(2013) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

Mrs Tan,
Have you tested? Maybe u are preggy?
kid settled down pretty fast. My #2 cried for 23 days before she wave bye bye to me in school.

Another 2 colleagues announced their pregnancy. Both expected twin wow. Preggy is my company's hot topic now. Another div boss joking annouce tt quota is full for preggy in his div. Ask the rest to wait for the next round otherwise nobody cover duty. wakaka
rene: haha, yeah... definitely got CL better... but the good ones you gotta book early. I think I book mine last time when I was like 6 wks... haha.

xinyue: wah! hopefully my hubby is right too!

Windy: huh? AF refers to your period. Your period how can last 28-30 days? Normally period is like between 5-9 days bah? but each cycle, meaning CD 1 to CD1 (first day of period to first day of next period) can be anything between 25-xx days? I say xx because some people like me, not regular, the cycle can MIA for like a few months...

Mrs Tan: don't stress... and don't let mummy-guilt eat into you... it's normal for them, especially if they have been home by themselves (meaning no other children around) all this while... it's also good for their immunity... if can, avoid taking antibiotics, let her immune system fight for her. My doc likes to KIV the antibiotics for 3 days, after that still not better then he will give...

rene & mrs tan: it's not that you cannot handle your kid bah, more that they are still young... training period is tough... you need to set clear boundaries and be consistent in enforcing them, but don't get frustrated if they keep repeating the same mistake because they will naturally keep trying to push limits, so if you are not consistent, they will lagi test waters... the more consistent you are, the more quickly they will learn to toe the line.
if you start training them at around 15 mths, then by 4 yrs, 5 yrs, they will naturally be more able to obey quickly, and not be so difficult. it takes a lot of discipline on our part, but it can be done. frustrating a lot of the times, but you reap the benefits in the long run... just that in the short run can be quite pek cek sometimes. haha.

faith: when will your 2ww be up? when i tested positive with my #3, I thought I would be more than 5 weeks liao, but turn out, I was only 4wks or so... so sometimes O late also possible...

Windy: 2ww is between O (or conception) and testing or AF's arrival...

Kom: your #1 is a boy? haha... actually, it's not true that only boys are active... i have a friend who's girl is as active as any boy I know! heh.

rene: last time I read somewhere that about 14 days after you O, AF will come... just a matter of O early or late... so if you have a 30 dayt cycle, then you will O around CD16... does that make sense?

Christy: no, 2ww is the two weeks you have to wait between O and being able to test, which is around the expected AF date... oops, i see that faith has answered you... hurhur.

Mrs Lee: haha, ic... yah, if it's their first time being exposed to other germs, then sure fall sick lah. but each time it will be not so siong.

missy: aiyoh, who tell you such things? no lah. if moh comes and discovers kids in the closet, they will lose their license immediately worh. anyway, i will normally go and check out the cc... see the children happy or not, see how the teachers react during stressful times (so always go visit esp during lunchtime, heehee)... if the teachers got no patience, then it's a no go lor...

bblove: wah, 23 days... think if me i also heart pain. but they will settle down one... and when they do, it's such a joy to watch them enjoy their friends... haha.

LOL... eh, your boss very funny... wah, some more all twins... wah, if I twins, I will peng san... from 3 kids jump to 5 kids... hurhur. from family of 5 jump to family of 7. wah, MPV also no place to squeeze so many car seats ah!!!!

Hi LDG...
My last AF lasted for 7 days. AF started on 9 Apr so now I'm in CD?? I still waiting for my menses to come. My menses comes regularly every month just that will delay or come earlier and it depends and it does come punctually occasionally.

O means ovulation?
I dunno when I ovulate :p I never check.
faith: i have no idea, cos I cannot remember when my LMP is... haha. I only know we BD around end of April, so I guess mid May is a safe time to test bah... so next week lor I guess. hurhur.

Windy: AF started on 9Apr so 9Apr is CD1 lor... then you count lah... count until now... CD32 lor. Heh.
Windy, when you say come punctually means come on the same date of each month? like Apr 9 then May 9? or you have a fixed number of days... like every 28 days or 30 days?
faith: most ppl will have no symptoms, some will have PMS like symptoms, but early signs of pregnancy includes swelling of bbs and sensitivity, and changes to your sleep and taste... but most of the symptoms kick in around 5 or 6 weeks, which is usually after the 2ww...
What I mean punctually is will come every month. Irregular in the days like eg march comes on the 15 then last month comes on the 9 sometimes can come 1 week earlier or later than a week but it's not so common only happens in abt once every 3 or 4 months.
windy: no worries... just clarifying, cos different ppl got different ways of using certain phrases mah.
i see... orh, so means will come each month, but not like clockwork, you know exactly which day lah. so liddat harder to track unless you use one of those period tracker apps to see if got pattern or not lor.
then easier to track the O. There are other ways to track O... but I never do before, so cannot help you. I think some of the others are keeping track of their O, maybe they can explain to you....
thank dorie..so during this 2ww,we shd try to relax coz we done our best alr,everything is fixed,only waiting for result..haha..

windy:since ur menses quite irregular which makes u unaware when u ovulate,better invest in a ovulation kit to determine to increase the chance..
Ok thanks Dorie.

