(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Hello ladies,
Its so great to be here finally

Can I check, sister under Dr Zou, is it advisable to to take her An Tai Yao? I normally just do accu with her that's all. I thought of too but I have phobia as previously I took some powder form from Eu Yang Sang and my tummy was churning, growling for many days. My tummy is prone to indigestion, heartburn & gastric.

My appointment is 2 weeks away. Meantime, any suggestion of supplements to take beside Folid Acid? Thanks!

Congrats cocolee n kitty katty. I also do accu with her only, din take any an tai yao.

For now, just take folic acid n have a balanced diet.
N also have to be careful of the facial products that can't be used.
Hello, Kittykatty. Yes, I took Dr Zou's An tai med. But I think it depends on each individual ba.

Just now, 830pm plus kenna MS again. Feels really bloated and gassy. Smells like my noon lunch..Sianz....
End up eat 2 slices of bread + milo. But still greedy. Just ate 1/4-1/2 portion of instant mee. Dun dare to eat more.
Fat chic, i Thought i could feel the beat too but i agree with sade i dont think thats the heartbeat. Couldbe one of our pulses.

Hi kitty katty, big welcome! Have u seen the sac yet? When will u see? I started an tai yao but has stopped since i spotting on fri. Dr loh said my bb heartbeat was strong on thurs but implantation wasnt strong. I spotted a little on fri n no more. MS has kicked in ... Bad ... But im not complaining, its all worth it !
Hi ladies.. Feel so warm n welcome here.. Just a short intro abt myself here: I had my last 2 embryos thaw transferred (day 4) on 25/7.. N blood test on 8/8 @7.30am.. N the KKIVF nurse called me at 10.30am informed me that I m one mth pregnant. Ask me go down to collect the medicine. They gave me folid acid n Dydrogesterone. Schedule me to see Dr Sadhana on 28/8 (nurse told me by then I am 6 weeks ++ ).. having problem on food.. Initially i like soupy type of food, 清淡type.. N don't know why this week More to spicy n sour food.. Every morning n night time having vomit feeling n only vomit sound think is due to the Dydrogesterone medicine..still not sure will follow Dr Sadhana or look for others gynae.. I was with Dr SF Loh before he left KKH.. This is my first time with Dr Sadhana.. Anyone here got any advice on Dr Sadhana?
Hi sade

Yah... I am in Bali now!!! After a long night fight in my mind... And so many many advised I decided to go ahead.
I hope my bb is fine... This playful mum yesterday went 1 day sight seeing... But my husband closely monitor me...make sure I don't over play... I also ensure I sit down once I see chair... An 80 years old ah mah walk faster than me...
But I hack... I climb a few steps, rest a while...
Last night I duno if I was having MS, after dinner I was stil ok. Only like few hours later I suddenly few like vomiting... So I quickly lie on bed and felt asleep... When at 5am I couldn't sleep le... And feel so hungry! I cook a cup noodle to eat!

My hubby was so worry... I told him if it's MS it's good!! Means bb is growing... If today I feel vomiting I think this should be MS ba....

Hi coco! I did my ET on 28/7 .. Just few days after you!!
I just did my first scan on 23/8.. It got me so worry.. Cos only see waterbag!!!!
I think your gynae Help you save 1 time visit! Cos my gynae say I only 5 week 5 days when I see him. So I need to see him again this coming week...
Hi Chevy, how are you after your visit to the gynae? What did dr say about the discharge? I'm starting to have more yellow discharge and there's slight smell but no itchiness so am abit worried. Going to eat more yoghurt hope can reduce any infection if there is.
Fat chicken, happy holidays n rem to rest when tired. Don't overstretched yourself. Good to hear that ur hubby is monitoring u.

Ya ms is a good problem. Shows that bb is growing well.
So try to eat whenever u can. Cos once ms kicks in, can't eat much alrdy.
Hi hi Tutu, that s good to hear that your bb heartbeats is strong. Don t worry too much. Rest well and maybe you can take some Ensure milk. It helps implantation. You are in Week what now?

