(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Sade, scheduled today but bb decided to pop yesterday. Then i saw them wrote on form - emerg csect.
So will see hw issit on bill.
Dr loh n nurse said bb pooped a lil inside. N since i scheduled csect nxt day so might as well. Also when admitted only 1cm dilate so i decided just go ahead.

Reiki, congrats!!! I'm discharging today. You take care and rest well ok!

Sade, yah started latching already but bb has mild jaundice so we supplement with FM. I hope bb can go back with us today! But milk hadn't kick in yet. How long did your milk take to kick in?
Hope, thanks!!! im advised to give fm too cos milk not kick in and bb big need food. Can ask which fm u choose?
Wah can go hme liao...good good... so u continue latch bb in hospital even milk no kick in?

Usagi, thanks!!!
Sade, dr loh only allows porridge n mee sua for me...haiz.
They have fish, pork and chicken to choose frm. Dh asking me enuf meh...hahaha brkfast oni milo... so hungry
Reikibaby, take mamil dumex.

I took na ha previously then later on after discharge, then found out from PD that nan ha is bitter, so baby don't like. I switch to mamil shortly.
Hope n reiki baby, my milk came in on first latch. Funny right? Cos I massage and squeeze and saw colostrum.
Can both of u kindly share with me dr loh fees?
Reikibaby should be emergency c sec cos one of friend is similar to u n was charged e c sec.
Ya I can understand, I was super hungry too then.
Just continue to let hb latch on every 3hrs day time n night time 4hrs during hospital. And also try some cuddling with your little ones best if skin to skin.
Reiki, I took Nan Pro. Yah I latch now have colostrum hope milk will kick in soon. Luckily bb can go home with us today. U take care and jia you ok!

Sade, so good seems like your milk kicks in very fast! When did your BM kicks in which day? Yah will share the bill with u when I got it.
hope milk kicked in 8 hrs aft c sec. once bb was united with me, I started to try latching her but she was sleepy. n I massage n saw milk coming out. just a small drop. then during second try she was sleepy again, n she was latching well during third attempt which was 10hrs aft c sec.
Reiki, congrats on motherhood and the safe delivery! Wish you a swift recovery and enjoy your confinement and bonding time with baby! Baby good size!!!

Ya, now waiting for Koirc's update
Sade, i had colostrum but nurse said not enuf for my big baby. And PD say need to gv fm. When i ask nurse colostrum not sufficient... she gv the look like where got enuf. Haiz. So decide to gv cos dun bear to see him hungry.
Sade, I have colostrum now just hopping to have milk soon Hee.

Precious bb, I wear hospital clothes till I can get down to walk then change to my own clothes.
Ladies do we buy sterilised cotton ball or just normal ones? I bought pigeon ones are they ok? Not sure of the difference coz I thought just dip in cool boiled water?
Reikibaby don't understand y have to give fm cos bb has reserve for 3 days. since ur bb is good weight so should be ok mah. do some skin to skin contact so can calm bb down.

hope just normal cotton balls will do.
Hi Reikibaby, congrats on the arrival of your good-sized little prince!

Hi Hope, Tx for reply and good to know both mother and baby can go home today! Have a restful confinement period!
Sade, they gv fm but not every feed. They try give like once or most twice a day. Most of time they still push to me to bf. And if bb refuse to latch or wan sleep then they wont gv in to fm. They wait till next feeding to bf again. So i guess they just wan make sure the baby dun go w/o food totally? Haha i duno oso

Thx lil and mofmm.... today feels tired cos din sleep well last night.cos bp high so they keep coming in to chk...yawns...
Can i chk. Tmc discharge timing is 11am right? But if thats too rush and want discharge afternoon...by what time and hw much they charge. Issit by 6pm and considered 25% or 50% of a day room rate?
Ladies I really gave up le, currently taking pills to stop milk flow. N the engorment is killing me! Wan to stop also so difficult! So much pain!hrs of cabbage also no use! What shld I do sob sob... So desperate...
Thanks babysmurf n Luv, cried so much until I can't carry my girl. I guess it's really a long process gonna endure the engorment. Just hoping that I dun fall sick. 2more weeks n my CL is going bk n I will ve to be independent to take care of my baby, until now I still dunnoe how to bath n change her clothes... Hope I can ve my health n energy bk soon.
Babysmurf n Luv thanks! I have been very emotional drained n cried alot, thgt stopping breast milk will be easy end up its another long process. N it's even more painful. Another 2more weeks my CL will be going bk n i will be taking of of baby on my own sob sob I still dunnoe how to bathe her n change her clothes... My mum can't help becoz she need to take care of my 3mth old nephew as my sis in law is going bk to work force, n my mum in law is wking... So stressful. Just hope that I don't fall sick n milk quickly stop , I need to regain my energy n health so that can take care of my baby. Ladies sorry for being so Emotional here.
Bb shower: step by step don't stress yourself. Maybe solve ur BF problem first. Then next wk u slow try to shower your baby with your CL help. You'd a great mummy.

