(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Congrats Usagi. Week 8 is to hear heart beat.

You can add in your details provided by Whiteclover.

Ms shows that bb is growing well. Try to eat n drink whenever u can now. Eat some biscuits n nv go on empty stomach.

Yeah Usagi! I can hardly c hb too during my first scan, duno where to look

Do try take something prior sleeping if can, hunger can cause insomnia.
Chevy ya I do ve muscus discharge too, but more towards white to light yellow n it's just a tiny bit so I guess it's normal din really bother with it coz it happens just a couple of times n i read that its normal. If yours is alot n green in color you might wanna chk with doc coz scared is infection.

Btw I m transferring bk to Dr Mathew Lau for my nx visit after all the major scan n blood test so at least can save quite alot. Decided to transfer bk becoz waiting time is too long n also delivery will be done by medical officer, nurses/midwife or somex trainee. So going bk to gynae is better
Just realised it's really joyful to see baby growing during every scan visit. And having all the ms is well worth it. We shld really learn to enjoy the moment
Bbshower, oh u too? Mine greenish but only a bit. Still quite worried lor. Guess if it's whitish or yellowish shld be ok.
We r under same gynae
any arrangement is fine as long as u r most comfortable.
Bbshower, u made the right choice to have a fixed gynae at least he know your condition well. And also more reassurance when gynae is more experienced.

Ya should learn to relax n enjoy the journey. ESP being pampered by hubby.
Chevy any smell for the discharge? If smelly might have to see gynae. Nv heard of green discharge. Mostly white or yellow. R u on any v support?
Sade, the "aroma" on my panty does smell stronger than usual, if u know wat i mean (sorry if its TMI). On oral support. I have never seen green discharge too thats y quite worrying. My appt is later this morning. Will hilite to gynae.
Green discharge is becos heaty or not enough fluid accordinh to tcm. As long as no foul smell, its ok. Just drink lots of plain water. For infection, yellow will also kena, not necessary green
now week 15 and still experincing ms
no mood to eat well. feel lousy cos the only food i can really eat are all junk food. any sisters having the same problem?
Bruno I also ate junk food like Maggie mee n fried chicken n fries. But I still eat fruits n veggies. Cos I eat a lot of food everyday. Try to eat more healthy food.

Tutu how's your visit?
Luv, maybe it's time for you to up your energy tonics. hehe. i also feel very tired at work.
N can't sleep well at night.

Btw, do you have any idea for the jamu massage aft delivery, how many times is required? Cos i called up a freelance lady yesterday, she told me at least 10 times. Not sure if she did bluff me or not. so just checking if anyone has any idea how many times is necssary to be effective?
sade, maybe chicken essence will help. But I've been feeling a little heaty recently so didn't dare to keep drinking. Also can't sleep well at night cos of the dreams and peeing. >_<

Hear from the 2012 IVF MTBs that they have 10 session packages too. Or can try 5 times? I've never tried b4 so don't really know.
Sade - I think 10 times is reasonable. Cos after delivery, u do it daily. Some take shorter package eg 5 times to try out the therapist first. Some freelancers also charge on per session basis.

When my sis took up the package last round, my other sister and I also use the same package to do body massage.
Hi all...

In a lousy mood now... just went for my first appt after the 2 ww. doc says too early to hear heart beat.. so he did a V scan and only see the water bag. HB and I feel so dissapointed. We thought we can hear some confirmation from doc. End up now, putting me have so much neg thought.

From my calculation I thought I am in my 6 week le. But he said I only 5 weeks 5 days.
I did my retreival on 25 Jul. My ET is on 28 Jul. So after my ET I am in my 3rd week plus 5 days... means almost 6 weeks le mah!
But from his scan I think my water bag only 5w 3 days le.. Does that means my bb stop growing??

Am I getting a chemical pregnancy?? He said only next week 6 and 1/2 week can see heart beat...

worst still, Actually I am gg Bali tml. He did not say cannot go but can tell that is not recommended lor... and even the nurse say try not to go...

argh!!! why my bb cannot see today?? make us so sad now!!
Congrats, Usagi!

How are all you sisters doing? I don't feel cramps anymore, thank God! Can you imagine I was so paranoid that I go to toilet to check all the time, fearing to see red. I even dreamt that I had bleeding once!

This journey is really not easy. I hope all of us have a smooth journey ahead!

Sade, I did jamu after my miscarriage the last time. 5 times is enough. I took my package with Babies Bellies. And have the massuese come to my house but you need to pay extra to cover the transport.
Fat chicken
Beta hcg day usually considered as 4 weeks. Don't scare yourself cos sometimes early week 6 might not see heartbeat too.
Personally even after seeing heartbeat, i will still feel that it is not stable esp now still 1st trim....
But if you know you will be in good hands and well taken, enjoy your trip. But be very very careful.
Fat chicken, my Gf can only see hb near 8 weeks... So don't worry too much. I guess it varies from one to another. As for the trip, discuss with your hubby. If you are going, just be more careful?
Thks luv n Whiteclover n koirc for the massage advices. Maybe will try the 10 sessions.

Fat chicken, can only see heart beat at week 6. For me I won't travel during first trimester cos it's more risky.

