(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Koirc, great...glad your bm is increasing. Way to go!!! Bb with jaundice sleeps alot and dun drink much. Hw much you gving bb now?

Koirc, hope your bb will clear jaundice today. Pd ask me to up bb milk intake to 100ml by end of week. Now bb is taking 90ml. How abt urs? Wats the intake?

Znatasha, epidural will hv backache more or less. But then again will u be able to take the pain w/o epidural? Also if gg csect sure hv to hv epidural.

Girlgirl, wah bb growing well... good good.
Reiki, think u r asking me right Hee. Wow 100 ml is a lot! Did she say why? My bb taking 80 now. Are you mixing with FM now? If she clears and I go full on BM think I can't last long of she continues to up intake... Unless my supply increase too haha.

Zantasha, I had epi with C also. Had abit of back pain in hospital but so far till now I didn't experience any back pain.
Girl girl: y ur next review so long. In 4wks time. Hmmmm.

mofmm: how ur dr tan's review.

Mine coming sat. I will be wk 30. If next appt in 4wks time I will be 34wks. Scare scare.
Hope, yah asking you. .. cos said fm clears jaundice fasted so ask me gv mre fm than bm.
Abt the increase intake, she said bb big so must drink mre. Currently bb on 90ml and i pump 100ml.... so hopefully he dun exceed my output too. But im gving mre fm as per pd suggested and start to freeze bm.
Reiki, I see. I started freezing breast milk also Hee. But yah drink more is good for the growth!

By the way ladies, do you all drink any water during confinement? I felt abit of burning sensation when I pee yesterday... Hmm but only when I pee to the end. I scared its UTI coz I haven't took any water since hospital? Any advice?
i think the purpose of the next appt is just for a papsmear so it doesn't matter when is the appt?

ladies with dr ang as pd, did dr ang ask u to bring baby back for a review after 1 month? when i asked during the last appt, they said it's just a review no jab. i dun intend to do the jabs with dr ang, have already booked appt for vaccinations with kkh pcc.
sometimes i'll add some warm or hot water to the LRD tea to make it more dilute. since u are bf-ing, u have to drink at least 3 litres of fluid every day, so LRD tea, soups, altogether should make up 3 litres.
Eskimobaby, I'm drinking LRD, milo, sacred tea, soup everyday. Hmm just scared I kena UTI. The last thing I want is to fall sick. Ok maybe I add abit of warm water to each cup of LRD I drink everyday. Hope will be better!
Oh if it's for pap smear then I guess nvm haha. Your confinement just over?
babysmurf> dunnoe ....doc say my case is low risk so next see him in w32 to check if bb head gg to turn or not. Now my ah girl head still not down yet but still early ...

after this will be w34-35 to check if engaged or not.... ytd after checkup, went to settle the delivery package liao. One thing off the checklist...

BB seems to move a lot after meal times...
Hope I drank warm plain water. The purpose not to drink plain water is to prevent water retention. But I drank a lot of plain water too. I ask my massage lady if my water retention is bad, n she said no. So I think it's ok to drink plain water.
N my sil drank lots of plain water n few yrs later, she's still so slim. So no pro to drink it.

Eskimobaby I din wen back dr and for review. I bought my bb to other pd for jab n first month review.
Hope, yeah my confinement just over!
Girl Girl, good to hear that your checkup went well and that you are considered low risk!! Don't worry, still plenty of time for baby to turn. Your baby has good weight too and sounds so active! Mine on the other hand is only so-so active. I mostly feel the movements in the evening. Sometimes I wonder if it is because my tummy is so big that I can't feel much. Sounds like you are pretty much set, prepared and ready!

We have our hospital tour at the end of this month. We are also planning to settle our pre-registration then so when my water breaks, no need to stress about these things!
eskimo, congrats on surviving confinement, lol!

Actually I think the purpose of postpartum review with gynae is also to check whether our uterus has shrunk back to normal size and to check if anything out of the ordinary (e.g. remnant placenta in rare cases). Usually abt 6 weeks after delivery. But I guess timing doesn't really matter too.

I'm also doing the cervical cancer vaccination jab (3 doses in all) so shun bian see the doc for review next visit.
Bbshower, I bf too but the postpartum bleeding only last few days.

