(2013) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

if you can, stay at misty villa. its a very very nice place to stay! plus they give u free dinner!!! it was really cold up there ! hope you can take the cold ! ... have you planned yr itinerary yet? how many days? where u going ? if u wan, give me yr email, i can send u our itinerary.

Bewildered>> haha, last time I thought you were asking about body aches, that's why I said dun have. But I said I felt more tired rite? And the pain in the groin was certainly more frequent. I actually went to my gynae twice because of the pain! I thought something was wrong with the pregnancy and she reassured me everything was ok.
Actuali ladies im fully prepared to get a BFN tml. If really BFN, what shld i do ah?? see doc ? Cos GP told mi if nt preggie that means is hormones inbalance.. i need to take medi for hormones inbalance ?? Im feeling dizzy since late afternoon until now. Im reali so scared sia.. dunno what is happening to my body. Anyone or any of your friends had experience hormones inbalance before?
Blurblur>> Don't worry too much. If its a BFN, then schedule an appointment to see your gynae. For me, I don't usually trust GPs that much when it comes to this sort of stuff. After all, they are not the experts in this field. I remember when I was studying in university, once in a while, my menses will take 50 to 60 days to come. Back then, I always attributed that to stress, although I never sought medical help to find out. Perhaps yours is also one of those once-off cases?

Don't worry unnecessarily! Who knows, it may be a BFP tomorrow? Then all this worry that you've given yourself would be for nothing!
Anastasia : yaya i ever 50-60 days before also. Is this brown discharge which is so disturbing. Gp said that nt considered AF, cos AF is full force red de.. if dont haf that brown discharge im prepared to wait for my AF lo.. cos u counted for me, by right i shld get a bfp de on last tues if im reali preggie. I use online calculator if im preggie i already 7 wks. So can i test later at nite?? As is already so late liao shld get a bfp??
Congrats joyful...

Blurblur - faster test!!!! you're keeping all of us in suspense... i wonder how u can wait so long not to test..
Fel : Actually i tested 2x liao. First time i used expired one, saw a faint positive. Then later i went to test with watson brand, i got a BFN. Ytd night n today morning i got BFN again. I think no chance liao le. Now hor i just wanna my AF to come faster. Cos the brown discharge i had earlier is not considered AF, how shld i count my CD??
Missycandy : Hmm.. I thinking to leave it until my menses come.. haha. Or i continue to test until i see BFP... There are rare cases that cant test BFP until last stage. Maybe i go get those cheap hpt strips n test test until my AF comes.
Maybe i go take blood test, this is most accurate de.
So u going to keep testing n wait. If still bfn n no AF u still going to wait ? Hmmm u just started ttcing ? U seem to be able to wait to test n wait to find out... Good for you ... Some of us can't wait n really anxious to find out... If not usual we see our gynae... Best to always check w gynae if anything wrong as they are not experts... Some things are also unexplained...

Wish you all d best! Hope u see yr bfp soon so can report to the mummy thread !
Missycandy : Ya lor. Not going to see gynae bah. Yaya i just ttc nia. I will also monitor how it goes. i wanna to induce the AF to come, on the other hand scared is reali preggie. So this is a waiting game lo. Im seriously wanted my AF to come so badly sia.

i always have the same dilemma, wan to induce af but what if i am preg.. but after waiting weeks after weeks.. the most i waited till 3mths..

well, u take the call..

before this, ur af is always zhun?
Joyful : U mean u have the same experience as me before? Nope not accurate de. My menses can ever be 50-60days de. But hor cos i only BD once in nov. And according to Anastasia calculations, i shld be able to test BFP by now lor.
ya, i all along is irregular menses de..

i tried TTC naturally wo tracking on opk.. af will only come as n when it likes.. so i had to take clomid to help ovulate.. though i can ovulate w clomid, bd w pressed, did what i can but i tink the body is not in its optimal to accept pregnancy.

