(2013) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

Morning mummies,got a qn on my mind..how do u all sleep during the 2ww? I normally tend to lie my stomach on the bed,very worry will it affect implantation?

just after O,I can feel my sides are having cramps on and off,have u gals experience this?

you are really patient. I was teling hubby if this yr dun have then i wanna consider go ligation. Dun want any accident after tat. Like my friend ttc for 5 yrs no news. Gave up n accident 2 yrs later and her #2 was already 9 then. She could hardly cope with a newborn compared to her children who are already so independant n nearly go into depression till mil took over. So now, she is a weekend parent. only bring back #3 on sat afternoon n send back to mil on sunday morning. Sad right. I doubt her girl has any bonding with her.
I always sleep either on my back or on my side. Sleeping pattern should not have any effect on implantation.

I always have cramps after menses. got o also cramp, not o also cramp. Now CD 53. cramp even more often. Sianz...
faith, u are damn funny....dun be so particular on the position, just behave normal ok? if it wan to stick on u, even u beat yr own stomach also will stick...

bblove, yes thats what worry me too, once u give up n u will really get it unexpectedly. Some of my fren also like that but no choice, have already so must give birth lor. Act I gave up on Feb already then my hubby say wan to try again properly another year....so the wife must give support to him since he really wan #2...so we try again. This time he more open to TCM, tio the body now cos he very weak...and he also consider to go IUI if we failed 2-3cycles, haha....previously my gynae suggested, he not very happy, keep saying if we have #1, he can't see why can't have #2, very stubborn but now can see he accept the fact that his troops is weak.
Dorie, I got woken up by the thunder then can only get back to sleep ard 6am for half hour before waking up again. Was feeling hot too. So decided to take temp. And temp rise to 0.3. Hope it is good news. Haha... Think too much Liao. 36.5 considered high right? My norm is 36.2
Most men are unable to accept tt the problem lie with their troop.Always blame the egg. well, if he is interested of course wife must give support
Jia you.
bbjoy: erm, seriously, if m in tt situation, think I wont like it too, coz totally agree tt tis nt as if one works hard will strike.. diff pple diff strokes.. some get it fast and furious, some slow and easy.. but when yall leave out tt fren, didn't she say anythg? =p

rainie: hmmm, think I've given up on dragon bb ler, initially quite like the idea of dragon coz like mythical and all.. also somehow, unexplained, I have just tt lucky feel tt will strike & I'll have my wish tt I wanted.. haha, so quite bent on having a dragon bb, then when fren strike but I didn't despite the work, I gave up on it ler.. so think can kinda understand the dejection when others get it but one don't.. but thinking tt way'll only get one down, so nowadays I don't really bother or think too much ler.. haha.. I just put in effort in this then see how it goes, @ least @ the end of the day, if no, then I can at least say tt I tried my best ler.. won't feel tt I've shortchanged myself or been shortchanged.. =) So just take it easy and see how it goes..
She is happy in her own world that she has a girl followed by a son. When she knew tt her #2was a boy, she was so happy n commented to me 'I can't imagine having 2 gers' when I have 2 myself. So i told her gers are good. They are so close together n have tat sibling bond. Only then she keep quiet.

Jia you ladies. agreed with bewildered so long we have tried our best there is no regrets.
I always imagined myself having 2 girls :D. In fact when I realized #1 was a boy, I told fil, if come out really boy, I'll throw him away! So dumb then:D

Haha my grouse is other kind, my friends who have girls only always gave me funny looks and comments like,"Why are boys so active?" "why do boys play so rough?" etc etc...

Hi long time never come in

Miss my AF since Sat and tested today -ve so I guess I am waiting for AF to report...

Dragon dream gone!!! So go for snake
bbjoy: wah?!! ur fren really ahem, v tactless.. Think I'll give black face if someone says tt to me.. think my fren who's preggers is kinda happy tt hers' a boy coz v hard to get rid of the traditional mindset tt boys r pref over girls.. sigh.. actually am hoping for 3 kids, then a mix of boys and girls... coz my stoopid idea's tt when we'r old and immobile hor, my girl can hlp me to bathe while hb'd have son to hlp him bathe.. =p coz cant really imagine asking my DIL to hlp me bathe etc... =p haha, abit dumb hor, but tt's my feel... haha...
Do u all believe in dreaming of having babies will really come true?

