(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Hope, dh and my mummy say no hurry. Cos they dun wan me to buy so earli... They feel we can always look at year end sale, christmas sale and cny sale. Lolz.

I only plan to get
cot - we found 2 we like one already. And this will probably set up after i deliver, while still in hospital, so no rush.
pump & steriliser -will probably get avent single pump. So either wait for another sale at Philips or Robinson,
infant car seat - waiting for hand me down from a friend. Else if any stroller comes with that, then will also get if price is good.
Rest of small items like wipes, will probably be the last to get.

Anyone going to TMC this week or next? Yesterdy went and the shop in TMC is selling a stroller. Not sure what brand it is. So if anyone going, can help me check? Thanks in advance.

Hope oops forgot abt it. Oic, Ya its good to have hand me down stuffs. Me also waiting for some hand me down bb clothes but also bought alot. Hehe. Can't resist those cute little clothing.
I also rec some hand me down items but don't like it As condition is not good, so gotta buy.
Mofmm, love your yummy bear and fuzzball names
You are so poor thing. Are you back at work yet? I think you must be peaking already because I can't imagine it being worst for you. Compared to you, I am in a much better situation. Perhaps it's because you are carrying twins so double the dose of hormones
In hindsight, I'm glad I'm only carrying one because I don't think I can handle morning sickness like you can.

My morning sickness seems to be under control. Well, I still get 24/7 nausea but I am well enough to work. I just have to eat non-stop to suppress my quesy feeling. My appetite is not great but good enough to stomach all the gummy sweets, crackers, cereal bars, oats and yogurt that I snack on. I don't like plain water anymore, pink dolphin doesn't help but I find ribena helps so I keep a bottle at work.

I'm whining and moaning a lot at home and my husband is telling me that I need to 'man up' and handle this like every other woman. Man, how I wish he is the one who is pregnant!
Mofmm: Oh no. i think so too. Cos you are carrying twins. But is better to have symptoms than no right...

Have you try ginger tea?
Ladies. im scheduled to see doctor in ww 8. Any idea when will be the next visit that most doctor request to see and how often is the scan.

I realised the medical fees is not cheap. Yesterday it costs me around $250.
PSP, it will be every 2 weeks in first trimester. My doctor was funny and asked me if I can 'tahan' that long and he would see me weekly if I want. I declined. I think some women must have asked for this before so he knows how anxious we are.
MofMM - I'm having twins too and had very bad ms during the 1st tri. I vomitted after each meal and lost 10kg! Was hospitalized and put on drips for 2 days at week 12 and ms finally subsided from week 13. During the 1st tri, i was on unpaid leave as i simply can't work. Doc said maybe becos it's twins, our pregnancy hormones are higher and thus ms is worse...
Hi Joanne Tan, were u prescribed and did you take Ondansetron (Zofran)? Your experience sounds terrible, really a lot worse than mine - I haven't lost weight (just maintain) cos I throw up less than what I eat. So happy to read that your Morning sickness has finally subsided and you must be enjoying your pregnancy now with the twins? I was just wondering about the unpaid leave bit you mentioned - is it cos you maxed out your hospitalisation leave entitlement for the year so you chose unpaid leave? I am contemplating maxing out my 60days of hosp leave first before touching the unpaid leave if I really can't work anymore. Are you back at work now though?

Hi LuvNHope, thanks for your advice. After taking the anti-nauseau medicine today, I am able to function with minimal retching (twice) without throwing up (yay!). Hopeful this means I can go back to work as normal...thankfully my boss is a male based in US and he is so understanding and supportive I feel so bad not showing up for work for one month already (OHSS 11 days in hospital then hospitalisation leave till end this month)

Hi PSP, don't like ginger so tried rooibos tea. Works for a while (a hour plus relief). You will see more the next scan! Stay positive and stay on the supporting medicines.
Are you with KKH also? My fees also came up to almost SGD250 the last round because scan was done at AMC. If scan is done at TPS then will be included in consult fee. Are you still with Dr Sadhana? Then fees will depend on her seniority at TPC but should not be SGD200 odd each time. Lil is right - should be every 2 weeks for scan in first trimester but in the first trimester got quite a number of test need to do so got to prepare to pay more (think the down syndrome test and all cost almost SGD500 in the third month). KK don't have prenatal packages but there is the scheme where u pay 488 upfront (each consult fees is then deducted from this amount) and when ur baby is delivered u get 100 in vouchers. That's the only "discount" they have. U need to go to the reception counter at TPC to get the form for this scheme.
Sade, too bad I won't know bb gender yet when I go to the parenthood fair!

Luv, thanks for the info on Phillips Carnival.

