(2013) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

Does anyone knows whether these are safe for regular consuming when TTC or pregnant?

Tried googling, but cant find much info.

1)Chia Seeds
2)Gingko nuts / powder
3)Papaya fruit
4)Evening Primrose oil

Also, can I continue my regular workout e.g. hot yoga and gym workout when TTC? Will it be too vigorous for TTC?


Hi Lyra,
Mind share with me on how to wean your boy? I think I need to get some tips from you as I also don't really know if I can handle tandem nursing next time.
My coming to 15 months girl still like to stick with my (.)(.) for comfort latch whenever she like. I enjoyed the close bonding moments with her and that's the reason y I didn't really reject her when she requested. But guess I need to slowly train her now. Need to get some tips from you.

Victoria and blurblur,
Tested? Any good news to share?

Good luck for your #3! What is your children age gap? I always find myself half dead after settling my girl. Can't imagine if I have 3 children to deal with! But having children are blessing, the more the merrier!

I find using OPK very confusing and stressful to keep track on ovulation. Maybe you can take note on your cervical mucus instead? From my experience, I normally get one or two days dark double lines on the opk result, and I was advise to start BD after getting +ve result as we will start to ovulate the next 24-36 hours after OPK +ve. And should continue BD alternate days afterthat to cover your fertile window. I stop using OPK after few months cos it is really too stressful and BD becoming a task for us. Don't like. Just relax and BD whenever you and hubby feel like.

Can't answer your question, but glancing through your list, I think should be safe. Can't tell why it is not safe. But maybe gingko nuts powder need to double check again.
But I think we need folic acid, tons of Vit C and B to support initial pregnancy. Do get plenty of that if you are TTCing. Above are my gut feel suggestions. You can always call and check with your gynea if you have any doubts. Cheers.
hi ladies,

im new here. im ttc for no2. i gt my period on june 11th n ended on june 13th. ive used de ovulation test kit. n i gt dis positive on 1 of de days. My period is due july 14th. im hvin dis nausea, urinatin often & heartburn for de past 1 week. so i took de preg test todae, 2days b4 my period is due. n i gt tis faint line. m confused.. whether m preg or not? m tinkin of seein de dr tmr as i m hvin lower bck pain as well n at de same time check whether m preg or not at gp. is it too early to c a dr tmr or shud i hv? m confused n stressed !
Hi Sharon,

Normally our home pregnancy test kit can detect our pregnancy as early before AF suppose to report. If you got a faint line, most likely you are pregnant.
You may want to do a retest to rest assure yourself on tmr morning? Or wait for another few more days to redo the test for comfirmation. Since this is not your first pregnancy, you may call your previous gynea to make appt straight. Don't stress ya...
hi heatherwhite ,

But the thing is tat tmr morn i m goin 2 c dr as m hvin lower bck pain for a week. n its uncomfy. so tmr m free tats y i tot 1 shot cn go c dr for preg test too. As wit my daughter m nt able 2 c dr easily as m takin care of her. tmr hubby off day.. as u noe waitin time is ridiculous in polyclinics. n at de same time i dun wan to hv high hopes if nt i wud b stressed out ! do u tink. its alrite 2 c dr tmr for de test as well? pls advise. tks.

Lower backache can be caused by pregnancy discomforts. If you are seeing doctor tmr then I would suggest to tell your doctor that you suspect you are pregnant. Normally the doctor will also help you to do a pregnancy test if you wish to. Just go ahead, don't feel stress. Chances of fasle positive on pregnancy test kits are low. So if you got faint line very high chance that you are preggie. One of the reason getting faint line now is because you just got pregnant, the HCG hormone not as high yet.
Since you seeing doctor just go ahead to do the test there. No stress no stress...
bt m goin to c de dr for my lower bck pain. so i tot 1 shot cn c dr n tak preg test . do u tink its early ? i dun wan 2 b disappointed.

sori for de repeat msg as i jz read ur msg. ok tks heather. wil do wit de test tmr. fingers crossed. tks for ur advise. sumx feel gd wenever u tok to sum1.=)
Sharon : Mi also guess
high chances you are preggie. The so called "period" u have might be the spotting only?? It doesnt stain your whole pad right?? Somemore you got faint positive on your test kit.. Good luck to u ya!!

hey i didnt inform tis thread. i already knew tat m preggie last week by de gp! no period. onli white discharge ! hehe

my 1st gynae appt at kkh on 5th aug.
Sharon : Congrats congrats!!! I hope im the NEXT one .
White discharge is quite normal...Take care for this 9mths and enjoy your pregnancy journey ya..
Btw, do you ladies already have a gynae when TTC?

I always tot to look for a gynae after conceived?

Hence, I have no gynae to check with for advice currently.
PM me if keen to know how to conceive naturally. :>....My frend has already kick start her journey.....U all can too. Y suffer with artificial concieving methods?
