(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group


I think I am in my 6 weeks now, cos finally can make apps see gynae!!

Actually no recommendation for tingkat food. Cos I think those food similar to " chap chye beng" it always better to eat home cook food than outside.
I usually buy some veg n meat keep at home. Anytime feel like cooking can at least make some noodle soups. Or at least some fish balls or similar thingy. Or at least a pasta sauce will be good! Any time can make some pasta with meat balls...

Or if you like 'abc' soup you can cook in the morning using those thermal pot. Then at night you can some macaroni in! Then you have a healthy and balance diet dinner with vitamins, meat, n carbo. No need worry about constipation !
Koirc, Mom's Cooking is supposed to have no MSG and uses healthy Canola oil for their food. But quite ex.
I tried Hilltop b4. Not too bad.
Jessie Catering and YLS Catering is okay if u're not too fussy.
I didn't like Chu Wei San Tong tho.
I ordered tingkat during my 2ww cos i din wanna worry abt my meals too. Convenient lah.
Ladies, do u feel cramps that are not painful in your 4th to 6th week? Not sure how to describe - 酸酸 n feels like your menses is coming. But i have not spot a bit as im on 2 duphaston a day..
Tutu, I dun have cramps but I am starting to have abit of MS. Hope it won't set in. Anyway, you are going to see gynae tml, don't worry too much. Some more, u have support. I haven even see gynae to take such support.
Thanks, Fat Chicken and Luv. I love ABC soup but was told not to take carrot...

Btw, anyone experienced any cramp feelings in first trimester? My morning sickness seems to be waning off and I have slight cramps in my lower abdomen. I am quite worried but hubby thinks I am being paranoid.
Koirc, think we can eat carrot in moderation.

If ur cramps do not hurt too terribly and are not accompanied by bleeding or spotting, then shld be okay. Can understand ur worry, cos I'm paranoid in that way too!
sade: i love guava too

eskimobaby: u saw dr.tham when he was still in kkh. yup he is very nice, tell me many useful things along the way. ask me wether can rebond, he say no problem... ask me not to worry too much etc.

It's normal to have cramp, my Gynae warned me earlier to take note. Like what Luv said, as long as it's not terribly painful that comes together with red, it's ok. I have fren with cramp the entire first trimester . I did have on-off cramp at wk8-9. Don't wrry k. I think red is more scary than cramp .
Hi all, just wondering if anyone has pregnancy insomnia?
I don't have any ms so far but I can't really get back to sleep once I wake up to pee.
This started when I was in week 6...
Tutu, koric, I also get cramps on and off even on duphaston.

Always feel like AF abt to come but it is actually stretching. As long as no bleeding and spotting, it is ok.

Znatasha, which week are u at now? I had insomnia and nose block in the initial stages. Had to get up to pee many times at night.

Was so happy that my nausea subsided... But said too early, it came back again! So puzzling. I Thot it will subside in trimester 2.
most likely the womb is stretching to accommodate baby. sometimes it's the womb pressing on the bladder that cause cramp. as long as the cramp is a not sharp pain it's ok. btw, doesn't mean that on duphaston won't bleed.

carrots are ok to eat... your body still needs the carotene or vitamin A but just don't take in excess. should try to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables to get the nutrients you need.

it just happened to me this morning. after getting up to pee at 4 plus i couldn't get back to sleep. when i wanna doze off, it's time to wake up :/
I've been peeing more frequently again these past two weeks. Gosh, tot only happens in 1st and 3rd tri. My hubby's wondering why i keep getting up at night. I tell him I also wish I could sleep thru the night. Haiz...
I have been waking up to pee every night sin bfp. My record is waking up every 2 hrs to pee. Recently wake up once or twice every night to pee n it's super long pee. Haiz.

As for insomnia I got it during first trimester. Woke up to pee ar 4am plus n can't back to sleep.

Training for us mtb to wake up for future night feed.
Chevy - it' not even noon yet.

There's a Parents' World Expo coming up next week
Date: 31 August – 2 September 2012
Venue: Singapore Expo Hall 5A
Show hours: Friday to Sunday (11am – 9pm)
Free admission
Has any1 tried out organic hair professional or purity hair salon. planning to have my hair colored next yr b4 CNY
Sade - yes taking wbb lessons. But didn't manage to book in time for her week 20 lessons. Her lessons r so popular. So I am starting in abt week 24.

When's yours?

