(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Koirc, jia you don't stress. My milk kicks in only on wed or thur when I was discharged on tue. But now is ok. I alternate BM & FM at each feed coz PD said to give 1/2 1/2. I drank papaya fish soup and sacred tea also. Massage your breast before latching or pumping. By the way, why did hospital discourage you from giving BM?

Reiki, do you latch bb or pump out? My supply fluctuates from 80 to 120 at each pump haha. My bb drinks quite a lot now at 70ml each feed.

Usagi, cos bb has jaundice, so i supplement with fm.
Initially in a feeding i will give bm and fm. Now bm coming in so i alternate the feeds with fm then bm. Im waiting for bm increase so that i can gv more bm as bb poos more when on bm.

Wah you realli think far. I only plan nxt fet probably year end. But need chk with dr loh cos heard csect cannot so soon...
Hope, yeah looks like we are doing well in bf-ing.
I usualli pump at night and morning. Cos i wan to make sure bb drinking the same amount every feed since nw jaundice. B now taking 60ml every 3 hours. Will probably increase when baby calls for milk before 3hours. Thats hw i gauge.
Afternoon i will latch so that bb will not forget my breast. Haha

Btw when u go back appt on fri, did you gv bb fm or you latch?
Reiki, dr Loh told me 1 yr later to try FET. But I only have 3 snow babies. What about you?

Hee I hope more BM will kick in. Me same as you, 1 feed BM then FM. Day time latch bb then pump out the rest to empty. Night I set 4 hourly to pump haha want to zzzz more. Oh my CL prepare FM coz easier plus bb doesn't latch well on my left also. She did drink at TMC. There's hot water dispenser at PD there so u don't need to bring.
Reikibaby, congrats! I was admitted on Monday but delivered past midnight by natural birth with epi. Otherwise our babies would share the same birthday!

I had milk supply but only drops of it before I was discharge. Now better but still ver little. Each pump I only have 20ml! And I actually dunno how much FM to supplement with so we just feed till he's satisfied.
At the rate we're going, I don't think my supply can catch up with his demand.

Hope, hospital discourage me to feed FM. And this really stresses me out cos when I got home with baby, he was crying so much at night. So I just give FM. After all, he's 6 days old. Can't be depending on that minimal supply I have right?
Koirc, I think if not enough just supplement with FM. It's ok one till your milk kicks in. But try to latch or pump every 3-4 hourly. Will help to boost supply. We jia you together yah!
Hope, my bb can latch both side but usualli after one side he will sleep. So i still latch him in the day still but will still gv ebm. So you gv fm when u went pd and dr loh appt? Scared breast too heavy if dun pump or latch when at tmc tml.

Koirc, do gv some fm if you feel your baby needs it. Although some may fear bb reject bm if tasted fm or dun wan latch and prefers btl. So up to you. Anyway latching or pumping will help increase the bm supply. We jiayou together.
Reiki baby I latched bb when waiting to see doc loh. There is a nursing cum changing room at level 3. Just one room only.
Just pumped out strawberry milk again! Sigh!!! My right breast really bu zhen qi! Gotta try harder!

Are you girls sleeping well btw?
Koirc, strawberry milk meaning blood ah? Take care, massage before pumping. Use some nipplecream? Do not be too stress. Eat well to stimulate milk, be patient. Bf is an art. Just complement with fm first.
Ladies, did u all bring pump to hospital? Now that I just hit 36 weeks, getting a bit kan chiong, today just clean up my dusty room a bit. Far from satisfactory but tired already. Thinking if i need to get a manual pump.
Koirc what do u mean by strawberry milk? If bleeding could be pumping method is wrong somex the way you hold the pump can make a diff. Just need to find the right spot.
Reikibaby, if can latch then will be easier.

Koirc, yah what do u mean by strawberry milk?

Usagi, I brought my pump to hospital to stimulate. It's up to u I think.

Ladies, improve I have a few red dots above my left breast.... Hmm is it normal? CL said maybe heaty... I don't feel itchy though.
Koirc, if your nipple is sore. Dun overexert it. Use bm to clean the nipple, air dry then use nipple cream on it. If still sore, avoid latching cos sometimes bb latch wrongly can be painful. If you can, drag your pump time so that nipple can rest.
Bf is an art...you need to slowly find the right way. Hugs.
Your sleep affected by bb feeding time? Mayb you try supplement 1 feeding with fm so you can sleep longer in between 2 bf sessions.

Usagi, i didnt bring pump. Just use baby to stimulate in hospital. If bb din wan latch then u can then ask dh bring for u. But so far 1st 3 days still ok. Wont feel engorgement.
Manual pump works for me esp when i have sore nipples.
Koirc I din sleep well from the day I wen to delivery until now. almost 2months lei. cos I fully latch on during confinement till 6 weeks and now bottle feed at night but still have to wake up to pump milk or else will turn into stone.
jia you! u just need time to get use to be a mummy.

