(2013) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

raine:gynae suggest you to do IUI? ur HB didn't go for any treatment,TCM or eat supplements? I been trying for 2 yrs and still wishing for miracle..how long have u been trying?

faith, yes my gynae act suggest us to do IUI last year in Oct but my hubby is against the idea n insist we try out on our own but now he changed his mind, saying we shd consider going for it if we still failed....he is having GNC Megamen for 3-4mths but now stopped as he is having TCM to tio his body so we are also hoping for a miracle to happen, been trying for 1.5 years already!
Missy: dun make me blush lei. Haha.. Tat was wen I dun haf #1 lol. Nw with #1, no time n energy.

Like nw, my hb koonz liao... Sianzzz tat's y I'm here at this hr...

faith n rainie: I always believe God has a plan for us. The "miracle" will come when it's time. But we also nd continue to 加油
Yes, so who is the 'old handsome'? I'm interested too! Lol

I was with NUH but now I'm not sure if I like the waiting time that much

I'm really feeling whatever gynae will do, feeling lam nua. Need the sudden spur to do things now. Think I'm still in shock lol

Lol hb thinks when it comes to bd and kids, 多多益善 :D. I was the one who's against the latter until recently
Snowhopes: ooh, hmmz... Old handsome, is it Dr Paul Tseng? :p he's one of the famous old handsome leh..

Bliss_ling: mi mil also lidat der... Can tell me tt boy n girl also gd, but when know tt mine's a girl, she bohiew type... Then worse still's when she discovered sil aka her own daughter's #2's yet another boy while her daughter hopes for a boy n a girl, she even suggested changing bb so tt my girl be sil's and her #2be mine... Wah liew, my girl calls her grandma too, does it matter tt she's mine n nt sil's?

Mil v biased one.. Anw. Ink the #2kinda grow on her such tt nw he's her previous n cldnt care a damn abt my girl... Tt's y i totally totally understand ur frustration n all abt having no support when kiddo cannot go to cc... Tt's like a waste of leave n really really doesnt reflect gd if one goes on such urgent leave ever so often... Sigh...

Really hope tt yall get a Boy ts time round n then can shove bb Boy into her face... Then can tell her can see canoot touch! Haha!!! Make her drool!! :p

Btw, ur mil dunno tt the gener's determined by the guy? Haha, we only provide the x side, whereas guys provide the x or the y... :p
Charlotte : Is it? Can see ur hb very luv kids.. Tats g so gan jiong..

Fullhouse : so nice! My hb Seems stress wen i mention one more.. Lol!!!
Bewildered, bingo!!! Well he's good during delivery. Calm, cherry and in control! Never fails to greet with a lovely smile. I saw him for ovulation monitoring.

The dragon year is soooo busy for him lor. So hard to call his clinic to get appt. managed to get thru email...

You gals wanna know how he look like - go google him under image... He like the older the more handsome!!! Yummy gynae!
Snowhopes: haha, lotsa mummies r raving abt hos gd looks n some even said tt he looks better in person... Heh heh... Thinking of changing gynae f i have #2 coz wanna try vbac under him coz heard tt he's more pro-natural... Btw, hw's his charges like har? So tt can use to mentally prep hb when the time comes!! Haha!!

Today's cd18 for me, then for the past few days hor, got distinct 2 lines on the opk but the test line's never greater than the other line... Then yest nite test on the opk again, no line ler... Btw, vanilla & missy, hw'd ya keep the tested opk? Coz ahem, i din throw the past 3 sticks tt i tested with... Then aft 5 mins, then 2 lines appeared but the test line's never as dark but when i looked at it again a night, some 12 hrs later,the 2 lines actually darken on their own and look somehow the same leh...

I shld take the readings at 5min or? If ading at 5mins' taken, then line nt as dark and it disappeared yest night... Dunno wat to read of the whole thg... Anw, just bd yest jus in case, coz abit alarmed aft the 2 lines can just disappear like tt...
Gd Morning Mummies,so wish that 1 day early morning I can post gd news sharing with you gals..'crossing fingers',pray pray hard hard..

raine:i felt that if is us that have trouble,it will be easier to tiao and strike..but if is from the HB,is so difficult to tiao the body..

rene:ya,i believe god is testing our patience now..hope we can pass all his test soon and grad..

snowhopes:Dr Paul Tseng is a fertility Dr? He practice at which hospital?

bewildered:don worry abt the opk,just BD alt days if possible..gd luck!
Hmmmm I tape them onto a paper n write date, time n cd number... Then one below the other so can compare w previous day ... Then the paper I put into a ziplock n keep in drawer...