If u r going, be extra careful. Do more resting during your trip. Take care...
I had a quick glance of the missed messages. Congrats usagi!

Thanks for the concern bb galore n sade, the update is - We heard strong bb heartbeat on tues, edd is 16 apr. then i started getting ms n hence hv not been feeling well. At 4pm today, i saw light brown discharge n went to see dr loh. He sais heartbeat is still strong but implantation is not strong as hd could see bleeding near the waterbag. He gave me a jab, told me to increase duphaston to 4 a day n gave me a week mc. Im very scared now.
Hi tutu, did u saw him at his clinic?

Do bed rest more now. Talk to bb and tell bb to stick n be strong. Don't squat or carry heavy stuffs. Take care.
Hi sade, yes i saw him at tmc. Read its common but not normal. Bb is growingn it would be my fault if im not strong enough to cant carry it..
Tutu don't say and think of that. Spotting is common but not normal. We can do our best but fate plays a big part. So now all you can do is bedrest n think positively.
I don't know if eating Brazil nuts and red beans soup help or not. Maybe can give it a try. Sin both help in implantation.
FatChicken, it's prob juz too early. My EDD is also off from my calculated EDD (based on ER date) by a few days. Perhaps late implantation.

Tutu, just do your best to rest and relax. If baby's growing, then dun worry too much for now. Stress is not good for both u and baby.
Fatchicken, my scan also shows about a week less than actual date fm ET.

Tutu, try not to worry too much k be happy and have a happy baby
I dont even know where n why I had bleeding/spotting for a mth.. Just do our best n bedrest well k.

Very tired after work and zzz 10+pm daily but will wake up 4am to pee n can't sleep..when doze off, it's time to wake up liao..

Anyone having problem with skin? Having tiny pimples popping out on face n itchy back rash...

Can't wait for my next appt..kkh dont let me bring forward my appt hmmpf! No vomit these 2 days n worry is bb growing well..so paranoid hehe
Hi tutu. Our edd days diff by 1 day! Rest well, rest more on bed as it was not easy for us to conceive naturally. Don't stress. Just rest n rest and it will be ok. My friend's wife also had spotting all the way but now in her 2nd trimester. Have faith.
Congrats tutu, don't worry .. I had afew spotting episodes during first tri.. All will be well. Just rest at home.

Luv, I've yet to go back to sch.. My hl ends on 31st. I can imagine how tired you must be. Pls rest whenever possible.
Are you with any tcm? Cos my an tai medicine includes medicines that prevent uterine bleeding.
Anyway, talk to baby. Also bedrest as much as you can. Try not to exert tummy muscles. With the increase in supports, baby will stick strong to you. Brown discharge could be due to old blood. All will be good.
Hi Fat Chicken,

When I went for my scan at 6th week, the doctor could see yolk sac and fetal pole only. I only managed to hear the heartbeat during the 8th week scan. But doctor is "concerned" that the bb is a few days younger than calculated, got me so worried. Just did my 10th week scan, still "younger" than calculated but gynae said it's ok. as long as CRL and heartrate are normal.
Don't worry.
Fat chicken
But did the Gynae saw yolk sac? Or just waterbag? If it's yolk sac, it's normal without hb until wk 6 to wk8.

Don't worry, just rest more and take support regularly. My first pregnancy, u won't believe, I spot all the way to week14. It's not just 10 cents spotting, I have to change my panty liner every few hours. Kkh24hr becomes my 2nd home for first tri, I kept going in and out for jab until I gave up and thinks it's normal!! Don't stress and be positive so bb can fight the battle.
Thanks ladies, its comforting to hear you ladies hAve been thru n bb still going strong. I must say dr loh didnt look very confident yesterday n mentioned theres risk, hence i am worried. So far only 1 spot. So hope it goes smoothly from now. I have decided to stop an tai yao... Its too heaty n i dont want it to interfere. Hope im doing the right thing.

I have not been sleeping well to. N once woke up for pee, will take me a long time to go back to sleep.

Usagi lets jia you together

Whiteclover, CRL measure the length of foetus. Mine measured 4mm yesterday.

When we say 6 week preg, do we mean we are in 6th week or completed 6 week?
MTBs, how are you all feeling?

I am very moody today. Very irritable... And very annoyed by a b*tch in the office!
Koirc take it easy. Me also have lousy days. Hormones chaos!

Din sleep well for past few days. Woke up for pee n can't get back to sleep. So tired now. Still a long day ahead.
I m feeling lousy n worried today too. Guess I ate wrong food ytd, been having watery diarrhea since ytd midnite, ate one charcoal pill. N feeling weak now hope my bb is okay.
Whiteclover Dr loh will measure the CRL during first trimester on every visits. Check your ultrasound photos for the CRL measurements.
Oh, bbshower, ya have to be careful with what we eat especially when we eat out.
Read before that h20 drink can curb diarrohea. Maybe you want to give it a try? Not 100 plus.

Try to take simple soupy food for today.

Maybe see your gynae?

Im also having tummy upset since yesterday noon. Thought ok last night. But this morning LS again, and tummyache till now. Had ginger tea but still pain...feeling lousy and really hope the tummy pain will not affect baby. Really worried...
