(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

whiteclover, where is your sis delivering at? TMC? You going to visit her?

Cos my close friend is delivering soon, but not sure if i should go and visit.

Hi all
Thanks for your reassurance n advised. Doc only say see water bag, never mention about the yolk thingy. Hope I can see it next week.

Had a bad night last night... My mind was fighting to make decision. To go or not to go... But now have decided and stop thinking le...

Tutu you rest more!! I understand ur worry! Dun think so much.. Stress no good...
sade - yes also at tmc. Going to visit.

reikibaby, tutu, for diarrhea, ultracarbon is safe for pregnancy. last time i kena diar, dr loh prescribed this. Got to stop all dairy & milk pdts if u have diarrhea.
Ya oops I just drank one quarter cup of 100plus. Wondering is that okay.Decided to eat durian later tonite to bu my bb bk after losing the food ytd. Felt like a bad mummy. Had onion soup Sharing with my frens ytd n all Kenna diarrhea! Must kept telling ah B to be strong now.

White clover congrats on having baby neWphew! I m also having one this cming dec
wondering isit okay to c the arrival of the bb in the hospital? Is there any patang like 3mths b4 own delivery better dun go?
Nw diarrhea stop liao but tummy keep churning like alot of wind inside. Super awful. Also vomited just now.

I took 100plus yesterday too cos felt dehydrated.
ReikiBaby i guess shld be okay with 100plus. U must be feeling very awful now, did u c the doc do u take charcoal pill? Maybe just poke in 1 if u dun feel good taking too many pills. I only took 1 since ytd. Guess we better rest alot this 2 days. Bb must be tired.
bbshower - didn't hear my mil or my mum mention abt visting pantang yet. i'll ask them tonight. i was thinking take this opportunity to rackee rackee the wards and see what is provided and what is not provided.

Reikibaby, good that diarrhea stopped. drink more water.

All - i have a silly question - about feeling movements of baby. do u feel the fluttering below the belly button or above it?

so far, i have not felt anything below the belly button, so am kan cheong.

but above the belly button, i sometimes feel 'churning'. i always assume that was gas or indigestion.
Whiteclover mine is feeling below the belly button n ard it sometime is like pulling feeling. And I was asking my hubby is baby's falilopian tube connected to our belly button?
bbshower - oscar is noninvasive. similar to when u do normal scan at gynae. They just put the cold gel on your tummy and scan. not painful at all.

anyway, i just called up o&g to book earlier appt. supposed to see dr loh 6 weeks later. but don't think i can wait till then. Keep thinking not so good thoughts, until my HB cannot tahan me.
Hi hi
Just want to ask spotting is u see blood in ur underwear right???

I just went poo poo saw blood... But no blood stain on my underwear.... I guess is pile right???2nd time of the day le... Both poo poo saw blood..
At week 8, dr loh can only do V scan to see baby, can I check when can we start to see baby via tummy scan?

Whiteclover, how come your appt 6 weeks later? For 1st trim dr loh sees us every 2 weeks. So in 2nd trim, he sees us less often?

Fat chicken, spotting form V. So yours shouldnt be spotting... Dun worry,
Fat chicken, when u wipe, you should know. Try wiping again at diff part at diff time to find out. Stay strong with me, you will see heartbeat the next time.

Bbshower, how many wks are u? Dr loh reminded me no durian. He said durian lower our immune.

I saw lightbrown discharge again when i wipe today. But less nervous. Been lying down so much i feelnausea!

Why week 8 still V scan? I thought U should tummy scan?
Yesterday was my first scan... I never expect pregnant still can V scan.. I purposely wear 2 pieces so that can leave up the top can scan le...
It was more painful than usual.. Dunno is it our body have some protection to prevent " unknown" object going in ? Hee hee
Tutu I m in my 10weeks plus going 11weeks soon. I thgt durian is very bu? Normally pregnant will eat durian de.
Few days ago when I went for my scan shld be 10weeks 2days but the sonographer mention looks like 10weeks 5days. So now I also dunnoe is how long le.

Fat Chicken during my 10weeks 5days scan is using adominal scan le no longer v scan. Week 7 was v scan n for me it's actually not painful.
Reiki baby, week 8 should be able to see via tummy scan.

Fat chicken, may be from poo and not spotting.... I had it at the initial stage. If u wipe your anus part there's blood then probably it's poo and not spotting.... Paisei like TMI.

Tutu didn't know durian will lower immunity Lei.... I still ate some durian mooncakes yesterday. You stay strong ok? Talk to bb... Maybe u can use 2 pillow to lie down? I always do that when I fele indigestion and stuffy at the chest.
reikibaby - after week 12, the appt gap was 6 weeks.

