(2014/01) January 2014

Daphne: haha... i'm going to try wearing my maternity clothes tomorrow. Maybe we will feel better when wearing loose clothing, including bras. Give it a try. I am wearing skinny pants and quite uncomfy. Not sure if it's the cause. I will eat the iron and fish oil when I rem.

Shuyan: Don't scare us.. till birth?! Yah, i know that feeling.. sometimes, i have to force it out but most times, just air. Better than nothing..

Acadia: Sorry, my gynae doesn't have a package so pay as it goes. So I limit my visits to once a month.

gm, i'm not wearing tight clothings leh..... already wore my maternity pants and it's slightly loose even.... as for bras, already used the extension......

acadia, the package seems to be the norm..... i remember mine was 2.2k 4 yrs ago and includes normal delivery charges already and started from wk 12..... but this time, till now i have no package yet... so at wk 16 when i go for the monthly scan, then will discuss package as i'll be with new gynae liao...
Hey Daph,
I take my multi vits alternate days, but for my folic acid, vit B, Vit D, Iodine and DHA i take everyday. Cause blood test suggest i am low in these vits
morning soon to be noon all!

faye, thanks for ur info!

ju, tmc's food really taste good.. I love their soup :p

THY, wow! so fast know ur bean gender liao!! congrat hee
Oh, does anyone know where can i find a good selection of maternity clothes? I am coming back in Sept for a week and would want to stock up some maternity wear. Thanks!
for tmc confinement food can I order for 1 wk only?? hahaha... looking for substitute as CL will be going back for cny...
Hi Faye, you can try stores like Motherworks (several outlets, biggest being Great World City i think), Maternity Exchange or a few more such stores on Level 3 of Marina Square. They seem to be nicer and less tent-like than some I've seen in say Kiddy Palace
Mummies, m I abnormal? 11.5weeks now. So far I no need use bra extensions. My normal clothings still can fit leh. How come ah....
gbob i also don't need any bra extensions at this point and i'm already hitting 15 weeks!
but started to wear maternity pants for comfort, or use a bella band with my usual work pants unbuttoned le. only part of me that is growing is tummy!
partially starting to show, partially getting more bloated... zzz
Hey Cheer, Oh yeah.. GWC sounds like a place i should go.. seems like there are a few shops there.

I am 12 weeks now and i do not need bra extensiosn as well. Dresses still fit well but some pants are abit tight :p
Phew... I'm paranoid hor. Kan cheong spider. Pardon me girls. Hehe cos I c like many of u r "growing" whereas I'm like same same leh....
GBOB, dun worry so much.. baby now still very small size.. today I wear a tight fitting top and pants. My colleague ask why my stomach still so flat..she look more pregnant than me..

I plan to stop at #2, thats why give away all maternity clothes right after delivery..now headache..need to get more clothes liao.. sigh..till now I am still wearing my "S" size clothings
Daph, I started eating the pills 2 days back, everything is ok except for the fish oil, whenever I took it, the after taste ll remain in my mouth, so like to puke.....

GBOB, dun worry, me too never change my bra size yet, and still wearing my usual clothing... My previous 2 times I can wear my clothes till ard 5 mth...

Shirlynn, me too, give away all my maternity clothes liao, not even that all the baby items all I donate away le, lucky thing is my SIL have birth this year, so can keep some of her baby's stuff.
GBOB, pregnancy makes me loose weight..lol. Few years after delivery I will turn fat.

chen shuyuan.. same here.. I was lucky my last one is gal. My sil gave birth to twin gal the year ago.. so my gal got lots of pass me down clothings

Me too.. actually I wear normal clothes through the whole pregnancy.. but after 5th month / 6th month.. I will wear more stretchable dresses. Even for my last pregnancy, until 5th month, no one can see that I am pregnant.
Thanks shuyan. I feel more at ease now. FTM la so v lost n kan cheong spider. Hehe

Shirlynn, the last I weighed at Gynae I also lost one kg. dnt know now got gain or still losing...
GBOB, dun worry so much on your weight now. The weight will pile like nothing in our later stage. As long as gynea say baby is fine and growing well.. others is just numbers ( estimation only)
GBOB, if this is your 1st preg, usually won't show so early lah..... for me this is my 3rd liao so with the extra fats remaining from the previous 2, tummy just jut out very obviously.... some commented that i'm big for my current state....i look like 5 months preggie! haha....
Daphne, actually my stomach also loose comparing to previous pregnancy. I feel my stomach bigger by end of the day.. my hubby say can see the hump liao
shirlynn, in the morning, i think my stomach only shows slight bump but by night time after dinner.... it's like double in size lor...... and i waddle after dinner! even my colleagues commented that i'm starting to waddle slightly! jialat... but i know that my weight gain is also due to water retention.... i can see myself getting puffy at the fingers and colleagues also commented that my face bloated up liao..... i think for the 3rd one, the water retention etc just comes up earlier.... i used to bloat last time only end of 2nd trimester but this one..... end of 1st trimester i bloat liao.....
Re: MS,
I read online there are 20-30% of woman will get MS and out of these 20-30%, 2-3% will have MS till birth.

