(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Baby galore yes I still take my folic acid n prenatal vitamins.
Just want to finish my balance supply of folic acid.

Joyfully, yes do rest and try naturally. Keep the faith n u might just be as lucky as tutu n sugary.
Oops , I also wrong info, tot Urs is a boy. My #1 is a boy

U never know, usually god is gracious, u lost one and u gain one. Have faith ya.

Thanks for the welcome.
very fast u will reach 11 wks too. Jiayou

Journey to the west
My parents ban me but I still watch leh. So nice. They say if really wan to watch cannot comment cannot laugh. Cos scare bb end up like Wat we laugh.
Luv and Sade, thanks! I hope so too.

Tutu, I m not on tcm. Cos couldn't stand the smell of Chinese herbs. Won't be starting ttc so soon, as am planning to go for a trip and relax with DH after doing mini confinement. Thereafter, maybe follow DH on business trip to take a breather.

Sugary, agree with you that God is always faithful and gracious.
Eskimo, older folks believe that when pregnant shld look at beautiful things. I was recently reprimanded for watching a documentary on conjoined twins. Yes, not scientific but since they dun like it, I stopped watching lor. My mum went to buy those baby posters and ask me to look at these more =.="
Tutu, folic is 5mg.. Since I still have a mth supply left.. I will just continue to take since most of u r still taking.
Hello to all.
I finally managed to conceive naturally after 2 failed fresh with no embryos left. Glad to see familiar names like Chevy here! think could be due to the leftover med from my failed 2nd fresh in April.
Later I will go see GP to confirm, Now consider my 5th week. Any advise what I should do next? Book a Gynae? Was thinking go back Sgh. Just scare of long waiting time. Thanks.
Congrats usagi! It's a great blessing.

U can book your gynae already, at week 6, u can hear/see heartbeat and see the sac.

Any particular gynae u r planning to use?
Joufully, sorry to hear about your news. Rest well. Hope to hear good news from you soon!

Started work so very tired and no time see the earlier post!!
Duno why legs feel tired easily . But I am doing office job. No need to walk alot.

Hi sugary and usagi!!
Hello whiteclover, fat chicken and luvnhope. Thanks for the warm welcome. I finally muster the courage to use the pregnancy test kit last night when I exceed my longest cycle length.
I was thinking of SGH - dr Tan Hak Koon.

Congrats! I also have the longest cycle after the failed cycle and ended up testing. So nice to hear success stories

He's 2, conceived thru FET .

Hi fat chicken.
the strip for the urine test is for both glucose and protein.


oic.... quite true huh.. journey to the west got all weird weird creatures and demons. the other day i wanted to cut a loose thread from my tshirt which i was wearing and got scolded by my mum. she said cannot cut like that... i was like huh, i thought only applies to what i do on the bed.
eskimo, actually the pantang abt cutting loose thread on the clothes we're wearing doesn't apply to preggers only. Applies to everyone. Also can't remember what it's abt.
Congrats usagi, welcome!

babygalore, i din eat chocolates. no craving for that. But i ate Mac n fried chicken. Haha.
white clover, I din watch the reality show, but i read that in of the blog that i came across. I only read till she kanna cancer.

Do u happen to write that Blog? haha.

Btw how many kids do they have now?
Sade - u mean that there is a blog on giuliana & bill? Share share. I only read on facebook that their surrogate is giving birth in sep. Last week, it was very touching. She met up with her dr to check her tests for cancer and if there is a possibiity to her in the future to bear her own child. And it was sad that the doctor advised not to and she chose to go for double masectomy.
oic. thanks. Where and when it's showing? I seldom watch tv programs. hehe.

Its a blog write up by one of the ivf patients. She mentioned about giuliana & bill going thru ivf and cancer. I din bookmark it and i read it maybe 2 months ago. Let me search and let u know again.

Btw, for Dr Loh patients, his clinic is GST registered.
Sade - it is on channel 441. Wed at 8pm.

Gst registered means everything we have to pay 7% more?
Which means his turnover must be $1 million already
Ladies im hving a heavy head, feels a little giddy and body weak since morning. Its this normal? Anyone experienced this before? Im worried......
ReikiBaby, could it be that you haven't had enuf food to eat? Make sure u're hydrated too.

Usagi, if u didn't eat a lot of it, don't worry too much okay? Moreover, at this early stage, what u eat doesn't go to baby anyway cos placenta hasn't been formed. So relax and enjoy the preg!
Hi usagi, congrats! Omg, where did u do your blood test? How come it takes 2-3 days? I did it at tfc n took them 4 hrs. Do u have any symptoms yet? Im also in my 5th week. Except for sore breast n bloated tummy after eating, i have no ms n freq urination ...
Fatchicken, thanks for your concern! May you enjoy your pregnancy and have a smooth 9 months ahead!

Usagi, congrats! Don't worry too much about the stingray. U only ate a little, and the gd thing is you have discovered early. So it's ok.
Joyfully, sorry to hear the news, take good care of urself n rest well ya hugs.. Hope you will conceive naturally n join us very soon
Luv, Greek yoghurt is a better grade yoghurt. Taste very natural. I'm taking it for the probiotics to control my vaginal discharge.

I read Greek yoghurt is very gd for pregnancy but not sure if it is ok from a Chinese yin n yang perspective. I'm taking half a cup everyday....
Thanks luvnhope! I felt better.

Tutu, I did my bt at raffles medical, they dun have their own lab. This explains. Symptoms same as u plus frequent pee.

Joyfully, thanks for the kind words. I am truly very sad when I saw your earlier posts! Jiayou, take a short break then try again. I wish we can all hold our bundle of joy in our arms one day.
Anyone still suffer OHSS after you confirm your pregnancy??

I dunno is it bloated or I put on weight! My waist increased 3inches... But I feel I still do not unrinate as much as last time.
My gynae advised me to take egg white, 6 a day... But I am cutting to 4 a day.

Anyone experience the same? Or using same treatment?
Fat chicken, it's possible for OHSS to continue after BFP. If u're not urinating much, may take longer for OHSS to clear. Do get a check with ur doc?

Usagi, u shld be able to hear hb near the end of Week 6 or in Week 7.
Ewea and Usagi, thanks for your concern. God has given me the strength to move on.

Already booked my ticket for a break in late Sep. Guess my mind has been overly-filled with pregnancy related topics for the past 8 months. It's about time to rest my mind and body before i try again.

Today, my DH was telling me he doesn't mind having 5 kids and hope all our 5 embryos can make it to full term. This really came as a surprise as he didn't like kids in the first place. The loss of our first child must have caused some awakening and instill the paternal instinct in him. God is simply so amazing!
I called dr zou to tell her the good news, she was really happy for me. Will see her on thur for med in the meantime.

In the meantime, I am taking lrd and folate only. Is this enough? Hubby went to buy Blackmores pregnancy & breast feeding gold for me. Think tml I will eat tt and skip my original folate. Anything else I can take or avoid in the meantime? Thanks.
Usagi, actually folic acid is good enuf for now. Just ensure a healthy balanced diet. Of course if u wanna start on the vitamins, also no problem tho most start in 2nd tri. So long as u're not throwing up the vitamins then shld be okay.

Joyfully, glad to see u're managing well. And happy that ur DH is more committed to start a family with you now than ever b4.
