(2013) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

Doris- she likes school. The separation anxiety is a painful process. Just feel bad being so heartless to see her cry . No choice but turn n go off quickly.

Woah 12 cycles??? Who's yr gynae? My gynae said max 6mths... If take too long high risk for cancer leh.... Hmmm

Aww mrs tan, don't worry, soon will b ok... Did u get to acc her or cannot? I rem for my gal, cannot acc becos that time hfmd d everywhere... So can only drop n go... Was very bad... She cry like siao for 2 mths!!! Every send n fetch cry ... Teacher had to pry her off me.. Lol! Refuse to let go n cling like siao.... After that enjoy Liao lor! Don't think yr gal so sticky like mine... Give her a week or so... Will get better! Jy!!!

Eh, are we meeting on 19th ah? If not then I will plan my own schedule :p

Who else 2ww?
You are cute. boy then you throw away. After you preggy for 10 month n give birth, boy or girl also cannot bear to throw away.

Like what the others say, so long no sign of AF still got hope.
Unlike me, CD 53 with a BFN, confirm something wrong with the system.

Mrs Lee / Bewildered,
Hubby's friend who is a fortune teller as well as fengshui master says there is no such thing as zodiac crash for parent n child. The crash zodiac thingy only apply to husband n wife or friend. Morale of thinking, a child cannot choose his psrent and neither can we choose our children. All bb are God's gift n angel. If God meant to send a bb to you, he will not send 1 tt zodiac, ba zi crash with you. Like tt everyone need to go n count for ausp date to get preggy.

My view: Let nature takes it own course. Btw my family has pig, snake, horse, rooster, rat n rabbit but we are all soooo close with my parents

Mrs Tan,
CD54 n no sign of AF. Unable to go gynae as collesgues all not in n i need to cover for next 2 weeks. Already apply leave from 28 may. If AF dun report then see gynae.
Gd morning to all.
Hi Vanilla04, gynae able to check if there is egg or not?
Wonder if I should go and see 1st. May I ask which gynae you went to?
vanilla:my evening primrose oil is ocean health brand..I only eat 1 capsule per day,don dare to eat too much..

dorie:I only have physical side effects,mood wise maybe I always moody so cannot determine was it also a side effect..haha..

missy:my gynae is in NUH and he not a fertility dr so after I went online,I find out that long term eating clomid is dangerous so I stop..
i cried.. how can someone did such abuse to a defendless baby who was just 1 yr old. Can't imagine how much abuse the baby has been suffered and this is not the First Time!!!!!
vanilla: U will be in safe hand under Dr AL Lim. Fatherly and not in rush plus he has a vast experience of 35 yrs as Gynae
MrsTan... kudos to you! That's the way to do it, just quickly walk away... they will settled down more quickly like that. The more the mummy hangs around and tries to wait for the child to settle, the more the child won't settle. So, you are doing great!
Glad to hear she enjoys school... most of them do, unless there is a rogue teacher...

Missy: me 2ww, but think will only test next week if AF don't turn up... cos I can't remember my LMP.

bblove: hopefully your AF report then you can start again? I think my record is over 3 months no AF. Then come liao machiam like waterfall. sianz.

cftongtan: Gynae can check your eggies and measure them using u/s. but it depends on whether yours interested in fertility or not. mine ever scan for me and can tell me how many mature follicles I have, and whether got any waiting to pop etc...

faith: my GYN never told me abt clomid dangerous if taken long term also. but he one time only give me 3 cycles.

sigh, pillow, i know what you mean. half of me is excited that got chance, but trying not to get hopes up, the other half is skeptical and saying sure don't have lah...

sorry to hear of the BFN... hope AF comes quickly, then can start again bah....

I just woke up after going back to bed at around 7am... now got bad migraine. sianz. how to go for piano class liddat? still so tired... i must go and find a way to ease my headache without using my fav panadaol extra...

have a good day everyone!
Doreime: pardon for the late reply. Came home quite late as I had to attend a function after the golf game. The game was force to stop at the last 4 holes due to lightning n thunder.

