(2014/01) January 2014

Juju > I will still eat if puke. Cos I eat anything also will puke. But LS is serious business. Will siam liao. Scare liao

Gbob > I'm also taking alot of spicy and sour food because of nausea. If no spicy no appetite... And I need lots of chilli padi, even in my porridge. lol. But I think not good to take too much cos will cause constipation
Miracle - thanks for sharing ur experience on amino . So if mat T21, is it to be done after oscar , or replaces oscar too ? N does mat T21 test for same things ? I did oscar for #1, result was borderline so it's same risk n probability of doing amino . Instead I went for 2nd opinion at Camden to do a genetic scan which is more thorough than oscar. Amino remains to be the most ac curate test
nidellia, oic thanks! I still tot of asking isit possible to do all together :p

mummies, please oso drink more water during this period.. haze is terrible
Some tips to get thru this hazy period.

Drink at least 2 litres of water a day

The key is to stay hydrated. Haze toxins absorbed by our lungs and skin force our kidneys to work extra hard, hence we need to help them in excreting the toxins by staying hydrated.

Stay away from alcohol & coffee

In regards to the previous point, alcohol and coffee dehydrate our system – which makes it even harder for the kidneys to function in hazy days like these. It is hard to go coffee-less, but stay strong for the sake of well-functioning kidneys!

Boost your immunity with superfoods

Healthy diet is important at all times, but in hazy days – it is a definite must. If you are determined to not suffer from scratchy throat or runny nose, then do your part: eat healthily. Make sure you have sufficient daily intake of: protein, calcium, refined carbs, and ‘good’ fats. With balanced diet – you should have enough amount of vitamin C, E, and Omega-3 without having to source them from capsules.
Hi mummies ,
Would like to join this family. Am a silent reader of this thread as am down w serious ms and miscarriage before , thus, wait till more safe then join in ...
Edd is 22 jan 2014 and now 9 weeks 1 day.

Talking about constipation , I am constipated for coming one month this Friday . Gynae gave me duphalac but no use , I buy fybogel also no use . Totally no urge at all . But these few days started to feel bloated and like something is stuck to my throat . Called Gyane, he ask me go mount e see a specialist.
Was thinking if any mummies here went through this before and can I just go normal gp instead . Cause mount e will sure cost me a bomb right .... Any alternatives mummies ??
elanmum, u mean u have constipated for 1 month?
i constipate for coming 3 days i already feel so terrible.... maybe you want to try prune juice? that usually helps..... i'm trying it later to see if it helps me... for me, usually coffee with milk will work cos milk tends to have laxatives effect on me but i cannot drink pure milk at the moment and somehow it will only work with coffee and my mum has banned me from coffee

if you go gp, sometimes they may also ask u go see specialist cos of your preggy situation....
i think i'm seeing a bit of light today..... ms seems to be better now except when i sneeze and only at night..... i hope it doesn't get worse....
The haze is so bad. I'm almost always with blocked nose these days.

Yesterday went for my routine gynae check and baby will be week 12 this weekend. Yeah...1 more week to kiss goodbye to first trimester.

Anyone going Oscar test at Novena Medical? TMC appointment is full and they got me to go Novena next Friday.
Hi vee ,

Thanks and congrats to u too ....


Seriously, it's one month and I'm like gonna burst .
Feeling really v terrible plus the haze makes me so breathe less. Also think of the factor that gp might ask me back to specialist . Haiz .... Just bought prune juice, hope it helps ...
At this moment, milk makes me puke. Ms makes me No appetite , vomited at least twice a week . Feel so jelly ....
Hello all mummies here.

I am into my 9 week today. This is my 3rd baby. my first 2 are both C-Section so this one definitely has to be too. When i was pregnant with the first 2 children i didn't think about the pain but just want to see the babies. This being the 3rd time i seem to have less courage.

Also when to see the gynae for the first time for this pregnancy. The charges went up by S$30 compared to 3 years ago when i saw her. Consultation, urine test and scan is total S$153. the increase is too steep i think. Could anyone recommend any gynae who is more affordable and good in TMC? Thank you.
Hi elanmum, I've been given senokot to soften bowels by my gynae. You may want to check with your gp or gynae.

Dear all, psi is 371. Goodness. Think when we are indoors also must wear mask ya?
Thanks for the explanation.

I also suffer constipation but becos I endure....
I got the feeling in the middle of the nite 3 or 4am, can't really get up to do

My constipation the most s 3days. I hope it won't affect baby
Hi Tracy ,
My gynae also increase . About same price as yours ..
Ur gynae package also increase? Or just consultation.

Hi starry ,
Thanks for the name, will check w my gynae .

Think constipation wont affect baby , so envy u , three days only ....
As for cosmetic , I stop using lei , only apply sunblock . Also wondering what brand can use .