I was looking at the paper last night ... A lot of them no more lines .... Only left a few with distinct lines ....

By right, read after 3-5mins... Once after that, it's not accurate already ... Esp after 10mins...

Hope you managed to catch the egg :p

And yes, as long as test line isn't as dark or darker than control line, it's considered negative ... The strips detect the hormone called LH which is constantly produced and present in our bodies ... Only when we are going to ovulate will there be a surge in this LH level which will give u positive opk... But then again, some claim the strip to be inaccurate ... Some use strips and don't detect the surge but can still strike ... Ha ha... So guess its up to individual to try ba...
Faith, I also hope that I can say BFP! Lolol!!! But then again, I'm a bit pantang haaa... Plus I ever had chemical pregnancy before so a bit wary... Once I strike, must cut out cold drinks n food until all stable... Hope we will be blessed soon!!!
Good Morning

Fullhouse, Berries
I am more stress when comes to #2, I worried abt financially cos only my hubby working. I am quite against on having #2 but its him who insist, say dun worry so much, he can manage, just concentrate on taking care of the kids n he can go outside work witj no worries....but still I worry abt $$$

missycandy, jia you....next mth u will BFP!!!
morning charlotte!
we are the other way round..
i'm so keen to have #2..partly want my boy to have a sibling..

but my hb very stress bout the financial issue..
missy:i am very superstitious person also..so once i hear pple say something,i will avoid or try doing it if it benefit me..

raine:don worry so much abt $$,in the past pple will have so many children and they can still manage..don stress urself so much..at least you can focus ttc at hm with no work stress..

Today CD27 and boobs becoming sore which happen every cycle before AF,think this mth no chance alr coz no other symptoms appear..
missycandy, next time u shd take pics for the strips so that more accurate cos they vanish after a while.

faith, sometimes SAHM more stress than working....ttc so long at home also no strike, WTH...wans to curse already....ARRGGG
congrat the 8 mummies who just test bfp...

catches the babydust

nowaday everyday so tired. -.-

today CD25. i believe i only O'ed over the weekend, cos i saw ewcm for like 3 days. weird. usually i only see 1 day of ewcm and 2 weeks later af will come... hmmm.
morning to all.. Catch baby dust..

Any good fertility doctor to recommend? my gynae seems not sure of my ovulating eggs..
Morning Gals..

Yawn. tdy wake up with backache. Zzzz...

Dr Paul Tseng operate at? hw is his charges... i goofle his pic now.. Wahahah
Hi ladies, gd morning! Need help!
The right side of my tummy is having acute sharp pain this morning. Can't really walk and drive. Gotta drive super slow and reached my morning meeting late. Anyone experiencing this? Cd49 for me!
canopyhaze, such coincidence!
I simply adore him. After one consultation with him during my first preg, never looked back. :p

bewildered, he is more handsome in person - he has quite a "cantonese" handsome look. his charges are ala-carte. i.e. no package. VBAC delivery normal(back abt 4 years ago) was I think $1500 (w/o intervention, etc). One thing good about him is he will not push u to buy fish oil supplements (cos he says got eat fish enough liao) or do ultrasound everytime u see him. The "sheng qi" thing is he can measure and touch your tummy and know if baby is growing... *wahaha*

bbfaith, I not sure if he is a "fertility doctor" per se. People look for him due to his pro-natural stance. eg. he does not cut, instead he allows u to tear naturally. But because he was my gynae for my 1st, I went back to see him when I tried for abt a year and failed. So he did ovulation monitoring for me (I will see him at the clinic close to supposedly ovulation. He will US to see how big the follicle is). If it's sufficiently big, he will send u home with LH kits and advise u to BD everyday/ alt days (usually, when see him should be 1-2 days more to the LH surge). If no surge during the period, he will advise u to go see him. if u do, US will be done again to check if the egg still there. If egg sufficiently big but still there, he might give a boost of the fake LH to make the egg come out.
For males, he would recommend sperm test to be conducted. If sperm test no good, he will then advise accordingly.
raine:i understand coz like alr focus all the time and effort to ttc at hm for so long,will start to think all sorts of negative..cant imagine how you went through all these..I am working and I alr felt argh when my free time,starts to depress..

windy:new cycle new hope..hugs..

canopyhaze:better go for gynae check..at least let Dr find out what happening..take care..
rene_rene, he is at TMC. Clinic name is TLC. He shares the practice with another two more female gynaes. charges I not very sure le, cos the last time was abt 4 yrs ago.

canopyhaze, right side could be appendicitis? if really very pain, better to see a GP. quick go test leh...
snowhopes: i googled his pic.keke not bad looking. but den dun u find werid to haf a handsome gynae lookin at ur V ah? keke..

perhaps u can update us the charges after u c him
canopyhaze, i went to google search and see some symptoms.. for your reading purpose.

