(2013) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

vanilla : relax, tink you too stress up by the packed scene in the clinic.

vanilla:i will have the same feeling when i go see gynae..so pai seh coz normally is pregnant woman inside the clinic then i will feel demoralised..

missy:like tigress suggest,rape ur HB..
Hi all,

Can anyone advise me what the following stands for?

1) CD7
2) BFP
3) BD
4) BFN
5) HPT
6) DPO
7) OPK

I was reading this thread but went blur when there are so many short forms...

I'm also trying to have a #2 hehe.

My last AF is on 9 April. But I think I won't strike this well coz this month only get intimate 2 times only haiz too busy.
Hi Windy,

1) CD7 : days After AF reports
2) BFP : Big Fat positive
3) BD : Baby dance
4) BFN : Big fat negative
5) HPT :Home pregnancy test
6) DPO :days post ovulation
7) OPK :eek:vulation predictor kit
8) EWCM :egg white cervical mucus

Hope it helps!!
Hi Windy,

1) CD7 : Cycle day 7: days After AF reports
2) BFP : Big Fat positive
3) BD : Baby dance
4) BFN : Big fat negative
5) HPT :Home pregnancy test
6) DPO :days post ovulation
7) OPK :eek:vulation predictor kit
8) EWCM :egg white cervical mucus

Hope it helps!!
Hi Windy, mine and urs quite close. My last AF on 12 Apr. now hope menses faster come and can try this month. Hope we are successful this month.
tks bewildered and vanilla! hopefully tonight got energy to bd.. last burst before i temporary close shop for 1 year as hb chiong snake bb. hopefully still can catch the O. Pls let me test +ve on opk again.. though i know chance very slim.. today i still eat sashimi and drink cold drink for lunch.. hopefully wont affect beanie if i really strike on 6th... see,.. imagining again.. crazy liao...
HI cftongtan,

I hope so too. my last 2 months menses report not so accurate.

Haiz... last month April AF lasted for 7 days instead of the normal 5 days I usually have.

During the month of March my AF reported 12 days later than usual.

My AF has seems to go haywire after my 1st pregnancy.
I rem they say Chinese New Year is not the Chinese new year as the horoscope denotes? Like later half a month or a month before next horoscope?

My obs/gyn has a wider crowd, so I get to see machik, old ladies, young ones etc...public hospital so maybe I don't feel the stare as much :D don't feel like going back coz appt sure to be long long and see her also don't know how to say what I need to say...

Even if I get pregnant, I'm not sure if I'll go to pte or public hospital, though I prefer public they are now too far from where Im living at.

Hi Komathi,

My #1 is gg to be 15 months already.

I just started to ttc only and I never calculate when I ovulate only take note of my menstrual cycle only.

And I notice that I have been feeling bloated quite recently or is it just my imagination.

meaning ur #1 was born in jan 2011?

feeling bloated might be a gd sign leh.. when is ur AF due?

My #1 was born in Mid Feb.

Should be due soon I guess. My last AF was 9 Apr.

I should count at the start of my AF right?

I dun think can get preg coz usually ovulation starts at the week after menses right? Correct me if I am wrong.

Plus I only get intimate the most 2 times last month haha.

Perhaps its telling me my AF is coming haha
Think this cycle no hope liao.. Starting to see spotting n I think AF will come soon ..

Any good tcm to recommend esp in the east?
Hi ladies

Congrats to all the bfp mummies!!!!The rest of us, lets jiayou together!!!
CD42 for me, keeping my fingers & toes crossed, but the chance is kinda slim cos been travelling due to work, and only bd wtice, once before o and once during o.
Gals,don worry too much abt the no of times of BD..
Like bewildered always say,we only need 1 sperm and 1 egg to make the miracle..

Gd luck to all at 2ww..hope we all can get a BFP soon..JY!!
Pillow: welcome!!
think i read somewhere tt prior to implantation, what one eats does not affect the embryo before implantation coz tis like free floating.. By aft implantation, gotta be careful of what one eats..