Hugs hugs .... I also have infection few weeks back ... No worry. U will be fine ....
Hi Mummies, would like to join this warm chat grp.
My edd is 17 Jan 2014.
Have been anxious about the pregnancy coz having brown discharge off and on and every little thing cause me to jump with worry.
Having my second gynae visit this sat. Hope bb is growing well......
Hi Tracy, I'm having my #3 too.. first 2 pregnancies were csect too.. I'm seeing Dr Ang from Tmc, clinic at Sun plaza.. been seeing him previously too, he's well known for his experience, patience and affordable package..
Thanks JoynPeace, read the article after seeing your post about Materni-T21 Plus! Very informative, thank you. Hi Btil, you should have a read of the article today, it's very comprehensive.
my symptoms all gone since last week!! next week seeing my gynae..3 weeks since i last seen the scan!! excited abt it.. Gonna end my 1st trim soon!! woo hooo..
Today whole day homebound. Super sian. Lucky brought my gal home, so we baked some choc cupcakes. Hee...

Anyone's edd ard 21 jan & delivering at Mt A?
juju: i also delivering at MT A. but edd 10 Jan..

Not sure if the prices increase alot or not.. my previous time i delivered there Csec 4bedded (i opt to stay 2nights onli) bill was $5k+. Cash $1.4k in total.. u??
My #1 was delivered in kkh. Natural birth wif induction, 4.5k total, 1.2k cash for single bed room?

Im hoping to stay single bed in Mt A cos thinking to hv hb & #1 to bunk in together
Hi juju,

I'm delivering at mt A and edd 22 jan . Maybe will be earlier cause its my 3rd baby ... Hoping baby can come out on 21st
Cause it's my #2 birthday ^ ^
I heard from my friend, use good brand will do but I didnt ask her cos i cant reveal my pregnancy yet must wait 3mth pandan :p

gd for you !
Ya lor , if both same girls lagi best ... Lol

Music genie,
I also pandan.. Lol .... But told my in laws already . Have to book my mil for confinement in advance , if not , she will go overseas le ....
vee, musicgenie,
i think it's the retinol content or something.

im not pantang, but scared disappointment in case smthg happens. i only told both immed families & close frens
Thanks juju

i also not pantang. But instead disappointment.
But still, there r some stuff that ppl say, I will follow.
Better be safe than sorry ;)
Juju, I stay at Mt A, single bedded for #2. 2 bedded for #1.

One bedded is so much better, nobody to disturb you. Have all the privacy. Mt A one bedded got different rooms. So you have to see which one you want to choose as different pricing too.

For pantang, I never tell people until they ask me ..as I lost so much weight and look sickly each day with the morning sickness. My microphone in office helped to announce to whole company liao..everyone knows I am pregnant.
Thanks GBOB. Yah, i agree. So scary.....

Heaven,Thanks for sharing. I just bought an air purifier. Hoping to at least breathe in cleaner air at home.

Musicgenie, I also did not tell anyone. I just hope that first tri can pass soon.

Juju and T_T: I am also delivering at Mt A But edd is at 17 Jan.

Mummies, anyone noes if we can drink chrysanthemum tea? They say it's good to combat the haze.
Do we have a list of the mummies and their EDD dates?

My EDD change from 11 Jan to 6 Jan when I visit my gynea last week. But I think I should be delivering end Dec to beginning of Jan.

Anyone around same date as me , Mt A??
Happygal, I am drinking all the "liang stuffs" as my body was heaty. Having fever, bodyache, sore throat.. till now still have running nose which started from last wednesday.

Everything in moderate amount should be fine I think
elanmum, I was thinking if to csect on #2 bday anot.. 25th Jan.. haha.. one cake settle for both..
musicgenie, as long as we just be careful of going outdoor and drink more water on our part, the haze will clear and our baby will be fine..
happygal, I have a purifier but it's in my kids room.. it's useful at least I have seen improvement in my #2 allergy.. the past 6mths of using it, good investment..
I have been drinking chrysanthemum, everything can be drank, in moderation..
ya i think at the current haze weather should be ok to drink chrysanthemum.... i'm also going to boil that for my kids and myself...... the haze is causing my #1 sinus to act up badly...
it's even causing my ms to worsen cos i tend to sneeze more and cough more and with that, i end up vomitting.... now has become a daily affair when i don't vomit for the past few weeks.... even my eyes are tearing..... damn the haze....
heaven, my sil has her #1 and #2 very close too in terms of date... i think just few days apart.... so they always celebrate together and quite fun cos will have 2 themes.... cos it's a boy and a girl.....
My Edd is 1st feb. im still hoping the bb comes earliest on 31st Jan. So can be the same as my brother who sayang me a lot.

oh dear, all mummies pls take good care. haze is soooooo bad.
Can share how much for natural delivery single bed?
Hope ur ms is better.

Ya, now the air is so bad, im not even stepping out. My gal is not gg to sch too. I regret not chionging for purifier
Juju, Have to check my hospital bill. Let you know...

Actually its better if the kids go childcare if its air conditioned, I on the aircon the moment we reach home..think this month utility bill will be ....

If worried about the electricity bill... Another option is to on the fan, but pit a damn cloth in front of the fan to trap the particles. Or put a body of water near to the fan. It helps.
