(2014/01) January 2014

Gbob > I also didn't know until my friend told me. Wah, when her bb come out already super attached to the daddy's voice. Mummy's voice the bb bo chup one loh. Haha. Lucky she told me lah. :D

CL - ya I think our #1 &2 age difference (16/17 months) the same ! Great to know someone that is in similar situation as me :) was ur #1 c sect or natural ? Mine is c sect and was worried abt conceiving so soon. We had to start trying early cos of age n we were told before #1 it's v tough for us to conceive
Btil > my #1 is natural birth. Also difficulty conceiving so wanted to start early for #2... If not by then age will also become a huge problem! Haha. We will survive, ya?

Vee > no probs! memory still fresh so hope the info helps!
Miracle > soooo happy to see you here too! Like finally 苦尽干来 already! :D Congrats and have a happy & healthy 9 months!
CL, indeed right.....a lot of hard work and the stress that we all go through each cycle....:)....I actually got here after MIA for 1 cycle bo chap and left it to nature! God's Will. at least we are here now....wishing you the same thru your 9 mths, smooth, happy and healthy journey with bb! :)
CL - we will survive ba :) lets take a step at a time but I personally can't help but think a few steps ahead n then make myself worry lol
anyone here planning to get a post natal massage lady? or anyone has any recommendations? i used to try this Chinese lady for my #1 and she is good but it seems now she is no longer doing massage but running her own spa centre so no time. The second one was a old malay lady recommended by my colleague and she is good too but not sure if she will still do massage cos she quite old already and also busy with looking after her grandchildren.... so thinking of looking out for a good and recommended one....
THY, currently I'm seeing Dr Thong but will have to switch after my Oscar test as she doesn't do delivery now. She was the one that delivered my #1 and #2.... so will see which gynae under her panel that she will ask me to consider.... i think it will be either Dr Tony Tan or Dr Lee I Wuen...
Hi Gals,

Still troubled by my morning sickness. Have been eating porridge for weeks Normally prefer vegetables.

Do not take too much orange juice, my cousin say she took during her #2 pregnancy, her gal keep having cough problem

Juju.. hope you are ok liao
Hi Mommies~~

Wooo just a week i din log in so mani new mommies!!! How's everything peeps!!!? I went back to work and all my unwellness were gone.. lolz.. resting too much at home makes me unwell!!
i start on a part time job. helping my fren to cover her while she go on leave for 2weeks.. just to kill time and get some income~ hee..
For constipation.. take more vegetables..prune juice?

For me so far..maybe I eat too much despite all the morning sickness...

Once wake up will need to go toilet
Hi mummies, just went for my first trimester screening. Some called it Oscar. Fetal scan is fine. Can see bb so active jumping around. So nice and happy. However when combined with blood test results, the hcg was alright. Just that the pppa-a blood test considered low at 0.4. Thus it puts me at higher risk of 1:114. A bit worried. We hv decided to go for amnio at 16 weeks. Hopefully I can tahan these few weeks till jul 22. Anyone of you have been thru this?
GBOB: Yes i found but they onli want me start on 1 July.. den happened that my fren asked me for help ma.. so i just accept the part time lor.. here also ask me stay on but i rejected.. hee..
For mummies working part time, not sure if you are aware of this. Something to share with you...

The government has introduced a new government-paid maternity leave benefit (GPMB) which provides economically-active women who do not qualify for paid maternity leave with a cash benefit. It provides them with some income when they are not working in the months after childbirth.

Mothers will receive the GPMB if they have worked an aggregate of at least 90 days in the 12 calendar months (for one or more employers) before the birth of their child, and if they do not already qualify for paid maternity leave.

The GPMB is equivalent to the Government-paid portion of maternity leave (i.e. 8 weeks for 1st and 2nd births; 16 weeks for 3rd and subsequent births). GPMB will be calculated based on your gross rate of pay in the 12 calendar months before childbirth, divided over 365 days to obtain a daily GPMB rate.

Mothers will be eligible for the GPMB if:

(i) Your child is born on or after 1 Jan 2013; and

(ii) Your child is a Singapore Citizen; and

(iii) You were lawfully married to your child’s father at the point of conception or birth; OR if you marry the child’s father within 12 months of the delivery date and

(iv) You have been in employment for a total of at least 90 days in the 12 calendar months before the birth of your child; and

(v) You do not already qualify for maternity leave.