Vanilla: haha, yar loh, m always hopeful during the 2ww.. Looking fwd to the next 2ww in jun..

Fullhouse: most believe tt tis on 立春 tt the horoscopes change... Tis yr's CNY's on 23 jan, bb born afr 23 jan supposedly to be dragon if gg by the lunar calendar, but most believe tt it is only aft 立春 on 4 feb tt the horscope changes.. So bb born priormto 4 feb's still rabbit.. Same goes for next yr whereby CNY's on 10 feb but 立春's on 4 feb, so bb born aft 4 feb will be snake even tho lunar new yr is nt here yet..
Hello everyone.... Hoping to score a BFP soon... I feel like got some symptoms, but scared is just my over active imagination... Sigh.

We TTC many years Liao... Youngest already 7+, if really preggers, by the time baby come, DD will be 8 liao... Haha. Last year had early m/c, Bo pian. We still try. Doc say I got PCOS... But we praying for a miracle. But I a bit worried, I am an old mummy, ppl say Lao le higher chance of multiples... Sekali twins I will peng san.... Next year jan I will be 40 Liao.... Dunno... Just keeping my fingers crossed la.
oops... too tired to rape... i also KO... hahaha... think this cycle not much hope... cant even get +ve on my opKs... today is CD21... i dont want to monitor le ... hope tonight can BD ... if not then bo pian...

actually, yesterday, my tummy has been feeling rather awkward... bloated n cramp on n off ... but i dont want to read into any symptoms so early on only to get disappointed lor ... always disappointed when see red n bfn ... so symptoms dont mean anything to me... unless i really MS like siao! hahahaha! thats the only obvious thing !!!! everything else can be AF reporting... ok MS like siao also can be food poisoning la.. wahahaha but not to suay right ????? boo hoo ... !

anyway, jy all my ttc mates !!! cant believe ttcing so long... like wtf sometimes ... from ppl like lynzi to eliz to meinme ... all give birth already ... and also others whom i cnt recall offhand... who have given birth... !!! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!! lets strike soon !!! even those who just started ttcing, good luck !!! some of us are blessed earlier ... and some just need to have more faith i guess ... i just hope i can have 1 before my gal turns 4 ... please please please ?????????????
I tried drinking warm water past 2 nights, end up keep waking up to go toilet and cant sleep. I also dun want to read too much into symptoms and ended up as false hope. But I still feel my signs are really those AF reporting signs. Your "so long AF dun report mean hope" do shine some light to me.

Hubby was commenting tt maybe like what his friend who is a fortune teller indicated - good new will reach us in april. Maybe he is referring to lunar april.

My gynae is very conservative old man who 30 yrs of experience. He wouls rather take the safe side. I remembered my longest record was CD89 went to him. He still said the same thing and make appointment for me to go back 2 weeks later + a $150 bill. 1 week later mense reported.

Windy, my last month cycle was also 7 days instead of the usual 5 days.

What did your gynae commented? Everything ok? I also feel weird the last time I went to see my gynae in Feb. Nurse keep asking if I'm preggy, When I replied no, she asked more than 3 times why do I need to see doc then? I replied to make things are ok and she goes like :"You rushing to plan dragon bb arh" I was like only planning for bb can see gynae meh???? So tactless.
That nurse's comment was so uncalled for! Very unbecoming of her profession (though I could find nastier labels in my vocab to describe her, but this being a public forum...er-hmmm)

Yes, what bewildered wrote was what I meant :s

立春's date changes yearly, doesn't it?

Think we are in the 'stuck-in-the-rut' week... I'm CD40 ler... Kill me please, I'm swimming tmr to see if working out can bring on menses...
cramps every night
canopyhaze:I also ttc for 2 yrs alr..always see my friends who get married after me and give birth alr..yup,let JY together this cycle and blessed with a healthy bb..

missy,dorie:don give up!! our turn coming soon..JY JY!!
alamak... bblove, shld just shoot back at the nurse... like u want to do pap smear .. or just in her face, i only wish to speak to the gynae and not u ... you cant help me .. =P
Fullhpuse:立春's date remains constant every yr, can b on the 3rd or 4th of every feb.. Only the timing'd change..