Fullhouse, when u have girls, u wan boys n vice versa....its like that, u can't have both worlds all the time. Many of my frens are like that, end up having 2 gals or 2 boys, not like lynzi so lucky can have 1 boy n 1 girl. My fren sis even go to the extent of having 3 gals now n she still wan to give birth to a boy, still trying hard....
bewildered : u are so cute! u tink extreme far just like me... i wan to have 3 too! at least wen i'm old i have at least 1 to depend on if the other 2 dun wan me..

and during occasion more children to come homw to celebrate which will be merrier. i also tink tat far...haha! so me TTC #2 soooo sooo hard!
canopy: Did it rain in Sentosa? Here in the east, it was so HOT in the morning, I nearly melted... :p

Yes, I'm a SAHM. Quit when my son entered p1, now he p6 liao. No, they take school bus. Last time, I wanted to send them, but DH insist take school bus, say wait sick or what, at least still got transport. Wise man.

bblove: yah, my #1 and #2 also very close - 16mths apart. But both natural birth... not so bad. C-sec harder to recover from. Took me nearly a year to recover from mine...

no, I not ttcing #3... actually trying for #4... haha. My kids are born 2000, 2001 and 2004... i had m/c in 2002 (baby was due apr 2003) and another one last year.

charlotte: i also don't understand why ppl like dragon year so much. maybe because i don't believe bah. last time, expecting DS that time, i would get quite offended when ppl say, "so good ah, expecting a dragon baby!" then I will say, "no ah, I am expecting a HUMAN baby"... hahaha :p

fullhouse: umm, i ttcing #4...
yah, heard that exercising will regulate menses... that time when i started going to gym a bit more regularly, my menses kinda regulated, but then got lazy again lor.

charlotte: curious... why is 7 a magic number for you? my youngest is 7 now, going to be 8 in nov... if i am really preggy, then when baby is born, she will be in p3 liao. hurhur...

Faith: haha, never ever gave it much thought in early pregnancy worh. always just sleep normally... just that later in pregnancy, then need to sleep sideways, cos otherwise the tummy not comfortable.

bblove: so sad to hear about your friend not bonding with her #3... actually, with my 3 so independent, i'm thinking it will be so much easier since I can depend on them to help me. last time with 3 under 5, it was super siong ah!

pillow: wah, i never ever bothered with the temp taking... lazy ah. so I don't know about what is normal not normal leh. yah, 5am kena woken by thunder, 20 mins before I was due to wake up properly.

bewildered: yah, don't be too focused on when and what kind of animal lah... just have baby good liao...
also less stress ah, the eggs will be more receptive to the spermies leh.

fullhouse, bblove: haha, it's always like that isn't it... whatever combination we have, we can't imagine it any other way. i have a boy followed by two girls... I'm hoping for another boy to balance things cos my DS really gets quite irritated by his sisters... of course, he totally doesn't want another sibling to begin with, and you know lah, p5, p6 they have sex ed already, the idea of mummy being preggy is like... ewwwwww. hahahahaha

hi christy: jiayou! i had dreams last time... dreamt that i have another baby boy... but so far don't have... which is what makes me hopeful that maybe eventually will have... just dunno when. but hopefully not when i am lao kok kok lor... already quite lao kok kok already.

bewildered: haha, you quite funny leh... think until so far... i think by then hor, i don't think i really care who see me or who bathe me liao. it's like after giving birth and all, i don't really think about or care about who see liao... haha. just want to get the baby out and the labour over and done with. hahahahaha.
woo.. long time since i last came in. so many posts. gratz to all who BFP..

dorie > haha.. I like ur thinking -> i don't think i really care who see me or who bathe me liao. it's like after giving birth and all, i don't really think about or care about who see liao..

very true. sometimes, it is not so much about how many kids you have. all it takes is one good kid, who is willing to take care of us when we are old.
if one has many kids, but all do not want to take care/provide for her. then what is the point?

like my grandma. she has 8 kids. 3 guys and 5 gals. all of them do not want to take care of her when she was bedridden. end up, is the DIL who took care of her. this is a very good example for me already.
Heee actually I have a boy and girl, now ttc-ing #3 :D

My point is, boys are sometimes more boisterous when they play Arghhhh.. hormones or what...