Symptoms Associated with Appendix Pain

In Adults
Appendix pain symptoms are classic in nature. Doctors find it easy to identify the problem and recommend tests to check for its severity. Pain in the abdomen is the most exhibited symptom. However, in different people the pain might occur in different locations. Pain can occur suddenly, starting usually from the center of the abdomen and traveling either to the left or the right side. For those who have experienced appendix pain on the left side or the right side say, it is extremely painful and seems to get worse every passing minute. Pain increases every time the person moves around, or even coughs or sneezes.
Thanks ladies, just done with meeting.
Berries : yup, sweat a lot when in pain.
Ladies : actually the area is the right side of the bikin line. Around the top of the panty. I don't think is appendix.
Been having sleepless bites, and feeling very hot for the past 2 wks , blasted my aircon till 21deg still feel hot, super tired. Constantly hungry and son has been sticky to me. Am I pregnant? Or I read too much into it?
Am I pregnant?
Anyone know of any gynae in shenton way? I am near raffles place mrt.
hi ladies, congrats to those graduated.. *hope to grab some BB dust too*

can i ask arh.. before AF reports..or before u tested BFP.... anyone experienced slightly irritated V (or the U neighbour at the front)?

my AF is super haywire these mths.. last mth late for like 5-7days....n i even was hopeful, tested twice on the HPT only to keep seeing BFN. today is CD32 bah i tink..(not totally sure hw to count)....but i tink it's heatiness and hence AF is late n haywire agn!!!! dun evn wana waste money on HPT and end up getting more disappointed too. ):
Canopyhaze, go n test n u will know if u are pregnant? Dun be so nervous, u can always go to yr gynae after work since u dun have serious bleeding or spotting, relax a bit...u sound anxious unless u really in great pain then go A&E!!!
sigh.. while most ppl will eventually move out to stay on their own....... i hfta swallow it to move in with them in couple of years' time. F!!!
canophyhaze: the part which you r in part seem to be wat i experience when i was preggy with #1. the pain come off n on and can be quite painful. Perhaps you might just head dwn to ur gynae.

bliss: oic. close ur door. heh heh.
fatbobo... u gg to stay with ur in laws in few yrs to come?

i just move out of my in law place last yr.. cannot stand them!! esp my hb tat divorcee sister.. pervert!!
berries:: unfortunately yes! managed to escaped 4yrs back to stay on our own. but that was a temporary escape! sigh. ILs bought a new hse..bigger... so can hse everyone in. no choice.. HB is only son, younger sis is overseas.. parents alone (FIL travels often, MIL just retired)........

i hope i can strike soon.. n evn better.. a pair of twins.. so that there will NOT be enough room in the house for extended family!! my first born is a pair of twin girls. they're turning 3 in 3mths time.

actually to be fair..my ILs r ok. but i dun like it dat HB owas say YES to them..n they owas decided tings on their own. n the way they do things..esp MIL.... never appropriate in my eyes! yes, i tink the fact that HB is a guai son disturbs me alot.
i am going to give up. Tested smiley face today at CD 20. but CD 17 smiley face, then CD18,19 dun have now cd 20 smiley face.
Dunno what is wrong..
rene, he is a doctor la... anyway, he does not stare at your v when doing v scan. he just glance to ensure the scanning device is in. Professionalism lah... and when u are delivering, who cares who stares man... all u wan is to get the baby out... :p that's what I think la.

Will update again when I see him next week.

prosper, I heard that some woman get smileys throughout the whole cycle. u tried monitoring EWCM instead? that one should be more accurate. I think doing ultrasound is most chun but expensive la. Why can't we buy a cheap US and scan to see right?
snowhopes: yay...

fatbobo: a pair of twin again? wow meaning 4 kids in a block. are you gg be stay hm mum den or are u a stay hm mum now?
bliss: oh dear... if you can just try and ignore her and stay out of her way lah... sigh, these kind of people are not worth our fretting over although it's hard to ignore because we can't totally avoid them. hopefully hubby is supportive of you... she needs a bio lesson man... baby girl or boy dependent on hubby spermie leh, not you worh... grrrrrr....

this older generation ah, can be quite crazy in the things that they say...

christy: *fingers crossed* for you... as long as AF don't come, still got hope bah...

