(2013) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

Kom, congrats! Our EDD should be quite close. My last AF was 5th Apr, EDD 10th Jan '13. It could be earlier, since I'm under c-section. I'm super kiasu, going to see the Gynae today

Hi ladies, if given a choice, would you have your BB in Dec '12 or Jan '13?
Komathi: u strike on 1st try ah? so good lei.. keke anyway i confirm nvr strike tis time coz CD1 tdy. Its comes earli somemore.

I will try for Mar Snake coz Feb is CNY very ex for Confinement Lady & for #1 i stayed at hm during CNY for confinement and cant go out...

Have a happy pregnancy
hope to catch plenty of ur bb dust for my next cycle...
Tigress : i will prefer to have Jan 13 bb coz Dragon Yr sure alot bbs gg sch etc.. but den ur #1 adly secure a seat in sch so ok la... but Childcare wise might be croweded.

But most imptly, as long as bb is healthy and gd, its doesnt matter whether is Dec 12 or Jan 13
tigress : if is me i will prefer jan 13...
i heard old folks say dec baby will be slower than others of their same age by a yr.

dont really know what is it really about, but i tink jan babies will be better.

Just for ur reference only.

u, urself? wish the bb to be a dec 12 or jan 13 bb?
Berries: Ur #1 is jan bb too?
in chinese lunar calender, Jan bb is Dec bb in lunar calender lol.. My son is, so am I... den my mum say he e youngest in the zodiac sign... but in English calender, is the beginning of year, gd headstart..
I myself is year-end baby, I don't find myself slower or at disadvantage. I'm more worried about school vacancies. Personally, I like year-end babies. I heard BB born on 1st Jan can either opt to start school a year earlier or later, is it true?
ren_rene : nope.. my boy was mid yr baby, he was born in jun 2010...
you planning #2 too?

tigress : yup.. i tink i heard this before too. dunno is it true.
Tigress: 1st Jan can go a year earlier...

Btw, u hope for boy or gal? keke

if gal, i prefer year end... coz more friends will remb her bdae n celebrate with her.. haha coz in beginning of yr in sch bz making new friends den noone will haf time to celebrate wit her...
Wow...just one morning and the thread is so active.

Chin up Mrs Tan! The suspense aka waiting can be quite tedious. Like me, am down with flu and sore throat but didn't dare to take medicine...also minimizing my exercise...
Berries: Just starting TTC this mth but nvr succeed. gg skip next cycle as its CNY due date... Planning for Snake Mar 13 if possible..

My boy is Jan bb 11...

Are you in 2WW nw?

Maggie: Its Friday. So more free to log in & Kaypoh... Take care of urself and have more water...
rene : my period coming in less than a week. tink not much chance already, since i pass the fertile week.

kom : yes! i wanna join you mummies soon. got to work hard!!
rene, my #1 is boy, naturally I hope #2 will be gal. However, after TTC for so long, either gender is fine as long as she/he is healthy.
rene,prosper: i BD on CD 8,9 and CD 12,14.
used watsons' ovulation kit..started testing from CD 10...caz mine is 26 day cycle
Let me share with you what I did for this cycle.

(1) Did HSG in Mar '12
(2) Took Evening Primrose Oil
(3) Took Fish Oil (Cos I don't have enough good cholestrol)
(4) BD on CD8 & 10 (Lift up leg after BD)
(5) Tested +opk on CD12.

Actually what I did was the same for past few months, the only difference is I had HSG and BD earlier instead of starting only after CD12.
Tigress: u ttc for hw long be4 u strike? for my #1, i ttc 10mth lol... but on n off.. sometimes i tink for #2 nd hw long?

Komathi: hw much is watsons's ovulation kit? i nvr use ovulation kit before.
tigress: Update again aft ur gynae visit! ;) Hmm, if given a choice, I'll pref Jan 13 bb coz got one whole year to explore and learn thgs as compared to Dec 12 bb coz the Jan 12 bbies'd be close to a year and learning alot more thgs ler.. =p

prosper: am on CD7 today.. no nothing yet, so dun think will test so soon.. haha, somemore recently abit stress leh.. if O v early on CD114, tt'd be 11 May 12, then if lucky and conception occurs, may hit real real real close to CNY 2013, maybe just 1 or 2 days before or it may also fall after, coz #1 went past EDD, so colleagues and all were saying tt #2 may follow suit & go past EDD, then will hit zhun zhun on CNY 2013.. CL's gonna be ex (if still able to find =p) and may end up with a snake bb..

