(2013) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

Hahaha !!! Fatbobo u very funny lol!

Eh I never say he's handsome .. My ex coll says he dresses well... Then dunno gay or not :x I haven't seen him personally so can't comment ha ha ha...

Merryy, I don't want test becos I only have 1 digital left! Plus wait bfn very sad
shall wait til see red or more obvious symptoms ? Anyway if I o late then Cham !

Charlotte, lolol!!!! Faints no lor ! Handsome is drool from mouth not there! Won't open bigger! Close tighter lol

Old folks say wen the mummy is preggy again.. The kids will then to be real sticky.. Maybe afraid to lose some love and attn from mummy after having a sibling ba...
missycandy:same as u..today my CD29 and I having the same symptoms as you,back pain,sore boobs and cramps whole day at work..is all AF symptoms,I don think I will strike this cycle..sad..so angry of myself,sometimes think why cannot let my AF late and give me some hope..argh..

merry123:having cm is also an indicator of pregnant? yellowish cm also consider?
faith, I usually have yellow CM few days before my AF reports.

missycandy, heard that CM also a sign of preggie
2 days bever log in only and so many posts to catch.

sorry to hear tt. Hope today's appoint with Dr Paul will give u good news. I know it hard not to think about it but think positively bacos there is a beanie growing inside you.

Shirley/ Fatbobo/ Joyful,
Welcome to the thread. Yhis 2013 thread very fertile. So far i think 9 ladies tested BFP, one after another. I still waiting for my turn too.

Yup. Increased in discharge is also a sign of pregnancy. Together with other symptoms like running nose, frequent headache. Dun know online says so when it seem to me tt those are like falling sick symptom *scratch head*. I dun have running nose but blocked nose only. wakakaka.

AF yet to report. so counting down to 2 more days before testing. Arrgh. Hate the feeling of being in suspend. scakali tml AF report. Then end of the game.
Bblove: thanks, am keeping my spirit high and feeling comforting after hearing some of the mummies sharing their experiences. By the way, u stand a gd chance of bfp! All the best.
Itchy hands. Tested last night and true enough bfn... Cd3O for me today. Think I too kan cheong.... But I like start to have af feeling. Super sian. Will test again on weekend. Af af pls don't come, cos I don't love you at all
Dear mummies! We r Trying for #3 nw... May I ask I tested positive on OPK on CD 17 so does 2ww starts on cd17?

We only BD on CD 16 & 18 as DH too tired on CD17
wondering did we miss d chance for BFP?
morning ladies.
tgif. lol....

yesterday nite my waist is so pain very the suan... cd 28 today... very bo liao go and test, lol... bfn nvm. i will test every 3 days

usually ppl ovulate 12-36 hrs after +ve opk... lucky u bd on cd16. sperm can stay in there up to 5 days. just nice.. any symptom?
Oh...hahaa was so happy to get positive opk but too tired to BD...I tested at nite of CD 17 than morning of CD 18 my lower right abdomen area got cramps feeling which went off by lunch time...

Gt EWCM too on CD 17 & 18 den like gone le....today CD19...hoping I strike...hehe...

Jia you everyone & TGIF...
fatbobo > u r near me! am at boon lay. Gynae at Boon Lay MRT. Is a male. His main clinic at Glen E. Since he can deliver at a few hospital, I chose Mount A. Who was ur Gynae for ur #1?
hihi xinyue.. is your gynae Dr John or something? the Acumed clinic?

i wanted to go see him once (wanted to go for a check some time aft delivert..cos the damn tummy still so big like preggy!!), but timing not right, so no chance.. instead went to Dr Tony Tan frm raffles hospital instead. i quite like Dr Tan, but worried too pricey.. Dr T Tan is known to specialise in high-risk pregnancy.. like multiple..etc. but ya lor.. again..scared too pricey!

