(2013) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

Which test kit did you use?

I know pinky was on this previously? Anyone else?

I was reading about this iud and realised many who were on Mirena before have multiple miscarriages after the removal! ESP if they conceived straight after.Mostly chemical pregmanciesb(fertilized but didnt stick coz of thin uterus lining from hormones).


Now I'm really paranoid. My AF last reported 29 march and I removed the iud that cycle. Till now nothing. I can't remember much about previous cycles coz it's so long ago!

I googled quite a bit but not much on Asian women (erhmm, maybe it's different?)

As you can see, I'm paranoid!!! I don't even dare to test anymore!

If we were to gt preggy now.. baby likely due in next year.. confinement all gt to do at home.. can't look pretty.. but baby sure get a lot.of ang bao.. but do we still.need to give to the kids when we are still consider "forty".. ???
Kom: im feelin backache still... n having loose stools... but think is witch visiting me soon lol..

how abt u? u r my cyle mate lei. 1 day apart. CD 25 for me tdy..
Hi Mummies

Any idea when should i start the Blackmores Conceive Well™ Gold pills? Nvr taken be4. Brought during recent Watson promotion.
rene: i have started taking the blackmore pills when my cycle started the last time. u can start anytime de.

might be good news le rene... me no symptoms but feel itchy to test today.. DPO 11.. when u wanna test? whn u miss ur AF is it?

with my #1, i tested 3 days before AF was due. Just had the gut feeling.. me having it this time too...

wish me lucks ladies...
Dirty I mean.. not forty..

Ren Ren: Blackmores can be taken before you are preggy or ttc.. Alternatively you can go get.prenatal vitamins and pop in folic acid.. these are preconceptions safety measures.. it benefit both mummy and baby.. most importantly do not smoke, drink.. eat healthy and exercise.. build up immune system.. Good luck to you!!!
lets Jia you together..

I think.no.chance for me to conceive bb dragon.. Going to.try for snake.. The snake family.. hopefully!! finger crossed
kom: plenty lucksss to u... woman gut feelin is quite accurate.

for myself, i dun haf any gut feels lei. #1 i also dun haf. but same thing happen is when i haf my #1 time i brought e blackmore pills too but nvr got e chance to take it.

hopefully tis time round, i brought again n no chance to take too.. keke

i tink i will test when i miss AF ba. mayb 1 week ltr....
Shirley: i had folic but i keep forgetting to take...haiz must be more disclipine.. keke..

yes let's jiayou together...
yes i believe in guts feeling too...when i have my #1, i just haf this gut feel that im preggy. same for this round..

ladies, let jia you together so that we can "grad" to the other thread together!
Ren Ren: lets Jia you.together.. I actually force.my hubby to eat folic acid too.. Haha.. get someone.to.join.you in eating so you won't forget.. it benefit both of you plus baby.. on top of that I also bought prenatal vitamins too.. so kiasu.. just wanna prevent the first bad experience I had - miscarriage.

Mrs tan: trust your guts.. women instinct will never goes wrong.. Good luck to you and rest of.mummies here!!!!
Mrs tan: I carry the pills every where I go cos Its in my bag.. Btw, have you tested.with the pregnancy kit? when.was the last time you tested?? I am.considering if.I.should conceive during this mth cos I am at my fertile period. but if likely to conceive den.bb will be deliver on Jan 25. But the confinement thingy like ma fan only..
ren n kom: I also DPO 11 today CD 33 I itchy and tested ytd BFN but recently i feel my breast sensitive...I got a gut feeling will strike heehee if not AF come. I also hate the waiting game
Shirley: if i really strike this time, den it's really pure luck coz we din plan at all. Have been BD base on withdrawal method.
i just tested yest and is negative. My last AF was on 27/3. i shld say is really late this time round.

same sentiment. coz if bb born in Jan, the Confinement will be in Feb which is around CNY. foresee hard to get a CL. Suggest you just BD normally..coz tis kind of thing hard to say.

hope i can see the results quickly ie AF or BFP
Mrs tan: you are really late.. its a month plus already. did you try using biotest kit which I mentioned earlier? I actually tried using that when my af came a week late.. its showed two thick strips as compared to.clearblue showed only faint line. the test kit cost roughly ard 10.. you can buy it at Watson or guardian. I tried to upload he result.to.show you but apparently the image is too big.. gt to compressed it..

