(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Tonight basically merlion whatever i ate... Tried eating again n it went to the toilet bowl too... Sigh must be revenge for the last couple of nights where i didnt puke arghhh

Yes very terrible right! No appetite yet gota find something to eat to stop the hunger. Do u puke acid? After I puke acid, my lungs seems to be burnt. Eating anything feel so fire-ish at my chest area.
eskimo, if really can't keep any food down, at least keep urself hydrated. Jiayou!! It'll pass soon...

Sugary, u're 12 weeks already right? Still such bad MS?
Thanks sade n whiteclover. Oh if O&G has a better scan machine, i will go there instead! Cant afford any uncertainty. I woke up with negativs thoughts n started crying... 2 more days to go....
I do puke acid but no burnt feeling at chest area tho.

I can still keep water down so not so bad.

It's understandable to be worried but i think you r over-scaring yourself. Dont be unduly worried, if not before you give birth you will be a nervous wreck.
Thanks eskimo, do u think im just scaring myself? I thought its my sixth sense. I have no obvious symptoms as yet since i tested positive for pregnancy. Been wanting this child too much n hence feeling very nervous n stress now.
If you feel that things are not right then make an earlier appt to see doc or go kkh 24h clinic. Btw, preg symptoms differ from ppl to ppl or even same person for different pregnancies so cant make comparisons.

both my pregnancies give me terrible ms. This one not as bad as my #1, already thank god. I Duno if this time the ms going to last how long haiz.
Eskimo, my appt with dr loh is next tues. I could be just nervous. Or managing my expectation subciously. Will try to do things to distract myself. Guess such things are not within control. It is what it is. I can only hope for the best..
Relax. My appt is wed and I'm also looking forward. Don't be so stress. I am also having no obvious symptoms. Everyone is different. Just enjoy our pregnancy. I need to hear from doc tt I am pregnant. I am still in a dreamy state. Just rest more.
Tutu, go for nice meal with your hb. One more day only to see dr.

Just had a crab feast - chilli crab and butter cream crab. Yum yum. After eating, then I feel guilty.
Whiteclover , u have appetite to eat seafood?


I guessed it's normal to think negatively once u preg becos u haven been for a scan. But don't worry, everyone is different. I have many friends who don't even have ms or any other symptoms for first trimester except for fatigue from wk 7 onwards. So u dun worry as long as no red no cramp, everything is fine.
Whiteclover, it sounds really yummy. I had a lot of braised pork for lunch at chomp chomp. Come back stil eat cake n bread. Heehee. Hubby says I got good appetite.
Whiteclover wow crab in the afternoon. Why do u feel guilty?

Tutu don't worry too much. It's not within our control now. Just do your best to take good care of yourself now.

I believe a lot sisters here also tried their best to bfp. So pls remain calm n take one step at a time. There r lots of worries for the whole 9 months. So learn to relax n don't get too uptight.

First trimester r more risky, so be more careful. Rest well n eat well if possible.
I think we are around same time. I also have no symptoms.
No ms, no craving. But good thing is also no pain, no cramp, no blood. I heard ms only come at lease w7 onwards.
I make appt seeing gynae this Thursday... Hope can see heart beat then.
Duno u believe or not I heard it's no good to eat crab during pregnancy... Some says will affect bb skin, like will have rashes easily or skin allergic. Also I heard it a bit Liang too.
So I also lay off from crab... Though this is my fav!!!
Anyway anyone still go for facial , mani and pedi now??
I went facial yesterday... I ask them not to pay my back when I get up...
Sugary so now it's your no 2? Btw your first kid is a boy or girl?
Ms for both times, do u think will be the same gender? Your no 1 is natural or ivf?
Sugary - yes my appetite has been very good in trimester 2.

Fat chicken - yes, heard of the crab story. That's why feel guilty after eating. But I cannot resist. Told myself this must be last time. My tcm dr said if eat crab, got to eat black pepper or chilli to balance off the liang.

In my prime, I used to polish off 1 crab by myself every 2 weeks.
Went to IKEA earlier and had a good and satisfying Nasi Goreng lunch with chicken leg. Yummy... Also drank coke, hee... Haven't had soft drinks in a long time. Felt so good!!

I realise I must wait till I feel the hunger b4 I can eat my meal. If I force myself to eat when I dun feel hungry yet even if it may be time to eat, I'll end up puking the food. Think we all have to figure out what works and what doesn't along the way.

Is crab liang??? I din know that! I only heard of old wives' tale regarding crab b4, but not abt it being liang. Wah, whiteclover, tok kong leh you, can eat 1 crab fortnightly!

Tutu, even for the same person, every preg is different. I didn't have MS till prob Week 7 in my first preg and the puking was minimal, whereas I had MS starting from Week 4 plus this time round (cos of the support meds I believe) and the puking was terrible. You might be the lucky ones who dun experience MS and still have healthy pregnancies. Just cast ur worries aside for now and look forward to seeing ur little one on Tue!

Sugary, when did ur MS stop for #1?
Eskimo, usagi, Whiteclover, sugary, luv, Sade, fat chic, THANK YOU very much for the reassurance. Only u ladies understand me. I hope we all have gd news for each other n keep each other company over the next 6 to 9 mths.

Fat chic, may want to ensure the facial preys are safe for preg. I believe it's ok since you are not having facial everyday! Just ensure they go easy with shoulder massage, I heard shoulder massage is not advisable.

My biggest problem is grey hair which I touch up color once a mth. I'm putting it off now... Don't mind putting it off for another 2 mths if I hv to. Happy problem to have.

