(2013) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

berries, yes, he want four... he comes from a family with two boys only, and I am an only child, but we both like kids very much.... kids are a blessing to us, so we are very happy to have more...

tigress & canopy: wah, hope tigress BFP prediction for you is correct!!!

rene: heehee... dunno lah! everyone also got their own theory! peng san... read until blur liao... yah, agree with you, maybe ang moh more horny... hurhurhurhur...

alamak, raining... sianz. i still need to take my girl to therapy... hope the rain stop soon. :p

rainie: poke yourself hard... hahahaha, you very funny!!! don't ah, wait injure yourself only!

yesterday told DH I tested BFN during the weekend (I didn't tell him earlier), but that I still hoping got.... last night so weird, got discharge, and smell like AF... but it's not... dunno wat is going on.... sigh... so I'm still waiting... waiting for this weekend to test bah. hopefully just int time to make GYN appt for june... cos a bit more free time then... and I hope to see GYN before I fly to Oz.... anyway, will cross that bridge when we get to it lah.

dorie, yes I am a SAHM...
rainie: ^5! it's a privilege to stay home hor? i wish I could have done it earlier... I only started when my boy went P1... so only baby got more of the benefits of me staying home... she was 3+ when I became a SAHM...
Congrats to all tested positive mummies. Spread yr bbdust around.

I also make appointment to see him on end of the month. Switching gynae but hubby prefers my old gynae.

when is the last time you tested? Agree tt you should see a gynae for a peace of mind.

I'm also testing this weekend. AF mia for a looong time liao.
dorie, not necessary....its up to individual on how u look at it. Each priority is different, for me n my hubby, our gal priority comes 1st, education is very important. We also discuss for a long time before we decide on who to take care of her n whats best for her. Financially is tough but when u see how well yr gal grows up, its worth it. I also got frens say I over stress my gal n I shd just go work n let her explore herself, can study means can study, dun need to overload the kids but I dun think the same as them, so its up to individual...no right n no wrong....
rainie: yesyes,... to each her/his own...
but from a teacher's point of view, remember, don't just focus on results... teach her to become an independent learner also.... not to always just rely on your for motivation, but teach her study skills and train good attitudes that will carry her right through to the end of her studying career...
many parents will chiong with child up to primary school, then secondary school they let go cos they can't keep up liao... then they realise, without the parents by their side, the child is not capable of studying on his/her own... then dizzy on the newfound freedom, plus an inability to juggle 9 subjects entirely on their own, their grades come plummeting down... and this during the angsty teenage years... so remember to train the skills and attitudes and instrinsic motivation too...
Thanks but i doubt so for me. Now already Cd59 for me. No more cramps n bloatiness. Just lower backache when night falls. On top of tt I have never even see ewcm the last cycle. Anyway I have weird long cycle so think it good to lat gynae scan n advice.
dorie,bblove: Me 3,am testing this wkend provided AF don't appear by then..Hope all 3 of us will post our gd news early early morning..

prosper: don't give up yet..just try to BD alt days to make sure you don't miss the critical time..
dorie, bblove and faith, will pray for your bfp soon.

faith, ya i bd on cd 10,cd14, cd16, cd17,cd19 and hopefully tonite, cd20. today smily face at cd20.
Fullhouse> har.. i a bit give up hope le.. so sian.. well i will still test again this coming weekend.. if AF don't show up.

Dorie> *finger cross*

This week I am on leave stay at home cause bb flu and cough she unable to sleep well at night.. she sleep better when I carry her sitting up and chest to chest position... so at night I will wake up a few time to ease her cough. Yesterday was bad she sleep already she cough till she woke up and she was still sleeping but crying and call me 'mama' as in i am so fustrated...
wooo im also going to test this weekend ... hehehehe... not hopeful... but hope i dont see red ...

canopy, could it be UTI or stone? go see a GP to confirm ? best is test urine for pregnancy n dip stick to see if infection.. meanwhile take care ! hope its good news for u !!
bbjoy, you seeing Paul Tseng oso? haha... that time i went to see him and told him still no news. He asked me if I still wanted to try naturally or do IUI... I "eh", then he say ok we try naturally for a few cycles then see how. He is not a chatty doc but I would say he has friendly disposition! Who was your previous gynae?

Dorie, my hb knows that I find him "yan dao". lolz. I find him charismatic. for first preg, I went first consultation on my own. hb went for the subsequent one and he agrees that he is charismatic. Anyway he got no chance to make me change mind- cos I am the patient! not him... lolz :p
faith: i have a hunch that you might be having your BFP leh.. lol.. dunno y.. lol.. i oso dunnno.. lol..

Anyway, congrats to all who graduate!! Spread more bbdust.. I NEED ALOT BADLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol.. =D
fullhouse, what u mean by reassuring? If you have questions, he will definetely answer...

