(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Chevy, yah i think should be ok....the most just pop out wait at the lift haha.
Oh yah talk to your bb tml when you do the scan! I did that too like what bbshower says when I was walking around...i think it helps haha. Jia you!
BabyG, shifting at work place not so bad lah... It's more the lifting of heavy stuff that may be more difficult I'd think.
I'm using Clarins too.

Hope, were you the one who wanted to do maternity photography? Who has done it? Any recommendation to share?

I went for my yoga over the weekend and saw pictures from Kids Pictures. Seems quite nice... http://kidspictures.com.sg/

Btw, anyone knows where to buy cheap baby cot?
Koirc, I asked b4 abt maternity shoot. Haven't done it tho. Still looking ard and considering. The pics on the website do look nice, but they don't seem to have details on maternity shoot specifically?
Adeline I m also with Dr M Lau, guess he don't talk much but i think alot of gynae also like that. So far I find that he is quite okay
Bbshower, Chevy, are both of u going to choose him as delievery doctor? There is not much information written on him. Anyway, if we were to choose him to deliver, we have to go under premier package. If not it will be under a gp of doc under him and worst still medical student can have involvement in the delivery.
Bbshower, Chevy, are both of u going to choose him as delievery doctor? There is not much information written on him. Anyway, if we were to choose him to deliver, we have to go under premier package. If not it will be under a gp of doc under him and worst still medical student can have involvement in the delivery.
Omg, I just dropped my phone in the toilet bowl. Public toilet. Picked it up and realize I got a cut on my hand. What are the chances that I will be infected with bacteria infection or virus. I am so super unlucky sia
I hope so. There is no soap at the toilet so just wash with water. My phone is still good, hope I am ok too. I think I am really prone to mishap.
Hope the person before me dun pass out those bacteria like listeria, toxoplasmosis, hopes she eats healthily. I know it sounds funny but I am just pure worried.
Adeline yes i will be having Dr M Lau as my delivery doc becoz 1st baby very precious...initially i also went for subsidise then after some thgt we decided to follow Dr Lau as he is my ivf doc n knows me better ba, n also dun wan so many doc or medical student to examine me...
Adeline, have no reason to change leh and also have been with him since the start of ivf. i wldn't want to become a "specimen" for interns heheheeee....... U r not comfy with him? if so, there are other good/beta choices too lah....
Hope, sorry... I can never remember who said what on this thread.
Btw is there a baby fair coming up in December?

Luv, ya I only passed by. Will ask when I go for my yoga class this weekend.

I am so sleepy...
Hi ladies, is the baby's head always on one side or will it turn 180 degree to the other side? The flutters i feel in the last 3 weeks are always on my left n guessing his legs must be on my left. I dont think i hv felt anything yet on my right.
Tutu baby will change side n move ard, maybe urs haven yet^^ no worries ya could be ur bb also more comfy with one side.
Scan was fine. Too small to see. Am going back in 2 weeks time. Doctor says is normal to hv brown discharge but I just feel uneasy. At any stage, regardless is brown or red, is still a nightmare to me.

During e scan, I asked if there is any blood clot or old blood around the womb and she said no. I really hv no idea where the brown discharge come from.

Guess what my doctor says "maybe don't announce to everyone that you are pregnant until 3months later".. Don't know why she says that to me?
Psp, sometimes will spot for no reason. Don't worry too much.
As usual, my gynae also said that first trimester is the most risky hence lot of ppl don't reveal to others. Only when in 2nd trimester then the miscarriage chance is lowered.

Just try to stay relax n eat nutritiously n rest well during first trimester. Cut down social life n rest more as u will feel more tired.

Koirc 14-16dec, there is another bb fair. But this upcoming one feature pigeon, so if u wan can go n see if there is any special offer for pigeon brand.
Psp: if can eat some beef or more protein. At this stage they need protein to grow. Just my 2cents of advice. Beef is to bu xue and got protein. If cannot eat beef try durian.

I tried myself if I eat beef once or twice a wk. my baby grow bigger on target. If I don't eat my baby grow very slowly or little. Like last wk went for my dr review show abt 8wks 5days. After 5days scan should show abt 9wks 3days but instead show 9wks 1days.
Psp, take a wide range of proteins. Meat, milk and eggwhites. Also a happy mummy will have a happy baby. Keep yourself occupied. Also learn to rest if your body tells you so.