Whatever you get, whatever animal, we love them the same lah.

Big Fat Evaporated Line
This morning tested thought there is a super faint T line, but it's so super faint... Then a few hours late evaporated le. Read up about 'evaporation line' in test kits. Bleah... Such suay jackpot also tio... Bleah

So here I am, back at square don't-know-what...
xinyue: yah, it's true lor... have so many kids all bu dong shi, also no use... sigh. hopefully we bring our kids up well, know how to be considerate of others as they grow up and grow older....

fullhouse... oh no! I never heard of evaporation line before... I only ever get faint BFP twice before... the first one was 5days before i miscarried, and the second one was my #3. Haha.

hopefully in a few days can get a real solid BFP!!!
xinyue: thanks
i can't even remember when is my last AF... also not sure when to test... maybe end of next week if AF don't come bah... or if got more symptoms... as of now, the symptoms like not so obvious liao... sigh.
hello mummies,

anyone of u read that tiger, horse clashed with snake? my friend was telling me that i shldnt try for a snake since i cant get a dragon..been ttcing for 3 mths bt failed...haiz...now hopin to try for a snake and my frds passed such remarks...gosh,.. make me so upset!!

and also heard another friend telling me tat she read from the papers some time back that this yr dragon bb will b very notorious and hard to teach....vv diff ....so shld it b a blessing.??:p
Afternoon ladies,

Bbjoy: thanks for asking. Good news and bad news.

Bad news: BOH egg ar~~!!

Good news: he gave me pills to induce menses and 2 cycles of clomid.

Missy: ur menses also so irregular de ar? Ur Gyane have u 5 cycles of clomid? How heavy is ur dosage? On the cycle I got pregnant with Castiel, the Gyane gave me 100mg de clomid.

Ytd de Gyane only have me 50mg. So I'm wondering if I should stick to 100mg since I managed to squeeze out an egg based on 100mg. LOL.. Dunno 50mg will be too little anot.. Haa.. Tot it's all e same but when home to see den realized its 50mg..

Full house: ya.. I know evaporated line too.. Heard before.. Is it the line will be gone?

Re: bathing when old,
Seriously, I don't even dare think abt it. I can't even lay an egg now and I din think so far. Anyway, when old even ur kids don't want I take care of u, u also LL leh. Cuz recently My relative, my ah ma's bro. His daughter n SIL cheated all their money. Got them into selling their house and they used the old parents money go buy condo etc. then this month end gonna kick them out of the house Liao. Cuz e house month end need to hand over keys to new owners le. One is in her late 70s another 80 years old Liao lo.. Haiz..

I heard le so sad la. Even tho I nv see this 'gu gong' before.

So makes me wonder if my kids will tc of me next time when we r old. Thk beta fun relied on the too much. 靠自己!! Muz have some savings for retirement and 养老!!
dorie > trust ur own instincts. If you think test sometime end of next week, then pls do so. sometimes, women's instinct is accurate!

mrs lee > hmm, what i heard of is, horse goes well with snake. Sometimes, it also depends on the ba zhi of the individual. dont think it apply to all those born in year of horses and snakes. snake is pretty ok with most animals.

what I know is, dragon clashes with dog and rabbit. cow clashes with sheep.
@mrs lee, tiger clash with snake? really?
coz my #1 is tiger, meaning i cannot try for snake le lor? how?

if after snake then try my boy will be 4 yr old le... age gap like abit far...
castiel's mummy > yeah! that is what i am trying to say in my earlier post. Have seen with my own eyes. yup.. definitely need to rely on ourselves. Most importantly is to stay healthy till old and also to have some retirement funds.
But sadly, cost of living here is so high.. I dare not even think of what happens when I get old.

Ideally is to have a partner to accompany us when we get old..
dorie, haha....I like that...'human' baby...yes expecting my ah lao baby not dragon baby cos did not mate with dragon....u good life next time, so many kids! I wan a 2nd kid also hard like hell
not that 7 is my magic number, juz that she getting older n I also getting older, dun have strength to take care of a baby liao, although she say she wan a baby sister to play with her but feel so bad that I a mummy can't even fulfill her simple wish....sigh...so bad feeling!

