(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

eskimo, think CARE really more kiasu. I had so much more meds when i first started! Not sure if that's a good thing tho sometimes. Harder to wean off the meds.

Luv, 2nd tri still need support med? I was taken off duphaston in the beginning of 2nd tri. Now only taking multi vit and fish oil. Never had any nausea or bloating when on duphaston.

I guess bb been good to me. So far dun really have ms or bloating, except for being very tired and sleepy. So looking forward to this long weekend to catch up on my sleep :p
For me I had bloating n tightness too during week 13 aft eating. But I m nt on any med. So I started to apply clarins stretch mark cream n feeling better.

Have u started your stretch mark cream?
Luv Ya feel CARE quite KS abt aft supports.

I also lost 2kg during first trimester even thou I don't hv ms, now gaining 4kg cos been eating a lot.
Instead my nausea started during week 13 till week 15. I had to eat so that I don't feel nausea.
Sugary, that makes sense! I didn't have as bad a MS in my prev preg. Maybe that was why Duphaston didn't really make me feel worse then.
Can I check with u gals, how much is the antenatal package for dr loh? KKH is very expensive , per visit always exceed $100 even without med.
Hello sisters,

I may have "met" some of you before in the other thread. Am joining you here now... Hope we all have a smooth journey ahead to delivery. I am 8 weeks 6 days now...

Anyone here from SGH CARE?

And btw, does anyone have recommendation for a good body moisturizer?
Sugary - dr loh package starts at week 16. I think it is $750 for 10 visits.

Koirc - do u mean stretch mark cream or moisturiser? For stretch mark cream, I am using elastin bot from dr loh. Body moisturiser - I veli lazy so sometimes I also use elastic for body.
Sugary may I know which week r u in?

Package only start from week 16. $750 plus gst. For 10 visits and non refundable. Vitamins n med add costs.
Sade, whiteclover,
I'm wk 12 today.
Thanks, It's cheap leh. About $75 per visit. But these 10 visits include detailed scan ?

Hmm I just calculated, for 10 visits , need to go faithfully every 4 wks and then from wk36, need to go weekly then can finish 10 visits. else every 3 wks must go once.
Dr loh's charges are quite competitive. Without package is $68 for consultation n $20 for scan plus another $10 for the routine test so package should be quite worth it. I just went for the oscar scan. Paid $450+ for oscar scan n blood test + the 20 week detailed scan in advance.
eskimo, during my last visit, i asked alice about the package and she told me that from week 20 onwards, it's 5 weeks apart for every visit. Then last trimester, it's 2 weeks. She said won't use up the 10 visits unless bb or mummy has pro. I was actually quite unhappy with it. But then i still take up the package cos i figured that as long go for at least 8 visits then can balance off.
Furthermore, now there is GST charge.

Sugary i dont know the price for first consultation. Maybe you wanna call and ask? If you had been seeing Dr Loh at KKH, then just tell alice and i think she will waive off the first consultation price.
I only know roughly is $300++.

U meant last time under dr loh, now see him can waive off first time consultation? So gd? Later I update
sugary for first time consultation, it's more expensive. So, if you were his patient at kkh, he will waive off the first time consultation and then charge as repeated consultation at $68.

Sorry if i confuse you in my previous msg.
Hi luv and usagi, I remember you. How are you? We finally made it here!!!

Whiteclover, I am looking for generic body moisturizer. Don't have so many stretch marks yet. :p
Kiki, last scan it was still there but doesn't seem to b growing any more. Just hope it can b reabsorbed soon.

Koirc, I got Johnson's baby lotion for moisturizer.
Actually I think dr loh got 2 pricing. Cos my consultation is always $80, never $68. Ultrasound $30 and not $20. Routine test kit is same $10. All along, I assumed he gives special pricing to kkh patients and did not ask Alice.
I need to go back do blood test is becos doc want to make sure my beta HCG is growing. And he only will see me and scan me when my hcg is high enough. If not the bb is too small to scan...

