(2013) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

congrats dragon gal and tigermumm...

today CD 10 and tested its neg le...sad...

can i ask u mummies if i see line mean i O that day or 2 days later?
ONe taken at 6 plus, and one 8plus.
first time using this kind of easy preg kit. My hubby instinct is better than mine. lol

But tink still too early to see doc...

hope to spread bb dust!!
Tigermum: Congrats!!!
tt's pretty dark lines... Think i shld change nick to include 'tiger' or 'tigress' or 'dragon'!! Heh heh, seeing tt nicks with zodiac animals have all strike!! ;)

If ur af's regular then bb'd b ard 3 wks old? Higher hcg level.. Ard a wk more shld b able to see heartbeat isit? So nice!!
Shirvin: welcome!!

Vanilla04: think it may b failed ovulation? Body will attempt to ovulate again.. Same thg happened for my last cycle.. Line appears to be there, tho nt v dark then no more ler, then af still dun come.. So went to see gynae to kickstart a new cycle, got provera but seems like my dosage's pretty high.. Think ea pill's 10mg then doc asked me to take 3 per day.. Read abit online, then decided nt to take the med..

Went to tcm instead, got some med n ard a wk aft i fin tt wk's tcm dosage, o came.. Got me v puzzled, so searched online, seems like body'd attempt to o and then if due to some factors, cant o successfully, body'd try to p again when the conditions' right..




Ah congrats tigermum, tigress and dragon!! You can all set up Jan thread le

You kicked start your menses with chinese med? Did it start immediately? Maybe I should visit doc for med...
Cheryl: maybe ya wanna con testing? Mine used to have ewcm together with positive opk but lost those signs since jan.. :p

Topsy: actually i thought so too, tt zodiac clash maybe nt too gd, But there's a fortune teller tt we heard giving talks during cny tt dragon n dogy clash but apparently, if a doggy mummy had a dragon bb, the dragon bb'd b exceptionally fillal leh.. Btw, if ya clash with snakey, then ya's zodiac is the piggy?

M hoping for a dragon too but no matter hw i count, seems like v tight timeline coz my af jus started nt too long ago n ended today.. So guess shall try for snake bb bah..

Chipsnchops: yar, actually i wanted af to come so went to find gynae, then chickened out when i checked online n found tt the dosage of provera prescribed seems kinda high, so in the end, i sought 2nd opinion fr tcm.. Given a wk's med, then waited ard a wk for af, but it din come, monitored and found my o instead, so i called the tcm to chk, n the sinseh said tt need to induc o then can have af.. Dunno hw true is it coz i read abt annovulatory (unsure of spelling) cycle, so nt sure if af need be preceeded by o anot, but anw, since the tcm found back my o, i din really bother abt hw the med works.. Haha..

The provera tt the gynae prescribed, said to consume 3pills of 10mg per day for consec 5 days, then gynae said tt when taking the pills, af wont come, but once stop, give it 3 days to mac a wk, af'll come.. So i went to tcm, thinking tt it'd be faster.. :p but turned out equally slow.. Haha..
congrats littledragongirl,tigress and tigermum..just this mth alone,we haf so many grad alr..hoping to get bbdust from you gals this cycle..take rest,relax and rest well..

the rest of the ttc gals,jia you and I believe 1 day it will be out turn..
bewildered: Thanks so much for giving me the links... Thank you so much...

Perhaps i should go to gyane and ask for a scan then can see exactly what is going on with my follicle. If not likely to O. Then perhaps i'll ask for an induce for menses so i can start my cycle with clomid. haiz...
wow tigermum

congrats, catches ur babydust hehe.

i usually got ewcm de. but last period, dun have ewcm. lolx... but menses still come very zhun.

test the opk earlier ard 8plus. still neg.. anyway i usually O ard cd 16-18... tml cont test
Now, the cramps are starting to get me worried!
Already got a jab and taking hormone pills le so tot the womb would have started to relax? Why am I still cramping? :'(
Really hope beanie can and will stick!

Jiayou for the rest!
Cheryl: think the timing to use opk's twice during the time period stated in the book...


1st morn urine's usu to test for pregnancy..

