(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Hope, 20ml is a good start.when I first pump in the hospital only 10ml. Just keep doing it n ss will increase. Jia you!

Reikibaby, I gave 40 ml FM if I pump 20 ml. Hope u can go back with baby tml!

Eskimobaby, thanks for the encouragement. Yah trying to have more! By the way how to prevent cracked nipples? Realise that my right nipple abit red... So want to salvage before it get worse. I already apply nipple cream after every latch.... Do I have to apply more?
Hope just continue to latch n pump, demand equal supply. 20ml is a good start. Soon u will pump more. Don't be over anxious abt quantity of milk now. As long u keep on doing it, the milk flow will increase.

Rem to monitor bb poo n urine so that u will know if by is getting enough or not.
Hope: I remember reading somewhere that after pump or latch can apply little bm on ur cracked nipple. Cos ur intial bm is oily.
Hmm... i can start to feel my breast feel heavy and sore..its this the sign that milk is coming? Sleeping in hospital giving me bad backache. Cant wait to go back hme.

Hope, im hoping and praying hard bb can go back with me. The nurse said to shine him whole night so that he can go hm with us. Hmm so far my experience here at tmc v good. Love the nurses here. Only dun like the LC that drop by on d2. Haha..other than tat... loves all of them.
Reikibaby, yah total 60ml but that's excluding what I latch bb. Hmm dont mix together. My CL give 2 separate feeds. You jia you ok! Hope bb can go back with you today! Hmm PD told me below 10 can go back with us.

Sade thanks for the emcouragement! I'm trying to stay relax now Hee.

Babysmurf, thanks!
Ladies I did use BM yesterday on nipples. Hope it works.
Hi Babysmurf,

me still waiting to pop leh
...No sign yet only feel constant pull on tummy but I don't think it's contraction....

Koirc, how are you? Home already? Prince or princess?
It's better to give as 2 separate feeds so that u dun waste ur bm if bb can't finish the whole feed, waste fm not heartpain...hehehe
If pd say stay better stay. Jaundice although is common but better to keep it under control if not can cause brain damage if too high.
We decided to rent the phototherapy machine home to do it. De ang said its ok aa long we shine at home. Other than feeding and changing time, bb shld be 'sunbathing'..which i guess will be good cos he will be sunbathing more at home than in hospital.
Babysmurf, yah bb home with me. So i monitor his phototherapy as well as milk intake.
Heee just did my first pump.

Luv, i like avent single pump. Cos can do manually and set my speed. Dual pump can set rhythm too?
Hi ladies who are using Avnet pump, I'm a new user (medela konk out on me) and have some queries.
1) May I know that when pumping, does the diaphragm makes a "clarking" sound? I thk it's from the vacuuming effect that hits the funnel. 2) When disassembling the motor from the funnel, shld the diaphragm comes off together with the motor? I thot it shld stay with funnel and i also notice some milk accumulated on the diaphragm (which I'm afraid it will seep into the motor).
3) When tilting/adjusting the funnel towards me after pumping, milk flows out. Is this normal?
Chevy, im 1st time user. Think Luv will be more experienced to explain.

Hope, i will latch in the day. And give combined ebm and fm at night. Just now was trying to see if i have milk and how much so went to pump. Well at least i get about 20ml combined. Been drinking alot papaya and fish soup these 2 days. Realli hope can help in the flow.
I've been using bm to clean my breast after latch and pump. Hopefully breast wont go sore.
Let us jiayou jiayou!!!! When you need go back pd for check?
hope n Reikibaby how much is your doc professional fees?
Reikibaby hope ur bb jaundice will go down soon. actually can also sun him but got to depend if ur house has morning or late afternoon sun. both of u r doing great and tryin your best for bm. keep it up.
Ladies u all can try the pigeon breast pump its actually quite good n easy to use. M so proud of u ladies so persistent in giving BM, too bad my mind n body not strong enuff... Finally my breast swell le not as painful le. Slowly regain bk energy so that I can play with girl girl. Felt that I ve neglected her for quite a while le.
Sade, let me chk and let you know tml. Need get bill from dh.
Tonight my 1st night hm with bb... lets see hw we survive...

Bbshower, me only day 1 of milk kicking in..lets see how far i can race.... heee
Reikibaby I endure for nearly 2weeks n gave up... I hope u can do it dun give up like me. Coz I pump more then latch. Coz baby more use to bottle fed le so dun really wanna latch le, that is when I decided to give up. You try to latch on more often ya.

Baby smurf for later stage of 3rd tri ard week 34 onwards see gynae almost every week.
Babysmurf, my gynae sees me every fortnightly.

Bb shower, i hope i can endure. So far ok. Just noticed i hv a lump on each breast. No matter hw i latch, pump and massage, the lump still ard. Will the lump goes away after few latching/pumping? Its this engorgement?

Hope, you feed every 3hrs if gv bm+fm?
Babysmurf, I'm same as Dian tang. I've one month to my next visit where I'll be 32 weeks, and then after that it's every 2 weeks. Doctor said in my final month, it's weekly visit. What about you?

I'm week 28 this week and I feel my baby got super growth spurt. My tummy is noticeably bigger every few days and my tummy skin is so tight!!! Do you ladies, experience the same?
Imel, your fren's infection sounds serious! That's why must act fast once we feel sthg not right...

