(2013) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

Phew! It's not ectopic!
Manage to see only the waterbag tdy, so estimated to b abt 4wks preg now...
Womb weak so was given a jab and hormone pills and 3days mc to home rest.

Baby dust to all!!!
I better test again in a day or 2. Cheap stripes may not be reliable. I don't want any dissapointment. I actually don't have high hopes on this cycle since my hubby was outstation and I only managed to BD on CD8 & 10.
Jarol, How dr know your womb is weak? any test on that? Is good to know so everything is prevented.
Congrats ya.

Tigress, congrats
Thanks ladies. But please hold on to your well wishes first, as I am not very sure if it's really BFP. I used those cheap HCG stripes, not sure if it's reliable and the line is so faint. For the past 1+ year, I BD every alternate day during my fertile period and I never got any BFP. This cycle I only BD twice before I O, I really cannot believe it!

merry123, I usually O around CD14-15. But last cycle I have +opk on CD13 thru CD15 and this cycle +opk CD12.
Tigress: YES, that's a line! CONGRATS!
Gynae can't advise the EDD as can't see the embryo yet, but base on my own calculation, EDD shd be 4 Jan 2013! I'd tested with the cheap strips too, and got the faint line, but it's definitely positive! ;)

prosper: Got to knw that my womb is weak when I told my gynae that I have those cramps which I did not experience for my #1 and she said it's most prob bec womb is stretched from carrying heavy items (my boy!). So I was told to stop carrying my boy for the time being and try to rest and relax as much as possible.
jarol: Congrats!! So happy for ya! =) Do take good care of yourself and follow the gynae's instructions and dun worry unduly okie? ;) Glad tt the gynae managed to clear your concern on ectopic so just concentrate on the pregnancy and taking good care of urself! Njoy ur pregnancy! =) hope tt tis the gender tt ya wan.. heh heh.. ;)

tigress: Tt's really a line wor!! Dun worry now, sometimes things just happen when we least expected it.. who knows, those few days may be ur lucky days! =) heh heh, so basically think the troops can last for around 4 to 5 days or the min would be around 3 days bah? coz if BD on CD8 and CD10 then positive OPK on CD12.. Dun be too stressed now, just think POSITIVE & get a gynae appt or another test stick to allay your concerns if ya dun trust the HPT.. =p

Btw, for mine hor, I used the same HPT as ya's.. wondfo right? v cheap too, then when I got 4 negative HPT, I thought the same thg too, cheapo stuffs cannot trust.. then turned out af came, so hor, cheapo stuffs can trust too and tis pretty accurate too, so just trust the test stick tt ya saw and verified by the rest of the mummies in this thread.. haha, so many pairs of eyes, cant really all be wrong right? ;)
bewildered, I have 2 cheapo strips. One is blue and the other is purple color one, can't rem the brand though. I used the purple one and saw a very faint line, then I use the blue one, also have very faint line. See below. I will use the more expensive test strip tomorrow.
It's both positive lines!
) yay tigress!!
Sometimes baby comes just when they want to!
My no 3 was conceived 3 days after I removed my IUCD.. I only bd once that cycle! So fate I guess!
Hi all,
I recently removed my iud (mirena) and am ttc-ing. The iud and removal really messed up my cycle so I'm still waiting for af to report before the count down...:p Having the usual pms symptoms but I read af can take up to 7 weeks before returning!!! Argggh!!

Pinky which iud did you use then?
Fullhouse, i used mirena too! N was waiting fr AF to return so not really planning, but I noticed lots of CM so just decided to try in case am really ovulating, and got lucky
tigress: if 2 hpt of diff brands gave the same consistent results, think the results can be trusted.. Congrats!! =) dun think too much, afterall CD28's stll v early stage, maybe tis early pregnancy so hcg's still not high enough bah.. coz the pregnancy'd only be ard 2 wks fr O day, give bb more time and the hcg'd rise and ya'll get ur thick and dark positive hpt!! =)

Enjoy the pregnancy and take good care of urself! must start believing in the hpt ler! heh heh.. not all cheapo stuffs are not good okie? my cheapo hpt and ya's cheapo hpt r all gd and gives an accurate result.. heh heh..
Congrats Pinky!! Ahhh looks like I must wait for my cycle liao :/ I've tested twice all -ve so far so hummmpphhh

Think it's really +ve wor. Congrats!! :D
congrats.it is a positive.

Mrs Tan,
Your AF also yet to report? I keep having those cramp and loose tool. LS is udually my sign tt AF is coming.
Hi ladies,
I'm getting ready to ttc for #2. hoping to grab dragon tail, Jan 2013 baby. My zodiac will clash w snake & i heard that if zodiac clash, baby will be hard to handle. Hope that i can strike 1st time. Have been monitoring my BST for 1 month, then use the cheapo OPK for subsequent 2 mths. It showed that i'm ovulating on Day 13. Over the past few months, on day 13, i also noticed that i will feel some cramp. I read up on books & it said that small % of woman will experience this because ovulation is taking place. I hope it's true. Gimme some baby dust, i want!

Can i ask, the book i'm reading advise ppl who use o kit, to test 12pm & 10pm. But hw come gynae ask ppl to test early morning? Early morning ones usually give fake results, right?

Oh, how come Jan 2013 MTB thread is not set up? Hmm, those who has conceive, go set up leh.
My preggy friend told me 1 of her sym is loose tool. But for me it is a sign of af reporting. Guess up to individual. But if it is a preggy sign then i dun mind. wakaka.
congrats!! its a positive.. =)

Anyway, my O went missing liao leh.. So sad...

Today already CD20 liao leh... If fri still haven test positive den i wnana go gyane and take medicine to induce menses liao lo... Dunno where my precious egg go...
i tested opk positive on cd 12 and i wanna cfm so i tested on cd 13 and it became negative!!Then for the rest of the days till now, it had been negative!! I tested in the morning for all...

But for past few days, i had mild cramp and feeling bloated.. not sure issit O but yet couldnt test positive...
Congrats prosper!!! send your baby dust to everyone!!!
you are just in time for dragon tail. I am waiting for ny next af so to conceive..
