(2013) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

wah, dunno wat's wrong with me tonight. feeling super queasy now... bought dinner, my fav beehoon with fishcake etc... now, not only don't feel like eating, can't even bear the thought of eating. So sad, my beehoon going to waste...

missy:thanks..I go google..

vanilla:today is my CD27 only..if I count 14 days after I tested +ve opk later,I shd due on mon..but really praying that AF will go missing for 9 mth..how abt u?
Congrats!!!!(x10)!!! So happy for you!!

My lmp was 29 march, looks like we are quite close
Thanks fullhouse! Yes, our edd should be very close. My lmp was 28mar, but my Af is irregular. Based on the lmp, my edd is 02jan, but we bd on 15 & 24 apr, based on these 2 dates, the edd is 06jan n 13jan respectively, gotta a feeling will be a Dec bb like my #1. have u gone to the gynae? Am
Calling my gynae tomo to see if I can go n see him
Tomo or thur, just to have a peace of mind.
Faith: I started trying in oct 2011. Miscarriage in late feb 2012. Was devastated at that point of time. Now picked myself up and trying again. Aiming for o-day for this month's cycle!
Gooooooooooooood morning everyone.... who got woken up by the crazy storm? I tell you, our weather is so crazy these days! Lightning and Thunder and rain like mad at 4, 5.20 eh? no rain liao.

canopy, how? did you manage to get an appt with GYN?

haha, we learnt our lesson after the first one... no point seeing GYN before 6wks, cos he will only shake your hand and tell you congrats. heehee. if tested positive at home, just wait till 6 wks for first appt, then can scan and see bb and heartbeat. heh.

once we see bb and strong heartbeat, then we start telling ppl... cos once the kids know, the whole world knows. :p
Dorie: not yet. Dr Paul tseng is closed when I found out at
The gp that I m preggie. Calling him this morning. Hopefully can get to see him.
Canopy, gP test urine ? Test blood ?

Morning Dorie! No wonder hb switched off the aircon ! But got stuffy n my gal sweating -.-"""" he didn't face the fan at us n only opened windows slightly ... Zzzz I got up to switch on d aircon again ... Then went bk to la la land ... N woke up late... So now late for work! Lolol! Basket.

Dorie, you very high chance leh! Good luck!

I'm trying not to read into any symptom!!!! Stupid opk... Tested last night then the thing spoiled ask me read manual -.-" using the digital clearblue opk zzzzzzzz!!!
missy:my lmp is on 19th..just a day after u..why u still testing on opk? ur AF not regular?

morning dorie:u have a high chance! did you experience gg to the toilet more often?

canopyhaze:GP inform you how many wks alr?
has been reading silently. great to see so many graduate already!

canopyhaze, congrats! Happy for you

my lmp is 23 Mar, I dun have the courage to test (Had MC a year ago, and cycle is haywire) But experiencing pain in the right lower pelvic area too. And last month only BD once. Dun think will strike.
Missy, i do strongly agree that TCM is one of the way to improve our body and chances. This time round, my chinese TCM doctor did acupuncture at my lower ankle, I asked her and she told me that will bring the blood flow more to the uterus thus when we BD, it is benefit the womb too.
Congrats Canophy
really happy for you.
For the rest of us, dun feel discourage. We will make it one day.

Time too slow already today only 1DPO..
Baby dust to those going to test this week. Hope to hear more coming up...
prosper and other ladies, do consider to try tcm and also the acupuncture. I have low pain threshold but it is bearable when Dr Xiong did it on me = )
bliss_ling, really TCM good? But we still can ttc when tio our body? Cos i went last time, and the sinseh told me to rest my body instead of trying. then i ate for one mth then i feel no effect and i can't wait to just only tio the body..
i took a month of tcm and not much effect thus i asked whether acupuncture helps and she said yes..

Mine was 6 sessions and it was a mixture of the following :

Fertility Wellness
6 sessions
To improve ovulation, uterine blood flow and endometrial development for conception.
Sessions will be scheduled on a weekly basis according to the menstrual cycle, e.g. post-menses, pre-ovulation, post-ovulation and implantation.

Healthy Uterus for Pregnancy
6 sessions
To warm the kidney, nourish the blood, reinforce and regulate vital energy to prepare the uterus for a successful pregnancy.
This programme will focus on "warming" the uterus by nourishing the blood and reinforcing vital energy for a healthy pregnancy.
TCM doctor will do acuouncture accordingly to the cycle and condition of health. I did 1 session 3 days before prior to ovulation and after I BD for this round
Gd morning, congrats to all who bfp. If I am pregnant too, I will visit Dr Paul Tseng too. Hope to graduate from this thread too. Didn't know that must wait for CD 40 and above then will test if is positive or not. Before that can't trace?