Psp, I had my scan at week 8 and when the doctor see that everything is good, I was asked to go every month instead of fortnightly.
Hi Lil, I am working from home at the moment but intend to go back into the office next week onwards
I am sure though your husband says that, his actions speak differently - he probably is picking up the slack of things right? :D About the dry skin thing, maybe you can try a pedicure combine with foot spa. I did that yesterday and had a wash n blow at a hair salon (felt too tired after all the puking to wash my hair) and felt like a new person. Need to treat ourselves good during this time!
MofMM - I was taking folic acid and utrosgen during the 1st tri. Before I went for IVF, i took 4 months leave to rest. When bfp, i took another 3 months unpaid leave & never touch my HL. Then at least my company can't say too much right? I sent back to work around 19 weeks and now almost 28 weeks. The stomach is getting heavier each day and i am enjoying my 2 bbs movement everyday
Lil Ponyo: I always remind myself that I can do it cos every woman will go thru these stages . My DH always said I look like a poor thing and sayang me when I vomit . But I feel good when he said that .. He he though I always want to look strong on front .
Hope, do u mean the Philips Carnival? I'm not very sure leh... sorry. But I'm going down to collect some pump parts later on. See if I can find out more info.

hope4baby, ordered from www.babymaxi.com on the recommendation of a fellow Feb MTB
Cheaper than if u buy from local stores.
Hope4baby, I think the package starts from week 16 $750 for 10 sessions and includes consultation, ultrasound scan and the test stripe. Doesn't include unscheduled appointments and vitamins etc.
There are a couple of ladies who signed the package so they can confirm for you.
No prob! Hope you find good deals at the Carnival. Oh btw, seems like the Carnival may not be at TP4 Building but the one opposite it. There's a big banner there so u prob won't miss it.
Hope4baby, yup Hope is right abt Dr loh package. Non refundable. So u have to do ur calculation if its worth it or not.
I did sign up with him thou.
Whiteclover on and off. Sometimes quite watery sometimes quite dry. How abt u?
Btw How's r class yesterday? Did Mrs Wong teach u?
Help anyone experience pain at the area under below the breast. I having this sharp pain for abt half an hr. every few days once. Is this normal.
Sade- I've been getting discharge right from the start. Then few days back, got a lot more. Am worried, especially reading abt 'show' on the Internet.

Yes, wBb was the teacher. Actually I prefer the previous lecturer. Stronger voice and more layman terms. Last lesson, web kept using all sorts of medical terms and even kept criticizing the previous lecturer.

Did u buy any additional accessories to go with yr ameda pump?
Whiteclover she was like that during my 3rd class too. She was v confident n said no one teaches so well like her as others are just nurses with experiences. Hmmm. I don't like that she criticized her relief speaker.
Nope. Cos its new so don't think need to buy any spare parts yet. Received a mailer abt private sales on 8 Nov Robinson.
Babysmurf, could it be your bra too tight? Sorry, if it sounds silly but it sort of happened to me until I realised I needed to buy new bra already. I also bought non underwire bra so that the metal will not dig into the developing milk ducts.

Mofmm, yeah you are right, my DH is very helpful around the house. Over the weekend, he did grocery shopping, cooked and cleaned the house. He actually vacuum the house, washed 2 toilets and did the laundry! All I did was lie on the sofa and moan every time I am hungry. Ha ha! Tomorrow will be the start of my Week 10. Almost there, almost there. You hang in there okay. Stay home until you are absolutely ready to get back to work. Don't push yourself. Take care.

Dian_Tang, you are so strong. I no longer bother to look strong in front of him. Ha ha! Has your morning sickness lessen?
Whiteclover, ya i rem u told me before that u have discharge before, but i din know that it's so frequent. Did u check with Dr Loh? What is the "show" abt?

Ya its worrying, esp when there is discharge. Me worried abt water bag leakage when there is a increased of watery discharge. Panaroid again!
If I am not wrong show is when u have sudden bleeding right before u are abt to give birth. For water bag burst if I am not wrong it feels like leaking lots of urine.
Lil Ponyo: ha ha act I am not .
My DH did all the house works now . Now I start to help him with some light duties . The ms lessen but it come back without notice. I can not be too hungry or I will make noises or grumble he he .
Lil: I am not wear bra at home. Thank for all your advise I will check with my dr during the next review. Read from online my rib cage is becos of baobei expanding her home.

Looks like we are training our dh well. My dh also does all the housechores. I just need to lie down and call for food. We are queen now. Heeee.

Koirc, i read online...sometimes it is the position of the placenta that causes us to not experience kicks and movements that soon. Mayb also baby position. You be seeing bb next week right? Very fast liao....