Mrs Lee, dun listen to others what clash with who, all full of crap n nonsense, just believe in yrself.
Dear Experts, need your advice on this. I previously tested +ve (dark line) on HCG on the 6th, then on the 7th, 8th and 9th(this am) I tested there is still line but not as dark as on the 6th. What does it mean? So when did I ovulate exactly? If +ve on the 6th it means I could ovulate on the 7th or 8th. If that is the case then why are there faint line (dark enough to be seen but not as dark as test line) from 7-9th is –ve? By right the line shld disappear right? Since ovulation is over? Or there will continue to be faint line all the way?

btw, we bd either on 3 or 4, then 6, then 7. Not sure whether we strike haha... imagining again
pillow4 > then u have to see is minor clash or big clash. But no worries. There should be some remedy, I think. Like I mentioned, besides the zodiac sign, also have to depend on the ba zhi. Maybe is just minor clash?

at most they are at loggerhead with each other. Like my niece and nephew.
Xinyue, oic. Ok then just hope it is minor clash (if I really strike lottery!)

Joyful, now then I know about the 6 cycle apart. Easier to check liao. Tks
Ladies, jus wanna check if we can take conceive well together with Evening Primrose Oil?

How is e direction for taking?
Ooh, I love this topic!! Zodiac!!

6 animals away, you clash..
7 animals away, tis your secret fren who will help you lots
4, 8 animals away, you get along well and belong to the same grouping

So for snake,
clash: pig
secret fren: rat
same group: rooster, ox and snake

So for horse,
clash: rat
secret fren: ox
same group: tiger, dog, horse

actually we passed by those CNY fengshui animals talk, dragon and dog supposed to clash, but the master said tt it depends, actually if the doggy mummy had a dragon bb'd be super filial leh.. haha, so one never knows.. =)

rainie: I dunno leh, tho I hope so!! haha.. coz recently I dreamt tt m preggers and gg to give birth soon.. haha.. then colleague also dreamt of me and another pax.. then tis colleague said tt she dreamt tt she herself's preggers.. then I jokingly asked her, 'huh? then no hope for me ar? how come ya din dream of me getting pregnant? haha' then she said actually if she dreamt of her getting preggers, tis actually the other 2 pax (mi and the other colleague tt she dreamt of) will be preggers.. haha.. hoping tt tis true loh.. =p

clcl: this yr's a water dragon, then read in a magazine tt depending on the bb being born in the early part of the yr, middle or tail end, then will have diff characters.. haha.. but din read too much into it, coz din really think tt the zodiac will affect the character tt much.. =p

hmm, but come to think of it, my bb who's an ox hor, has v v v bad temper sia.. mayb there's some truth in it? dunno leh..

dorie/xinyue/berries: heh heh, I like to think of those days when I finally retire and can relax... haha!! actually I think nowadays cannot really rely on the kids to look aft us, but best to be self sufficient.. abit hard but think hafta adjust lifestyle accordingly, shld be able to retire one.. =)

having kids, think to me, tis for the fun and joy tt they bring.. if they turned out alright, will be a bonus, but if they turned out bad, then can only sigh.. but if self -sufficient then wont be tt heartpain when they dun wan us.. tho it can get kinda sad tt we go thru 9 mths of labour then painstakingly care for them and love them then in our old age, we'r still so lonely..

but anyway, tt part's so far away, let me work on my retirement first bah.. =) haha, but would still love to have more kids so tt they can play together and wont be tt lonely & I'll have much to laugh about during their growing up years.. =)

Then when old, I alr told hb tt I wanna sit at Mac with him early in the morn (coz think will lose slp when older), then watch the morn buzz with pple rushing to work.. heh heh.. then we can share a Mac breakfast (coz not much teeth and weakened mouth muscles, cant chew too long..) then take a leisurely walk aft tt.. heh heh...

I love dorie's retort tt tis a HUMAN baby!! haha, machiam slapping those pple's face!! haha...

vanilla: wah liew?! then where'r the elderly gg to stay? They'r alr so old ler, choy choy lah, but at most the younger ones only need to take care for coupla more yrs, why do sthg so mean? seriously cmi...
Bewildered, so let's see whether your colleague dream Zhun or not.

