(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Psp and lil Ponyo: I read from books that ms usu stop ard there . I think up to individual la. I have stopped the support medicines and ms seems to subside . But still sensitive to food smell and small appetite . Taking the prenatal vitamins now .meanwhile also waiting for the blood test results done last thur .
Ladies, who is going to look after your baby when you return back to work? Ive started to look at my opitions. Maid or infant care.. Just wish if only both my mother and mother in law are not working.. Haiz..
reikibaby, y dont do it together? at least only 1 scan for this week. That's my personal view.

Babygalore, i also don't know how yet. either PIL or infant care cos PIL is taking care of granddaughter. So dilemma for me. But heard bb in infant care fall sick more easily.
Reikibaby: Ya. Better to see him tomorrow for peace of mind. Have a good rest today.

My next appointment is 4 Dec 2012 together with Detailed Scan. Sigh! So long more.
just went to weigh myself. Omg!!! I put on 3-4 kg liao. Haha...oni put on 1 kg in 1st trimester. So now total 3-4kg. I'm on the heavy side so I can't afford to put on much. I'm hoping not to put on more than 10kg...

if i walk in for detailed scan, i have to go as early as 8am. If the scan is done in the morning, i have to louter ard till see Dr Loh in the afternoon. And cos it will be walk in to Dr Loh for afternoon appt, means even i go at 2pm, i might end up seeing him at 4plus or even later. It will be tiring for me to stay so long at TMC, and cos i want dh to be there at all appts and scans so we decided for peace of mind, to see Dr Loh tml evening. Then detailed scan on thurs. Anyway dh took half day on thurs liao.

What does Dr Loh do/say for the appt straight after your detailed scan? He probably will not perform another scan right? So just a review on the detailed scan report? Will he actually go into much details? Or just review it is ok and normal?

yah lor. Else dh looks so worried each time i touch my tummy. He tried to act cool but i know he is worried lor. I am too...haha....
Znatasha, sorry to hear your vertigo hit you again, it's a terrible feeling. Hope you get it treated soon, whether by your gynae or ENT. Meantime, try not to drive or walk outside by yourself, be careful not to fall because of your dizziness.
Hi mummies. Can anyone explain to me whats a detail scan and when is it usually scheduled? Issit like OSCAR?

I'm approaching week9 now and cant wait for the ms to go away. After all the weeks long of IVf injections, followed by OHSS and a 2 month wait for my FET, I guess I need to keep reminding myself that ms is a small price to pay
reikibaby, ya i understand. Maybe u can try calling thomson centre to change appt for detailed scan and see if they can squeeze in aft timing for u?
Cos for my GD test done there, i also have to be there at 8plus and till 3pm to do blood test and see dr loh. Maybe no need to go so early for detailed scan as i did it in the afternoon. Not much ppl in the aft. Just wait only 10min for my turn. Anyway, it's only my personal view lor. hope u don't mind.

After detailed scan, you will be given a report and Dr loh will go through the report with u. Just like that. no more scanning. Cos for detailed scan, it's abt 20-30 min depending if bb cooperative or not.

ica check this out. it explains abt detailed scan.
Reiki, sounds like a good plan. Meanwhile, try not to worry too much!!

Dian_tang, oh I can't wait to stop my support medicine. So sick of them too.

Babygalore, I have started thinking a little about baby care too. My mum works so she can't help me much, except an hour or 2 here and there. My DH's parents are not in Singapore. So I'm seriously considering infantcare as I don't want to leave the baby at home alone with the maid. I'm not sure if I will be able to find a maid that is experienced with a 4 month old baby. Also the baby is so small so really hard to trust a stranger with something so precious at that age. I know baby will probably get sick more at infantcare because there are so many babies/kids there but I don't think we have a choice.
those who are having terrible ms, you may wanna consider this. my ms started at wk 5 and all the way until almost wk 14. initially i was even vomiting the plain water that i drank so dr loh changed me back to progesterone inserts instead of taking duphaston. it helps quite a lot even tho i was still vomiting after every meal but at least more manageable. inserts work the same way as duphaston so can ask ur gynae if they can change for u.

actually ultrasound scans are not good for the baby too so don't do it too frequently. in sg we do ultrasound scans very frequently and easily but in other esp western countries, they don't do it so frequently. if u are really worried, no one or even the gynae can stop you from having a scan.
Precious baby me took few times during first trimester. Don't eat everyday then its ok.

