(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Kittykatty, im staying in 2bedder. Initally i have that fear too abt the service. But the nurses there really nice. I enjoyed my stay there too. I must say im a fussy person but i was fuss free during my stay. And they are prompt to my help bell call.

Bb shower, whats your baby jaundice level? So now baby home with you..what treatment give to treat the jaundice? Duno issit cos bb on more fm than bm... so he dun poo as much. In tmc i noticed the chart that baby seems to poo often but now at home no leh. Moreover many not having much feeding in hospital as compared to hm..so duno y no poo poo today. Your baby poo much?
Reikibaby, I'm seeing dr Loh today to remove dressing. Still waiting though. Saw PD today too gotta come next week for review again.

Kitty katty, dr Loh is like that. If nothing wrong he will space out the visits which my hb likes haha he said save money.
Hi Babysmurf, that's great! For all polyclinics? ADC told me my wk 30 detailed scan is cos of twins.

Wanted to ask you - have you started washing the baby clothes (like the organic one you bought) or pack the hospital bag? I wanted to pack the bag but then realized have not washed the go-home clothes, hats and swaddles to bring home baby. Car seat also not yet installed...and the weeks just fly by!
Mofmm: yes with all polyclinic starting June 2013.

I have not started washing. Baby stuffs like playpen n stroller coming Tmr. Car seat ask my dh go to the shop there to install earlier may. Just use wipe can Liao.
Mid April then wash baby stuffs. Still buying her things. Wash Too early wait collect dust heehee.
Hope, hv to wait long at pd? Cos mine also pd & dr loh on mon.Your bb has jaundice? No right? Then wats the review for?
My hubby also hapoy when dr loh space out appt. Lol
Lil Ponyo ,babysmurf , Mofmm, kitty Katty: yes I felt more tiring and having backache too. . More baby movements now .
tummy is big and colleagues thought I am about to due .

Lil Ponyo:,so happy for min81 that she is tested positive for pregnancy test.
Reiki, I just removed my stitches. Hmm I reached at 145 pm. Still considered ok, took around an hour. Bb has jaundice so need to wait for results. Results today show 11 so next tue review again. Dr Ang said over 14/15 will admit bb for photo therapy.

Sade, did u start bathing after the stitches removed? There is still a dressing which he asked me to remove next sat.
Hope I started bathing one day aft removing the stitches. Rem don't spray pressure on the wound. Just let the water flow down.
Reiki baby my girl wasn't put under phototherapy tmr is day 16 le going to polyclinic to chk again hopefully this time drop to 100 coz already 2weeks plus le, n tmr getting the liver test report. In kkh n polyclinic jaundice level shld not exceed 300 if 300 need to go for photo therepy, my girl highest level is 295. After that slowly go down le, last chk on wed was 167. Hope tmr it goes down then dun need to poke needle le...
Hi Ladies, I was at a offset training all day and just logged in! Happy Friday!

Alison, ya...tummy so tight, right? Sometimes it gets hard to breath! I find yoga with all that stretching helps me though. Maybe you can try if your doctor sad okay?

Mofmm, hello!! Things are progressing slowly and surely at our end. Out of the 4 IFC in our neighbourhood, 3 are already fully booked until around Dec!! Only one left so that kind of made our decision easier. So technically, our choice wasn't based on which is the best place. Lol! We are still trying to decide whether to hold off on the maid until after the CL leaves. Our apt is so crammed. But also worried if CL will refuse to do house work which is fine since her main responsibility is baby and me, but someone has to do housework. Bit of a dilemma.

Oh man, my tummy is incredibly big! It seems to grow every 2-3 days! My colleagues thinks I'm popping next month! And will go "woah!!!" when I tell them I still have 3 months to go! Ha ha! I joked to my DH that part of me wants to stop working soon so that no one can see how big my tummy is getting! My belly button is being stretched in all directions too and I think it will pop out anytime now. Can feel kicks all day too. Now just hope my placenta will move up but I guess it is what it is. Why about you? All set? Think I'll leave the washing and packing for a while more. Like babysmurf said, otherwise it will collect dust.