I do agree on being self-sufficient. Already told hb that we shld not hope that kids will take care of us. If they do then bonus. No hope then won't hv disappointment. I like the part where u said old Le sit at Mac share breakfast cos Bo ge.. LOL
Bewildered: wow.. Means snake bb will clash wif pig and have secret Fren with rat? Lol

My hubby pig leh.. Me rat leh.. My sis rooster, mother snake too leh.. Haa.. Bro monkey, dad dragon!! Lol..

Anyway, as for my relative. Dunno ar.. Where they gonnna stay.. Ask them go find MP lo. What to do. Can't help much too. And my mom say last time when we need help, wanna borrow money from them. They dont even wanna bothered abt us, back den they still quite well to do. Den now got problem den come find us. Some more so long nv see de leh.. Not even hi bye kind leh..

Say wanna go find my uncle n stay wif him, cuz my ah ma last time stay wif my uncle, bungalow. Den this gu gong say wanna stay e room my ah ma used to stay. Haiz..

HAIZ!! I'm now at hospital visiting a Fren.

Infront got a bb, mother feeding water. Den bb keep looking at me. Wanna play. Den I can see e mummy face so proud lo.. U know those type of expression when everyone say ur bb so cute.. Wanna play wif ur bb? Haiz.. I imagine tat before lo..

U wanted everyone to look and play with ur bb..

I'm so gonna hold 1 in my arms 9 months later lo!!! So angry lo!!!!!!!!! Arrgghhhhhh!!!!
Jarol: for dragon, clash'd b dog, same grouping wif Monkey n rat n the secret fren'd b pig..

Vanilla: stylo!! Does ur sis, mum, bro get along? Coz m planning #2 & #3 age gap... Heh heh, trying for monkey for #3, if i can get #2 first... Heh heh...

Btw, wat's the pill tt ya's gynae prescribed ya to induce menses with?

Hmm, yar, all parents'd be proud of their bb de bah... For mi, if the mummy allows strangers to play with ier bb, i'll b happy too... Haha, coz some mummies'd dun like strangers to touch their bb, scared of germs etc or sometimes wont like strangers to play with bb etc... Ur turn will come soon n next time, everyone'd wanna play with ur bb, ya'll be a proud n happy mummy!!
Clashing animals... mmm, we don't subscribe to those, so I have no idea about those!

Vanilla: hope you will succeed with Clomid! I conceived my youngest on Clomid, but we failed after that when we tried for a subsequent one on Clomid. Ah well.

Xinyue: LOL... yes, woman's instincts are powerful, but a TTCing woman's instincts can play many tricks. Goodness knows how many HPT kits I have wasted since we started TTCing...

Rainie: haha, expecting ah lao baby... ya... why didn't I think of that too! hahahaha....

Pillow: obviously I am not expert, because I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about leh!!! haha...

Wah, talk about retirement... if I really BFP this round, by the time baby 20 years old, I 60 years old liao leh!!!! peng san. lao kok kok already... imagine, at 50, I still gotta go after one 10 yo.... my mother 50 already grandmother already! :p

KKselena: ah well... start of a new cycle, new hope? jiayou bah!!!!

Vanilla: go and sayang and kiss more baby, maybe liddat also can get babydust on yourself! Haha, but having said that, I every week also carry baby (cos I serve in baby ministry in church), so by right should have already also? hurhur....

let's hope for many BFPs soon!!!!
hmmm... so many posts... read until blur ... lol... from what i know... if have dragon in family is good... if have 2 lagi best ... anyway, from rabbit to dragon to now snake ... doesnt matter man... as long as can strike and bb is healthy... thats all that matters now ... such things not for us to decide too ...

aiya dream abt preggers not true leh... i dreamt before... still nth lor ... bummer...

ahhh vanilla, then how ? hmmm... aiya.. was lawrence ang la... i think is 100mg... 2 tabs every morning... 1 tab is 50mg ... also nth ... so sian.... n he isnt those that will scan for follicle... hes too busy lor... he not into fertility issues... he say if i wan can refer me to specialist but i declined ...

hmmm see how ... once more stable in new job il prolly see another gynae again ...
missy... maybe, your dream haven't come true yet? dream got no timeline one mah... heehee. I also waiting for my many baby boy dreams to come true. some more got people dream for me, say they dream i got baby boy... so i waiting lor. hurhur.
bewildered: my sis and bro my whole family get along very well.. hhaaa.. my sis is always e one making funny things happened... cuz she always blurr blurr de.. lol..

