(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Babysmurf but isn't it too early to find that pain at rib cage? Not to scare u, just asking only. Cos I din Read up on that. Thou mostly 3rd trimester or so when bb is getting bigger.

ladies, do you gals continue to take TCM until week 12?

Recently whenever i take my TCM, i vomit. Dont knw whether to continue or not.
Reikibaby, aiyo, it's a long wait!

Ladies, I'm in second tri now and I am still feeling tired all the time! And although no more MS, my appetite is like normal. I don't eat a lot. I just weigh myself this morning an I have only put on 3 kg so far. I'm in week 20 leh.
Dian_tang, I am repulsive to milk.
Btw, my doctor did not give me fish oil as supplement. Can I buy my own and take it in my diet?
Koirc, hee dun worry. I also put on same same as u. And also not taking milk. Still gets tired easily and also dun have to eat every 2hrs unlike in 1st tri. Infact now i just take 3meals a day and probably a cup milo before sleep.

My bb weight and length is still good according to the stats i googled online. So dun worry much. And to reassure you, i still yet to feel kicks and Dr Loh say not so soon...wat till 22weeks. So dont worry ok.
Sade, my scan is next week. Doctor is on leave this week! So the wait is longer than usual! :S
Reiki, i'm glad you mentioned that you needed to eat every 2 hours when in 1st trimester. Now I feel more normal
I get hungry so easily that I'm quite sick of eating and I'm running out of ideas on what to eat. Everything is unappetizing to me. I guess this is one those things that I never knew before getting pregnant!
Koirc i m in week 21 n already put on 8kg le for me is i worried overweight. You must be very excited abt ur detail scan
Maybe you can try eating durian occasionally and black chicken soup.

Wondering how's Chevy detail scan le.

Psp for me i don't take tcm medication. If you don't feel well taking it better stop.
Koirc : I just started on drink anmum but seem that I have bad bloated stomach after drinking . Are u feeling that too ?
My fren took capsule fish oil . I dunno if I shd take cos I have not been eating fish lately .
Lil, yes...eat every 2hrs is a chore. Till i really drag to eat in 1st tri. Even now, i have no cravings at all. I always tell dh that baby is very good to him. Cos i dun have sudden cravings so he dun have to crack his head on where to get me food. Hahah

Koirc, yah take chicken soup to bu. at least this can help baby with growth and weight and not putting much weight on us. As for durian, i wanted to eat but i'm worried about the sugar level and the weight im gg to put on. So will kiv to later stage if bb really needs that to put on weight.

As for fish oil, those of you who are not taking fish, mayb you can ask your gynae to prescribe for you. Cos some gynaes prefer natural intake and assumed that we will be taking fish. Fish oil is to boost the growth of baby's brain.
bbshower and reikibaby, I take black chicken soup every week leh. But doesn't seem to have much effect. I just hope my baby is growing well. I take durians but limited to once every 3-4 weeks cos scared too heaty.

Dian tang, I also don't take fish much. That's why I'm thinking of taking fish oil. Will ask my gynae next week when I visit.
Oh, one more thing... If I sit down and people don't see my tummy, nobody will know I'm pregnant. I haven't changed any bit except with a bigger tummy. Anyone is the same?

Hope, yes! I am so looking forward. The wait is killing me!
Hi ladies, is anyone suffering from indigestion? My ms has subsided quite a great deal by 17 weeks but im still suffering from bad indigestion. My food can take up to 5 hours or more to digest! My appetite is back but i cant eat
Koirc I guess I put on weight is becoz I ate all sorts of potatoes almost everyday... Just seem to luv potatoes. Maybe u can try eating potatoes. But also if scan shows bb is healthy n good there is nthing to worry ya.
Tutu- I am still having indigestion.No prob with appetite but after meals, it takes ages to digest. It is better when I take yoghurt.

Sade- show is when yr body dispel the muscous plug. All along I thought it will be bloody, till I read some websites where some states some may just experience increased vagina discharge.

Koirc- got try anmum chocolate milk? It taste like Milo.

Psp - I am still taking tcm medicine at week 27. But only twice a week. Who is yr tcm dr?
Koirc, baby shower: I read your posts and can't help thinking that us pregnant women worry a lot hor? Here I am stressing about gaining too much weight (10kg at wk 18!!!) and yet I realise gaining too little also got own set of worries. I guess the sisters here are right, as long as baby healthy and growing well, should be ok. I asked my gynae last week about optimal weight gain, he said not to worry so much about it as we all experience pregnancy differently and there is a wide range of weight gain he has seen - between 7kg to 40kg!
Bb shower, potatoes can really make one put on alot weight. I have a gf, her gynae warn her not to take too much carbo if she wants natural delivery. So her dh will watch her diet. When we are out, she really dun take carbo like rice.