If you require more information regarding the GPMB, please call our hot-line at 1800 439 2229.
Shan, it means for every 114 bb, there will be one who has down syndrome. I know it's just a probability. Can't help worrying.
GBOB: thanks! How about you?? doing good?? how mani weeks alr? i just completed week 10 on Mon.. coming 11... 28weeks to go!!
Shan, actually i am scare also hehe but i still want to try if i could. You will be giving birth in Gleneagles? Maybe we have a chance of seeing each other lol! But 31st is CNY day right?

Nidellia, be positive ok? Your lil one will be blessed and will be fine.
Gbob, dun worry. I also no nausea or ms.

Alexis, thanks. I will try to be positive and pray n hope for the best. It's really very exciting to see baby on screen this morning. The whole scan took 1 hour. Can see bb jumping about, hands waving, legs moving and jerking body. The sonographer at times hv to nudge bb to change position in order to get a better picture. She says bb is active. We r so amazed.
TT, me 8.5 weeks nia... Still long way to go. I cnt wait for first trim to b over.

Nidellia, think we r v lucky we not suffering from ms ya. Dnt worry too much for your little one ya. I'm sure everything will b fine. Easier said than done I know but just try to b as zen as possible. It must have been a real cool n happy experience for u this morning to c bb for so long!
Gbob, thanks. Time will fly very fast. You approaching 9 weeks le. Jia you! I will try not to worry as I know worry will not change a thing. Yes it's very good experience for me n hubby. But this test is optional. I know some ladies opted out.
GBOB: oh.. ok la.. we are not very far apart.. but i went to KKH they say my EDD is 10 Jan.. urs so far away? 30th is CNY Eve. 31st is 1st day of CNY!!!!!
Nidellia, so fun to see bb for 1hr!! My scan will be on 26 jul and blood test in 16 jul.. is urs separated too? And oso ur baby will be fine!
Surprisingly..... My constipation stopped when I got pregnant.... Maybe cos I'm not so stressed already since not working? Or maybe cos I have been eating yogurt almost every day? I don't know... And now I'm also going to the toilet more often (last time once in like 3 or 4 days)
TT, my edd 25 jan. usually will pop slightly earlier right? That's what I heard. Lolx

Nidellia, best not to worry lor like what u say worry also no use. ☺

Today I LS twice... Dnt knw y...
Nidellia, I did amnio for #2, the doc who did it specializes in doing amnio and she was very skillful and careful as well. I could see the process on screen if I wanted to but I preferred not to. They use a needle to extract fluid to do a 100% test which is accurate and you can even know your baby's sex if you want to. It's invasive test, not painful at all surprisingly and was very fast, in and out. After that, they will need you to have full bed rest for 3 days, don't do anything at all if you can help it and move slowly and carefully.

I may have to do this too but I'm intending to ask doctor is Materni-T 21 blood test is available. I heard it is just blood test, 99% accurate and non invasive and the latest as oppose to CVS and Amnio. I'm not sure if Materni-T 21 is available in Singapore but I'll try asking your gynae if I were you to have other options too, and apparently, you can also do Materni-T 21 earlier than 16 weeks.
Gbob, ya will try to take things easy!! Can eat nasi lemak ma?? Contains coconut milk. Thought we r supposed to avoid coconut.

Miraclebaby, oh full bed rest for 3 days. The way u describe amnio makes it so simple and quick! Oh not sure materni-21 blood test available or not. Is it really that accurate?
GBOB must be the coconut and the chilli lah!! aiyo, becareful ok....hehe....

Hi Nidellia, well I did full bed rest, as you do feel a bit of pain after that when you walk, so even if you try walk fast also cannot. hehe. so rest is best. I just spoke to my hubby and we'll go for the Materni-T21 Blood test anytime compared to Amnio if that option is available and now I know it is available in Singapore thru Parkway Health so I will try to push my gynae to let me do that instead of Amnio. Between 98.6% accuracy and 99.99% accuracy I think I can stomach and take the chances on the blood test rather than the risk of a miscarriage. I was also worried when I did the Amnio and lucky all went well. It is a very fast and easy process, no blood drawn or anything scary (except I did see the very LONG needle!) otherwise I closed my eyes and tried to relax and follow what the doc told me to do breath in out etc....
Nidellia, oops. I dnt know leh. I tot cooked coconut milk shd b ok... Geez

Miracle, ya ya I ate alot of chilli! The chilli damn awesome lah and my taste buds recently haywire leh need spicy or sour food to perk appetite up. Hehe
