(2013) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

Berries, u very near to me....I stay in Yew Tee
hi charlotte!!!!! yes yes!! yew tew very near me!

canopyhaze, u and me can meet up somedays!! nope.. i'm a working mum.. how i wish i can be a stay home mum..
congrats canopyhaze... and best wishes.. yes, i hv fren who like the other ladies mentioned.. had cyst..but managed to carry baby full term.. both mother & baby healthy and everything a-ok. im sure will definitely worry abit...but, be strong n stay very positive ya. jia you.

sigh.. i feel like testing HPT..but scared slapped with another round of disappointment!! AF was kind of stable earlier.. 29-31 days.. march 9 (which is swee swee frm previous couple of mths..).. then april gave me pattern..was late can came on 13th...after 2 wasted HPT! ):
now.....as of today.. AF still not here.. my cycle getting longer n longer!?!
i feel like testing leh.. cos the wait and suspense is really killing me big time. am trying to wait for another day.. n test tmr mrng.. if AF still not appear frm nw till then.

aw aw aw!!!!

btw canopyhaze.. im staying in the west too.. im near pioneer. tmr im on leave.. kids gg for their first excursion with childcare to the zoo.. but being kind of paranoid.. im taking leave to go pick them up frm the zoo at noon then to airport to pick the hb at 3pm! i tink i siao! last night whole nite cant sleep.. tinking which more strategise location i shld stick the mozzie patch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Berries: I thought u not working can meet for kopi! I work in raffles plc, yourself?

Fatbobo: thanks! Very comforting, am getting more at ease after reading.
Canopyhaze, not a problem....btw I am SAHM so quite free sometimes if dun need to take my gal for her class
Southern west is where? I dunno still got northern and southern west???
Hi snowhopes: thanks for your advice. my af just reported ytd evening.
Sian.. btw, do you happen to know that normally first pregnancy baby will tend to stay up to 40weeks or longer?
canopyhaze, I got see ur hb before mah? Aiyoh my memory is super failing me siah! CCK/yewtee is considered west uh? Me like not sooooo west lehhhhhhh...

My idea of west is eh commonwealth, queenstown, clementi, dover, jurong east... wahahah!
shirvin, 1st preggy will tend to stay for 40 wks or longer - not really lah. It all depends on the mummy and the baby itself. During my first preg, my forum peers had their first bb came out at 37 wks, some at 38, some at 39... mine was 40 weeks... I only know that for most gynaes, once hit 40 weeks they will mostly likely induce labour to prevent any complications like the baby poo poo-ing into the water bag, etc.
snowhopes, cck/yew tee is considered north west, West means jurong, clementi....is commonwealth considered west???

Shirley, it depends on individual, some earlier, some on time, some late (fei hua right?) pretend I never say, haha.....I deliver my gal on my 37weeks
Snowhopes: full term at 37weeks right. of I strike this time round. edd likely on 16 - 20 Feb 13. so think maybe will kenna on cny..

Charlotte: lol.. your rreply so funny.. I was thinking Abt confinement period when I deliver if strike this month.. Cos af just report ytd evening..
so wondering of baby will stay longer not since its my #1. I like wanna enjoy my cny foodies.. dunno can eat all those foodies when doing confinement..

any mummies encountered situation when baby was deliver was cny period.. how's confinement period and how you all manage to celebrate cny?? baby sure able receive many red packets. (which means must give out red packets too). lol.. I think too far already..
Snow: did I mistake u for someone else all these while? R u working in changi? Lol, age must be catching up with me!

Charlotte : I stay at bt timah hill, so southern west I reckon.
canopy, i no work at changi lah... :p haha I was like fratically searching thru my memory for a snapshot of you and your hubby's looks... :p

Shirley, yup. 37 wks considered full term le...

Charlotte, commonwealth is not west? gee... I stay near that area... so I am considered? West central?
Cheryl: oh really?I heard Abt it saying first marriage year don't need give.. but gt children already also don't need.give is it? I.not sure Abt this.. we gt married this year mar.. you ttc for second one now? Or gotten BFP already?
shirley... i same as cheryl.. weni have my #1 also first CNY.. i also receive only..
tink first yr marriage got bb or not also no need give ba...
Snow: ok, then I am wrong all these while. Thought u r my ex colleague. :p commonwealth is consider west, which part? The one near commonwealth mrt?
Ya they say no need since is 1st yr married. We only give 2nd yr. ya now trying no2. 2ww nw.

I oso got married in the month of mar
shirley.. my gynae for #1 at TPY central area.. he call Dr Koh Cheng Huat.. but one bad thing is he is too popular.. too packed.. waiting time abit long also...
Berries: lol.. that's good!! can save up abit for am bao already.. I am already thinking of cny already.. so far!!! Christmas is not even here yet.

Cheryl: I feel you.. 2 ww feel like "2 year waitin". if tested positive, your edd will most probably landed on end of Jan.. Jia you.. Don't forget to take your folic acid just in case.. March brides!!!

berries: I heard Abt him.. he super popular.. he has been in tpy for super long.. But he only delivers at mount e right? is he those chop chop doc or will take time to explain to you? and is the consultation and us ex?
Shirley : he deliver only at Mt A and TMC..
He is a funny and experience gynae... Who will help to release tension.. Esp tat time it was my first pregancy..