Hope all of you are enjoying long weekend. It's nice not working!!
Tutu, another 2 mths?
Hahah... i have the same problem! In my prev preg, I managed to tahan and refrain from dying it for the entire preg. Wonder if i can do it this time.
I also have Hair problem! I have quite a few at e top of my head!! But it really not advisable to do anything on your hair now.

From Chinese medicine point, your scalp has a lot pores, what you do to your hair your body will absorb. That's why your confinement time cannot wash hair. They say not even when you dry your hair immediately.

I got a book compile by a mother's friend who study TCM talk about pregnancy and confinement. I see Liao I want to faint!!! Very strict..... I wonder how much I can follow next time....
Wah ladies, you all are power! Where did you all get so much energy? Everyday whenever i hv the time, i will KO in my bed, whether isit late morning, afternoon or evening. My energy level super low. And i still get heartburn easily so only can eat 'soft' food to feel better else will have a hard time breathing....
So i realli peifu you ladies.... everyday after reading the forum, i simply have no energy to post....

Talking about food, mine realli boring. Now i cant take milk or anything sweet, else sure to feel breathless and lots of phelgm. Only hot drink i can take is ginger tea else will be milo kosong. Sad hor...

Even breads from bread shop also cant take cos mostly sweet breads....everyday is porridge or soupy stuff...
Reading the crabs and nasi gorengs making me drool!!!!
My #1 is a boy from ivf. All symptoms same for both pregnancies. But Duno about gender . As long as healthy , safe and full term, I'm happy

Started at wk 5, ended wk12. This one starts wk6 until now
Sugary, so maybe ur MS will stop in Week 13 this time round?

Reikibaby, u'll gain more energy as the weeks pass.

Fat Chicken, how abt those henna hair dye? What does ur mother's fren say abt it? Safe?
Tutu, actually depends on your comfort level. Some ladies still do colouring, rebonding etc and babies are fine. Depends on whether u're comfortable with the risk.
Oic sugary. Hehe. Maybe might be same gender sin same symptoms. Just guessing only. Me curious abt these symptoms cos wanted to know if there is a link between ms n gender. Haha. My own logic.

Ya tutu. Just no hair dye for 9 months. Bear with it. Or u want to try henna?
I m also not doing my hair. Just only cut. I used to color or highlight every 3 months.
Henna hair dye?! Sound good hor... May be I go ask and let you all know! Since we have white hair issues... Let u all know once I get the answer.
Oh pls! Fat chicken n let me know. My grey hair is so bad. I was told not in the 1st 3 mth n when applying colour, tell the hairdresser to stay away from scalp. Also use dye without ammonia. But i know theres risk...
Fat chicken - got to be careful abt henna. If it is pure henna, it is natural. But most salons use synthetic or commercial henna. How u tell the difference is that pure henna, u need to sit there for long timeabt 6 hrs. For the commercial henna, it is2 hrs. Most are using commercial henna, even in Indian shops. So got to ask them before u do.
Pple told me if u carrying a boy, u will have terrible ms bcos boy hormones in woman body. But I have a close friend who doesn't have ms at all when she was carrying a boy. Totally no nausea at all. She is now carrying a baby ger, and had ms during first trimester. So I think it's individual. Are u aiming for boy or girl? Has Gynae checked?
Usagi, if u eat prunes, u need to drink lots of water for it to work, otherwise u'll become more constipated. Try prune juice instead if it's easier.
Thanks, LuvNhope. I didn't know that. Tomorrow I will go and buy. I used to poo 2 times a day. Maybe my body turning heaty. Thanks for the kind advice.
Hi Fat chicken, I am entering week 9. How about you?

Btw sisters, anyone has good tingkat delivery service to recommend? I feel that I am not eating well for my baby and I feel very guilty. I think I want to order tingkat for dinner...
Tutu, don't need to worry too much on symptoms. I also don't have ms. Don't stress too much, no gd for bb.

Happy day today. I finally ate more than usual. Appetite of bb is good today ^_^ Normally see certain food wanna eat but after buying the food bb change mind. Hubby getting fatter eating my portion.

Brought the fur kids to expo today and saw that there is john little sales too. For those interested can go there look look see see. Think there are baby stuffs too.
Sugary Ya lor. 4 of my friends had no severe ms for their first trimester n they gave birth to boy. So I assumed having boy will have nt much ms just some nausea. My sil had severe ms for her girl. So I was quite surprised to hear that u hv severe ms for your first boy.

Ya I agreed it's individual. Hehe. Just curious only.

Just like u, i will be satisfed as long bb is safe and healthy and full term.
Usagi, most of us wld have insurance thru the IVF program liao. Not sure if anyone bought any more.
Usually preg related issues is not covered by insurance, esp now that u're already pregnant. But there may be exceptions. You can check with ur insurance agent?
For me the best for constipation is apple or apple juice. This is wat i learn from prenatal class. For insurance, some medishield type of insurance do cover certain pregnancy complications but not many. u have to check with your agent.

Wow! I hope i have appetite for crabs soon. Crabs are liang but i think once a while is fine as long as eat in moderation.

I didnt dye my hair throughout for my last pregnancy n if you r going to breastfeed also no hair dye.
Thanks luvnhope and eskimobaby.

Last night, I drank more water but in the nite kept peeing and feel thirsty again. But finally poo poo in the wee hrs. Today to cont eating my prunes first if not will be spoilt.
Usagi, I had bad constipation too. Dr Loh told me to drink 3 litres of water everyday and eat more fruits. So I ate prunes and golden kiwi or apples everyday. It helps a lot!

Thanks Hope and Sade. I bought strawberries, blueberries, golden kiwi and prunes yesterday. I will finish these first and drink more water.