Wow, how I envy u as a sahm and got 3 kids!

Regarding zodiac, am not particular so long I strike with a healthy baby!

Cd 44 for me today!
canopy: oh no! hmm, at least got chance to play half a game?
no need to envy bah... it's a real privilege to be home, but it also drives me nuts sometimes. but generally ok lah, because the 3 of them bigger liao, so quite auto pilot. some things can do themselves like going for nearby class, can even fetch and send meimei to nearby class for me
I am so sad.

I had a bad dream last night.

Dreaming that I am preggy for 3 weeks and died in my womb.

I had a shocked and wake up in the middle of the night.

I guess I think too much liao or is it a bad omen...
@bliss - i didnt finish that video... coz i'm so angry for tat bb... how can they do tat to a bb?

how will they feel if someone treat them tat way! pardon me! i'm just so angry! :mad:

my first one also tiger...haha...actuali i wanted a dragon cos im a horse...long ma jin shen..bt too bad...
plus last week my gal went cc, she feel sick since sat till now...super stressed up..fever on/off...haven been sleeping well for past few nights too...

mrs tan, hows ur gal in sch??

bbjoy, thanks!! yes, we cant choose....let the god decide...
dorie: ya... no choice leh.. Folic acid is a muz ma... Then concevie well will help O. Plus got all those vitamins inside.. good ma... Evening primose oil is becuz they said will help improve cervical mucus.. U noe la. CM is very impt in ttc-ing.. No choice.. Have to eat.. Hv to try all means now... =)

cf: ya... gyane can scan and check whether u r O-ing soon or anot.. If there are any mature eggs? Gyane said mature egg are at 2cm bigg.. Mine only 9mm lo.. Less den 1cm.. haiz...

I went to Dr A L Lim at TMC.

bliss: i'm jus trying out a few gyanes before i settle down with one. No doubt he is better den i expected. But i still have a few in my mind before i make up my mind. I went to a breast screening and the doc knew abt my loss and recommended 2 female gyanes to me. I wanted to go Dr benjamin Tham. So i'll try Dr Tham and Dr Yvonne Chan and Dr Sim.

Wanted to go to either 1 of them for the follicle scan BUT their appts are all so packed all the way until 14 may lo.. Then i rmb Dr Lim, heard good review abt him too.. So called up and he happens to have slot on 8 may. so i went to him.. =)

Anyway, i din get to see tat video. Already been removed le..

Windy: no see red still got hope.. =) Abt e dreams, pple say bad dreams say out le den wun happen de.. =)
bewildered > yup.. most important to be self sufficient and healthy.

dorie > ops.. maybe ask the hubby for instinct then.. my hubby was the one who felt that i was pregnant (during #1's time). I still blur blur.
dorie> Never to old la.. young at heart... lol

As for me still MIA for my "Aunty" wait and wait don't know for what le....

Tested 2 days ago show -ve which miss my AF for 3 days.. now is MIA 5 days already
windy, dont think too much ... *pat pat*

mrs lee, must give yr gal multivits n supplement... my gal always fall sick initially... now on n off... i give her sambucol...

canopy, wah. when yr af due ? good luck hor!
Hi Ladies

Been bz recently as my colleague just gave birth yesterday. Nw im alone handling 2 person work.. Stress

Tdy is CD7 for me. Recently my cycle is like 26day - 30day. So hard to catch O...

Nw thinking if wan try this mth or not, if heng heng den CNY period... haiz... but den if nvr try, like waste 1 cycle hor.. wat u all tink?
my longest cycle record was 89 days. Tested on cd45 & 49 all BFN. Doubt the 2nd line will come. Luckily no mood swing but been feeling giddy and crave for hot bee hoon soup. Old liao body also go siao???
ren: I dun really care lo.. I jus wanna get preggy asap.. Who cares if it is CNY or wat.. When u r holding ur little one in ur amrs, do u still care if it is CNY or wat meh?/. i dun lo..