For the bb.making, my hubby and.I thought wanna try it during next.month.. we actually bought tix to genting.. short getaway to relieve stress.. see if chances.is better
lildragongirl: thanks.. will update tomorrow.

Rene and selena: hoping you both strike this cycle...
Fullhouse.. Depends.. Cuz Gynae after mirena removal can test the thickness of ur uterus lining ma. So she told my my lining quite thick n can see tt I hv ovulated, so I just did it lor. Dodnt expect to tio cuz hub was not well. Lol.
Cuz she said m/c happens largely with those who hv really thin linings. And sometimes I'm personally a bit skeptical of everything the western ladies say... They hv lots more symptoms than us leh, I think imagine alot n jump to conclusions. My opinion la..
Gd Luck Mrs Tan,hope to hear ur gd news soon..

Today CD15,tested opk,very faint line past few days but haven see bold lines yet..a bit worry that O will go missing..will continue testing..but will feel pain at the womb area,is it normal?

Jia You for the rest..
Congrats to all who striked!!

I'm on cd27 usual cycle between 34-37 days .. 2ww is so tiring!

This month I decided to not test ovulation and tried alternate days from CD15-23 .. Hope my egg decide to mature this month and strike ... Trying to be positive,
Mrs Tan,
How is the test? I'm also hoping if it is BFP, it comes otherwise AF better report. I tends to be mood swing these few days with the delaying AF.

I din test O this round. Too stressful to keep track of O cos EWCM and BBT never seems to gel. It only either 1 of each.

I'm using all those cheap HPT that I got online. Same type as what tigermum posted. I trust it work well right?

Welcome. You also planning for #2.
Hi Shirley

How is biotest kit diff from HCG strip or Clearblue?
Tested on latter two but is -ve, but AF already late by 7-10 days...no preggy symptoms too.
Mrs tan: how's your result?? any good news??

Maggie: the biotest kit is just like any other kit on the market.. but I think it can.read low hcg.. Its actually comparable to clearblue except its cheaper. Its take.sometime for hcg to rise.. so long that your af is not here yet.. you still stand a chance. Jia you.. you trying for dragon tail baby too??
Thks Shirley. Not really trying for dragon tail...just been TTC #2 since beginning of the year.

Congrats to those who are preggy!
Komathi: Congrats!! =) Whoa, 4 mummies succeeded this round.. Yeah!!

bbjoy/maggie/jingzjingz/mrstan: Hope tt yall get ur positive on ur HPT soon!! =) If yall all get positive, then we'll have 8 mummies graduating this round!! Nice number!! =)
congrats Kom!! when is ur last AF?

Good morn ladies, this morn just test using the Biotest preg kit. Still BFN. Maybe im oversensitive, it could be im really not preg this round. just delayed AF.

Jia you Ladies!! hope to see more mummies receive positive results!
Kom: wow Last AF 10 apr and you can test the results already! so fast! Happy for you! Do you experience any other symptoms?
Mrs Tan,
Maybe males have lower hcg. I'm not entirely sure but there are many cases where all test kits fail (and only managed to detect at 8 weeks) and only a blood test shows the result.

So wait a bit more, if you aren't comfortable with it, go for scan and blood test next week.
Mrs Tan: i tested + with my boy 3 days b4 AF too
not much symptoms...just a whee bit tired and sleepy.. i tested with watson's and clearblue.. watsons gave a line visible however its a faint line with the clearblue.
Kom : ya.. agreed! during my first pregancy, i used the clearblue to test, not so good. the lines are so faint. I see alot of mummies using those test stripes i tink the lines are really very dark and clear.

anyway congrats to you!! happy pregancy!

Berries: Thank you so much....

think its still early.. so will make appt ard 7-8 weeks when i can see bb heartbeat..