i was with Dr Gordon Tan. he's very good..but the machine in his clinic like abit lao kok kok le! i cant seem to see anything frm there! ahaha. my first pregnancy was a multiple so considered high risk.. n had to go NUH for detail scans. Dr G Tan very tok kong de.. when he did the scan for me.. he so spot on one.. tup down n jit tao can find the T1 and T2 head or watever he wana find. the sonographers at NUH need to go here & there then find!

hb oso very impressed by Dr G Tan's cutting skill.. he kept empasizing the way he cut through my multi-layers of fats like fast n precise. LOL~

well.. see hw. which days are the ob-gynae at the boon lay clinic may i ask? thanks in advance.
Fatbobo, yes I was with Dr G tan before. I agreed his machine not very advance but his skills are good and he is every assuring. But I change gynae due to mc.
Fatbobo > Where is Dr G Tan's clinic? Yup, Dr John Yam, at the Acumed.
He is there on evenings of Mon, Tue, Thur and Sat (afternoon). Pricing wise, reasonable to me.

ytd his clinic is closed in the afternoon. make a waste trip.

last few cycles wen i need to clarify some doubts, i emailed him.. cos b4 that, i oredi seen him and took 3 cycles of clomid..
oh ya!!! his clinic always half day on thursday till 1.30pm!
like tis u go there really wasted trip! then u wait for him to reply u...

but wer u stay? near his clinic? if near then not so pissed.. if u stay far then super pissed.. go there and realise it is close
i stay in Punggol, but ytd off work early so went to get.. went to get toiletries instead loh..

i tink i just manage to O on CD26, so nw just wait till end of 2ww loh..
Already tested a few weeks back, including last week - all BFN. Last few weeks still got some symptoms like giddiness, crampy feel, sore breast. Now all no more except for a lower bAckache.
joyful, u stay at punggol? i waiting for my keys lor at punggol.. so now i staying at west area..
probably we might be future neighbours..

BBlove, how come the symptoms like preggy? ur AF have not report rite? so probably the HGC not high enuff to detect? go chk with gynae?
Bblove maybe u wanna induce the Af since u tested bfn? Then can start new cycle early. But if I am u i will also test every few days cos may hcg not high enough
eh why u all testing at night ah? early stage shld test with first morning urine... higher levels of hcg ... anyway il test over the weekend ... hahaha

Should test in the morning. If in btw sleep still got wak up to pass urine. Which urine should be used? Please guide me. Thank you
hi ladies, back from the gynae, was told that an operation might not be necessary if i dont have any sever pains, took my blood test again to ensure the bb is growing, will need to do another blood test to compare on monday morning to compare, gynae will see me again 1hr later after the test, hope everything will be fine.

Thanks ladies for all your support.
canopyhaze, good!! hopefully everything goes smoothly.. and tat thing will disppear itself after sometime..

everything will be fine.. bb will be growing healthy.. dun worry ya
Berries, at least u can get a unit at BTO....HDB invite us go but our queue number so behind, in the end, all units taken up so we got to pass...what a waste!

missycandy, really hope its good news for u as only left the 2 of us here....

canopyhaze, dun worry, things might not be that bad....it will disappear for sure
Ehhhh Dunno ... Lolol!!! But if u wake up after 5am to pee use that? Before that then don't use I guess...

Charlotte, sigh now no more cm ... Plus getting emo so I think AF will come soon
Any gd news today? Quite a number testing today right?
m still searching for o..haha, come to think of it, think 2ww's more bearable than searching for o, coz my case really dunno where d o went again or it had alr left... :p

Looking fwd to hearing gd news this wkend for mummies who'r testing! Jiayou!!

fullhouse:yup,if all houses taken,it won't count..HDB will sent letter to inform you..every application,forever there are so many applications,meaning in spore,so many pple doesn't have their own flat..I am also applying but queue over the no of flats..

been feeling crampy past few days and sore boobs alr..AF shd be reporting tml based on the 14 days before O..so I will only test on Mon provided god give me the chance...gd luck to the others testing..