like this cycle, wo clomid, i manage to ovulate myself.. i gave up track by CD24. then i noticed EWCM on CD32, i test w Opk, positive.. quickly BD w preseed. i tink my body didnt have enuff time to build the wall lining, even the egg is fertilised cant implant cos wall too thin.. the wait till CD32 gav it enuff time to build the wall..
Joyful : oh..ok i see i see. But for these few mths my AF had "stablised" btw 30-40days like that. Cos last cycle was ard 39days. the day where i had my brown discharge is just 40+ days mah so i thought is AF mah. I dunno how to calculate the conception/implantation days. That is why i asked Anastasia to help me calculate, she said by right or left,the test kit should be able to detect my pregnancy liao lo.
Anastasia : Where are you?? Can i ask u something?? heehee cos u know how to calculate the conceptio/implantation days right?? Im very very sure i BD on 6 nov ler..
Aftn! =)

missy: misty village is at the cingjing or? =) this time round, we are going for 2 wks!! heh heh.. then will travel outta taipei but tink will break the trip coz if gg out, wanna travel light, so if travel out for too long hor, gotta bring lotsa barang barang.

So most likely will be staying in taipei for first coupla days to get used to the weather and all first, then aft tt, moving out to Yilan and forgot where ler, then move back to Taipei for the wkends (coz those tourist spot outside hor, for wkends and hols are so much more ex.. -_-) then move out for ard 2 to 3 days again then back to Taipei to pack up for home, so got like 2 days to rest.. =)

Gonna email ya! =)

anastasia: heh heh, think at tt pt in time, m more bugged by the backache.. then nw tis the pelvis.. Argh! -_-

blurblur: if ya BD on 6 Nov, then assuming tt the spermies can last ard 5 days inside.. then if ya O on 11 Nov then the spermies and eggy meet, then count fr 11 Nov, wld be 5 wks post O, so ard 7wks ler..
Bewildered : Ya lo exactly. Should be able to test BFP liao ma. Actually i dont want to risk in case lo. Anyway, I have bought the cheap test strips at BP liao. Shall test on alternate days until my AF come lor. I dont want to go see gynae leh..Just let nature takes its course. Though the possibility of pregnancy is vv low now, but i still scared lah. But if i see any EWCM i will just BD lor and see how.. hahaaa.
Blurblur>> I'm here! Haha, today on leave so never really check the thread! That time I calculated for you is based on your shortest cycle 30 days and longest cycle 40 days. Based on that time calculations, you should have detected positive HPT if pregnant.

Actually, why won't you see your gynae? For me, I'm quite te anxious type. If something is not quite right, I will wanna see my gynae ASAP and get it sorted out soon so that my next cycle can start and I can TTC again. But I guess it also depends on how anxious you are. If you're not, then maybe wait another 2 weeks to see whether AF comes.

For me, today is CD39 or CD40, around DPO12 or DPO13. No AF, no BFP, no signs of AF coming (usually I will get a little cramps 2-3 days before it comes). I'm already wondering what's happening. You can still tahan the wait and test - really peifu you!
Anastasia : If counted my cycle is 50-60days de leh?? Also same hor?
Ya now im waiting for my AF to come. I wanted it to come badly so i can be more "fang xin". Hahaa. Yaya i can wait and see. For my #1, i tested BFP on CD60+, it was cos i dunno if im preggie or AF coming. So gynae was asking me how come i so late then go see.
Blurblur>> if your cycle is 50 to 60 days, then I think it will be different. Later I calculate then let u know.

But wow, tested positive at CD60?! That's really late. How many weeks were you when you first went to see gynae?
just done my lap. doc found endometrosis. i dunno if it's considered CD1 coz it's not really heavy flow haha..

im feeling rather relief now coz finally i found the cause of my infertility and killed them all!!

Congrats joyful!
Blurblur>> if your cycle is 50 days, AF should report on 11/12. If cycle is 60 days, AF should report on 21/12.