Reikibaby during my visit, I wen off to nurse my bb and skipped my turn. aft nursing then I told the staff that I m back and Dr loh asked me whr I wen to cos my name was called 3 x. haha.
till now when I wen out with bb have to plan the timing too for her feed. cos when she is hungry she will cry v loud.
Whiteclover I rem u told me that u had carpel tunnel pro. so are u able to carry bb n have u recover from it? i kana too due to wrong holding posture and it's been 6weeks n not yet recover. so ladies do check ur wrist postures n don't bend your wrist. it's hurts!
n has your cl left?
I am already feeding bb with a lot of fm cos I have too little bm. Now got blood in milk gotta throw away. I feel so heart pain leh!

Really envy you girls who can latch baby all the way...
Koirc don't be upset n disappointed. u r just starting out, 20ml is not bad alrdy, do try to latch bb more n before bb cries so that can inc ur supply n also not so stress. drink more water n hot soups, massage before nursing. all these help too. drink before nursing. soon ur milk supply will inc.have to pump every 4 hrs to inc ur supply even during night time. most imp is to read ur bb hunger cues n latch before bb cries. bf is hardwork. jia you.
Koirc try to eat papaya fish soup or eat half ripe papaya it helps to improve milk flow.

Sade I really salute u ladies who r determine to give BM, the thghts of my breast becmIng stone stills scares me...
Sade - haven recovered. Now my left wrist also kena. But it is better now. My massage lady massage that area every session.

My CL leaving today. Koirc - I had strawberry milk before, and still fed baby that. Just try yr best. This is my second mth and I still my low output when I pump. Surprisingly, if I latch baby, it seems enuf for her. Baby is the best pump.
Koirc, are you eating well? Take more soup more fluid. I also hv fish in every lunch and dinner. Stress mummy will affect milk. So try talk to dh more else you will get into depression.
Whiteclover, I read somewhere that strawberry milk could mean you have mastitis leh so it' not advisable to give baby. So I just pump and throw.

This morning I latched baby on the other breast for about 30min cos that seem to have healed. Obviously he doesn't have enough to drink but I hope this is a good start!

Am seeing doctor tomorrow so let's see what doctor says.
Reikibaby, I think I am eating well bah. I eat whatever CL cooks lor. And so far, every meal has fish. Maybe I need to up fluid intake. Omg, the weather is so hot!!!

Btw, March mummies, did you all join the March FB group?
Koirc, i wanted join the fb grp but duno hw to. Good that you are eating welll. Take more fluid. Red date tea, soup, milo, milk... i usuali try to drink something warm before pump and also after. Haha after becos im always hungry after latch or pump. Use palm massage also.... how often you pump..i find myself pumping 2 hr to longest 5 hrs. Esp at night cos wan sleep. Hahah
Koirc I don't think strawberry milk is mastitis. I jus kenA it on Friday. I had fever, chill n bodyache due to mastitis. n I still nurse my bb. it's not fun at all to have mastitis. n my supply was reduced as I had to apply cold cabbage so now she is taking two side again. maybe yours is sore nipple that bleed.

bb shower at least u did tried ur best to give ur bb bm too.
Koirc that's a good start. rem to have a proper latch so that nipple won't be sore.

Whiteclover oh I see. have u learnt from your cl on taking care of bb? is your maid good? I still have a four month tummy even thou I lost a lot of weight. think need few months to disappeared acc to massage lady. cos can't massage our tummy as we had c sec.
sade - more confident now. hopefully baby is cooperative

thinking of replacing my helper. is yr mum helping u to take care of baby? or are you planning to be SAHM?

though i stay with my mil, she cannot lah. keep asking me if baby needs to feed when she cries and keep telling me i not enuf milk
Sade, I also kena mastitis recently. No fun at all! Can take Panadol for the fever n aches if u r not allergic. Get well soon!
Sade, my Fren had C too she said wearing the binder helps with the tummy... She wore for 2 months I think.
When did you all have massage after C sec?
whiteclover my hb is helping out. my mum is also like that initially when bb cries n said not enough milk is it. I jus ignore her. easier if it's own mum.
good for u! soon our bb will be more interactive with us.
I wished to be a sahm but can't cos need to work as its a family biz. bb will be taken care of by pil.

luv did u see a doc? Ya I took panadol. do u know whr u kena mastitis? me wen out for few days n din empty my breasts diligently hence pro came. Haiz. learnt my mistake. got to take care of our breast for bf.

hope initially I wore tummy binder but now lazy. just order online another type of binder. will start wearing once rec. I only started massage during week 6.
Hi Babysmurf, yup, I think the next ones to pop would be Usagi, Kitty Katty, Diantang followed by us June mummies to be! I have the glucose test tomorrow morning - keeping fingers crossed all will be fine.