As long as AF not reporting, we all may have chance. : )
Let's jia you together!
bliss_ling, where u do the acupuncture? any TCM also have this? meaning we got to tell the sinseh we wan to do the TTC acupuncture? Price?

prosper, when one's is at wits end, anything also must try....no choice
My hubby and me also tio our body now, how effective I dunno, got to leave it to GOD.
canopyhaze, I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! congrats congrats!!!! congrats!!! congrats!!!! When are u seeing Dr Tseng? I think u can go see him liao. If u cannot call thru, just walk in and see him. I had problem getting thru their line cos the clinic is soooo packed with patients... Lolz, its the dragon year mah... :p

So we EDD same month! I think we will likely see each other at Dr Tseng's clinic somewhere down the road manz!

prosper, I did hear that accupunture does help some women concieve. I had a colleague who tried v long, did IUI and one round of IVF. IN the end his wife concieved after about 2 rounds of accupunture. Usually the accupunture is done around the ovulation time.
Will post details of his clinic later.
Thanks ladies!!!!

Bliss : Dr Tseng is ultra pro natural, seldom hears him doing c-sec. So i can't comment

snow : called this morning, Dr Tseng is on leave, back only on fri. Has made appointment to see phyllis liaw first, my appt time is 11.20am today, leaving office soon.

Mrs ND : I was experiencing this kinda pain since monday nite, hence when to the GP yesterday afternoon; and was told that i m preggy.

Missy : the gp just did the urine test.

Faith : the gp is very young, not experienced, she doesnt know how to calculate Edd, based on the online calculator, i should be 6wk.

Jia you ladies!!!! Hope to see you ladies in Jan 2013 thread!

Ok, going off now to TMC.
canopyhaze, btr to check out with the gynae first since u have this pain...
My appt with him is next week. :p now doing the count down...
canopy: orh, ok... hope you can get your appt soon...

missy: really? i dare not hope too much... think most likely will be like blur also... so see how. I'm trying to just not think lah. but so hard hor. good thing got this forum to come in and say what is in my heart and talk about it... otherwise i will go crazy lor!

faith: go toilet more? not really ley... dunno, i never keep track.

bblove: hope so bah... *fingers crossed*

mrsnd: ah, you and me same same lah... cycle crazy after m/c... only diff is, mine already very long liao. heh. like 9 years or so already. hurhur. but there is hope. i managed to conceive my #3 on Clomid after that crazy mc... so here I am hoping for #4 lah.

bliss: wah, i very scared of the thought of acupuncture... haha... dunno why. *shudder*

cft: ?? why must wait until CD40? no wat... if your cycle very regular, you day of missed period can test liao... but only if you very regular... if you like some of us, cycle all haywire one, then different story, involves a bit of guesswork liao.

this morning i pon my bible study worh... felt so tired... so went back to sleep. didn't wake up until 12nn. hahahahahaha... peng san. now got a headache... dunno issit sleep too much. but gotta go to my girl's school for choir... then tonight, come back little while, got ballet class. so most likely only come back in later bah. see ya...
faith: i still waiting for AF. Cuz i thk last cycle i din evne O so i went to gyane and ask to induce menses.

Should be coming these few days, i hope. Then i can start my clomid!! hee... =D
eh i tested with opk becos ive been having discharge and feeling wet for a few days le... so thought maybe i Ovulate late since i didnt manage to get any +ve opks ... hahaha... but confirmed is not infection la.. becos no pain no fever.. no itch no smell... then sometimes is transparent , sometimes its egg white ... so.. just test lor! hahaha... hb wanted BD last night but i cldnt take it... by 11+ after my last post i KO... lol...
prosper: i thought the folic is standard one? i just buy mine from the pharmacy. no choice given one leh.

vanilla: hope your AF comes soon so you can start!!!

missy: hahahaha... yeah, TTCing is exhausting! hurhur
prosper, is folic from iherb better? Cos pharmacy got sell quite cheap folic acid (Unity & Guardian) - if not wrong is less than $3 for about 5-6 pcs of 10 tablets? If u worried they no brand, oso got Blackmores brand. GNC oso carry leh...
dorie: yup yup.. hope so tooo.... Cant wait for AF to come lo.. haa... Dont feel anything yet... dun have those aching feeling.. haa
@ Charlotte , I did my TCM and acupuncture ar Thomson chinese medicine. 6 sessions of acupuncture is ard $430 (if i rem correctly).

@ Prosper, yes, before that i didnt tried TCM and I had no ceverical mucus at all for past 11 months before seeing tcm
I saw some of forums saying that the royal jelly with bee pollen is good for those TTC. But i recently checked with my gynae, he mentioned that it does affect the hormones and ask me to stop consume.
Shld I stop eating? I just brought two big bottles. Confused???
Canopyhaze congrats!! U so lucky, only bd twice in long cycle also strike! Any things u did differently in the cycle?
I also ttc 2 yrs liao, really hope this thread brings us baby lucks!
Hello all, i am on my 2WW now... haiz.. cannot stand the waiting game.. wanna buy and test but scare the disappointment..

Who is on 2WW now? have a feeling might miss the boat...
