(2013) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

dorie, DH complaining lor, cos we both tired.
Now the thing is i dunno whether is it i got no egg.. cos dr says either i o-ed or have not o , even if have, the egg will only release one week later , that very long, already cd 19 le. how could it be so long, i never o that late. the max i o-ed is around cd 17-20

LOL.. heh... yup. see lah, these men? have also comprain. don't have, also comprain? haha. but yes, i know what you mean...

then i guess just take it one day at a time lah. got energy then bd lor, no energy, rest... and just enjoy each other... too focused on baby also can get in the way of actually having one... stress mah. easier said than done i know, but chemically, it's true. *hugs*

hmm, i never take before, can't help you there..
dorie, roll over? no feel like drowning myself in it, haha.....grab or rollover no use for me already.

tigeress, yes hang in there....u shd be happy the baby is growing well since yr MS kicking in, maybe its a girl
I have terrible MS from my 8weeks up to 14weeks when I have my gal, take care....wish I have 1 inside me growing too cos my hubby really looking forward to having #2 now.

prosper, yes just BD alternate days, dun care abt the positive opk, some ladies here can even strike when they are not BDing during their fertile period, just whack. I also have very short smiling face this cycle, test at nite then next morning no more....just monitior my EWCM, just BD when u see them for the next few days.
dorie, seriously I wish I can....I have really done everything I can...from taking all sorts of vitamins to clomid to longan red date tea to chicken essence to TCM n praying....all I can think of I do it but still in vain....so I really leave it to fate now...u get what I mean? My fren got blocked tubes can even get preggie, so what can I say besides its her fate n luck
yah, i know what you mean... jiayou ok? try not to stress, just sun qi zi ran... hopefully will just happen... *hugs* although I never do all those things other than the clomid and the praying, i still know what you mean... I have PCOS, so it's hard also... but never mind, we keep trying...
charlotte, u test clearblue using the first morning test?

what i did this cycle different is that i tested during 1030am-1130am and 7-8pm. all the while neg..
whereas the last few cycle i only test using the first mornig urine (FMU) then got smiley face.
Is it i must use FMU test instead?
prosper, yes I am using Clearblue digital too but I am the opposite of u, I seldom test positive in the morning, always in the evening or nite so I monitor my CM....if I have EWCM n tested, most properly its smiling face for me n it will lasted from 8hrs to at the most 24hrs but usually its very short for me. Usually I will BD from CD13 to CD17 but this cycle I start a bit early from CD10 to CD16 cos my fertile period is damn short...

I think for Clearblue, u can test anytime of the day unless u are using those cheap strips, those u need to test between 10am to 8pm.
hmmm im getting confused lor .. now is CD27 ... and im getting ewcm ... for the past 2 days... cham... am i ovulating now?
sigh ... then again i didnt get +ve opks for the past 2wks also... sighhh... ahhhhhhhhh!!!

charlotte, xie xie ni ! hope we all strike soon ! hehehe
dear ladies,

Just tested BFP. Was late for 1 day.

missy, can try acunpuncture and TMC med.. It works for me as my body is weak but after 3 months of the tcm i managed to conceive.

Now mix feeling abt this one
thanks missy...

@ dorie, my hubby is keen to have #2 whereas I only hope to have one. He plans and pays for all staycations, buy folic, tcm acupuncture package. I hope to manage well if this comes along. Some ladies who knowm me in FB knew that I have a hard time in even getting help to look after my girl when she cant go cc. plus gender pressure, mil likes boy and made a hurtful remark when I had my girl. I will never able to forget and out it behind.

Missy , u should know the whole story abt the gender thing I mentioned to u last time
imgaine hearing hurtful remark when u are heavily pregnant is not helpful. Like " must be your fault that it a girl" etc....
bliss: its must be stressful for you. Btw, all this gender mainly is from ur HB sperms lol, not we woman can decide one. Please enjoy and dun care abt ur mil. Gal are always v sweet to mummies lol...
Congrets to MTB

Wow Fullhouse CD42?? My AF have been regular (35days cycle) but just don't know why it went MIA now I am CD44 and I tested on CD42 still -ve.

Catch BBdust.
bliss_ling: same here. My HB is the only son. Though my mil din say anything when i have my #1 girl, but i can feel deep down in her heart, she prefer boy. She is those very traditional woman. (btw,My hb has 3 elder sis). Furthermore, my #1 is born in the year of tiger. Can you imagine her facial expression when my hb told her is a bb girl then. haha luckily my hb is not those superstitious type of person.

Why ur girl cannot go cc?
thanks rene.. True but then she dotes on her youngest son who is my mil, packs food, drinks, do everything for him like he is still a pri sch kid. bil already 25 yrs old liao.. ** slap forehead**

LAst sat, when we went out with her for dinner with fil, she told my hubby that my gal finger not thin and long as my hubby.. WTF, i thinking .. her fingers ok what.. hubby said " her finger very slim liao leh..."

Mrs Tan, if girl not well then cant go sch. ur mil is better as she didnt said anything. mine like to cry one lor.

HJ, I went to Thomson Chinese Medicine @ TMC. It is good
thanks canopyhaze.

ladies, it a nice place to share here. joined u ladies this journey for 1 yr liao. I pray that God will bless everyone of you BFP.
Congrats mummies who have tested BFP!! *envy*
i'm so sad, my AF report before i could do anything... haiz!

and was on urgent leave this morning coz my #1 cough and vomitted his whole bottle of milk after drinking... arrrrghhh~~~
bliss-ling > congratz to u.. just enjoy ur pregnancy. it is good that hubby is supportive of having a #2.

Hmm.. ur MIL one kind. she herself is also a female. why the hurtful remarks??
i believe this thread is a prosperous thread .. til date I think abt 8 of the ladies here have graduated..