For me, m v bent on trying for last cycle, so i kiasu n tested 4 times a day, morn, mid morn,mid aftn n nite.. Haha..

Vanilla04: erm, mayb ya wanna see tcm first? I saw both gynae n tcm coz i dun dare take the gtnae's med.. Mayb, jus maybe, if possible, can take a short break/holiday so tt can relax abit n mayb o'd come? Maybe a trip to batam, bintan, m'sia etc?

Coz tt time when my o went missing since jan till mar, i tooktcm but when af still din come, i sorta gave up my dream for a dragon bb, so was kinda or maybe abit relaxed, then o came, nt sure if tis due to chi med or my slightly more relaxed mood etc.. Guess both helps bah...

Good Luck & Hope tt ur O will come soon!!

Tigress/tigermum1984: hw yall doing today?

Jarol: Jiayou, hope tt ur lil beanie'll be an extremely sticky one!! Ya wanna call ur gynae to ask if ya feeling worried? Stay positive n ya's lil beanie'll stay wi ya!! Dun worry okie?

Ya took the progestrone jab? Read online tt progestrone will be in the womb or sthg when pregnancy occurs so as to make the womb 'sticky' to hold the bb, so dun worry too much... Take good care...
Lmp - last menstrual period - AF
hee ... Ya looks like 3-4weeks... Can make appt for 6thweek then can see hb ... Good luck !

Sigh don't know if missed my O ... Also contemPlating tcm but dont like taking the meds
Morning ladies, nv had a full meal as my boy vomit big time, so hardpain... He puke out all his dInner.. Hai now very hard to Feed him eat..

Then I wake up at 2.30 cos too hungry.. Grab some instant vitasoy n just drInk.. At least can sleep a bit..

Ya tink it's still early to go see gynae. Still wait n see.. I still have those tinkling crampy feeling.. Sianz. Hope everything is ok.. Seems like loose stool is one of the symptom?
Congrats Tigermum!! So happy for you!
Tigermum- when did u last tested the preg kit? I'm tested negative yest.

Babylove- yes in missing my AF. Last AF is 27/3.
bewildered: yup, I took the progesterone jab... I'm feeling much better this morning! So let's hope the cramps will remain away and that I'm just unduly worried!

You trying for this last cycle for dragon? Jiayou n bb dust to u!

missy: you got bd during this period? No harm bd every 3-4 days once even if O din show up on the opk?
I've been on tcm for 2 cycles and viola! 1 course is 2 weeks of tcm to strengthen the eggs and another 2 weeks of tcm to protect the embryo in case fertilization takes place.

is it very crampy?? when i preg with my boy.. the 1st few week of pregnancy was oso alittle cramp. but doc say it normal due to expand of uterus.
Thanks Mrs Tan

But still early le... cant wait to see doc first..

My AF suppose to be on 26 April, tested next day also neg.. then yest i open letter box cos i order
from Gmarket (so much cheaper, now then i realise)

then tested in late evening, tested twice since i bought 3.
cheryl: Had been mild the past 2 weeks with ocassional sharp pain, but it was very crampy yday... However, tdy not so le!
I din have such cramps with my #1 and thus it got me worried...

Mrs Tan: There's high chance!
missy, thanks for the well wishes. I hope you can join me soon! The TTC journey is not easy, I worked so hard for more than a year, and strike when I least expected
Hi ladies, thanks all for the well wishes. Today is CD29 or DPO17 for me. The lines are getting darker today, I still cannot believe it!

Thanks Tigermum & LittledragonGirl!
Recently, my #1 girl likes to suck her little toes..thus my mum says there is a possibility im gg to have #2 soon..and it got me worried as i dun believe such "old belief".

Do you have such cases where ur #1 is a little more cranky and likes to suck his/her little toes?
Tigermum you are not alone. I am also experiencing cramps & sharp abdominal pains, though not very frequent. I read on-line that it's common as the uterus is stretching. Nevertheless, I will call my Gynae for advise since I am considered 高龄产妇.
<font color="aa00aa">Tigermum,
So heng to have more grads this mth.
More to come..more to come.
Hope the other ladies here will all grad too!