Not stocking up yet till later too. But like to window shop. Look see look see.
whiteclover, i booked Wbb oct class. Cos on the website it's stated to book at week 20. But i booked at week 14. I did called parent craft and she said preferably to finish the courses 2 months before EDD.

Oic, i haven't look around yet. Thou v anxious abt shopping. hehe.
How much is that wong bb class? Is it really do good?

I also woke up like every 1-2 hr interval. Kept yawning at lunch. No appetite for breakfast. Lucky lunch can eat more. I wish I can knock off soon.
Just a very silly question, do we have to abstain from BD totally till pass 1st trimester?
My doctor and TCM doctor never say anything.
sade - maybe we are in same class. My first lesson starts oct 13.

usagi - she's popular 'cos she's entertaining. curriculum - it is the same for all the teachers at tmc.

can see the lesson plan here:
6 weeks lesson at $319.65 (after the discount)

I think for first time mummies, it will be good to know. have also heard friends' feedback that can learn from confinement nanny instead.
usagi, you can check out at TMC website. Wbb classes is on either tue, thur, sat or sun. Cheaper on weekdays night. For me, it's less than $300. cos i signed up the tue evening class and with FBI card.

So be v interesting acc to other sisters at other threads. And also i am a first time mum so got to attend to know more.

Ya it's more tiring for first trimester. Can try drinking pure homemade chicken essence for energy.
Hi all, seems that this sleep problem is quite common...sigh I hope it'll go away soon.

Regarding hair dyeing, I dyed my hair (can't stand the greys any longer) during week 6 in a professional hair/scalp care saloon which claim they only use all herbal stuff... but I got very worried after that. So now I stopped going for my regular scalp treatment...

Hi Whiteclover,
I'm entering my week 10 this week.

Now in dilema, I've a job offer, I can't decide to take it up or not as it's pretty stressful. But I get bored staying at home doing nothing.
chevy, not necessary. Wbb class is held at Ang Mo Kio hub. Just that without FBI card, there is no discount.
sade, thanks.....AMK is good!
Without discount it shld be abt $400++ right? when wld you recommend that we register for the class? I read that you did in wk14.
chevy, for delivery at other hospitals, wbb class costs $288.30 for tue & thur evening classes, $361.05 for sat n sun classes.

5% discount for FBI/SBI card members.

As wbb class is very popular, hence i booked it once i crossed the first trimester.

Anyway, the website stated expectant mothers should be around the 20th week of pregnancy at the start of the class.

But i called up and the officer told me to finish the course 2 months before EDD.

So i will be starting on my week 25.

Cos if you go too early, you might forget what is being taught.
znatasha,do you conceive naturally or thru ivf?

Can BD if there is no pro such as spotting, bleeding or cramping.

Usually for ivf pregnancy, will sustain from BD for the first trimester.
Hi LuvHope, Sade, Chevy,Whiteclover,

For my case, hubby's soldiers super limited (reasons unknown).Started to look for help this year. Did 1 IUI but failed but gynae already knew high % failure but he suggested just try my luck. After that, gynae suggested to go for IVF (ICSI) straight away. Transferred to ParkwayEast hospital. Did ET in late Jun, BFP in July. Going to transferred back to my gynae this week.

Did visit Dr Tan from Clementi for TCM treatment. (I used to see him even before I was married)

As for the job interview, I did tell them the reason why I left my previous job, they weren't so supportive and my interview was cut short to about 10mins only. I was quite suprise that they're considering offering me..
Did you all quit job just to focus on IVF? I felt lousy and worthless and panicky initially as it's the 1st time I had such a long break without job. But my aunt said I have to sacrifice if I want to have a baby soon as I'm not young.
hi znatasha, oic, so maybe should refrain from BD since 2 weeks away to first trimester.

I din quit my job even thou i wanted to. Just difficult to quit.

Btw does the company know that you are preggie? Cos like what whiteclover said, most co will shy away from preggies.
Hi Sade,

I din want to initially, but NPL option was out of question and I have problem getting colleague to stand in when I need to do BT or scan.

I supposed they know 'cos they asked me what can I contribute to the company in this 9mths and what is my alternative plan to help them when I go for maternity leave.(hinting I cut my leave short..)
Znatasha, if your finances allow, it is a blessing to be able to take things easy for the 9 mths. So don't rush into it just cos bored at home. Talk to your hb and see how.
Znatasha, lucky for me, i didn't quit cos I have an understanding boss

i agree with whiteclover, if possible, enjoy ur "tai-tai" time b4 jumping back into the work-slogging bandwagon