Talk about washing clothes, do we just throw them into washing machine with baby detergent? Or need to and wash?

Babysmurf, thanks for the tip regarding the 5 in 1 shot!

Diantang, thanks for alerting me to Min81's BFP!! Omg, sooo happy for her! Is Laki's BT soon? By the way, how many weeks are you now?

Kittykatty, think backache is very normal from what I hear from other mummies. It's because our tummy is so heavy by then!
ReikiBaby: Good to hear that the service has improved at TMC.

Hope: You are so right
I guess Dr Loh space out the appointment to help us save money for pampers....hehe.

Dian Tang, Lil Ponyo: Glad to hear that backache is normal at the last trimester. I guess we just have endure a little while more, ya and very soon we can all see our lovely babies
Lil Ponyo: ya I think laki gal BT is on Monday if I didn't rem wrongly . I am now in my 32 weeks .. Wow 8 more weeks to go !! I start washing the baby clothes already and I did it with machine and baby detergent . I try to wash one load every week cos there are still other things like fitted bed sheets, mittens , booties, blankets, nappy cloths , towels , wash cloths , etc,. My fren also ask me to start washing the bigger size clothes and keep in zip lock bag. Cos she said got no time to do it when baby is out .

Kittykatty: maybe can ask ur DH to massage ur back if u feel the back aching . We learnt some massages in the antenatal class . He also help me to massage my legs every night .
Luv, thanks for the tips! Am using single pump and I'm trying to get myself familarise wif Avent. Find it easier without the massage cushion
Tried leaning slightly foward too but seems abit straining for my back so i will alternate bw upright n lean. I supposed the funnel fits all Avent bottles rite cos i find the bottle easily unscrew during pumping when i adjust.
Sade, I'm survivng hahaha.... It's quite difficult though handling bb alone. Til now i am trying to find a balance in this whirlwind of hectic-ness. My ME time is a luxury now

What abt u? Doing good i hope?
Ladies, i'm using kodomo nb bb laundry detergent n find it super duper sudsy although i just use a teeny weeny bit. Loved the smell though hahaha..... Anyone having same experience?
Didn't see znatasha ard these few days. She pop?

After her is who. So excited. I think after dian is my turn. Follow by girl girl, precious baby, lil n mofmm?

Anyone going to 22march bb fair?
Lil ponyo: ha ha.. yes . have difficulty falling asleep..

Babysmurf: making me excited now.. i still left abt 8 weeks. Baby expo.. hear from mummies from another thread that it is a small fair, maybe not worth to go.
Dian tang, lil ponyo,

Thank you for all your support and encouragement this whole time.. So thankful for you ladies!
I'm also anxious and excited for laki_gal's BT on mon..

Dian tang,

Wow you're popping very soon! Jia you jia you.. Wishing you a safe and smooth delivery
Babysmurf and min81: ya lor now I am still feeling ok. Think on that day I will be super scared . Today just wash another 5 bamboo poles of baby clothes , previously already wash 6 bamboo poles . All passed Down from frens .

Min81: hope she can graduate soon too! For u , rem to rest more and eat well . Prof should be ordering the jabs and inserts for u to consume til ur fourth month.
Min81, congrates again
hee hee. Yes, take really good care of yourself now. Don't be hero but be a queen!!

Babysmurf, your comment made me excited too! I think Mofmm will be earlier than me although she is one week behind because she has twins. I think I need to calm now more because I'm getting anxious about things not done. It's making me breathless, my DH noticed it and told me to calm down and chill! Ha ha!
Reiki, does the lump go away after u pump or latch? If yes then u can leave it alone. If not u can try massaging but I realize that lump at the armpit quite stubborn.
Reikibaby ya I gt lump under armpit but its gone! Used to be quite big! DON'T massage coz will cause the milk to back flow to the armpit again! Just apply cold cabbage. Takes time to recover, once your breast soften n no engorment the lump will slowly disappear.
Hi mummies, need to check with you on postpartum bleeding. I have just given birth, and my bleeding only last for a few days. Is it normal? I read it will usually last for at least 2 weeks
Hi mummies, needed some comment on postpartum bleeding. I am kind of worried bec my lasted for only a few days. It started from pinkish then to something like dark brown Or black. I am kind of worried bec understand that usually it lasted for 2 weeks till 8 weeks.
Babysmurf, I think after znatasha shld be me, followed by usagi?