I just got BT on Fri. So, haven t seen Dr yet. Next appointment is on 7 Sep. Couldn t wait.
For now, folic acid and those supports is sufficient. I'm on dr zhao med during 2ww and pre preg so after preg i continued with her antai med. I hear pple say before that if you are on tcm med before preg then when preg, can continue. But if previously ur body not taking tcm then dun introduce to your body. Cos might not adapt to it.

Now just eat healthy n dun take much cold stuff before ms kicks in. A healthy mummy is what a healthy baby needs.
Hope i have yellowish greenish discharge too. Theres nothing we can do now. Dr loh said yoghurt might help but imnot taking. Hi kitty, im completing week 7 on tues. Just vomitted for the 1st time. Feeling so much better after the vomit.

Fatchic, take it easy, dont work yourself out!
Tutu, did dr Loh check if you have infection? Hmm I thought usually when there is infection gynae will give antibiotics? Why aren't you taking yoghurt since he suggested it... Just curious.
Tutu, if there's infection, the doc can prescribe sthg can't he? Why do u say there's nothing that can be done?
No harm taking yoghurt even during usual days mah... Yeah, why not take it?
I'm taking yoghurt now. Hmm at first thought of seeing dr Loh for a check coz my next gynae check will be 3 weeks later.... But then if he says eat yoghurt then maybe I don't need to see him? Or should I email him and ask? Hmm dilemma lei....
Hope, luv, gd qn. I should continue with yoghurt. I read greek yoghurt is gd but i cant verify if its made from pasturised milk hence i stopped. I was on probiotics n antibiotics treatmentn tcm treatment last cycle, hoping to treat my vaginal infectious. It got worse as i started getting more discharge n also started to itch for the 1 st time. My v was also red n swollen from soakinh in some chinese med. Didnt bd much cos my v was very uncomfortable. Didnt expect i concieved naturally in the very same cycle. I told dr loh i still have the discharge, he told me not to worry too much since i conceive anyway. Advised me to use v wash to keep it clean. I remember raising this issue with him in my 1st fresh n he said he wont suggest any treatment with an embryo in me. Hence i think thrres nothing we cld do ....
Tutu, when I was having discharge, I was given insert med Flagystatin. Stopped all the itch and discharge. Maybe cos you still in early tri, so ur doc didn't prescribe bah.

Yeah.....tomorrow is the day. Detail scan ^^ Hoping that everything will be fine and bb is cooperative enough to let us see the gender.
Tutu, thanks for the clarification. I'm taking Meiji yoghurt now.... Guess should be ok? Maybe I will email dr Loh and see what he says? Hopefully he will reply.....
Hi Fat Chicken.. Haha.. We are almost the same IVF boat. R u with Dr Loh at TMC also? Yr ET transferred on 28/7 is fresh or thaw? If thaw , it is 2 days of 5 days? N u ready steady lei! Still able to play whole day. For me now when at home only, feel sleepy n tired.. Keep on sleep & sleep.. Really wondering wat I will see n know for this coming scanding on 28/8..
Kitty katty : i m almost right abt yr age! U n me the same! First time for this pregnancy. As u mention blur like sotong.. Me too.. A lot of thing still don't know. Haven't inform anyone abt this pregnancy due to some worries that after inform friends or relatives they will give unnecessary stress. So we intend to keep it with us after 3 mths.. That's I m here to get support! Think I will be the oldest mum in this group! I m 40yrs old now! But I hv not much worry as I strongly got feeling that this child is a gift from God n I hv faith in Him.. So no worry for me!
Hi, just want to check if any of you experience lower back ache, I've this nagging ache (very slight pain) around lower back and tail bone. I am not sure if I've strained my back or the bowl of chendol I ate yesterday or this is just a normal symptom??
Coco! I m not under TCM or dr loh.. Mine is a fresh transfer, day 3 transfer!
Tonight during dinner suddenly feel a bit not well... Like a bit bloated and gassy.. But nothing serious, after drink some honey lemon felt better.. I dun think this is part of MS ba..
I also have some discharge... But mine is very watery.. Sometimes I feel my under quite wet... Went to toilet check nothing... Just one patch of water stAin... Did you all have to same?
Hi Fat Chicken : I have bloated and feel like vomit kind of feeling. No discharge so far. Tummy still very flat ^_^.. tmr go for scanning liao.. will update here to share. May i know wat is MS? (Dont laugh at me ok..) How is your appetite? good? me sometime ok, sometime no. Getting start to puzzle on myself .. like I totally dont like duck meat, but yesterday had dinner with family, they order duck and I try to eat and taste so good!! More to hot and sour taste also. I just try my best to eat/swallow the food... If really cant, the final will be wholemeal bread with cheese or cereal ..
Hi Hope, well, according to dr, it seems that such infection is actually quite common amongst preggies. I didn't want any medicine as I wanted to monitor a while if it gets better. I too ate yoghurt (Meiji!) and also drank lotsa of water to flush it out. It does seems to help for me. Hope u get better soon
Hi Chevy, do you eat 1 per day? Luckily I'm ok with yoghurt. I didn't see gynae but emailed him.... He hasn't reply though too bz I guess. But I felt more assured after hearing what you said. Hope both of us gets better!