So figured, if it'll get so close to CNY and with snake bb, still have whole yr to try for snake bb, so think maybe will hold for a mth and resume in Jun 12 bah.. =)
Congrats to all mummies who BFP, esp tigeress who have been trying for so long n so hard, finally paid off, well done

Prosper, I am CD8 today, abt the same as u....going to BD earlier this cycle...dun give up everyone, one of my fren got blocked tubes can even conceive so its all a matter of luck n fate
bewildered: if zhun zhun on cny 12midnite, gt Angpow den i dun mind... keke

but i agree wit u, if we had whole yr for snake bb. CNY CL will be ex. so i also tinking to skip for a mth n resume in Jun
Maggie: Thanks! ^ High 5 Im also down with flu and fever. Now bad sore throat. No choice gt to take running nose med if not cant function.
rene: it came along with 1 HPT Watson brand oso.. not sure hw much though.. u can start testing based on the table provided with the kit;5 test strips and 1 HPT included.

I also took the blackmore conceive well pills this cycle.
rene, I TTC for #2 for about 15months. 1st 6months, I wasn't so diligent. I only started tracking opk after 6months.

charlotte, thanks! I hope you can join me soon!!!!

bewildered, sure I will update you all after my gynae visit.
usually for #2 onwards, tummy shows up much earlier ! so exciting ! hehehehe

i miss my old baby bump !!! faster sperm meet egg !!!!!!!!!!!!! arghhhhhhhhh!

tigress, yes update us on yr gynae visit ! hehehe
Hi LC and all.mummies!! Tgif!!!! Congrats kom: spread your baby dust to everyone..

Just to share, I am taking folic acid and prenatal vitamins to boost my health and immune system.. just gotten flu and cough from my sis.. Will be ttc next month jun.. Hopefully I will recover soon.. btw, does anyone know what kind of food can help in promoting ovulation??
Congrats Kom.

Spread your bb dust here.. Spread spread spread.. Sprinkle sprinkle..

Prosper: cd 12 today. Tested yesterday on opk and line super faint.
will test tonight. Let's jia you.
hi all..

I'm new to this thread..
I'm TTC for #2 for almost 8 months... 1st boy is 4 years old now.
my cycle is 56 - 60 days .. so only 6 chance in a year to get preggy...

Gynae said try naturally for one year, and if no news then see him.. sigh..
oink: wow.. tats realy very long leh... I dun thk i can wait tat long...

Today is my CD22 le. Still no sign of O. I've already book an appt to see gyane for check whether got egg anot if not den i wanna ask for induce den take clomid de.

anyway< what is Evening Primrose Oil? Got any use in ttc-ing? Help to O? Anyone can help?
vanilla: evening primrose oil is to increase cervical mucous..not sure whether will it help to O a not..
and you are advised not to eat during the 2ww..mummies,pls correct me if i am wrong..
Kom gratz

Cd15 today tested opk at ard3 got a faint test line. Last few day no test line at all. Tink it near le

our thread's so lively n bursting with so many replies!! So nice to be able to read thru the thread once in a while during the day.. Heh heh..

Prosper: hopr yall get ur wish soon!! Next round'd b ya reporting gd news!!

Rene: yar!! Think cl's gonna be ex!! But for dragon bb, i dun mind, but think i really m nt in time for dragon bb ler coz wont ovulate so soon one.. So shall wait ard for a mth then try in jun too..
since got whole yr of snake.. Heh heh.. Tho m hoping i wont use up the whole yr of snake to get #2.. :p

Btw, ask ya hor, anyone tried the Gender predictor har? Accurate anot? Coz m trying for a boy but for my age hor, seems like the whole yr will get a girl leh..


Rene: haha!! Then later they ask ya to go on tv then how? Aft delivery v shagged one wor.. Only hb'd look nice, bb looks wrinkled, mummy looks tired... Heh heh...

If free delivery n no hospital charges, m in!! Heh heh..

Missy: me too!! Missing those times when preggie.. Haha, but hor, i still have tt tummy stuck with me but no bb inside, so sad.. Y so many fats but no bb inside? With the fats there shld b pretty cushiony for bb bah.. Haha...

Wah liew, while m typing, my #1's doing the balancing catwalk on my back sia, while m lying tummy down on the bed... Think gotta wean her off all those dangerous acts just in case during 2ww in future, she still continues to do this then i jialat sia..