Ya, the baby fair is really very small and no point going. Mainly bb clothes, takes up only abt a quarter of a hall.
Hi ladies, just want to check what is the purpose of latching other than the bonding? Does it help to stimulate faster? Coz my bb doesn't clear my breast and she falls asleep after like 10 mins latching. I need to pump after that gain. And she doesn't latch well on my left side keep struggling and searching for it. I pump at wee hours instead of latching and thought its less stressful and tiring for me. Should I feel guilty not latching my bb?
Adeline congrats! my lochia was also v little. heavy for few days n then on n off. there is still discharge aft massage.

hope baby is the best pump. but if u just wan to pump exclusively is still ok. don't feel bad abt it. as long u r trying ur best to give bm.
Adeline do u breast feed your baby becoz I notice if breastfeeding, the bleeding will last longer. Few days is abit strange maybe u can check with your gynae, but if ur health is okay I don't see any problem, in fact I envy that yours is just a few days, I m 16days after delivery n still bleeding alot, very sianz dunnoe when will stop...
Bbshower I don't think so. I guess cos mine was c sec n ur is natural hence the difference bah. Cos Whiteclover was c sec too and lochia was little too. Don't know if there is any connection between it or not. Cos I had been bf sin delivery but my lochia was little. Bf helps to shrink back the uterus faster. Hope u r feeling better now!
Hello mummies! Sorry I have been quiet. The whole exp was too overwhelming. Brought baby home on Friday finally. Baby had jaundice and needed to undergo phototheraphy. When discharged, jaundice level was lower so we need to bring him out to the sun. I also had difficulty breastfeeding so it added to the stress. My nipples are cracked so now had to express but milk flow really low and had to give formula. But hospital was strongly against it. I didn't care cos I cannot let my baby go hungry!

Anyone has any tips how to increase milk flow? My right breast is really pathetic!

How's everyone? Looks like Reikibaby you have delivered! When? Congrats!
Sade ya u r right I thk natural n c-sect makes a diff. N previously when giving breast milk uterus do contract alot n bleed more.

Koirc normally breast milk cms in on day 4-5 onwards n even if little u ve to try ur best to pump every 2-3hrs n very soon u will see ur milk starts cming. N when ur milk kicks in u can pump very fast within 15mins no need 1-2hrs le. So now u need to ve patient ya. Giving breast milk is all abt being patient.
Koirc, i delivered on monday. How about you? Natural or csect?
My milk starts to kick in on thursday when i discharge.
Total from both breasts...
Thurs - 20ml
Fri - 40ml
Sat - 70ml
Today just pumped - 100ml

My mum cooked green papaya and fish soup for me daily. Consume twice a day for 2days. Now i take once a day.
Perhaps you can try this soup. My aunt also gv this to her dil to increase milk.
Congrats, Koirc. Did you ask doc for medication to help bf? I heard there is also the sacred tea. In addition, you can try the green papaya fish soup per ReikiBaby's suggestions. Or eat some pig trotters with green papaya / peanuts in your 2nd week of confinement. They are all quite good for bf. I was reading the chinese book call confinement, this is how you should eat. They mentioned pig trotters quite good.

Mummies who have given birth, how long did you all take to recover before trying for no.2 again ah? I was wondering if I bf, when can I visit Dr Zou again. Or did I think too far? hahaha. I dun have any embryos left. Tried 2 fresh with no frozen, so ivf success rate very low for me. It was a miracle for me to strike naturally. Even now with the changes to grant, I am not sure if I wanna try 3rd ivf. Hope to hear your advice.