In another 2weeks, will be week 8 right? By then you can see the sac n bb clearly. Jiayou!!!
Thanks for the information on bb fair, ladies!

Sade, pigeon is good huh? I haven't really gone shopping for baby stuff. Still looking for my own maternity clothes. Hahaha... But will go to the parenthood fair next weekend.

Psp, don't be disheartened. I have bleeding at week 8 and I was so worried. I went to my doctor and bb heartbeat still there. I also asked doctor why got bleeding and she couldn't explain too. So think positive thoughts, talk to bb and jia you!
PSP, try not to worry so much. My doctor also say he will only be happy with my progress and give me a thumbs up after 1st trimester.

Like the ladies said, just continue to do what you can and what is within your control such as have enough rest, take support medicine, eat healthy and think positive. Our bodies work in mysterious ways and trust that everything will be fine. When I went for my scan at 7w+2d, my baby was only 10mm which is only 1 cm! So small and all I could see was a glob. And I was thinking how can something so small make me so bloated and so sick!?! Incredible! Ha ha!
Thanks ladies. i will rest and take my supports.

Nowadays keep hving this very bad habit, going toilet hourly to check if whether there is any red spotting.

Really hope i can kick this bad habit away..
Psp, it's natural. I did that too. And even now I am in week 19, I get paranoid sometimes.

Try to relax. Go for slow walk, do something to take your mind off. Cos worrying can't help and will just give you more negative thoughts. We will pray for your bb.
Koirc pigeon bottles and teats seems quite good n popular. By then u will start buying cos sin now u r in week 19. By then will be at least 24 weeks. N alrdy confirm gender. Happy shopping!
Koirc, yah can start buying I think. I bought pigeon wipes and detergent at Taka sale last time coz the deal was quite good. You can look at the steriliser also.

Sade, are you going to the parenthood fair? Anyone else going?
Wow, so envy you all can start shopping.
Today then i really really start online shopping my maternity clothes cos really not much BIG Baggy clothes left to fit me.

As for bb stuff, now can only look and see. But can only start buying end dec or next jan.
Hi ladies, just an update - tried pink dolphin for morning sickness. Unfortunately it didn't work for me. Tried organic rooibos tea and had some relief but the vomiting returned. This morning I gave up and had a 8mg tablet of Ondansetron. I didn't want to take meds if possible but yesterday had me retching non stop till my stomach was in spasms and had 8rounds of real vomiting, even when driving(puked into a bag). Hopefully the anti nausea meds work with minimal side effects.

Hi PSP, try to think positive thoughts and take the Duphaston. My first scan at 6wks at TPC I could only see 2 sacs. Despite the dr assurance that there would be something in the sacs the next week, i was worried the whole week that the sacs would remain empty(blighted ovum). however the next scan at AMC I could see one gummy bear like fellow in one sac and one fuzz ball in the other both with heartbeats. Just in one week so much can change so please stay positive and look forward to your next scan.

Hi Lil, our babies are measuring the same at the 7w scan hehe. My gummy bear (twin a) is 10mm too. The other fuzz ball (twin b) is 9mm. This week according to the pregnancy apps our babies are the size of green olives. I don't have the wake up at 4-5am then cannot sleep issue but now having difficulty falling asleep at night (maybe cos I wake up at 11am?). How is your appetite these days and the morning sickness? Read morning sickness peaks from weeks 8 to 11!
Hope, That's fast. I will buy wipes n detergent as my last few items. Hehe. Think u really love shopping! guess once u know your gender, u will buy alot. Hehe cos first bb a lot of stuffs to buy.

Oh Ya I m going to buy the pigeon sterilizer if there is a good offer on the upcoming fair. Also eyeing the tommee tippee sterilizer. Have to see which is a better deal.
Sade, actually I have quite a lot of hand me down. So only bought stroller , musical mobile and wipes only. Coz the taka sale was really a good deal esp for the stroller. I know the gender Liao bb gal but won't buy clothes yet coz waiting to see if there is any hand me down haha.

Heard the pigeon steriliser is not bad... Should have good deal I think!

Babysmurf, wow my 0.8cm smaller then ur. I eat much lesser as compare before bfp. Or maybe i small size, that y my bb smaller
