(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Luv that must be a wonderful feeling to feel movement.

BabyGalore, how often is your appt now? Mine is every 2 weeks and i feel its forever not here yet.

I've been having gadtric pain since yesterday noon and no matter what i eat or drink the pain still lingers. Should i just pop by a GP or see dr loh?
Luvnhope - take care and drink more water.

Eating my favorite lontong now. Yum yum. Everytime I have a meal, my tummy will bloat up so much till look like many mths preggie.
ReikiBaby, maybe better see a doc and get some med. But check with Dr Loh on whether the med's safe to eat.

whiteclover, yum yum... lontong!
Luv I m in week 17. Been reading about fluttering movement so been high alert for it. Haha. Oic thks.

Whiteclover my stomach always v bloated at night. My hubby is saying I look like 5months now. Haha.
Whiteclover, hahahhaaa u r not alone. Although I'm only 9 wks, but my tum looks 4~5mths. So bloated. I guess it's the support that's making me feel so fat
Luv, can't wait for my turn to feel the little flutterings! It must felt so amazing! Hope ur ms won't come visit again ya
Wah lontong!!! The thought of it makes me drool...

Luv, think will ask dh drop me at dr loh's clinic in the afternoon... tues feel giddy, wed gastric... cant help worrying. Hope baby is ok...
sade, since u're on high alert, maybe u'll notice the fluttering earlier.

Thanks Chevy! Keeping my fingers crossed too.

ReikiBaby, good idea to see Dr Loh directly. Ur baby will be fine. Dun stress yeah?
Reiki baby Ya better go n see Dr loh for assurance. Take care ya, think that it's just the beginning n ur body is trying to get used to it. Don't worry too much.

Ya luv, looking forward to it.
hey ladies,

did not log in for a long time. going into 2nd trimester but my ms is still very bad. the other day throw up more than 10 times, lost 2 kg of water. doc assure me my baby is growing despite my suffering. hope it becomes better. my doc was already able to detect the gender, a bit too early?

dr loh detected my baby boy when i was wk13.

usually can see kuku that early if the position is correct. and he was 70% firmed that im carrying a boy.
Usagi, 7685 is very high! I am so envious!

Imcounting down for my 1st appt with dr loh on next wed. Its a bonus evetytime i see a clean panty liner when i pull down my pants. Hope bb is growing well .... Very tempted to do home kit preg test just to have a peace of mind ... Is this recommended??
luv: he say its a boy. but i never tell my family members yet cos still early.

my oscar test took me 4 hrs to complete. baby was super active doing stunts and was not in the ideal position. doc say baby muscle very strong

congrats usagi
u were at tmc yesterday for oscar scan? i was there too
my baby was very active too... the sonographer kept commenting that baby is wriggling around and hand kept waving. it was a fun session as the sonographer explained with every scan picture she took but i forgot to ask can see gender or not. totally forgot all abt it kekeke
Hi Usagi! I duno mine at how many days.. But mine HCG 634!! Doing another blood test today.. Hope will increase more!
Do you feel any discharge?
eskimobaby: exciting hor to see baby moving ard. my gynea was the one who told us abt the gender. my baby was not happy that they ask him to wake up
Reikibaby, I did. If u are giving birth at tmc and taking prenatal classes there, it entitles u to discounts.

Just need to sign up before your oscar test cos u get 5% off oscar testing.

Plus plus a huge goodie bag and 3 useful books by wong boi boi
Fat chicken, y are u doing another blood test? I have discharge. But i get them normally when my progesterone is high i.e post ovulation.
yeah, had fun watching baby move around

saw the table you are with dr tham? he was my gynae for my no. 1. he's a really nice and good doc
Ladies, I'm at the beginning of week 6. Having headache n feeling feverish n weak. No temperature. Body feels warm not sure if it's chinese medicine. Taken 2 normal Panadol. Hope everything is ok. 1st day not feeling well since I conceive.....
Tutu, just rest well and take it easy. See if it gets better tmw. Headache could be brought on by hormonal changes. Have u eaten? If not, weakness could be due to hunger.
Luv, indeed, I felt better after having a bowl of mee sua but could feel I'm not well. Thanks. How many weeks are u? Did u bloat after dinner?
Tutu drink more water n rest well. That time after I discharged fm hospital I feel giddy n very weak for about a week, only can rest in bed whole day. Like Luv mentioned it's due to hormonal changes n our body is adjusting to it lor. I'm always bloated after meals too.
Tutu, almost 14 weeks now. Yeah, bloated up after dinner. *groan*
Couldn't eat much either. My appetite actually returned then now donno where it went to again.
I puked for the first time today. I feel soo happy.. (u must be thinking im such a wierdo) Now I know what ms is about. But I puked at 5pm so that's more like evening sickness. Hahaha hope it's just today coz I think it's more than enuff.
Well, I was very happy that I puked. Puking gave me assurance that bb is fine. Plus it seems normal for preg women to puke. But since now I know what it is like, I don't want any more of it.. haha
Luv, im so envious u have graduated from trimester 1. Im still keeping fingers crossed everything is progressing well. Ewea thanks. I felt awful again n now better after half a toast. I hope these are all gd symptoms. Bb is growing n needs food! Bgalore, i know what u mean. I am exactly like u!
Baby galore, u are so cute. Every morning at 6+ am, I still ok. However, my nose has become more sensitive to smell.
When i go to office toilet, I felt like puking.
Tutu, I lost 2kg in the initial weeks. Now slowly gaining back. When I went back to work, a number of colleagues commented that I'd seemed to have lost weight. Hmm...
Are u still on any support medicine? Maybe that's the cause of your bloating in 2nd trimester.

It's a love n hate relationship with ms. When you have it you wish that it would go away asap but when you don't have it u wonder if baby is ok. I have ms since week 5 n i can't wait for it to be over!
eskimo, yeah, recently changed to duphaston. I do notice that my nausea came back after the switch. Guess my body's adjusting to the new meds. I dunno whether the bloating is caused by the meds. But it does happen after i eat lah.. Maybe digestion working too slowly...
Are u on support meds still? Duphaston?
When i went back to work my colleagues told me i looked fresh, i was like duhz.... Hehe

That's a sign that ms might be coming. I was sensitive to ALL smells whether it's cooking, detergent or perfume. Just a whiff n i will feel nauseous or even can puke immediately sometimes.
Ohhhh duphaston can cause nausea n bloating too. I was on it initially n it was the cause of my excessive vomiting so i was put back on inserts.
eskimo, i remember i was on duphaston in my prev preg but my nausea and bloating wasn't so bad leh.. What inserts are u on?