Assuming luteul phase of 14 days on the average, for 50 days cycle, you should have ovulated around 28/11; for 60 days cycle, should have ovulated around 8/12.

Did you BD around 28/11 or 8/12? If so, you have a chance at conceiving. For the 50 days cycle, you should be able to detect pregnancy by now. For the 60 days cycle, still got a few more days to wait before can detect pregnancy (provided you BDed around 8/12)
Miracle>> though its not a BFP, would still like to congratulate you. At least now you know what is wrong, got rid of the root of the problem! Good luck in your next TTC all-clear cycle!
Anastasia : wah you are fast leh. No lor.. I never BD ler hehe. Remember i got the brown discharge on 7 dec... So subsequently i nv BD scared is preggie mah..

Haha. either cycle also sala. keke. why must i have the brown discharge lo. If not i will be waiting for AF. That one not counted real AF mah. Arghhhh...
Anastasia : But hor if i BD on 7 nov right, then i have the brown discharge on 7 dec, is around 1mth, cannot be implantation bleeding hor. wahahahaa.
Hahaha thanks all. But i dunno how will it affect my ttc from now on.. and what are thr chances. Will discuss with doc next week during my review.
Blurblur>> last time before I conceived my #1, I used to have mid cycle spotting. Can't remember the color, but in terms of flow, it's very very little. Only need to wear panty liner and it last for 1-2 days only. I went to see my gynae for this before. She said the spotting could be due to a few things:

1) ovulation bleeding (cos mine was usually mid cycle spotting)
2) hormonal changes
3) trauma to the cervix (caused by sexual intercourse)

I'm not saying yours is due to any of the above, just sharing with you my experience

Just out of curiosity, how long did you take to conceive your first 2 kiddos? Were your cycles always this long? How did you find out you were pregnant back then?
Anastasia : The brown discharge i had is 46 days liao leh, cant be ovulation bleeding bah. I think number one n three are likely possible. I can only say is probably no2 which the GP said de, he said is hormones inbalance.

Actually no1 & 2 not v long leh, especially my no2, i only BD once when i see the EWCM & tio liao. I can only say im v lucky. AFter i give birth to no1, it seems that my cycle is normal. Then after giving birth to no2, my cycle went haywire again. But recently it stabilise ard 30-40 days lah.
Im really constantly hungry loll. keep eating, never feel full like that... i do hope this is PMS wor.
Morning ladies...

Having a real bad start to the day (and my work week)
woke up with a backache which led me to the toilet to check - AF has arrived so today is CD1. Work will be crazy busy today and to add on, my #1 is suspected of having HFMD - which also means #2 will probably get it a week later ( based on past experience). Super sianz..
Anastasia : *Hugz hugz* Jia you jia you. Based on your first 2 kids, you are able to conceive quite fast. So shld be ok de

Arghhh.. HFMD is what i scared most.. Why dont u seperate them?? so chances of getting is lower??
Hi ladies need sm advice.Today I wokeup feel like vommitting.Yday I ate v v late dinner don't knw it gastric ont.I went to test on CB opk stick,which expired in aug 2012. I gt a v v fade line. What can I do next? Me v scared its fake positive,since it expired already.Shld I go c GP to test or go buy a HPT to test tmr? I not sure what dpo I m now as I didn't test opk during my o,jus BD alt days.Bt I shld b expecting my PMS Nxt wk bah.
Wanda : Expired CB opk stick? heee i also tested a a fade BFP with the expired hpt strip. GP said is not trustful at all. Must go and buy new de. Quick quick go n and buy a new HPT and test.

Awaiting for your good news ya..
Blurblur>> Seriously, I think I was just very lucky for my first 2 kids, cos my cycles are so long and when I ovulate is unpredictable. Actually, got 2 kids already by right should be no stress rite? Not sure whether I mentioned it here before, I actually wanna finish having kids asap. Cos I have a medical condition that requires long term medication, and currently I'm going cold turkey cos I don't want the medication to affect the pregnancy in any way. So the sooner I;m done with having kids and breastfeeding, the sooner I can take medication.