Luv, Sade, my confinement lady made dang gui for me and the bleeding started again, that is menstration rt?
Sade, luv, eskimobaby, can share how much your baby drinking at 1mth old? Need to start buying 9oz bottles. Then realised also have 11oz. Shld i just go for 11oz or 9oz can last few mths....
Eskimo baby first month jab 2nd dose of hep b. but I went few days aft first month.

Adeline I don't think it's menses yet if u r bf. how many month aft delivery alrdy? cos during confinement my lochia came on n off. for menses should be a lot according to my massage lady.

Reikibaby I can't advise u on the bottle cos I fully latch on during first month. n also ur bb is bigger size.

luv thou cervical cancer vaccination is for women below 26 yrs. now still can jab aft giving birth?
Sade: polyclinic only give cervical jab to lady before 26yrs. Above 26yrs u can check with GP or hospital. U still can take it.
Sade, I see. Shall drink warm water then. So happy!
Eskimobaby, congrats!!! I'm counting down to 3 weeks! Can't wait! By the way, my bleeding seems to pick up these few days don't know why. Just when I thought its not that much.
Reiki, i latch and supplement with FM. So i dun give full feed in bottle yet. Still can use smaller bottles in my case.

sade, my doc suggested the jab so i suppose can. I tot might as well take cos in the past cldn't take while TTC. Now think i closing shop liao might as well take now.

Babysmurf, why polyclinic only give to women below 26?
adeline, my lochia comes n goes too. I had fresh red in abt week 5 but it went off in less than a day so i also dono if that was my menses but affected by bf.
Luvnhope: is for ladies 10- before 26yrs. Can use medisave. After 26yrs old cannot use medisave. N the brand we take not recommend for after 26yrs. So we advise go gp or hospital. Then they see dr n dr give them. Polyclinic is give. By nurse.
Reikibaby, same as Hope, my bb intake is 80ml now. I wish I can pump 100ml like you! Gonna try latching baby again once my nipples are not so painful.

Anyway, I brought baby to pd today. My baby still has jaundice but doctor says don't need to do blood test or sun baby anymore. She also didn't say if I should up baby's intake. But I asked if can give baby water. She said it's ok.

Ladies with carpal tunnel, do you feel numb after you express milk (even on electric pump)?
Koirc, tats good. Wish my bb also can clear soon.
I get 100ml if i pump every 4-5hrs. By then breast be super heavy liao.

Hope hows ur pd.appt today?

Wah today weather v hot. I kept on perspiring n drink alot water... n feeling so tired.

Anyons tried latching bb in a lie down position?
Hi Babysmurf, Tx for asking. Hit wk28 today and babies are each 1.1kg which is within the normal range. The OGTT was horrible though - I thought cld eat after the first blood draw but no, only after the 2nd one which was 2hrs later. Felt so faint from hunger n the sugar drink made me feel so queasy n sick. Thank goodness passed the OGTT according to Dr Tan in the afternoon. He still didn't ask me to settle admission stuff yet - maybe too early. U are abt 2wks ahead of me - this wk, wk30. So fast time passes and will pass! In 2 more months, 8 weeks, we should be able to see our babies! Did u do 3d scan in the end?

Hi Lil Ponyo, is good to get recommendations for part time helpers from friends/neighbors. Usually $50 for 3-4 hours but most importantly they need to be honest (hence better to rely on recommendations). I'm also getting breathless n told my hubby that now I m in 3rd trimester, I'm not doing anymore housework cept for babies stuff (like their laundry). I used to take care of laundry while he does the rest but I m too tired n breathless to iron or hang up clothes anymore. He has to cope till the maid comes in, ideally start May. Have not bought the bunk bed yet as contemplating getting a single bed with a pull out bed beneath instead so the room won't look so crammed. This weekend will need to settle this last.
I don't know if I am being overly paranoid but I have not cut off the tags of any babies stuff that I have bought - even the swaddles are still packed as they came. Wonder when is the right time to start preparing for arrival as in washing clothes, swaddles n open milk bottles to wash etc...
Koirc, jia you! Can slowly increase one.