I agreed with Eskimo baby that too much scan is not good.

That's y I suggested to reikibaby to do only one scan this week.
Precious Baby, I already ate once during my 2ww (in the middle of my OHSS! ha ha). I think as long as moderation is fine. When is your scan?
Ya I also took instant mee goreng which was my fav , but think baby dun like so I vomit in the end

My next scan is next year jan . My last scan was 25 oct . Nuh do not scan too often , dunno consider good anot .
Precious baby: I just took that yesterday heehee.

These few days really cheng tang for my meals. Fishball Kway tiao soup. Bread with milk. No appetite if eat too heavy taste food will ms.

My next appt so far in 1 mths time. Wait till my neck long. Is that normal. My last scan at 8 wks. 4wks later will be 12wk is then normal. Or shall I change earlier. Hmmmm
I also craving for instant noodle.. Yum yum.. But my husband doesn't let me eat.

Dian tang: any reason why nuh do scan at so long period? I thought ivf pregnancy need to be monitor closely till 2nd trimester.. My scan interval is always 2 weeks for now.
Ladies who are vomitting a lot, i suggest u take note what you vomit n avoid that until ms is over.

Ms usually peaks btw 8 to 12 weeks. N it will start to get better after 13 weeks.

Stay in low temp. I find heat aggravate my ms. Take non acidic fruits, i find that most pleasing.

Bad ms is really not fun. I was feeling very depressed too. At 16 weeks, i think im 85% there
so ms ladies, stay strong as theres light at end of tunnel! Jia you !!
Hi ladies,

Just a note on the instant noodles.. Learnt from a nutritionist that when cooking instant noodles, remove the noodles from the water that it was boiled in as that water contains the majority of the wax covering.. Cook the soup in another pot and put the noodles in it.. Can greatly minimise the wax u're taking in..
Lil when is you next appt? I remember yours is 1 day before mine.

Precious baby: excited to see your baobei hand n legs.
Saralyn: it is detail scan in jan next yr . But I still get to c the doc next month , I also qn the young medical officer and she said heart beat can be hear dur consultation .
Sade, i know too much scan is no good. Cos if i dun see dr loh tml, then i will probably have to wait and see him on the scheduled thurs. i'm not changing detailed scan appt because dh will not be able to make it except on Thurs. and I dun want him to miss the detailed scan.
Anyway i told dh that too much scan in a week is no good. So he said in that case will cancel tml's appt. and we will just wait till thurs.
Dian tang, what i understand from a gf who also sees gynae in NUH, the dr dun always scan on every visit? Most of the time they uses a doppler. Is this true for your case?
I guess hospitals have many patients so they dun scheduled close monitoring.
ReikiBaby, actually I wldn't be so worried abt normal scanning. Think it's the 3D scanning that shldn't be done too often cos it's more intensive. If u really need to get peace of mind, then just see Dr Loh first?
Reikibaby : ya I think so . There are many pple in the woman clinic that I went . Maybe it is a subsided clinic . I think doc only listen to the baby heartbeat at my next doc consultation .
I take instant noodle once a week. But I do it the way min81 mentioned. Also, I don't use the seasoning but brew own soup eg black bean pork rib soup. May not be as tasty but it helps satisfies my craving.
Upcoming event:
Parenthood fair 2012 organised by motherhood
Date: 9-11 nov
Time: 11-9pm
Venue: expo hall 5b
Exhibitors include pigeon, cordlife, huggies, pampers, heinz, philips, babybjorn, quinny, bonbebe and more
Whiteclover thanks. Finally a fair by pigeon.
Wen for my class yesterday and is taught by mrs Wong. She wen through the exercise v briefly. N talked abt labour and breathing techniques. Good to attend with hubby cos normally hubby don't read so they can know what happening during labour. Tonight will be the breast feeding talk by another speaker instead of mrs Wong as her vocal cord is damaged. She said she might not be able to teach anymore.
Btw whiteclover do u know that there is an essential kit to be given to us?
Didn't know abt the essential kit. What is inside?