Missy: thgs can get demoralising esp aft seeing peers/comrades/buddies grad fr the thread n also d yrly migration to a diff thread... Will lose the faith n confidence etc aft some time.. Mayb tis gd to take a short break, break d focus away fr ttc so wont b too affected? Mayb tis easier said than done but tis not too gd for mental well -being...

I think i'll feel d same way too if m still here aft more than a yr...But tis up to oneself to reet priorities m then regain tt perspective bah... So think if m still in this thread a yr later, maybe i'll switch my priorities fr ttc to kiddo n relegate ttc to 2nd position bah, if strike then gd, if nt, then at least wont be too affected by it.. Hopefully bah..

Ya dun b too sad, when ur day comes, WE will ALL be v v v happy n excited for u!! N tt Day will come, dun lose hope, but do take gd care of urself, coz like what rainie said, if parents r healthy, then can have healthy bb.. So do try to relax abit so tt wont get so stressed n sad... Cheer up..
we'r rooting for ya!!
aiyo... fullhouse, poor you... can understand actually... in 2010, i didnt have menses from jan to aug.. wahahah... very cham !!! but also my own fault la.. i didnt go see gynae earlier.. thought i strike but still BFN... then only in aug finally saw the gynae ! on clomid 5 cycles... then said he cannot help me... olredi.. ask me go ivf.. sigh... went to see another dr ... he also scan said nth wrong.. did bloods nth wrong... ask me go ivf ...
one big circle... back to square 1 ....

i think maybe you want to consider TCM ? where do u live ?
Bblove, I know wat u mean by don't want to read too much... But as I type now,I'm having heartburn... Got some symptoms, the sleeping also so haywire.

Saturday, I tired, 3pm take nap, set alarm 3:30, cannot wake up so sleepily ask DH send kids to tuition. Wah, I sleep until 10:30 that night, wake a while, 1am continue sleeping until 8am. All these are getting my hopes up, but I keep telling myself don't...

Actually I not so keen on dragon baby... But TTC so long Liao, anything also good. At home already got one dragon, add another one... Haha. Like so peng San. But anything la. As long as have lor.

Full house, swimming can make af come? I got PCOS... My doc will always give meds when af Mia too long

Faith... Thanks... Really must continue having faith....
Bewildered: agree w you... Sometimes good to take mind off things. But when TTCing can be so tough, like roller coaster up down up down... So Sianz....

Haha, just caught avengers w DH during paktor night last night. Quite funny, even tho I not into superhero. Not bad. My DH wanna bring DS go watch... But must find time he clever la, liddat, he can watch twice!!! Haha
Dorieme: Actually m hoping for a dragon then one of mi fren who's trying for a dragon got it.. So it did get me down abit when i asked, wat os ot tt she did tt i did not, y didnt i have the dragon tt i so wanted... But aft af came, think maybe coz i know tt there's no chance for me to get a dragon ler, so turned out, mood became more relaxed.. Sp guess having no expectations helps to relieve the stress but will still try out during those important days in order nt to deny ourselves of tt chance, but maybe lighter mood'd make one less stress bah... Happy mood, happy union... Haha!!! :p

Haha, i also wanna watch twice but heartpain the monies... Next time i can just buy the dvd etc to keep n can watch multiple times... Heh heh, more worth it... I was waiting for ironman, ironman n ironman.... Loves him!!
Bewildered: lol... Yes!! BD too focused on baby also not so fun bah.... For us, we just take a have have, donhave donhave kinda attitude, but then when like maybe have, then can't help but be Kancheong again.... The 2ww is the worst! Some more my cycle crazy one, can't really predict... Sigh.

