(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Sade, Hope, LuvNHope: Thanks for your concern. I will be more careful from now on. Bb is too precious to me. Have strict order from hubby to rest today and do nothing.

Oh no kitty katty . Glad u are ok. I hv been walking around very slowly everywhere. So pls do be careful. Nothing is worth rushing at this moment! Monitor n if u dont feel right, go for a scan to make sure things are fine.

Sade, yes i had shoulder length hair before. My last visit to tfc was in early aug when i went for bt. I did my counselling way back in apr. So not sure if we are thd couple u are referring to. But yes my hubby was wearing a dark frame plastic glasses on thurs
sade, i tot Britax is UK brand, just that now they are sold in US as well? Different models got diff place of manufacturing ah? I din really look into the details.
I have been more relaxed with food recently. Drinking hot soy bean milk every other day, cold drinks almost everyday, n even had cheng teng dessert.

I think we can stop torturing ourselves when we are in 2nd tri. As long as we dont overeat certain food. A little to satisfy our crave will make us happier. N what beats being a happy mummy! Even older folkers told me its ok. Dont be too hard on ourselves. Pregnancy is already a tough journey, dont make it tougher unneccessarily....

Just my thoughts ....
Tutu, then that's right. I had seen u before at TFC cos i did ivf in apr. Now i m in week 27+.

Luv, i also don't know. Saw first class plus car seat from mothercare and no boulevard model. So i just did a search and then saw different models on UK N USA. Maybe different model names only. Have not really search much yet so asking if u n whiteclover have any idea abt it. Will search more later.
Tutu, ya agreed with u on the food stuffs. During first trimester i m more worried abt what to eat or not, but my mum kept on saying, if have craving then eat it or else bb will be v greedy or picky next time. haha.

So during 2nd trimester, i started to eat my cravings. But still have to be careful abt raw eggs, uncooked meats and mercury fishes etc.

Just have to watch out for GD.
sade, I just tot different shops carry different models and din really think too much abt it. Yeah, I checked the Mothercare website b4 too and din see Boulevard. So far, the only other site I've seen selling Boulevard is BabyTown.
sade, hahahah... I see! First Class is more economical too actually.. Depends on your preference and priorities to make the right choice for you. Happy researching!

Hope, thanks much!!
sade, actually when i had my gal, I was still thinking to buy some gender neutral colours so in future can recycle for younger brother if any. You're not thinking of No 2 yet? ;P
Babysmurf, base on the last scaning, tomorrow is 8 wks, next scaning this coming tue, very excited, can ser my baobei again . U going for normal delivery or c-section? My hubby birthday on 25 may, he said if can chose on the same day
Sade, u hv such gd memory. Both Kittykatty n u are so observant! Im the type who is in my own world most of the time ;)

Yes. I was told if u crave for something bad e.g pineapple, just have a small bite n get over that craving. If not it will haunt u for 9 mths!

We should form a mother group when bbs are born !
Luv, don't know lei. Cos I don't have frozen eggs. N if can conceive naturally then good lor, if nt difficult to try for 2nd one. If I have to go thru natural ivf n with higher risk greater than 35yrs old lower success rate, n also with GD, its turn me off unless can conceive naturally. N also not necessary turn out to be boy as I had analyse thru the Chinese chart calendar. As one grows older, the chance of having girl is v much more than boy. So I shall spoilt my girl now n buy more girlie stuffs. Haha.
Tutu cos seldom see western guy n Chinese gal at tfc n also both of u look great so That's y have an impression.
Ya must eat the craving or else keep on thinking abt it.

But as I go along, I don't have much craving alrdy.
Sade- no wonder I couldn't find first class on the britax USA website. Didn't know that it was UK.

One thing good abt britax is that they do crash test on their car seats.
sade, why GD? U dun have GD now right?

whiteclover, i wlda tot all car seats need to undergo crash tests, no? But how rigorous the testing is is another matter lah...
Hello all, do u think it is possible to see the baby heartbeat at 6weeks through v-scan?
I super kan cheong to see my bb. The last round i went is 5wk 3 d and only see sac by tummy scan...
Luv, ya lor, I have GD now. Went for my test few days back.

Hope4baby, yes can see bb heartbeat during week 6.
sade, oh, sorry to hear that. Did u have any symptoms b4 the test? Or only found out from the test? Do u have to take any meds now then?

