font color="aa00aa">Joy, to add on wat strawberries answered, hospitalisation plans tt r v essential r those integrated shield plans..tt provides much beta coverage than medishield alone..Eg, GE's SupremeHealth, AIA's Healthshield..n can b paid using medisave..oni the rider tt gives maximum coverage haf to b paid by cash.. ;) Hope this answers ur qn</font>
Yo morning mummies. Sigh as usual I woke up to pee at 2am n was wide awake till 5am. Yawnz

Hi Joey, like what daphne says, it depends on whether bb is cooperative or not. My Oscar is next week too. *praying hard

Yo shirlynn, thanks dear. I noticed my "spots" now kinda turned into v yellow watery discharge. Keeping fingers crossed that its just normal.

Hi maybel, hugs, it's v sian to work in such lousy environment. Like what other sisters said lor, think u shd balance out the pros n cons. If can, better resign. If cant then just have to tahan till get maternity leave le then leave lor. If they r too much mayb u can lodge a complaint with mom?

Shuyan, Big hugs to u, wishing your boy a god speed recovery. Must b v taxing on u. I know. Cos my dad is still in hospital.

Joy, I'm actually not too sure abt PRUfirst details cos I will b asking my agent to meet me when time is ripe to discuss further. She will enlighten me there n then. She's my friend. Every time I need to claim anything I just apps her n she will settle for me.... Hehe.
Check with u gals, when u go for medical checkup with gynae, do you use your annual leave? or take mc? Or just inform boss u see doc, no need to apply anything?