Btw, do u know if there are any more tests after the
GD test?

After going around window shopping for the weekend, my dear HB told me to come up with a checklist of specific brands and items to get, and then just head straight down to buy. He said more productive rather than see here see there.

Men! Sometimes I ta bu leh tahan.
Whiteclover, growth scan if required to see if bb is too small or too big. Group B strep, non stress test to record bb heart beats as she moves around. All these are optional depending on individual conditions.

I also dont know abt the essential kit but kept on hearing from others asking mrs. wong when it will be given. Hopefully it's something useful and usable. haha.

You still have alot of stuffs to buy?

Btw, in dec there is another baby fair. Went back to see the britax car seat and the guy told me that. So i still have time to research abt the car seat.
Tutu, thanks, ms is really really terrible. Week 16 feels like forever away! Okay, day at a time...

Babysmurf, ya my scan was 1 day before yours on 24 Oct (last Wed). Did tummy scan and saw heartbeat. Heard it too. It was nice not to do vaginal scan anymore. My next scan is in 2 weeks' time on 9 Nov. Doctor has also scheduled my oscar scan (I think that's what it is) on 26 Nov. What about yours?

Dian_tang, any news on your blood test yet?
Ladies, can anyone advise how often is the scan? It seems like the first one is usually 6 weeks and what is the standard period for scans?
whiteclover, u have not started to buy bb clothing? I had bought a lot already, can't control. haha. can buy at those bb fairs. cheap for daily use.

Oh no, same as me. Is your level high?
What did Dr loh asked u to do?
Men don't understand the joy of window shopping n it's also a joy to just look see look see n feel the product n know more about before buying.

After my Oscar test result, I'm also scared of doing other tests n I don't even mind that I see dr loh every 4 weeks now. Anyway the strep B test is done last couple of weeks before giving birth if u r going for natural birth. Fetal monitoring like CTG only needed if u have early contractions or gynae thinks need monitoring after 6 months.
Eskimobaby - my thoughts exactly! Wonder how my hb will react when I tell him abt the parenthood fair

Sade - mine's 8.8. Got to do prick test once a week, 7 times a day. Same for u?
Lil: I haven't hear heartbeat only see. I think Kkh dr room machine not gd tummy scan blur blur then have to do a v scan lol. My Oscar test on 21 nov n dr appt on 24nov. Alittle ks cos so long for the next scan. Maybe becos dr tan HH is away again for 2wks I think that y my review on24 nov in 1 mths time
Babysmurf, saw the tiny hand and leg, dr loh do tummy scan for me, but not very clear, so in the end he do v scan for me, he trf me to tmc, so next appointment on 16 nov on his own clinic
Whiteclover mine is 8.3. He din mention much abt doing prick test. He just briefly told me to control my diet and do prick test but then he din told me to do it everyday or so. Haha. Don't know y. Maybe he thinks that I know what to do.

Eskimobaby n luv, what do u recommend for bb soap n shampoo, detergent for laundry and washing of utensils?
Babysmurf, aiyo, you are so poor thing, coming out both ends. My tummy scan is actually not so clear either. Just see a little glob and some fluttering. Actually I'm not fussed about the intervals between my scans now because I'm very pre-occupied with my ms. I think when it is near to the oscar scan, I will be nervous. I have already started discussing with DH on our decision should the results be unfavourable. Just wanted to make sure that both of us are in agreement with the next step.

Precious baby, that is cute to see hands and legs. Hopefully, I can see them in my next scan next week!
Hope Dr loh asked me during week 23 bah. If I m not wrong. Test to be done at week 26-28.

Don't worry too much abt this GTT test. My friend got it during her pregnancy n her child is now 13yrs old. Just that v troublesome cos need to do prick test and record the reading and also to watch our diet.

Btw, last week class, the lecturer said there was a lady who just delivered a 5.6 kg baby and it's cos she has diabetes.

Sade - haven bot any clothings. Gonna have a lot of hand me downs from sis, so that will prob be my last of my list to get.