The pills is duphaston to induce menses and clomid to induce O lo.. haa.. Before tat the Dr ang prescribe me Utrogestan. Both is suitable for pregnancy. In fact, i thk it is used for woman who have spotting during pregnancy.. =D

dorie: Yup.. Me hope too.. I conceived my Castiel Boy on the very first cycle on clomid. So i hope this cycle works for me too.. =)

Not that i dun wan to sayang the baby.. Its hard for me to do that... Jus somehow cant get over myself.. That line.. When i'm feeling good i cna do it.. But when i'm not feeling good tat day.. I really cant... not tat i dun wan.. =(

missy: yup yup... Dr Ang is for non complication pregnancy la.. If any problem, i thk he will refer out liao. Thats why i go to other gyane to do the scan ma..

He nv even scan for me de.. Jus scan on tummmy... OKIE!!

I went to Dr A L Lim at TMC, he explain to me lo.. Did a abdominal scan and told me usually need virginal scan. Jus scan on tummy see can see anot... Then he did a virginal scan for clearly vision.. =)

I told him i wanted to induce menses and a few cycles of clomid.. Tml i wanna call him, see can take 100mg anot.. Scare the egg wun come out lo.. Too mild... den need to be like gei sai like tat... gei ar gei den e egg will come out... lol..

u also took clomid? How many cycles? Didn't work for u?

Re: Dreams,
Recently, i just dreamt tat i'm pregnant for 6 weeks and 5 days lo.. haa... So happy inside the dream...!!! So REAL!!! =D

i'm really gonna hold my <font color="ff0000">R</font><font color="ff6000">a</font><font color="ffff00">i</font><font color="119911">n</font><font color="0000ff">b</font><font color="aa00aa">o</font><font color="aa00aa">w</font> <font color="ff0000">B</font><font color="ff6000">a</font><font color="ffff00">b</font><font color="119911">y</font> in my arms 10 months later lo!!!
thanks bbjoy and rainie for clearing my doubts..haha..

vanilla:I also took clomid for 12 cycles but does not work for me..after eating abt 6 cycle,den realize my HB troops not strong,wasted 6 cycles sia..

I didnt dream that I preggy but I dreamt that I carry a bb in my arms..hope my dream can come true soon..
Anyone knows if can take Conceive Well and Evening Primrose Oil + Fish Oil together? Both from Blackmores...

How I take it? Directions?
Faith: so u went for any check up? Both of u guys alright.. His tat ur hubby troops not so good? U ok la..
Faith: wah, 12 cycles... I salute you!! I 3cycles I give up Liao.... My second attempt on Clomid I tried three cycles 50mg. After that my GYN also not keen to go further cos I also dowan invasive. So we just left it... Hoping that by God's miracle can have my dream come true. Heh.

Vanilla, sorry, the oil thing I don't know at all. See anyone else know or not...
vanilla:I eat conceive well and evening primrose oil but not fish oil..I will eat conceive well in the morning and evening primrose after lunch.. I went for check up b4 and was told that my progesterone level not high so may not O regularly..end up after SA,my HB does not fare well also..haiz..
Hi, haven been logging in for the past few days. Busy with my #1 who just started her school at the childcare..I'm cd42. Still no sign of AF.

Bblove- how r u? U are now cd53, so have u seen the gynae?
dorie:ya,and the cycle that I eat clomid,I will have severe cramps during O..so after 12 cycles,dr suggest iui which same like u,I do not wan invasive so left it also..now also hoping for god miracle..
Dorie: thanks for replying..

Faith: both is Blackmores brand? I thk fish oil is jus another good thing to it. Doesn't matter de ba.. How many u eating? Urs is pink in bottle de ar? Mine is cyan colour de.. Instruction say take 1-2 every day. Unity got 20% off!!! Haa.. Song!!

mrstan: awww, a milestone for your little one! how is she taking to school?

faith: wah, so scary... severe cramps... the only side effect I had with Clomid was that I was super moody... it was like permanant PMS... quite terrible... but didn't really have much physical side effects.

wah, you all take so many supplements? I think I'm really very lazy when it comes to all these things... so terrible leh. I really should take better care of my health.