Reiki, you pump every 4-5 hours? I notice I pump more at wee hours like 150ml every 4 hours. Day time sometimes 100 but sometimes 70 only haha. U drinking plain water?
Yah today super hot!!! PD says level dropped continue to
Sun for a week and alternate feed BM and FM. But only need to review after full month.y hubby said for safety sake might as well alternate feed till full month... Then go total BM assuming I have supply.

Usagi, yes I on Aircon the whole day! Only when I'm having meals there's no Aircon or fan....hmm CL said fan cannot blow direct to me so didn't on the fan.
Mofmm: I didn't do the 3d scan. Let my dh have the first look after born heehee. When is ur next review? Passed ur OGTT. See u this sat. Heehee. Now busy searching for hand down clothes. Tummy getting bigger cannot see my feet Liao. Have to breathe harder n started practice the excerises. Heehee
Reikibaby, ya today is super hot and I also drink a lot of water. CL only grumbles and say I shldn't drink so much plain water. Ask me to drink more red date tea! Haha... But I feel I'm developing some form of heat rash. After every bath, I walk out of the bathroom perspiring!

Hope, thank you! Wah, you ladies are super power. I just bought fenugreek. Hope it'll help increase my milk supply!
ladies, i finally popped. after enduring 20 plus hour of labour pain. BB still refuse to come out as my pelvic bone too narrow. Doc do c sect. He said so unfair to me endure so much end up c. Me used up 2 syringes of epi and almost 2 bags of Oxytocin saline drip.
Should have just go c sect initially. Haha
Znatasha, congrats! Wow, 20+ hours. With epi you still feel pain?

Have a good rest whenever you can!
babysmurf & MofMM> ya lor me also cannot see my toes liao. How ah...i miss doing pedicures leh...hehe...

oh ya saturday class!! playing with baby again!! Heehee!! can see if u can recognize me or not...wahahahaa...

Lil Ponyo> ya man...my girl hor wakes me up at 530am sharp de... kick me and make me open my eyes big and look at my hubby who is still snoring away....hahahaa... but i noticed that she is more active after i eat something, and at night roughly ard 8-9pm. ...
Znatasha, congratulations on becoming mummy! Rest well and wish you a speedy recovery. Enjoy your confinement and bonding time with baby
Jia you mummies!

Who is next now? Sorry, I can't find the spreadsheet

Mofmm, your babies are good weight and growing well!!! Regarding the part-time maid, unfortunately a lot of people I ask don't know anyone. Will keep trying. Ya every weekend, we try to be as productive as we can as we are busy with work during the week. This weekend, I'm planning to clear out my wardrobe. Need to purge all the clothings that I hardly wear. DH and I realised that we have accumulated so much junk in the house!

Don't worry, you can start unpacking and washing your baby clothes bit by bit. As babysmurf recommended, you can keep in ziplock bags to avoid dusts.

Girl Girl, I find your little girl so cute and active
Hee hee!
Znatasha> congrats. Must rest well...

Mofmm> ya man...we are all weekend warriors....for the BB stuff, i ask ah lao to clear up etc..so i just help him along the way...heehee... so far only bought a few toys for her...cannot buy too much +_+|||

washing will start next mth ba...hahaha...i am still thinking how to settle my big teddy bear in my living room ...

Znatasha, congrats!!!! Your dr din chk your pelvic to see if you can push? Anyway welcome to motherhood and confinement and moo moo days...

Usagi, i sleeps in aircon but dun let it blow at u directly. My mum said aircon better than fan..haahaa

Hope, yah alternate till full month. How often you pump?
Night feeds usuali i latch once cos lazy get pump. Heee so before sleep i pump once then night 1 latch. Rest fm.
When bb hv jaundice, did you take any ginger or alcohol in your food? Im not taking any plain water. Just mainly red date tea, milo and soups. My perspiration will start dripping after meals Nd after bathe. Haha lucky hv aircon so i can pump in aircon room. Else i think i will walk ard dripping.

Ladies if theres sale for cheap A&A swaddles, please update here. I have 7 pieces and baby using 2 a day. Sometimes no time wash...or any poo or pee kena on swaddle will use more. Tink i wan get 1 or 2 more packs. Like to swaddle bb with this then using receiving blanket...