Anyway, CNY even better wat...喜上加喜,双喜临门.. isn't it? =D

Most impt is can get preggy and have a smooth & Sticky, happy and healthy 9 months!!! =D

Maybe will feel a little sad cuz everyone can eat new year food u cant ba.. But i guess it is really worth it!! ALL WORTH IT!! If i can hold 1 in my arms!! =D
mrs lee: she just started cc. Im very worried too coz many of my frens told me that bb will fall sick very easily once going to cc. i have standby all the med and tcm eg lingyang, pao sheng etc do you give ur #1 any vitamins? The cc which my #1 attended already giving them scotts cod liver everyday in the morn. So im thinking is there any other vitamins which i can give my #1 to build up her immune system
vanilla: my #1 i did confinement during CNY. didnt enagae CL, my mil did it but wasnt tat gd. Actually i dun mind but hor i tink CL v ex lei...

but as u say, nothing more worth that holding our precious in our arms =)
mrs lee: heehee, you and mrs tan very cute... one mrs lee one mrs tan, so formal... hurhur. Sigh, the kiddos go CC/school for the first time is liddat one... sure will fall sick... no choice... but if you don't overprotect them, allow them to build up their immunity, by about 4,5 years old, they will be strong and won't fall sick so often liao... all the kids must go through that one. some parents i know, will keep the children at home scared fall sick... but then when go primary school same thing... then they keep missing class, even worse. so hang in there... it's not easy when they are sick... especially when each round is close to each other, very frustrating!

vanilla: wah, very good. i only started taking folic, never take anything else. the obimin outside sell very ex... if really preggy then i was ask GYN for some. haha. I remember last time, the obimin (prenatal supps) KK sell 3+, outside pharmacy sell 7+ worh!!! I was so totally disgusted that they jack the price up so much. ah well. but now GYN not in KK liao, so think will be more ex bah.

xinyue: hmmm, ask hubby for instinct ah... actually hor, the other day, i was standing next to him (he was sitting down at the comp), then he suddenly kiss my fat tummy and said, "hello baby!" haha. maybe he got instincts? hurhur. I dunno. I don't really tell him about all my "symptoms" cos I also don't want to get our hopes up... that's why come to forum, cos only here I can talk about it... haha.

Christy: hahaha... ok, will stay young at heart... but it's very weird lor... on FB, i have ex-students who are friends... many are getting married and becoming mummies liao... quite hard to feel young leh! heehee.

rene: hello! hmmm, for me, i think just go ahead bah... a cycle is a cycle... you never know. I TTC until don't care liao... last time still plan, want Jan baby, want July baby... now is like, don't care what baby... as long as got baby good! heehee...

bblove... heehee... body old liao go siao... hmmm, i think here, i am probably the oldest bah... and yes, my body has indeed gone bonkers... hurhur.

vanilla: heehee, agree with you!!! heh. some more hor, can straight away ask hubby to go collect ang pow on behalf of baby!!! no need to waste one year! heehee...

mrs tan: wah, the CC give them cod liver oil? very good hor? value added service ah! I only give my kids multivits gummy bears supps... nothing else. last time small, we also on off gave cod liver oil, and some fish oil things... other than that not much. They fall sick, but not as often as my nephews... but last time i BF'd them, the older two BF for 6mths, the younger one I BF about 10 mths... so the younger one is much much stronger... seldom fall sick, if fall sick, also quite mild, can get better by herself within a day or two...

the kids are home...
Ya I trying to relax now.
Dun wan to think so much

How u all calculate CD?

By endind period or starting of period?

Coz mine is 9 Apr if its starting of period comes.

My AF nowadays depends sometimes comes later than a week but sometimes comes early leh.