I thot week 8 is tummy scan? my first appt was vaginal scan to see heartbeat. after that, it was all tummy scans.
Dr loh tried to do tummy scan on me but cannot see anything cos my bladder was not full n my uterus is inverted.

Thanks hope. How many weeks are u? Your name sounds familiar.
Fat chicken so r u going to Bali?

Ya lor bb shower. I also don't know if I want to visit my close friend at hospital aft her delivery. Also nt sure if wanna go to her bb full month.
whiteclover, that depends on how far along you are and whether your uterus has risen above your belly button. If it has, then what u feel could be baby's movements. Can check online for rough guide on when uterus moves up above belly button level.

bbshower, you're so cute! Umbilical cord became fallopian tube, hahah... No, I don't think it's connected to our belly button, lol. The cord is within the waterbag, and shld be connected to the placenta.
Bb shower, the umbilical cord of bb is attached to placenta which in turn is attach to your uterus wall.

Sometime if lower res scan machine is used, tummy scan can't see bb. I was in week 15 when the doc can't see bb during routine check so end up, I need to make another appt with ADC to do a scan.
Luv hahaha ya I realized I type wrongly I was laughing away too then quickly type again haha:p.

Always got weird feelings ard belly button that's y thgt the umbilical cord is connected there.
Btw those in 2nd trimester did you all drink soya bean drink? Everytime I walk soya bean stall gt temptation for it but still in 1st trimester dare not take the risk.
bbshower, soya bean milk is not liang, but dou hua is liang. But i try not to drink too much cos i hear it can affect baby's hormones if u're having a boy. Moderation bah.
Luv I thgt it's very Liang. I will endure 2more weeks hee. Ya just take in moderation ba. My sis in law in her 2nd trimester n she even ate pineapple hee. Look forward to 2nd trimester so many drinks n fruits I wanna take but it's Liang n yes bird nest too.
Bbshower, I nv heard that before. I thou can't attend or visit cos pantang. Act read before in other thread that if visiting newborn, we shouldn't carry cos afraid that newborn is "petty". Meaning that if a pregnant woman carry a newborn bb, bb might be difficult yo handle.

Anyone has any idea abt this?

I think I won't visit nor attend unless it's own sibling.
Sade Actually I nvr carry bb for more than 15yrs because I m scared they r so fragile. Ya I thk go hospital for own siblings shld be okay ba frens better be avoided because they might be sensitive. Also we r pregnant now dun carry bb better ba coz heavy^^
Whiteclover I just realized u will also ve feelings of movement of baby above belly button too, just like what Luv said it depends on how far the uterus has risen above your belly button.

I rem soya milk not liang , but just can't recall why cannot drink so much . Now that u mention, I just rem haha. I have been drinking all the time!! Think need to cut!
bb shower, hehe, for all these years i also don't carry newborn. Just like u, so when is our turn, i dont know how to carry. haha.
Sade when it's our own baby I thk the natural feeling will cm ba haha...Quite worried too but lucky hubby luv to carry baby he can do it.
Hi ladies! Finally I found this 2013 mum thread.. Great to see u all here.. I recognized Tutu.. Can I say that this thread is all from IVF thread? Tks for sharing.. Especially we all new n share info here..
Bbshower - I'm hoping that uterus is above belly. But shd be slim chance. Was googling on this and most said must be at least 20 weeks for it to be at belly button level.

Just went to see my nephew.

The wards are packed. My sis had to upgrade to premier ward cos tmc ran out of rooms.
- not much diff except premier ward come with a computer (?? was wondering wat's the use of a computer in the room
- tmc doesn't provide red dates drink.
- and..... There' renovation going on. The nurses had to give my sister ear plugs!
- gifts from tmc - a gold dragon figurine
Whiteclover thks for the feedbacks on tmc.
Oh no, is it super noisy? How long is the reno?
Btw I thou can ask for the red dates tea.

Did ur sis go thru natural or c section?

Did u ask ur mum if can visit? Any pantang issue?
Sade - forgot to ask how long renov will last. But there was drilling and hacking. For red dates, the nurses said they don't provide.

My sis did natural with epidural. My mum and mil said it is ok to visit.
Ok thks for providing the info. Cos I read before at other threads that have to request for red dates tea.

Hopefully it's only a short reno.
Today is my exact 6 week. Last night my hubby put his hand at my tummy, he claim he can feel heartbeat. I told him bb heartbeat is at 140. He said yes it's very fast!!

U think its possible?? But if can feel, doc no need v scan lor....