Are you going for Oscar scan soon? Coz I rem our EDD quite near? Hee.
Hi cocolee,

I'm the same age as you too, also having my 1st.
Only my friend knew initially as she recommended me her gynae, I just informed my MIL and my aunt. My mum is suffering from dementia so I could only get advices from my aunts.

I'm still taking pills and on progesterone support(insert). Actually I worry about taking the estrogen pills, it's known to link to health disease

Wonder when the doctor will stop prescribing me these hormones.
Hi Hope, no lah not everyday. I had it on thurs & sunday nia
Do monitor yourself okie.....if it worsen *touch wood*, do go c doc.

My scan is scheduled on 10th Sept. What about urs?
Hi Chevy, I KS take 1 everyday till its better but I just started yesterday. Yah will monitor and hope it will get better! For me, I have to walk in lei coz TMC appointment is full. Will probably go this week.
Hi Chevy: Ops! now I know. tks.. you shld be about 8weeks now right..if I am not wrong.
Hi znatasha : you are on how many weeks now? 8 Weeks also? Have you done your scan and heard the BB heartbeat?
Hahahahaaa Hope, there's no harm being KS lah.....but everything in moderation hor.

Walk in ah? Hope you dun have to wait long for your turn
Chevy, actually after eating I think it improves but somehow discharge like lesser haha. Hope it's ok! Yah hopefully won't have to wait long..... Else v Sian.
Hope, that's good! It's shld pass very soon lah

Bring a book or fone to watch movies/serials while waiting? All the best okie
Im feeling very heaty lately. Think cos not able to swallow plain water, so not much keen in drinking.... anyway, can we drink chrysanthemun or barley in first trim?
Wow. So many of us under dr loh. Did u see today's article on ivf clinics? I didnt know that as of now, only tfc and nuh has gotten the Australian accreditation, which is moh's requirement next yr.

Just went for haircut. I feel less of a gorilla now.
I also need a haircut. Feel so hot and heavy with my long hair...
Ladies issit normal to feel giddy once in awhile? Worried not enuf blood going to baby.....
Whiteclover, i take red date tea 2x a week. Been feeling heaty so stop my an tai yao. 3L of water is a challenge for me now. Tat explains y im feeling so heaty. I tried other beverages but if they are sweet i will hv phlegm. Super jialat....
Oh no. Then all the fried stuff, u got to stay far far away already. I carry a 1.5l water bottle with me. And I make it a point whenever I pee, I take a few sips. And since I pee so often now, will finish the 1.5l veli fast.then it doesn't feel like a lot.
Yah drink mre pee more. I noticed that if i drink milo before sleep will pee alot at night but if take oats, i dun pee as much.
My dh oso complain i dun finish tat 0.5L water daily... haiz..
Reikibaby, maybe u want to try adding some ribena syrup to ur water? Tats wat I do cos plain water taste yucky now..

Ewea, must make it diluted....else i cant take it if sweet. Hmmmm...they hv small bottle ones? Cos scared wait i cant take then wasted.... i feel so troublesome sometimes...even my mum ask me try not to bother dh much cos nw he has more tings to do...hsechores, take care of me and my furkids....