I only occasionally jot down my menses date and happen to jot down the last 2 months.

Kind of lazy and forget. :p
see lah, it's only 9.42pm and I'm sleepy liao. what is this?! kiddos in bed, and I want some me time... but then feel so sleepy... aiyoh... some more they went to bed late today... 8.30 then go sleep... terrible... good thing son exams over liao. but girl still got science paper tomorrow. thankfully baby no exams yet... p2 still honeymoon year... shiok only.
windy: hahahaha, i so know what you mean worh... that's why hor, I don't even know my own LMP... now don't even know when to test... zzzzzz
Ya lor. But I tested on Wednesday and is BFN so I confirm not preggy right.

So I just need to wait for my next menses to come.
Should be bah. If you have been bding on and off though, if af still don't come can test again in a week's time bah
Yup yup. All in total 12 preggies. Almost 1 due in every month. 12 preggies with 2 pregnant with twin. Good fengshui hor.

My boss always very funny and love talking nonsense. Just the other day he was commenting that I seem to put on weight then he say I must be pregnant and ask me to give him my urine sample. He will pass it to our manager to test and I was like huh....You sure he want to test or not?

Other than sleepy, any other symptoms you encounted? For me, none of the above. No sensitive or swelling bb, no change in taste bud nor sleeping pattern. Only tt crampppppp that come and goes, low backache n longing for hot bee hoon soup. wakaka.

Why not you test tml and every 2 weeks till AF report. Give yourself a timeline if AF still dun report then see gynae. Like I tested on 5 May, it BFN, if AF still dun report then final test on 27 before gg to gynae on 28 May. It definitely no longer 2ww for me. Dun knoe how many wwww liao.

Give yourself a few more days. It could be early pregnancy.
Hi BBlove, What u mean by early pregnancy?

I BD quite late after menses ends and another 2 weeks and only did twice last month.

Chances should be very low right?
Mrs lee- my girl in Cherie Hearts. She is Nov bb. Going to turn 18 mths next wk. Where can I get the medicine immococal? Intend to build up my girl's immune sys.

Bblove- I tested last monday. Still BFN. Now I left with last preg test kit. Intend to test this wkend.

Strange, there is no preggy in my office this yr. or mayb still no news yet. But when I was preg with my #1 in the Yr of Tiger, there were 7 (incl myself) preggies ard in my office! Haha I plan to have bb that yr , thinking no Chinese like bb tigers. But I was very wrong! Haha.

Dorie- thanks for the encouragement!
Symptoms ah? Wah, got a lot Loh...but dunno is pms symptoms or think too much symptoms... I on off got feelings of nausea, then today, my two favorite things I could not tahan... Kitkat and the smell from yakun... I ate one kitkat then felt like puking, just now wanted to eat yakun, but reach the shop the smell make me turn around and fast fast run. I've been more tired and sleepy, also got more headaches. Bbs were sensitive a few days ago, but now not so Liao... Then just now got a bit of cramping lor. So I also dunno. In the past I ever symptom until I was really convinced that I must be preggers, but in the end also still BFN... So... Liddat lor
Windy, early pregnancy means conception took place, but test show BFN cos the HCG levels still too low for the test to 'catch'

Basically, you never know until af comes lor.

Blur: hmm, if I can tahan, most likely I will test by Tuesday, then see how. No la, no need to see GYN. Have have, don't have liddat, got energy then try again lor. Haha.
Windy, haha, now I playing on my iPad in bed, once in a while check forum got new post or not. Haha. Sleepy but still ngeh ngeh dowan to sleep.
Dorie, yr symptoms look good! Can test over d weekend! Good luck!!!

I know what u mean!!! So hard get me time then so tired want zzz but still insist stay up catch up lol!! For me after wrk want go hm bathe n zzz! But once hm, must feed n bathe my gal.. Then entertain til she ko then I have me time! But usually by then so tired lor... But still must surf n do own stuff hehehe I only have 1... Can't imagine having 3-4!! So I think my mummy is super mum!!! Cos she has 5! Hehehe

Actually I also don't know when I O or I O or not
sigh just wait lo Bo pian...
Can't sleep! Grrrrrrrr......

Go test !! Why must wait till weekend?

Bblove, windy, mrs tan, Dorie
There is still hope since AF not here yet, test until AF reports! I'm going to do that, but yes cannot be too 冲动 and waste the kits :D
Aiyah, cos dowan to see bfn lor... Never test still can hope mah... Lol. Delusional or wat right?!

Wah! Test until af reports? With my irregular cycle, I will pokkai ah! Haha

Thanks everyone... I also hope so, but still scared its my imagination...
goooooood morning everyone!~

aiyah, this morning, wake up sleepy, blur blur, forgot to test! heehee. never mind. tomorrow bah.
Good morning everyone!!!