Re: Gyane package,
I'm not sure u girls are referring to prenatal visit package or delivery package.

My Gyane charge:
Prenatal: $650 - 11 visits (before gst)
Normal Delivery: $1300(before gst)
Assist delivery : $1600(before gst)
C sec delivery : $2100(before gst)

Re: maternity clothes,
Yes I have already started wearing them as my pants can no longer fit my fat tummy. I'm not slim to start with so that's y.
do you gals snack after lunch? What snacks do you eat? I'm always eating chips and thought of eating something different.
Daphne, so fast you water retention liao ah.. normally I have that at 3rd tri.. I use my wedding ring as a guage.. so far still wearing fine. Then I think I have to go and get some comfort sandals liao.. I usually go for scholl or hush puppies sandals to wear when I walk like penguin..keke..right now still wearing my heels..keke

Strawberries..regarding MS.. dun think about it so much.. pregnancy stuffs quite pantang one.. thats why everyday I can only cross fingers.. yty evening I merlion out my dinner, tea break and lunch .. tried to take some yakult.. more come out.. dun dare to take anymore stuffs.. end up sleeping with a growling stomach
shirlynn, yeah 2 distinct feature always follow me when i'm preggie..... 1st is my nose..... my nose will enlarge and it's been my trademark.... again my last 2 preg, the nose only enlarge during mid or end of trimester 2. this one, by the time i'm in my 9 wks, my nose enlarge liao..... and that's how my relatives knew / guessed me preg cos of my nose! it will just shrink back once i deliver haha.... the second feature is my water retention.... imagine i gained 16kg for my 1st preg and my bb is only 2.7kg and after deliver, i had about 8 - 10 kg left with me and my whole body still so puffy... gynae say i have bad water retention..... only after my confinement with the post-natal massage to remove retention, then i'm left with 4 - 5kg...
For me, my MS comes only at night. It was throughout the day from week6-week10. So now much better le..

I snack on almonds or fruits. But occasionally will snack on chocolate and chips. Sometimes we all need a bit of comfort food :p
sigh... all i can say is i look my worst during preggie..... i envy those who look radiant during preggie..... even my previous bosses whom i had when i was preggie say i look totally like 2 different person..... no wonder my current boss finds it amusing that i'm changing so fast with my looks.... pimples popping out when i never have pimples on my face and hair is limp.... sigh......
daphne: haha.. they say if mummy is ugly, then it will be a gal.

They say that I do not look preg from the back so unless they see me from front, no one will know I am preg. This is not good as always get knock or push.

ZZZ monsters caught up with me liao.
gm, haha..... we will see..... but so far that myth not true for me..... my #1 and #2 are girl but i look much better than now..... at least i bother to dress up with make up etc and always likes to shop for new dresses and i have no pimples .... this one is total opposite.... i hate to think of what to wear and i am too lazy to even apply basic cream to the face, whatmore foundation.... literally just powder and lipgloss and off to work! hee...
yeah, from behind also cannot tell me preg only fatter... but from side view, my tummy is so obvious....
Daphne, maybe this one is a boy..thats why is so different.. crossing fingers for you ..kekeke

I was around 48 kg when I pregnant with #1, MS cause me to fall to 43kg by 3rd month. Before delivery I up to 65 kg. Baby was 3.415 kg. After delivery.. I dropped to 56 kg.. by end of my confinement, I was 45 kg
So its normal to hv water retention! Gynae & my mum were abit worried abt water retention so early! I had it since abt 10 wks!

Re maternity wear.
Think cos i put on some weight and cos its #2, i started wearing extensions and looser clothings from wk 6 onwards. Else i feel very tight, like cannot breathe.

Today 2 aunties asked me. 1) boy or gal? Guess my tummy really showing cos i nvr tell them. 2) due liao ah? I was like... Zzz... Sure boh, so small can due liao
yes ju, i think u can order the confinement food from TMC online if you don't deliver there.

Lynhope, i am not too sure if you can order for 1 week only, i only saw it can order for lunch only or for dinner and lunch. you may want to check with TMC?

mei2, ^5!! i also love the confinement meals and soups from TMC!

GM, nt really true leh, when i preg with boy or gal, I look ok, hehehe.

sigh!!! i think my ms come back again, been having nausea whole day for the past 2 days. The only thing i can stomach is photo chips, sinful!!!!

Cant wait for my checkup next monday but am going to take the yucky drink for the blood test, yucks yucks!!!

