(2013) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

Fel : Ya lo. Until CD60 im stil testing, still BFN. Cos this is my first time so a bit scared. Dunno how it goes wor, like if induce will anything happen.

And every morning, i feeling quite awful. Stomach like bloated n hungry. Kaozz. And actually i alays got the urge to go toilet, cannot tolerate too long. U know all these symptoms are so alike to pregnant hor? I just hope my AF comes soon so i wont be so xinku. Maybe AF "stucked" inside so im feeling so miserable.
Anybody here induce AF before or got any other methods to induce AF??
Fel : I dont want to be so troublesome.
Koolduh : Like pineapple?? haha. I dont eat pineapples. Sounds like BD is a good idea... hahaaaaaa..Im feeling so weak n tired today, maybe AF coming to find me soon. I think this is the first time i ever wanted my AF to come asap!!!!
Hi ladies.. Previously on this thread n now had safely delivered to my #2, a princess on 22.12.2012
Just want to spread babydust all over again
N just relax, don't think
What meant to be yours, will be.
Jia you!!!!!! Hugs!!!!

Chanced upon this thread.

Blur blur : I think yours most likely is hormones imbalance. It happened to me a few months ago. Symptoms like yours, brown discharge, feel horrible, dizzy, anyway just like being preggie.

Think you should go to see gynae. If you are scared that you may be preggie, the gynae could scan for you. She/he will be advise the chances you may be preggie based on the lining. So, best thing is go gynae, you get your answer and you can start on your new cycle. You drag on like this, it will only make you feel more horrible right?
not sure is this thread active in pray zhu sheng niang niang.

i am going to tao payoh temple to pray zsnn to return favor tomorrow afternoon, hence will be praying with red eggs.
not sure do u believe, do go pray n get baby luck from the eggs placed there.
hi shi jia, thanks.. i went n got 2red eggs from the center section of the hall... it was on a paper egg tray...
Dreamygal : thanks! Yah i think most probably too . My real AF arrived on 1.1.13 which is today. Reali know how to choose a day.. but i was so happy when i see RED leh. Hahaaaa...it was like it was missing for so many mths. So today can be CD1. Finally!!!! Thanks all for ur concern during this period.. it was quite torturing actually..luckily i nv go n induce it came naturally..
Blurblur>> Not a BFP, but I will still congratulate you!
Now you can start your TTC cycle again!
Thanks fel & Anastasia ..

But maybe too long no AF this cycle quite uncomfy..i just hope this kind of condition wont come bk again.

Dreamygal : forget to ask u so did u see doc? Cos i scared it might come bk again.. is nt good lo will drag my ttc plan.
Fel: That means you only DPO9 leh.. dun think the HPT can pick up any trace of HCG. Tahan for a while more la. at least you wont be disappointed for nothing *Wink*
Fel: best to test later ba... just in case you ovulate late mah.

yup, looking forward to your good news and start to spread some BB dust~!
I also not sure lei... Cos i think i ovulated on christmas day? few days before christmas got positive opk, and a little ewcm...

Then on christmas day i had some pain on right lower abdomen... i was and am still wondering if that might be the ovulation pain? Not that i always get or notice the pain monthly... Just particularly this month can feel the pain? More observant cos ttc?
Fel: yes could be that due to TTC, you will be more sensitive to all these symptoms.

So did you BD during those fertile days?
morning all! i went to tpy shuang lin temple yesterday and there weren't any eggs. Normally the eggs will be placed at the centre section? Not at the zsnn there huh? This is my first time there and didnt really know how to pray.. the staff there say i could bring some powder, cosmetics, buy own flowers. Initially i tot there will be selling flowers but not.

I will go back next weekend again.

Don't tink there is ppl returning red eggs every weekend leh..

E last round I took, the couple placed it at e table in front of zsnn. . Last couple who posted here say they placed at e center table.. just have to stay around n look look.. I waited for almost 2hrs last round..
wahaha joyful, i was trying my luck only ba. hope the next mommy will be updating us if she is returning soon lol!

That time shi jia posted i was in malacca .. :\
hi mummies.. i BD during my fertile period in Dec. I forgot there is still a chance of getting preg. Earlier this month i thought i will temporary stop TTC as i started on a weight management prog for the next 3 months. today i realized my AF is 2 days late. i wont be testing so soon because my BFP always show at least 2 weeks after i missed AF. So will still wait. but if i am preg, i will be happy la.. just that i will think god is playing a joke on me! he doesnt want me to get preg, and when i decide to agree with him he doesnt want to let me slim down..~
fel: yes i'm on TRA.

I tested last nite anyway and -ve. based on my experience with past pregnancies only get positive after 2-3 weeks of missed AF. but i dont think i'm preg, totally no symptoms unlike last time.
Kayliz: every preg is different mah. anyway, just wait for 2 weeks later then see how ba. so from now till 2 weeks later, you cannot go on weight management.

Joyful/ Fel: Check with you all hor.. before you got your positive OPK, do you get very faint line on the OPK or is dark enough to see?

Coz i have been testing for the past 3 days and i barely see the test line. OMG... but the problem is that I am having EWCM from last evening till now but yet i cant detect my O day??~??!?!?!?! How come ah?? please help and advise
2ww - i read back last week post..

I had ewcm on 21st dec..

24th dec then tested positive for opk...

started with very faint lines then get dark as days goes by..
Fel: then 24th Dec is which CD?

i think i just got to persist on and test everyday. i tot by having clomid will sure ovulate on CD14..
2ww>> Yes, twice a day with 12 hours interval. Cos for some women, the LH surge is very short, so if test once a day, may miss it.

For me, I always (I know this cos' I monitor a 2 cycles already) get my first +ve OPK in the morning, so I test first time with FMU using CB smiley OPK. My second test is around 3pm in the afternoon. Sometimes, I add in a third test at around 8pm.
The general recommended timings to test are around 11am and 7pm. Most dun recommend testing with FMU unless the test kit that you are using requires it. But of cos this differs with each individual.

If u are not aiming for any particular gender why not BD very other day whenever you have EWCM?

Good luck!
2ww- that Is CD 18, 19 , 20 got positive Opk.

CD 15 got ewcm..

Anyway I got good news to share...

It's BFP!!!!!

Baby dust to all who r trying!!!