My mum ask me not to have too big a baby else delivery will be tough. Also if the weight goes to mummy and not baby, then we will have tough time losing the weight after delivery. Haha...
ReikiBaby ya I seem to be taking alot of carbo... Rice,potatoes n noodles. But I ate alot of broccoli too, will try n balance it with fruits n veg. During the detail scan I c the measurement etc... Glad that bb is taking in the nutrients as she is growing to the right size. Just that my leg cramp has becm more frequent almost 2/3days pain n body ache getting more aching too maybe due to the weight. Really ve to watch my diet too dun wan a difficult delivery....very scare pain.
Bb shower, i also scared my leg cant tahan the body weight. Walk abit have to find place to rest. Plus i have asthma, so realli scared wait body weight will make me more breathless. Someone mention that leg cramp could be due to insufficient calcium. Is that true? Make a point to ask dh massage your calves every night before sleep to promote blood circulation. I scared of leg cramps and swollen legs.
Koirc: ya me too I didn't take fish cos of smell . Prob I ask from my gynea too . My fren was prescribed with neurogain fish oil in kkh private .
whiteclover: Im seeing Dr Zou. i am supposed to take twice a day (Each time 2 packets) but i have reduced to one packet a day.
bbshower, I also took a lot of potatoes especially in 1st tri. For some reasons, my bb seems to like potatoes and it's the only thing that gives me appetite. But still didn't put on weight leh.

Whiteclover, I haven't tried Ammum. I think cos I have lactose intolerance generally so I didn't look further although I would love to start drinking maternity milk. Can get samples somewhere?

bb, I think we're worried because this baby doesn't come easy for us. And for me, more so because I lost one before. So I am very paranoid and get worried about baby's development.

I am so sleepy now. It's a slow and quiet week in the office cos all the bosses are not around. I think I shall go do some shopping during lunch!
Koirc: I just start the anmum but I think the milk caused me to have quite bad bloated stomach so maybe I just stick to normal Meiji milk . I think we can sign up with some mum website and they may give us samples . I haven't try and let u know which website to go .
Koirc: I understand how u feel. I'm also very scared.

After couples of iui and IVF then bfp. But now I'm always worried that baby had no heart beat or not growing.

Why no ms today? Is it baby not growing. I keep asking myself a lot of questions..

But there's nothing I can do but just continue to do my part and hoping that e next scan everything will be fine.
Koirc, i had rock melon last week. But of cos, everything in moderation. Sometimes when i take too much heaty stuff, i will take some cooling but not the very liang food/fruits...cos old people always say cannot take too heaty stuff when preg.
Koirc, since u r in second trimester now, you don't have to worry so much. It's more stable now.
I know it's hard not to worry, cos i also get panaroid at times, but we have to try our best to relax and enjoy this pregnancy. Eat healthy, rest well and exercise moderately. Do our best and let's all Jia You!
It's not easy for all of us here, but we will be carrying all our little ones next year! Let's all look forward ya!
Thanks, Reikibaby. I bought rock melon and suddenly remembered my embryologist ever told me not to take all kinds of melon! Maybe that's only for after ET.

Dian tang, ok, let me go and search.

Psp, totally understand but we need to keep positive mind. I try to distract myself but sometimes such thoughts will come.
Koirc, I've had rock melon, honeydew, papaya a number of times too, even watermelon once. In moderation shld be fine. Dun worry too much. The vitamins are good for baby too!
Ladies, fish oil and omega 3 are the same? I just read that Omega 3 supplement is not recommended during pregnancy. *Confused*
Koric, I'm in the same week as you. I was reluctant initially to try powdered maternal milk cos it can be quite fattening. But I find it too troublesome to warm up the cold fresh milk and I don't like the taste of cold milk in morning. Also, I worried that I don't have good nutritious meal. I've tried quite a few brands now stick to anmum cos it's not sweet. I think they've the low lactose type too.
I've eaten watermelon a few times. Rock melon, oranges and papaya too. I only avoid banana.
i thought omega from fish is good? for brain development.

Anyone going to the Parenthood Fair? Seems like a lot of vendors.

Hope to settle my cot there
Znatasha, ya, I think we're in the same week. When is your EDD btw? I will try to get samples to try and see if I can take the milk. It's quite expensive and I don't want to waste it in case I cannot take it.

Whiteclover, it says natural omega 3 is good but supplement is not recommended.

I am going to Parenthood Fair on Saturday. I think I should start looking around and not stress myself out at the last minute.
Psp: me too. My ms sometime very bad other days don't have. But tummy feel tight tight. Every now n then my baobei give me funi problem.
I think I just felt a distinct movement. It's near my navel and it's got a somewhat ticklish feeling.
Koirc I also took rock melon quite often n just took it ytd and fridge still got. I guess shld be alright
Rock melon is nice hee...
Hi ladies, can I check if we should stop tcm after first trimester and did any one of you give your tcm any angbao as a token of appreciation? Not sure if there is such a practice or most would just give the new born red eggs etc.
Psp: me too, i currently taking Dr Zou medicine, i dont feel very feel after taking it, so reduce to once a day. I want to stop seeing Dr Zou, but my hubby insist me to see her till wk 12
Yeah!!! Yesterday ask dh if i can go Parenthood fair look see. He actually say if i can spot good deals, can buy. Heee...so looking forward to the shopping trip.
Babysmurf: I cant take anymore. I feel very uncomfortable and ike vomiting so i stopped but im a bit worried whether it will affect my bb. What shld i do?

Psp, i stopped my tcm medication before 12 weeks due to ms. Dun worry. Baby will be strong. If you vomit out the medication after consuming, also pointless to eat.