THY, congrats on knowing ur bb's gender! nt sure if i will know my bb gender on next checkup or nt, but when i preg with my 3rd one, i already knew bb is a boy when i am 11-12 weeks preg, bb was very anxious to show us his didi hahahaa!
haha juju, i will also have to ask my gynae if it's normal to have water retention so early... cos my previous 2, i don't have it so early.... only mid of 2nd trimester onwards... but this one, i don't eat a lot but i gained fast.... as of now by night time, it's 4kg gain! it's too fast liao and i worry too about sugar level so now cutting out my sweets... today no mint sweets and i'm nausea since morning till now.... arrgghhh...

bblove, my this bb during scan also got show his birdie but sonographer say will confirm during 20wk scan.... my gynae refuse to comment say too early to tell! my previous 2, sonographer were right in guessing girl.... so hopefully this time she is correct! hee....
Re: water retention,
How do u girls know u all have water retention? Puffy? I felt my head to toes all puffy.. Lol... I can't tell whether is it puffy or fat.. Lol
juju.. your aunties so kua zhang ah.. for my last pregnancy.. even at 5th month, my mil sisters cannot see that I am pregnant, still asking me when I want to have #2. Ask me must not go on diet, must eat more.. getting more and more skinny.. face so sharp.. I was mmmmmmm..kekeke.. mil and hb also
no comments.

GBOB, if spotting..then be a good gal dun move around so much..rest well.. use a ipad to chit chat with us here..

Today my HR tell me my MC for this financial year is used up.. will be deducting from my AL for my future MC.. die liao la
shirlynn, u MC cos of ms? lucky my current boss quite understanding.... during the time when my ms was peaking, she allow me to work from home instead of taking MC.....
shirlynn, can use hospital leave? When i preg with #1, i used up all my mc, then i checked with HR, i can use hospital leave, so i asked gynae to issue hospital leave for me. Maybe check with ur HR if u can use hospitalization leave?
shirlynn, ya i hope so too.... sonographer got capture that birdie and circle it for me but she also put a ? beside it.... haha... but i also don't want to have high hopes in case i'm disappointed later.... my mum and mil have very high hopes liao.....

my hb's cousin in law also preggie with 1st one and is 1 month ahead of me... her tummy is so flat... even my aunt in law say i look so much bigger when i'm 1 month behind her dil.... cannot believe that i'm 1 month behind haha.... tot i'm at least 2 mths ahead....
To me boy or gal is ok for me, as long as baby is healthy. My 2nd son is very sicky, on n off hospitalized, do all sort of tests, poked here n there, draw blood every now and then just to find the cause. I see liao I really very heartpain, and pray for a healthy baby....
shuyan i agree healty bb is most impt.... my eldest one also a lot of problems when she was a bb.... really gave me a lot of stress and heartpain too..... she had a hernia op when she was only 2 months old... though it's minor op but for me to bring her to the ot and see her knock out with the gas... it's something that i refused to see it again and guess what? I had an asthma attack right after that... i ended in the A&E of the hospital! and when she was 2.5 yrs old, she went for a tonsil removal ops cos her tonsils was too huge and it's affecting her airway causing her not able to breathe properly at night and affecting her growth... this time, i made my hubby bring her to ot while i wait outside..... so i agree, nothing is more impt than a healthy child...
oh ya, just want to also remind all to remember to buy insurance for your bb once out..... after the incidents with my elder girl, i realized the importance of insurance and how it helps in situations like this..... esp financially...
hello daphne!
if i'm not wrong, u r my sis's frd (ant1712)hehee..

i've been reading this thread, my EDD is 8 jan.. =)

hello all mummies!
curry yeah i think i know who you are too...... hehe.... finally u join here liao.... she told me your edd and mine the same too....
Hey mummies
I know we cant scratch our tummy cos it will leave stretch mark, how abt shaving?

I try alotof cream but my tummy still itchy...

I m very worry I will stretch mark soon
Anybody know can this stretch mark be remove?
Daphne, I saw my son been knocked off so many times le, till I'm so numb u know, from medication to injection to GA, all sorts of sedation he tried before liao, and he is only 3 this year. Insurance is really very important, really must buy... Cos we never know when we ll need it, for my son he had admitted to hospital so many time ranging from 3 days to 3 weeks, but all covered by insurance. If not I cannot imagine all my medisave ll be wipe out....
shuyan yeah! my eldest first op, no insurance and i have to cough out from own pocket and medisave... then i quickly go get one... and really for the 2nd op which is soooooo expensive (in 5 digit range), it's all covered..... really thank god for insurance...

musicgenie, actually hor, my gynae told me stretch mark is genetic one so hor, all those creams may not help much and i never use them.... hee hee.... there's also a saying that if your tummy itches most of the time, it means your bb has a lot of hair... it seems true for my 2 girls.... my tummy itch so much that i kept scratching them and both my girls really lotsa hair..... so far i have no stretch marks on my tummy... only on my thigh but not a lot....

ohh... that's very qiao! actually i did post a few much earlier, then busy then stopped posting ald...

wishing all mummies a smooth smooth preg... though me is bloated n puke like don't know what..