Finally they tell me I do not need to do blood test! Cos they ask me to go scan next week...

So happy!

When shall we start using the stretch mark cream thingy?? I heard must start early.

Last time my friend use early, she did not have any stretch mark until the last 2 weeks. Anyone has anything to recommend??

Hi to Koirc, think i missed quite a bit of the previous post...
how many weeks are you in??
Fat chicken, actually whether u get stretch marks is largely genetic. The cream can only help to an extent.

Sugary, no, I'm having a singleton.
Whiteclover I din know that. Cos I follow him from Kkh. So that y my consultation is cheaper than yours.

Eskimobaby maybe u wanna check with Dr loh abt the package. Cos for the package as long go 8 visits then can breakeven. Act also don't know worth it or not. But I will request for more visits just to hit at least 8 times. Hehe.
Luv Ya I agreed.
So you didnt apply stretch mark cream?
Cos for me, I don't feel the tightness ever sin I apply the cream.

Fat chicken, dr loh initially suggested to me to use clarins stretch mark cream n oil. He told me to start using from week 8. But I only start on week 13.
It's still a lot cheaper compared to what I paid at tfc. At tfc, it is $75 for consultation, $100 for ultrasound and $15 for facility fee. I was already quite happy that the scan is $30 compared to my previous $100.
i usually don't use stuff with strong smell or fragrance. I use the evelyn crabtree goat milk moisturiser for general use, this one i love it! even my hubby likes it kekeke... for stretchmark i use elancyl one which can be bought from guardian. i use almost 3 tubes of these during last pregnancy and one bottle of the clarins oil.... i heard ravings about the clarins oil so got it without trying but don't really like it cos find it too rich during the initial months but later on when tummy really stretches then ok.
tfc charges $100 for scan!?!? wow is it a detailed scan? btw, i remembered kkh only charges $28 for scans no matter how many times you scan for fet i.e. scan 1 time also $28, scan 5 times also $28 in total!
Wow $100 for scan is so Exp!

I also agree its genetic. I use bio oil , cheaper haha. It's a big bottle and I only use one and half bottle for the entire pregnancy with 2 applications per day. I find oil's coverage is better than cream, so savings is higher haha. I read that clarin oil is better than cream, but both are Exp. :p
Whiteclover, are u sure the scan costs more than 3 times at tfc compared to tmc? I did my bt at tfc cos it was a wed n dr loh is there on wed morning. They then scheduled me to go to tfc for scan. If the scanning is so much more ex, i should go tmc i nstead since i didnt conceive from ivf.
Tutu why do u go TFC? TFC for ivf. If u want to see Dr loh just book appt at his clinic. Yes the scan amt is right. I was with TFC for ivf. Then aft bfp I went to Dr loh O & G clinic instead.
Hi sade, thanks. Ok i will leave my 1st appt as it is at tfc on tues as dr loh works there in the morning. Im too eager to hv my 1st appt! I will go tmc in my future visit.
Tutu Dr loh is at TFC on morning session n he's only available in the afternoon on mon till fri at his clinic at tmc. He has evening session on tue n thur. Have to pay add $10 for evening n sat session.

Why don't u try to call dr loh clinic on monday morning to book for an appt? Can save money.
Cos TFC is Thomson fertility centre so it's seems weird to see dr loh at TFC since u bfp naturally. Cos it costs $200+ for just one visit at TFC. Not worth it unless have to go thru ivf.
Tutu, normally after heartbeat is heard, dr loh will trsf u to his o&g clinic at tmc. That was also where I discovered it was so much cheaper there.

And yes, scan was $100. And.... The ultrasound machine at tfc is not as powerful as the one at dr loh's clinic

My last meeting with dr loh at his clinic, he was also saying he is bugging Thomson to upgrade the machine at tfc.
Do u all have hunger pang yet so full and bloated? It's different type of hunger when we aren't pregnant. This feeling is really miserable