Yup, I also scared of HFMD, especially the first 2-3 days cos that's when the kids are the most cranky and dont wanna take food
Previously, I've tried to separate them before (but within the same house), and it NEVER works. Each time, after my #1 recovers, my #2 will kena!
Wanda>> Yours expired just a few months ago, so MAYBE the results can still be trusted. One of my frens tested on a recently expired HPT and she got a +ve. She then tested with a valid HPT and it was also +ve.

Save yourself the anxiety and guesswork -- go get a new Clearblue to test.
Ya I read yours.Can I buy & test nw? Or wait till tml 1st urine?I will b gg to visit GP ltr for MC shld I ask him for blood test?Will I c the result today? M v v anxious.
Actually for my 1st, I also tested using expired 1.
Wanda>> Since you're going to GP later, do a urine test there. If you do a blood test, I think the earliest you can get the result is tmr.

If not, you can buy a twin pack CB. Since you're very anxious, hold your urine for about 2 hours and limit fluid intake, test using the 1st stick. If the result is not clear, test again tmr morning using FMU.

Haha, why you like to test using expired ones??

Good luck to you!
Anastasia : We in same boat lo. I also think im lucky for my first 2 gals
Yaya u did mention after u give birth to no3, you wanted to be on long medication liao. We jia you together since we are the only ones ttc-ing for no3. hehe.

Oh in different house leh?? Think different house then more effective bah.
haha cos take whatever we have at home mah..

Wanda : U test using FMU bah. Since you said your AF is due next week, so maybe day time urine more dilute not accurate enough wor.
Anastasia: so I drink water nw ltr 2hrs c GP test? I got thm from relatives & friends,find it a waste to throw thm :p
Wanda : Maybe still very early lo as you said you are due next week. Dont be sad yet.. u stil got chance. Unlike me, I think no more chances liao, but dunno why im still "hanging on" onto it. Cos i still feeling uncomfy. This morning had dizzy faint again like on monday.. Just hoping if is AF, faster come n find me. Dont torture me sia...
Wanda>> *Hugz* Don't be disheartened. At least your AF is not here yet. Until AF shows, all is not lost!

It is possible that you're still in the early stages of pregnancy and because you didn't use FMU, the test at the GP was a false negative. Agree with blessedone that you can re-test at home over the weekend -- please use FMU and CB!
Wanda, I just Realised u used a opk strip to test? Faint opk is considered negative la. If its hpt then positive. Opk no matter what is still considered negative. Only if the line is as dark if not darker than control line then is considered positive.
Anastasia : Yaya i also say so. Cos is too early wor. I realised most of you like to test v early which is v good. I always like to "drag" as my AF is irregular so i dont want to test early.
Hi all Thks so much but I doubt gt any chance. I don't have any sytomptms at all & my vomit is due to stomach flu.Still have diaherra
I will wait for my AF, thn go c Gynae for help liao.

Anastasia: I also have complications that's y mus quick have 2nd thn cn close stop. Bt it's so diff

Wanda>> Oh yah, now that blessedone highlighted it, you used OPK to test for pregnancy?

So sorry, I didn't realise it just now. If it's OPK that you used, then a faint line means NOT pregnant. If you're pregnant, the test line on the OPK should be as dark or darker than the control line (i.e. similar to when we detect LH surge).

Try not to stress about having #2. I know it's difficult cos I myself am in this situation. I always try to remind myself that I've already got 2 kids and since I didn't take long to conceive them, it shouldn't take long for #3. Even my gynae said the same thing to me. But I'm such a worry wart, and an overly anxious one! So I still stress...haha!

Actually, my original plans with hubbie is to have 4 kids, that is my ideal number. But we'll see how things go after #3. After #3 must focus on myself first. #4, if any, will come quite a while later.