ReikiB, hope ur bb is doing well at home with phototherapy. Remember to keep bb hydrated n monitor his pee and poo output. If he's pooing a lot, that means the bilirubin is leaving his system.
Yeah, Avent dual allows u to set ur own rhythm too. A pity mine died on me halfway thru my first use! And the service centre was so disappointing... Haiz... Heard the single is better than the dual in that sense. My single Avent pump served me well for over a year till I stopped BF.

Chevy, are u using single or dual pump? Yes, the valve may make a sound as it moves. It's normal.
As for the diaphragm, just remove it from the motor if it gets stuck with it. Yeah, some milk may stay in the diaphragm cos it hasn't made it down the valve into the bottle. You can pour the milk thru the funnel into your bottle so that you don't waste it. I don't think it will seep into the motor cos the milk is contained and doesn't touch the motor.
Yeah, it's trial and error finding the best position so that there's no leakage. Make sure suction is good and I find that it helps to lean forward a little when removing the funnel from your breasts so that the milk does not backflow.

bbshower, good to hear u're feeling better. Things will look up once u get used to taking care of baby. Won't get any less tiring but u'll feel less overwhelmed.

sade, does ur gal regurgitate milk? My boy has some reflux problems now. Hope he outgrows it soon...
Sade, I think it's around 3K? Gotta check with DH for the exact amount.

Reiki, I'm going back today to see PD and Dr Loh. I usually latch and after the pump out. But seems like at night bb latches for a shorter period and I woke up in the morning with bra wet coz I didn't put bra pads. I'm thinking of pumping out at night instead of latching? Yah I try to feed every 3 hours but sometimes 3 hrs plus. At night maybe 4 hours? I always give BM & FM coz supply not enough. And I forgot to buy breast shell. As bb latches on 1 side, the other side is dripping....
How are you copping? Your milk kicks in faster than me
luv yes my gal does. so I hold her either upright or 45deg aft nursing. for at least 10min. n she don't regurgitate aft that.

hope ur milk supply is in now. dripping n soon will turn out yo be messy. maybe u should not pump.so often to stimulate it. cos I did pump during first few weeks n now the milk r still frozen. din use it for me. unless u r giving her bottle during night feed then u need to pump n feed. as fresh as possible. ok thanks for letting me know abt the fees.

Reikibaby thanks too. how's your first night with bb?

Chevy how r u coping with your baby?
Hope, this morning while latching on one, the other side started dripping. Gg to sterilise my breast shell later on. Im givibg a mix also. And total intake about 45ml and by 2.5hr bb will start to ask for milk. Tried using pacifier to drag but he justdin wan. I will sometimes bottle feed or latch. Cos dh kept asking me go sleep so i try to standby ebm in fridge in case ny nipples too sore to latch then we will warm ebm and make fm.

Sade, dr loh fee is $2996. Think they din charge me as emerg csect... yours same?
Hi Ladies, it's interesting to read about your bfeeding stuff! Gives me an idea of what might be in store. Jia you!

Hi Babysmurf, I have an appt with Dr Tan this Tues which is when I hit wk 28 so will ask him how often appt in 3rd tri. However, I have 1 more detailed scan at wk 30 at ADC already scheduled. C u on 23rd March for the swaddles

Hi Lil Ponyo, how goes your search for the maid/ IFC/ nanny? I'm looking at IFCs too in case the maid and in-laws combination doesn't work out. Wow, your tummy must be pretty good-sized by now. I don't feel the super growth spurt for mine though the skin is getting more taut and my belly button is distorted (might end up sticking out). Do you feel the little one is getting more active as we move into the 3rd trimester? I can feel my little ones almost all the time now and where the skin is thinner, I can feel them squirming under my hand and their kicks are getting stronger!

The weeks are flying by which is so scary. If I go full term (37 wks for twins), I now have less than 10 wks to go! No wonder my boss keeps chasing me to get in place the maternity coverage!
Sade, yah very messy now. I'm going to express out at night and latch in the day. But my left side abit hard for bb to latch. So it's always not empty out.

Reiki, Yah mine drip also haha. I'm going to start expressing out for night coz bb always latch less than 10 mins then zzz.

Precious bb, yah I stayed in 1 bedded. How are you? Reaching 28 weeks soon?
Hope, your appt w dr loh today its for what? Follow up? Any charges? When i discharge he too bz to see me then i nees make appt see him on mon... haiz...bz him
Hi Ladies, so lucky the last trimester you got to see baby every 2 weeks or 1 week. I am already 33 weeks and just seen Dr Loh on Wed. He still scheduled to see him in 3 weeks time and I also wonder why so long. Hehe...May be I Kan Cheong.

Can I check is it normal to get back ache at 33 weeks. My back is aching badly now. Sleeping is also another headache. Can't seems to find the right position. I can't sleep on the left, right or back. I have to sleep with another pillow prop up. And, everyday I go to work with Panda eyes.....

ReikiBaby: Can I check if you are staying in 1 Bedded too? Heard that service is really differrent between 2 beded and 1 beded at Thomson. Hope that your baby jaundice goes a way soon. Enjoy motherhood

Mofmm: c u on 23 march. I will be 30wks already. I don't have anymore detail scan. We are very lucky cos now MOH going to give free 5in1 n hep b to baby from June 2013 at polyclinic. So can save abit up for diaper. Heehee

I counting down by my class date to delivery hahaha. Another 4wks to finish my antenal class follow by another 4wks to see my baby. So scarely but so excited.