Spread baby dusts to everyone here
thanks xinyue. i not sure too why she likes that?? haizz..

btw, my Ovualtion cycle is very short, less than 24 hrs .. I tested at 11.45pm, hubby saw the smiley face on clearblue and he excited.. we bd immed cos earlier on on the same day at 7.45pm, i tested No smiley face (no ovulation). This was the first time we did it during staycation and striked it.

May I suggest to you ladies, can consider to have a short local 1 day staycation to bd. if can, dont bring kid and for me, it happened that my mummy helped me to look after ny girl after her work.
bliss: ur HB reali v keen to haf #2 hor. keke so cute one de. My HB dun reali care, he say he wish to fulfil my dream to have to have a bb gal.. kns...
xinyue: i agree with u. she also female lol... well well..

Bliss: Anyway mil is also like dat but she does not show to me. i know deep dwn she prefer boy too.. so when i had my #1 and noe is a Boy, she was over e moon.

R u staying with ur in law? if not, den just go like once or twice to her hse lol.. den u can save ur ears frm those remarks
bliss_ling > hmm.. i guess, she has forgotten that she is a female too.. but 'remembered' she is MIL. or maybe she is afraid of being 'grilled' during her afterlife on not continuing the family line. Ops.. being sarcastic here..

Have u wondered, what would her reaction/action be if you were having a prince this time round?

rene > hehe.. at least he is willing to help fulfil dream. mine, i wonder will be co-operate with me to have a snake baby. I just want a snake.

Hmm.. sigh, I also dont like my in law. But hubby is always wanting to go over or her coming. zzz lor.
hope bliss's hubby not like mine. is he mindful of the hurtful remarks??
congrats bliss ling..don worry abt all the remarks that ur in law say,most imp be happy abt what you have now that is growing inside you..btw,wat is staycaution?

rainie:I can feel you..same like you,I have tried almost everything that I learnt..but just no strike yet..I believe this thread will give all of us luck as alr 8 grad just this mth..JY!
Your cycle is longer so test again? My cycle is 28-30 days and I only got a + on cd42. Tested like 3x before (wasted money) and all very super duper snow white negative!


Rene, ling
All in laws are the same bah, after you have a boy, give birth to cat or dog they will also say 'anything lah, healthy can already... :p

For those who have #1, or 2 or 3 le
Did you travel very far for gynae checks /delivery? What made you choose your present gynae/obs (if he's not practicing near your workplace, or home) over others more convenient ones?
I oso think this 2013 thread is a fertile one!
tigress, tigermum, me, komathi, fullhouse, snowhopes, bliss_ling, and many more!

bliss_ling: try to take it easy on those hurtful remarks; go in 1 ear and straight away out from the other!
fullhouse: u made me laugh.. haha give birth to cat or dog... hahaha so funie.. but is TRUE!

#1 i travel to sembawang to c Dr Ang @ sun plaza. for my future #2, i will choose nearer to my location lol.. coz its reali v far n tiring to travel.

So urs is where for #1 n u intend to change to?
i read on a articles saying that best chance to conceive is like BD like thrice a week. Then another article wrote everyday during O period.. Wow wow...

faith: did u try to bd everyday during ur O period?

Tat mth which i conceived my #1, we bd CD 11 - CD 17 . Maybe this will works but of coz is my last option coz its reali v tiring lol. =P
dorie, shouldn't be too far. Fixed my gynae appt already for next saturday... super counting down cos wanna see him soon... ;p

Fullhouse, my gynae is not near my workplace or home. But cos we drive, so getting there is ok. Anyway my doc is in the hospital where I am delivering.
For me I chose him cos I am comfortable with him. And he is old handsome (psst I like). :p
rene:normally I will BD alt days coz everyday really tiring..my HB troops not very strong also,scare everyday will affect..wow,u BD for 7 days straight,same timing everyday? doesn't you feel like no feeling while doing it..haha..and whenever I BD,I will feel pain at my stomach area..when I ask my gynae,he say is normal..but the pain will make me not enjoying..how?
faith: yes we did 7 day straight abt the same timing be4 zzz... at 1st still ok, den as days passed den like routine lol. wat to do.. is our last resort ma.

i also will have the pain in stomach,i tink is due to the strain tat we bd too often ba. e muscle cramp i guess. Also, must relax lol.

U mean nw when u do alt day u still feel the pain?

I think do everyday den will haf the pain ba.
rene:ya is muscle cramps like that..when I BD alt days,I will feel the cramps but not everytime..once cramps,very difficult to relax and enjoy..don know whether my womb weak coz will feel cramps on and off..even though is tiring but at least it work for you..is all worth it!
Hugs hugs bliss ling ... Ya u told me before ... It's ok now God has blessed you with another, enjoy it...! Let the unhappiness go away if not will affect ur bb too! End of the day, your lil family is most impt ... Yes must respect n care for elderly but they are not permanent fixtures in yr own family ... Be happy babe!
Woooo Rene so power!!! Alamak now cannot so darn tired ... Want bd alt day already problem lol!!!

Hmmm hb also wants #2 but he work stress ...
so not hardworking at home... ha ha ha

Fullhouse, I think besides convenient u must be comfortable with the gynae, thats for sure! If not u got to open yr legs to let him/her to see for every visit, if not comfortable with that, then u will feel awkward, right?

bless_ling, congrats, dun think too much, just enjoy yr pregnancy...its God's persent for u. I certainly hope I be like u, my O also very short so once I tested + I BD, certainly hope this thread really gives us good luck.

Berries, yes my hubby is more gan jiong than me for these 2 cycles, keep asking me if we got chance this cycle n that but his body is rather weak so I think its really difficult for us to go naturally, we considering if we wan to go for IUI if we still failed these 2-3 cycles.