Just to share my previous experience and how I decided on him. I had brown spotting during my prev preggy. I switched over to him because my 1st gynae keep telling me "dun worry, it is normal one" for almost 3 appts (I saw him every 2wks since the start of my spotting). the 1st gynae only suggested the HCG level test at the last appt. Being the paranoid 1st timer, I decided to see Dr Tseng for 2nd opinon. He was frank (told me that spotting could be a sign of misccarriage) but the way to confirm would be a HCG level test. if the HCG reading goes up 2 times or more, it is a viable preg. So I did the test (compare w prev gynae readings) and it turns out well...

Seriously, despite his frank prognosis, it beats a doc who does v-scan every 2 weeks and whilst assuring keep telling me it's normal (i know cos I did a lot of web research). Seeing 1st gynae 2 times before he suggested the test on the 3rd visit is like cheat my money lor...
Faith/ Christy/Dorie,
Jia you....

Fullhouse/ Prosper,
Thanks thanks. Hope to grab bbdust hete.

Maybe you want to get bb vicks to apply on yr bb's chest, and foot. Remember to wear sock for bb at night.

Ive never seen Dr Paul before. Was with Dr YC Goh fot all 2 preggies. My doc dun do ovulation screning. Dun induce menses unnecessary. Overall he is a conservative guy.
bbjoy, icic... Curious how you got to know about Dr Paul? Cos he is not known to many mommies as a fertility gynae. Originally I din think to go to him for monitoring until a friend who switched to him told me that he helped her concieve her #2.
bblove: yah, after so long, good to see GYN and see what they say...

faith: ok, we hold hands and hope ok?

christy: yes, *fingers crossed*

wah, missy, you also testing this weekend? that's like 3 of us liao... who else? I think blur is testing tonight or tmr morning...

fullhouse: thanks!! we sure need your bbdust ah!

snow: heehee... your DH very dafang! heh....

vanilla: jiayou!!!

christy: yah, one way to help the cough at night is to rub a lot of vicks on the soles of their feet then wear socks over.... it really works leh!

xinyue: i see....

wah, so now dr paul tseng hot topic worh... heehee. methinks i will stick to my dr tan bah... the only reason i will change will be because i wanna deliver in kkh. but see how. bfp first then say bah.

canopy: keep us updated... hope it's a bfp and nothing else!
Yoo hoo~~ Had been reading this thread on and off for a while and decided to post my first msg. I'm TTC-ing for my "second" one... after I M/C my first 3 months ago. First of all, Congrats to those who have BFP~!!
canopy: CONGRATULATIONS!!!! So happy for you!!!! yes, yes, fill this thread with a whole storm of bbdust!!!! *starts dancing in the storm of bbdust*

Shan: all the best to you!!!

eh, so canopy is #what graduate liao ah? Who is keeping track of the list? hahahahaha
Wow this thread is really filled with BBdust!
Congrats all who are successful! BBdust to all!

Im new here, ttc for no.2. Just stopped bc 2 mths ago trying to let my AF settle down.
Thanks ladies! Wishing all u bfp soon! Preservance and Jia you! I think I m #09 to get preggie for this new thread!
Was tearing when the doc told me that I m preggie. Couldn't believe my ears.
Yup ladies, Jia you Jia you! Hope can talk in Jan 2013 thread together!

Missy & Charlotte : Jia you!!!!

Can visit dr paul tseng Liao.
missycandy, I dun think I will be that lucky to make it to the dragon tail....still be here for quite a while, maybe all graduate already but am still here struggling...sigh....
rainie, don't give up... jiayou... methinks you not been here as long as me bah... i been ttcing since 2007... hurhur. i started out with the 2008 thread... now already 2013... just that in between, got discouraged seeing everyone bfp around me and i still in there... then never come in to post liao... *hugs*
canopyhaze:CONGRAT! ur preservance finally give you result! bbdust pls come to me..

vanilla:thank you..I really really hope ur hunch is accurate..today just hear my best friend pregnant,happy for her but in my heart,I felt depressed..feel guilty of having this feeling..
raine:don't give up yet..when you least unexpected,it will happen..someone say to me before,life is all abt hope..let pray hard together..
Eh someone asked abt fertility specialist ? My sil sees eh can't recall his name offhand but he's at tanglin mall ... Tow yung clinic I think ... Dr Yong ? Hmmm there r a few drs there... My sil strike after seeing him 1st mth... Before that she was seeing Ben Tham for few mths...

Actually I think now tcm is the way to go ... A lot of ppl strike ... My fren went to see ma Kuang yesterday... She said the lady sinseh is very nice n encouraging ... She paid $150... Must tio body then go back to see in 2 weeks ....
missy:what is ma kuang? ya I believe is fate..we can see so many pregnant women at the streets everyday,while walking,in mrt,at wrk! mind will always ask why am i not one of them yet??

shan:how long have u ttc? let jia you together..share the bbdust all over this thread!