mrstan: good thing your hubby is on your side... you are blessed...

bliss: aiyoh... i know of someone liddat... my aunty and her son (who is my cousin). warraos, spoilt brat, pampered left right and center...

berries: oh no! try to look on the bright side... new AF cycle means new hope... how is your boy now?

bliss: hope you are right about this being a prosperous thread... heehee...

xinyue: heehee, why you want a snake?

faith: jiayou! jiayou! haha, you all try how long liao? I've been TTCing... started with trying to TTC for a 2008 baby (so started in 2007) until now... hahahahaha...

fullhouse: LOL, you very funny... give birth cat, dog... hahahahahaha.

as for my gyn - first went to him cos recommended by friends. he was in KK then... and since I was a teacher, I auto went to KK because then we teachers can deduct from salary and got discount. now not working, no diff, so since he already go TMC, follow him there. Although I'm not sure about giving birth at TMC cos I'm used to KK liao, but we will cross that bridge when we come to it bah. The main thing I don't like about TMC is the carpark lor... so headache everytime. not like KK carpark so big, some more got cap, in 24 hrs max is dunno how much... that's very good worh.

and KK also abt 20 mins drive from my place... not so bad. TMC also ok, just more troublesome bah.

hmmm, you know, I read somewhere that shouldn't BD everyday, cos hor, the spermies haven't regenerate yet, so DH will be firing blanks worh... say better to do at most alt days... in any case, the spermies can live up to 3 days inside you one worh...

Berries: my DH is VERY supportive... because he wanted four all along... hahahahahaha, but we are getting old, lao kok kok liao... so no energy like rene hor, to BD everyday... hurhur...

bewildered: wah, this day and age still got so many MIL liddat one? really buay tahan hor? thank God my parents and ILs all OK... leave us alone basically... maybe because we are all Christians, so no pangtang... we (DH and I) could veto a lot of the practices because we don't want to do pantang things... so boy, girl all also never mind. although it's not perfect, but generally she will be quite ok... so I'm quite thankful lor.

snow: you very funny leh! old handsome indeed... your DH know you think that or not? heehee...
dorie, thanks!!! hope to strike it next cycle.
my boy still coughing badly... haiz! hope he recover soon else got to go for blood test liao..

ur hb so cute.. wan FOUR? so nice!! actually i love the idea to have more kids.. so wen i old the hse will be merrier... see? i tink so far again.. haha
Rene: yes, on & off sharp pain. Damn painful.

Bliss : so I guess still got hope to bfp.

My hubby n I think that dr Paul looks like the younger version of chiam see tong.
canopyhaze: gd sign... good luck

dorie: i also like to haf 4 but den my HB dun wan.. he say max is 2. ur article and my article different, mine was frm a Ang moh paper wrote BD everyday. keke.. maybe ang moh more horny.. oopsss...
Canopyhaze, go go go.....most likely u BFP
then I shd see if I have sharp pain in my obdominal, if not I will poke myself hard, hehe....good luck

replies part two: the top started writing at 5+, then went back to bed, just finished it up. then now replying the rest. haha..

bew: oh, he's pro natural? hmmm, which hospital does he deliver at ah? maybe I can consider cos i had a c-sec... hoping to do a vbac with my next one...

faith: yah... me also would like to come in in the morning and blare out BFP!!! but boh leh... for now. *waiting waiting*

missy: wah! you very disciplined leh! I preggy will drink cold water throughout... cannot tahan... I'm a very hot person, the sweat and sweat kind... haha...

re sibling vs only: yah, because I am an only child, i still say have siblings better... less pressure on the kid... also less stress for parents... the weird truth is that parenting gets easier with each subsequent kid you have... you start to loosen up and take things easier because you have hindsight... the first born takes a lot of pressure and suffers from our mistakes... the last one usually has the best time because by then the parents are more chillax about things.

rainie: you are a SAHM?

cheryl: just BD bah...

Windy: jiayou for the new round!

babykk: sorry, i can't help you there... i have never seen a fertility specialist...

canopy: right side acute sharp pain? you got things like diarrhea or vomitting? could be appendicitis worh... better go and check it out... if burst will be very troublesome...

canopy, are you sure? then you must quickly go see a gynae... hopefully is not ectopic pregnancy...

jumbo: mmm, I don't have those symptoms... but the AF is def haywire with me, cos I have PCOS...

yah, agree with rainie, go and see a doctor... either way, sharp pains are a good reason to go see doc... esp pain until sweat....

prosper... liddat then don't test, just BD alt day and hope to catch the egg bah. test liao like more stress?