Hi Lil Ponyo, I guess a part timer on the weekends to do the housework might work if the CL can't cope. I still haven't gotten the maid in yet but settled the cots at Taka fair yesterday. It's not necessary to hand wash baby stuff but should use the baby detergent like under the brands Tollyjoy (won some award) or Kodomo or Pureen etc. definitely not adult detergent as the chemicals in dynamo etc are too harsh for bb skin. Hopefully your placenta will move up but it's reassuring to have your tummy growing! I have been lazy using the stretch mark cream and my colleague warned me that after giving birth, I will have silver streaks if I don't apply the cream diligently now. Ugh!
Sade, I took Panadol n was feeling better in 3 days so din see the doc. I think cos my boy din empty my breasts during one or two of the night feeds prob cos he fell asleep n I was too tired to persist in waking him up. Din pump too. That's why lor.
Mofmm: don't be lazy. Especially u have twin. Your tummy will stretch even bigger than us. Make it a point every nite before going to bed. Or ask dh to do it for u. Bonding/ massage time on tummy with ur baobeis. Heehee same time can talk to them. Mine respond to her daddy's whisper lol. Buay tehan
Mofmm, actually, I'm even thinking of getting a part-timer now. I'm getting so big and clumsy and my DH is busy with work so our house is getting dustier and messier. Don't quite know where to look but have started looking online for part-time maid agencies.

Will probably get a full time maid after CL leaves. So are you still sticking to your plan of getting a bunk bed for CL and maid? My DH and I were just looking at single beds on Ikea website for the CL (and future maid).

Thanks for the tip on baby detergent. Will start washing once I get the hand me downs from my colleague.

Oh you must be diligent (though at the end of the day, it all comes down to genetics)! Maybe you need to google images of stretch marks to scare yourself into being diligent! Haha! Anyway, it's not too late so start applying after your next shower! I even scrub my tummy with a loofah every shower to encourage blood circulation. Ha ha! Oh I'm really so big now...
Thanks mummies, I did c section. I am a little worry bec that is the unclean blood plus the more the better rt, bec it will determine how well the uterus will contract rt? So if that's the case, I really envy if u have a longer bleeding period
Babysmurf, if i want to bring bb to polyclinic to test for jaundice level, i can just walk in and get queue number? Any idea wats the cost of the test? Bb consultation hw much?

Bb shower , you did jaundice test for bb at kkh right? Can advice consultation n test cost? Thx

Hope, are you supposed to see dr loh in 4-5 weeks time for reviee again and pap smear test?

Today went dr loh clinic and weigh..woohoo i lost my preg wt and another 3kg.... so happi
Reiki no Lei he asked me to see him like 3 months later. I Thot coz I C sec so longer?? Hmm why different huh?

Wow u so fast lost all the weight?!!! How much did u gain in all?

How is your bb jaundice? Clear already? I need to go bk check again tml hope will clear.
Rekibaby: u can call to make appt in advance for jaundice. Cost for Singapore citizen abt $6. Cost of test I cannot remind off hand. Heehee. Update u Tmr or when u call in can ask my staff.
Reikibaby baby chk for jaundice at polyclinic is $12.20 n ve pirority queue for baby under 1mth. Only If level too high then polyclinic will refer to kkh for checks. Jaundice check up at kkh is $98.
Hope, today dr marianne chk n remove my stitches cos dr loh v bz. Then she ask me 4-5 wks see dr loh review & pap smear. My bb jaundice went up bt cos he eats well so dr ang say review on fri. But i think will just go polyclinic do the bt.

Babysmurf...thx, will call and chk.

Bbshower, wah kk oso ex. Think will just go polyclinic do the bt.
ladies, do you all feel any side effect after epidural? Doctor ask me if i want during delivery. But my relative advise me against using it, as it'll cause backache
Hello ladies, went to see my gynae yesterday - uterus contracting well and stitch recovering well too. Doc says my strawberry milk is not mastitis. Just cracked nipple. Yesterday threw away 3 pumps and finally get fresh milk again. Total combined pump volume also up to 40ml. I'm getting there!

Today bringing bb to see pd. I think bb still has jaundice.
My bb woke up almost every hour last night. Any tip on how to adjust bb's sleeping pattern and let him sleep through the night?

Znatasha, I had epidural and backache after delivery but it's very mild and went off before I was discharged from hospital.
yeah! done checkup ytd. KKH was so crowded!!

BB now at 29weeks, at 1.295kg (fatten by close to 600g). No wonder her kicks becomes so intense. Hubby say he can see her fists and elbows. Hehe!

Ytd do scan still dancing and kicking inside. Sigh. My soft toy dog does not seem to calm her down and get her to guai guai for 10 minutes....

next checkup will be week32 on 15 April.
Reiki, I see. I'm going bk today for PD to check again today... Hopefully will clear by today. So is your tummy still there? I still looks like 4 months preg!

Sade, Whiteclover and eskimobb, do you gals see dr Loh after 4-5 weeks or 3 months later?
Znatasha immediate side effect of epidural for me was shivering for few hrs aft c sec. n I felt backache few times alrdy aft delivery during confinement. don't know if due to epidural or bad postures. cos during pregnancy I don't feel any backache.

hope y so long for u huh? u better call to check. cos for me also one month review.