Its normal to feel some cramping here and there.
Just relax and monitor.</font>
wah congrats to tigeress,tigermum, lildragon girl... so many grads ready...

hope to see more.. rene hw about u? what ur feeling?

Jia you the rest of mummies!!
Mrs tan, my boy like to suck toe last time.. Now he is older turning two, nv suck le.. I don't believe these.. Not true to me

As long as your Af haven report, still got chance. Your Af date is so near mine

Tigeress, how old is your #1? I feel so tired to carry my boy n he demand me to carry him.. He will just walks a few steps n will just walk infront of me wanting my attention..

I'm feeling ok now just waiting for time so that can see my #2

Any idea I need appointment one right? I forget Liao..
Cfm a lot of ppl de..
Tigermum, my #1 is already 5 years old.

I made an appointment with my Gynae tomorrow. Super kiasu, no choice old liao.
Congrats tigermum!!! Line is getting more obvious.. hcg is catching up... Catches your baby Dust!!!

I know there is this pregnancy kit that's quite good.. its called biotest..anyone.heard of it? can be purchase.from either Watson or guardian.. less den 10 bucks
Mrs Tan,
my last AF was on 16mar. 35 days cycles should expect af to report on 23 april. Till not no sign yet. Hope to catch the bbdust too.
Cftongtan: Biotest can test pretty low hcg.. I used it for.my first pregnancy with both biotest and clearblue and apparently biotest gave a more clearer result.. I was actually a week late for my af.. so decided to go test for it and biotest kit gave me a dark solid two lines whereas clearblue gave a faint line.. but was still abit kiasu. went to clinic to double confirm.. found out was 5 weeks preggy..
yeh... no see O but still BD ... not sure if tonight can BD or not ...
we BD on CD 12 and CD 14 ... today CD 16 ... still can BD ... hahaha... provided hb gets home before i KO ... arghhxxx... !

anyway congrats once again to tigermum and tigress !!! Wish u both sticky stick bbs !

to the others, JY !! will be our turn soon ... i hope... hahaha!

looks like TCM is the way to go ?
Mrs Tan,
I last tested on 1may and it was a BFN. But i doubt tt hcg was low to be detecte. My guess is i din strike this round. Only this cycle's symptom is very strange. On 24 experience low backache n breast is sensitive. Thot Af reporting. Few days later backache gone n breast is soft. Now experience lower backache, loose tool n giddyness. Dun know what happened to system.
congrats dragongal, tigermum and tigress..

i need baby dust!!!

BD on CD 11 and 13 and DH is now away for work..
On CD 15, O showed up.

What are the chances of getting Preggy?
BBlove: giddyness and backache is one of the symptoms for early stage preg. I have been experiencing giddyness for the past 2 weeks. now is hoping AF to come or BFP. kinda of tired of waiting for the results..
jarol: Good tt ya feeling better today! =) Tt's the way to go! Njoy! ;) aft some calculations, think I'll try for snake bb ler.. heh heh, coz if cant have dragon tail, then no pt spending so much money on confinement during CNY period... =p coz dun tink I'll O soon leh, my cycle's irregular since Jan, so hor, also cannot count on it coming within 14 days fr CD1.. =p

missy: haha, alt days BD's better right? then ya try to stay awake loh, wait for ur hb to return then pounce on him!! haha!!

bbjoy: ya know roughly when ya O? or ya's cycle is a consistent 35 days? symptoms sound good wor, coz think sometimes pregnancy makes the system go haywire! haha.. so got chance, anyway, what I like to believe in is that nothing's certain until AF reports, so if AF dun report, then got chance! =) Good Luck to ya &amp; hope tt ur HPT will show you the result soon! =)

gem_tan: read somewhere that spermies can last for ard 3 to 5 days inside the female tract bah, tho the survivors aft coupla days maybe mainly girls? if can tahan even a minimum of 3 days inside, then BD on 13 while AF showed up on 15, at least got window of opportunity to meet!! Let's hope tt spermie meet the eggy!! Good Luck to ya too! =)
i just book my appointment but on 25 may.. LOL.
dont know now how many weeks..

Hope everything is ok, then spread bb dust!!!

We BD every 2days