Dorie, u seems to have super high chance leh.
Must spread ur baby dust around us ya ;)

Now how many days le after AF ??
Good morning !!! Having bad backache now
thinking which painkiller to take... Stronger one works but not good for ttcing... Safe ones for ttcing don't work


Eh Dorie, still can test leh... If really bfp, any time also will show line :p
From what u descripe seem like got high chance u are preggy. Test if necessary.

Why no gynae if u miss cycle? I have long n irregular cycle. Shortest is 35 longest is 89. Went to induce menses twice cos tummy super bloated n big. Feel so uncomfortable n moody. Gynae also comment bettrr to induce cos those are unhealthy blood. However i do hate it whenever he tells me go back n see him 2 weeks later.. Wadte of time n money. Thinking of changing gynae. Who are u ladies seeing?
Thanks Fullhouse but I guess my period is coming soon...

I keep on letting out gases and feel bloated recently but these are not symptoms of preggy right. Went toilet pass motion liao still let out gases still.

BBlove, my gynae is from TMC ACJ Women's Clinic -Female Gynae - Dr Joycelyn Wong
windy:letting out gases and bloated stomach are symptoms of preggy as well..go and test it out! when AF don't report,u still have chance..
But you just missed yr menses right? There is still hope so long Af did not report. Unlike me Cd 50 over days sure is smeting wrong cos test kit already show BFN.

Heard of Joycelyn Wong but her queue is super long. Heard tt her price increase. I prefer a male gynae thought.
I doubt so la. I also tested on Wed 8 May morning and shows BFN. So I will stick to BFN. Haha

Chances are super low coz I got intimate only twice last month and its 2 weeks ater my menses.

Maybe AF reports today
still waiting

Letting out gas maybe is because of my bowel movements...

Anyway I will just wait ba
Good morning ladies!

Cd45 and still counting....
Felt rather bad when I left my boy at his childcare as I couldn't stay for the mothers day celebration. Too bad that the celebration is from 9.30 to 10.30.
BBlove: plenty Bb dust in your office. My colleague jus had a bb. nw left me alone. My boss say we took turn every yr coz 11 was me den 12 is her. So next yr my turn again??? hope so.. =D

Dorie: u r reali patient with ur kids lei. Are you a stay hm mum?

BBlove: her price increased alot coz my friend seeing her. I too prefer male gynae
Good morning ladies,

Today CD15 but still no sign of O....cld it be no ovulating cos no egg to come out? haha....damn confused when comes to this kind of biology thing!

canopyhaze, u shd take leave n spend with yr boy since u are working.

Hope u ladies got more good news coming....
charlotte, i also no sign of O... today CD16
I just called up clinic, going down later to scan my egg.. dunno what is wrong.

Missy: I usually take Panadol extra for any aches... Panadol is safe for MTB right?

Re testing: yes I guess... I think I decided to wait for mid next week... so if BFN confirm will be BFN, I won't have to guess anymore. If BFP, then it won't run away also. haha. Anyway, today already Friday...

bblove: heehee, I hope so... oh, no see GYN is cos I already had period some time in Apr... I know I did, just don't know when. So usually, I will only go to him to get meds if AF MIA for like 3 months or what... so this round if BFN, then I will just wait for AF to show lor... if don't show, probably will wait until after I come back from Vienna then go see him bah.

Windy: heehee... I preggy got a lot of gas to leggo one... hahaha... esp at night when sleeping. But for me, it's also part of PMS symptom. So maybe my nick should be Windy... heehee. Or maybe Gassy... haha..

Oh! Windy, then maybe we see each other before! I also go that clinic, but I see Dr Adrian Tan. haha.

bblove, come and see Dr Tan in the same clinic lah... then we can have gathering there... heehee.

canopy: *hugs* don't feel bad... cannot is cannot, not say can but you deliberately don't want to go. sometimes it's just liddat. this year, my son's choir did very well in SYF, they will be having concert end May, but I can't attend cos his sister is having her choir Vienna briefing and presentation, and I gotta be there..
but what to do? Thankfully he doesn't get upset... at least daddy is going.

rene: Yes, I started staying home in 2007, when my son entered P1... so this is my sixth year at home. I used to teach and was a discipline teacher, so seeing all those cases of bad parenting really helped to shape my own parenting, because I really don't want to make the same mistakes and end up with delinquent kids... it's very sad to see kids going astray because the parents are clueless about how to be a parent.

charlotte: LOL... yeah, if only hor we got some u/s machine at home, we can ownself see hor? then we don't have to keep on guessing and guessing. sigh.

Windy: ewwww, but no AF?

I just woke up after going back to sleep. My part time cleaner is here. I have no maid, so hire one PTC to come and do big cleaning for me, cos I hate housework. heh. Good thing hubby is ok with that... cos he also not big fan. day to day i just do small cleanups and train the kids to keep things clean as they go... uphill task... but trying lah.

today the kids no cca again, so after she leaves I gotta go and get lunch... probably will just TP something from nearby.