How do you all calculate ur AF?
ren: wah, yeah, that's the only thing... CNY get CL very ex... for my first two, we couldn't afford to get CL, so MIL help... but because it's MIL, then paiseh, we don't let her take nights, I try to help... so in the end not very well rested. My #3 we got a CL, good thing also, cos that one emergency c-sec... wah, bliss man... we could leave everything to her... baby also can let her take at night... she was super good, even help us to do a bit of housework when got nothing to do, even though when we hire her that time, she expressively said she don't do housework don't cook for others...
but so sad, now cannot get her liao. her numbers all not in use already. So, if we have #4, will definitely hire a CL... just must make sure is highly recommended, and for me, someone who is not so pangtang, everything also cannot. haha. cos i very naughty, will break all the rules one...
Windy: CD is usually first day of period is CD1. I don't understand what you mean by calculate AF... are you talking about the length of the AF or what?
dorie: u ttc #4 ah... pei fu pei fu... yes wih mil v pai sei.. so must get CL for my next...

i jus visited my colleague, her bb so cute. Makes me once again feel like holding e newborn in my hands again.

Windy: sometimes is v annoying when AF goes haywire hor.. so hard to caculate O days. sigh
dorie > hi^5.. that was what my hubby said to me too.. he will look at my stomach and tell #1. There is a baby inside. -_-!!!
mrs lee: my #1 also tiger!

bblove: ur longest cycle is 89 days!! when i told my hubby that i missed my period for 2 wks already. He strongly believe that im preg..-_-

Dorie: Thanks. I feel so much better now coz previously i always feel bad abt sending my girl to cc. And feel guilty for not being a SAHM. As she is so young, hardly able to express herself properly, im always worried that she may be bullied by others in cc. (think im jus too overprotective) haha

You are ttcing for #4!! *salute* i cant even handle my #1. haha
missy,pillow and dorie: I am also in the 2ww..but no symptoms yet,trying to think +ve that is still too early..

windy:don't think too much,sometimes pple say dream will always be the opposite..don't worry so much..
rene: how are u doing? Gonna strike this cycle?

Tigers are so tough to handle.. my #1 is also so active.
koms: Hw r u? hehe. which gynae u seeing?

im doing fine. I started on my conceive well pills 2 day ago. Hmmm still thinking if wan to try this round. CD 7 for me tdy. my cycle is 26days to 30days, duno when is O day...

Im nt using any ovulation kits coz i nvr buy nor i know hw and when to use...
my friend recommended me immunocal (30 pouches) $107. i just bought. she told me that this one will build up the immune system, initially she dont beleive also and waS THKING another product again..bt she was forced to try when her no1 caught HFMD when she was doing confinement for her 2nd son...and now as she mentioned her 2nd son took this and fall sick at least minimum in sch.

ya ma..hahaha...but too bad...nvm la...i just let god decide lo...mayb too many fierce animals if i get a dragon..that tiger aledi one fierce gal..haha...now if relaly dragon power..my hb says hes a rabbit kena bullied by all of us...:p

mrs tan,
whch cc ur kid attend? shes a may bb? mine is an april bb.

haha..cannot thk of a nice nick then anyhow put..:p
ya, thats what i tot so too...we let her goes to cc when she turns 2..and within 3 days she fell sick...arrghh...then hb was saying lucky am nt preggie now too...cos my MS can be horrible ....

anyway i went to see a medium earlier on, and was asking if snake can goes well wif horse and rabbit he was telling me ya good...but horse and horse cannot goes well...

Ahhhhhh hmmm that time I send my gal cc at 18mths... Then she don't know how to talk n express properly then dont know who told me, they will bully the kids that can't talk... Say let them cry... Then if too many kids n moh come check, those kids that cannot talk they will hide in the closet -.-""""

I felt very upset n wanted to pull her out many times becos fall sick a lot then kena bitten 2 times
then she don't know how to say only cry ... Heart pain... Sigh ... But luckily left her also la... She enjoy after awhile n make friends .... Then in apr we move Hse so change her cc ... Heart pain too becos she ask me abt her friends from her old cc

Anyway new cc teach a lot of songs so everyday she will sing for me lol!