If not after your CL leave, you may want to ask your mother to come over in the morning with your nephew to your hse to help look ard in your house.
Bbshower: you can go to the doctor specialist in breast. My fren had breast infection due to blockage of milk duct. Its really painful tat she cried n trembled with fever. After tat incident, the doctor told her tat her milk duct permanently damage n she cant breast feed anymore. So with her 2nd n 3rd child she was told to stop the bm immediately after delivery. You have to take care.
Hi Ladies

There is some good news for baby's immuzation but effective 1 June. Some jabs like 5in1 and Hep B. May be free in polyclinic. Look out for more new
bbshower, yup, take ur time to learn. Take care of yourself first so that u can take care of bb. The first few weeks are always the most trying.

Imel, ur fren's infection must have been really bad to have to stop BF. Most pple can continue to BF after the infection clears. Moreover there shld be other milk ducts that are working still. I'm wondering if she could have sought a second opinion instead.
Bb shower, don't worry about being emotion. I am sure it was a good release and you feel a bit better after that. Yes, one thing at the time and take care of yourself first. A happy, healthy mummy = happy healthy baby. You are already doing great and everyone I've spoken to always say the first 2 months are the hardest! So don't worry. If really need to, besides asking your mum & nephew to come to your house, you can also consider asking your confinement lady to stay for 1-2 more weeks.

After hearing from new mummies about the challenges of breastfeeding, I now understand why my sister-in-law always tell me that breastfeeding is an art. It's funny and ironic how something so natural doesn't come or happen naturally! Hang in there and most of all, don't be too hard on yourself!
I haven pump since ytd m now wondering, will the milk dissolve on its own ur it will remain harden? Already day 13 my baby jaundice is still high. Poke so many needles le. Being a mummy is the toughest job on earth!
Take one day at a time. Don't overwhelm yourself with what's going to happen in the next few weeks. You will eventually learn how to take care of ur bb cos u r the mummy. It takes some practice but you'll be fine. Ur baby won't even remember that she's being poked. It's us adults who feel the pain so we have to steel ourselves.
Luvnhope: my fren is seriously infected until the doctor need to extract out the infected fluid frm her breast. She told me she scream coz its trerribly painful. She went to c 2 specialists n both said the same thing. Even her gynae after knowing her condition also give her meds immediately to stop bm. somehow the infection due to her not diligently pump out the bm n her bm is over supply n cause blockage. Tats why mommies who r bf your babies must make sure take care n diligently empty your bm.
Hi Bb Shower, so sorry to hear u are having such a tough time. Have no advice on BF but just want to say that it is as important to take care of yourself as the baby. Hugz! Hang in there!
Thanks mofmm for your encouragement. Imel I m into 2nd days of not pumping n I hope I dun get infections. Just now i felt so dizzy almost black out, luckily I quickly lie down on bed, n viginal bleeding so much dunnoe when will stop. Up pouring out milk n down bleeding blood...

For you gals after delivery how long does you stop bleeding?
Sade, Whiteclover and Eskimobaby, did u all get meds from dr Loh to boost breast milk? Does it help? I'm seeing him on Fri.... Wondering if i should get from him?
hope I din. did u latch every 3hrs during day time n 4hrs during
night time?

bb shower take good care! don't over stress yourself! know it's not easy now. but u will feel better soon.
Reikibaby, don't know if it's milk coz color seems to change to more white?

Sade, yah but sometimes 4 hours in day coz gotta supplement with FM coz bb got mild jaundice. I latch then I
pump. Usually pump both sides only 20ml. Very little hor.

Bb shower, yah lor I'm trying.
Ladies I'm taking sacred tea don't know if it helps. Just started yesterday coz I discharged yesterday.

Hope, how much fm are you giving bb? Mine also bit jaundice..hopefully tml doesnt increase further so that can go home together.
Yah....mine also more whitish...colostrum or milk...but u can pump 20ml shld be milk mah.