He ans all questions u ask.. Very gd!
Normally one visit i payment ard 100+ ba
Berries: that's awesome!!! maybe I will opt for him.. so how much did you pay for your delivery. I heard from the ladies saying that mount a is good uh.. You going back to.him for your second one?

i am seeing Dr Koh now too.. prescribe clomid for 3cycles for me.. this cycle not in time to get clomid.. oredi CD28 still not a strong +ve OPK..
Shirley : i will go bk to him if i strike my #2 lor!!
I deliver my boy at Mt A.. Ttl cost 2 yrs back on my delivery was ard 5K+ ( 2K deposit upon admitted to
Delivery room which is nt refunable + 2.1K govt subsidy + close to 1K upon discharge )..

Total i paid close to 3K cash upon discharge..
Nw the rates i nt sure le.. But Mt A really gd! I love ot!

Joyful , u too? Nice rite dr koh? Humorous gynae!!
vanilla, aiyo i knw digital is to see smiley... but like i said i used it wrongly... so cant see smiley only error.. so see the lines lor... i dont have anymore cheap opk strips... thought of seeing if strike or not ... then dont need to buy liao! hahaha.. no strike then buy again lor... anyway im CD30 today... yesterday back pain... then sore boobs... today cramps... sigh... looks like AF going to report soon...

got outing jio me ok .. i dont mind travelling west but not too far east ... =P
hihi joyful~~~

any westerners seeing any ob-gynae ard the west? my first was at glenE.. i still like the hosp..but tot wana try another ob-gynae. the machines in the ob-gynae's clinic abit lao-kok-kok.. tink oni the dr will understand wat he sees!
fatbobo, how abt dr ben choey at clementi ? my ex coll went to see him.. said he is very very nice ... i will consider seeing him when i strike ...
Good afternoon everyone

My AF is ending soon.

Any idea when to BD? I not planning to buy any ovulation kit...

Can anyone advise???

*wave wave* i am still here.. sob sob..


i m just going to get clomid over the counter.

now i email him n clear my doubts.. save the waiting time n guessing game.. haha..
joyful, can get clomid n standby one meh? tot yr AF 1st day then can called up n get it over the counter, the gynae will give u if yr AF not here yet?

Windy, think the best is to monitor yr own EWCM or temp, correct me if I am wrong...
happen that this cycle, my AF comes on sat.. e clinic open halfday, only can get it on mon, byt then CD3 ler..

Dr Koh say just get it fr his reception ladies.. i guess it depends on individual gynae bah.. just like some gynaes give few cycles of clomid to standby oso mah..
joyful:: me oso still here mah.. lol~ let's hold hands & jia you tog.........

blessmeplease:: thnx for the recommendation.. wah he looks young..n errrh.. cute. i tink i will feel shy letting him look at me! wat if everytime see him.. my heart rate increase... then... all wrong readings! LOL~ but thnx.. will consider him too. :)
Hi windy: m af just started ytd.. can start to bd from cd 9 onwards, alt day.. Also depend on your cycle.. Jia Yiure.. me cycle.new hope.. hopefully we can be the first few to start Feb thread..
if really strike, edd most likely ard cny period..
missycandy, fatbobo, u mean the gynae at clementi is a handsome guy? wah lau....why shy? tot if u see a handsome, u will open yr leg even bigger, haha....

Is it true that yr temp will remain high if preggie?

canopyhaze, whats the earliest symptons u have before BFP?
Windy, you got iphone? if you have use this app called P Tracker Lite. It let's you key in liek when is your CD1. Helps you calculate your fertile (supposedly) period and when is your expected ovulation...

But general rule of thumb is ovulation will occur 14 days before next cycle. so if you are on 30 day cycle, your ovulation day should be 30-14 (Day 16). So fertile period will be 3-4 days before and after Day 16...

otherwise, like other girls say - try to observe BBT or mucus. For me I find both very hard (unless it's so obvious). Cos if you got BD, you might end up confusing your mucus as egg white when it's actually DH's deposits... The way to tell is for female mucus, the strech can usually pull more than 1.5cm, if cannot and breaks easily, it's not EWCM and it could be hb's deposits (if you had BD recently before the check).
rainie, yes... for BBT charting, if temp suddenly drops mean AF coming. if remains high even after supposed AF date, means got high chance... I hate BBT charting, cos I simply cannot sleep same time every night, wake up same time to take temp...
Missy: I know I know!! The feeling.. That time I buy e OPK oso.. Bought 3 months supply den think dunno should buy more anot.. Scare not enough.. Den think wat if strike den mafan.. Lol.. I know e dilemma.. Haa...
trevitrevi, hope those are not false signs lor. i scared is cos i think too much.. so somehow every little things try to link with being preg. duh...

snowhopes, my CD is haywire after i had #1. between 30-35. so dunno whether shoudl test on weekend or 25th may. feel like testing tonight haha

Missy, why not u use HPT? since now already due for test n u have cm, heard that cm is pregnancy symptom , which is to protect bb..wait for ur goodnews..