Haha, ya, we often buy DVD, ESP if the kids like. Very ex to keep taking them to movies, so usually will buy DVD for them and us. But certain things only DS like, the dds don't like, then we just bring him. Nowadays, he like to act cool... Don't like to hang out w the girls... Haha, ok la. Almost teenager, I guess is liddat one bah....
Missycandy, totally can understand how u feel cos me the same as u, TTC for so long but still here...see everyone graduate but I still here....even tigeress graduate already...sigh....but think positive, it be u next mth...jia you
U are not alone! Even w/o #2, life must still get along....

bewildered, dun be too obessed with dragon babies, it may not be a bad thing to skip dragon year...most importantly is babies must be healthy
Good morning ladies!

Missy : totally understand how u feel cos am feeling that too at times. However I somewhat still carry the positive hope that one day we will all graduate. Chin up and we support among the ladies here, it's the matter of time, be patient.

Wet wednesday morning, and am going for my golf day. Sigh~ gonna be a long day.
good morning everyone... wah, this morning the thunderstorm was really something! good thing didn't last long... by the time the buses came, it was only drizzling... phew!

oh dear pillow, hopefully you managed to catch some zzzzzs... when you posted I'd just woken up!

canopy - stopped raining liao (here at least), hopefully your golf game goes well.

going off soon... at least today no CCA, more senang... but still got so much to do... and I'm still so sleepy!!! argh! hopefully I don't fall asleep when the leader is giving her lecture... help!
Hi dorie! Thanks! But My side still drizzling
hopefully sentosa side is ok.

U stay mom home? Just sent your kid to school?
Fullhouse/ missy,
Agreed tt the nurse was super tactless. Even if wanna ask, dun ask in front of those preggies mah. So no privacy.

Missy/Charlotte/ Bewildered/ Dorie,
Actually i'm not planning for dragon bb but more of rabbit bb. Reason being it would be a nice gap of 3 yrs b/w #2 &#3.
My #1 & #2 are only 1 yr apart n gynae seriously ask me to stop n let c-sect wound rest for at least a yr before trying as previously c-secs were too close. Rest for a yr in 2009 and ttc in 2010. Ended up stuck in this thread for soooooo long.

maybe becos i'm not planning specifically for dragon tt why not tt bad whrn 10 over colleagues were preggy. judt tt there a few handful of us ttcing for so long but no result n those preggies' topic revolves nothing but their bb n check up. It does touches the soft side of us. Just like my friend who knows1 of our common friend who was married for 7 yr and was ttc w/o success. Each annual meet up, she would tell her 'you got to work harder' which i find it so scarstic. Making bb is not equal to working hard n you will have the result. So now we dun even jio her for gatheribg to spare those uncalled for remarks.
Canopyhaze, ya think we are the only 3 old birds left here, so we must support one another more

BBlove, sometimes really hate this dragon year...everywhere I go, I saw preggie women...all rushing for dragon babies, also dun understand why? Maybe I jealous lah, haha....cannot have so I will think ai ya...so competitive, no wan lah....after TTC for so long, dun mind babies is cat or dog liao, as long as can have, boy or girl also can...as long as healthy ok...let's jia you this coming snake year
Bblove, Dorie
I'm ttc-ing #3 too :D, think our #2 should be same age, 08 child?

But did the gyn say it's better to start treatment early? Coz I just dont want anymore hormones. I was on iud and had hosts of problems monthly...

It is a new day!! Jiayou! I'm going for a swim soon :D

Not sure they say working out helps regulate menses mah, too hot for runs now so swim lo
yup yup. my #2 is 08 bb. Hoping to get a boy this round. But with my soo very irregular cycle. Dun even know when is my fertile day to plan for a boy.

So time after trying for so long any zodiac is fine. No rabbit then go for dragon lor. Now no dragon, go for snake lor. What to do?
Mrs Lee,
same too was hoping for a yr end baby... now too late... its ok, doesnt really matter i guess as long as its a healthy pregnancy n baby. i have tried and hubby was esp copperative.now waiting to see if strike. haha!!! good luck to you too!!!

BBlove, ya bo bian lor...what can I do, try till my gal 7 years old, if really no then will accept my fate, hehe....