I'm having my GD test next visit. Not looking forward to it!
Sade, sorry to hear that. My fren got it but just need to control the diet. What about you?
Dr Loh ask u to take the test? Did your urine test stripe change color?
Hope4baby by v scan. Week 8 onwards will be abdominal scan. N can hear heartbeat.

Luv, actually felt v thirsty n kept on urinating. That's my symptoms. Anyway, I was a big bb according to my mum. 9pound plus during birth. Abt 4kg plus. But as I grew up, I m always underweight. Only lately my weight increased almost 9kg within these 6months. Its also another sign of GD. I was shocked when Dr loh told me I have GD. Its Just a little bit and was told to control my diet. No soft drinks, fruit juice, desserts, biscuits, breads, durians, grapes etc for me now.
No worries so long under control then should be OK.
Sade, oh I Thot the stripe will be a gauge lei. Hmm so keep drinking water and urinating is a sign? I felt thirsty when I wake up at night to pee but Thot maybe the Aircon too dry. So if I don't have family history then he won't ask me to test?
Precious baby: if can I want to go for normal delivery. Mine just 1 day different. Now just hope n eat well. 3rd trismeter than sweet talk to baobei to come out on 31 may hahahaa. U follow back with your dr? I lazy to change Dr and Dr Tan got do delivery. My hubby quite happy with him. He very Funi at times. But my next appt he review me 1 mths time so long. No give vit or anything. Just continue my folic acid n hormone pills only. Aspirin he also stopped me Liao.
Koirc, tml I be 16 weeks. I dunno when the dr will tell u but I just tell him I want to book. He said too early so refer me to counselling, where they tell me the cost breakdown. Think is rm 22. So gave me forms n tell me procedures about what to bring when I am warded. I wanted to take the prenatal class but timing sucks. Starts at 6pm twice weekly for a month. My work ends at 545pm lor, so thinking if I should go Tmc classes or dun attend at all to save $.
Hope4baby, when is your next appt? U Just did a scan right? Not necessary to do another one so soon. Once in 2ww is enough. Can understand that u r super worried to see bb but better to stick to appt or wait for another week.
There are 2 changing station same price but can't see the brand coz its inside hee. Yah before 20% discount. I bought musical mobile, stroller fan and 2 sets of wear at home clothes Hee
Sade, my nxt appt is 5/11. Seem so long....
If can hear the bb heartbeat then I can have a peace of mind...
Everyday have to worry...
Kittykatty, i slipped and fell on butt when stepping out of toilet today. What a day for us. Cos land on butt so now i can feel the body aching. Must be the impact.
ReikiBaby: Oh no, you too. We must be extra careful at the kitchen and toilet area. These area are more slippery.
Have a safe pregnancy everyone!
Hope4baby, first trimester is unstable for every pregnancy no matter thru ivf or natural. Just that thru ivf, its more "precious" n also we know that we r pregnant in early days. Hence we required earlier n more scanning as compare to natural pregnancy.
So learn to relax a bit and wait for every appointed scan.

Joanne, I wen to Robinson centre point and then ameda still have 20% disc but no more pump sets available.

White clover, saw some britax car seat at centrepoint Robinson. But no first class nor boulevard. Instead learnt something new again. Safe n sound of Britax is from Australia if I m not wrong. More n more confused. Haha.
Heartbeat can be detected between 6-7 weeks so if u go now n still can't see hb u r going to worry urself sick so be patient. There's a reason why ur scan is scheduled at a later date.
Ya that is the dilema I m in now.... Will try to ren till my nxt visit...this is my 2nd baby... My 1st if thru ivf. And this oct cycle I am suppose to start fresh cycle and I got a positive!! So very kan cheong...
Sade- do u hv to retake the GD test after some time? Or is it monitoring?

My box of dark chocolate from iherb just arrived and I'm saving them for till after my test next week. Hopefully all goes well.

Btw, Wong boi boi may be replaced as she has hurt her vocal cords. Class today was taken by another lady. Can't rem her name but prefer her. More detailed and she goes around to check that we r doing the exercises correctly.

The replacement lesson for those who cannot make it for next tue class at scgs will also be conducted by her on nov 10.

Britax - didn't know that. So confusing - uk, us, Australia. I am also checking up on graco car seats.

Usagi, I think it is important to attend antenatal classes especially if this is your first. I am signing up for the TMC one but waiting for their January schedule.

Nailova, welcome! I think it's like that. People like to guess and when your tummy gets bigger, they like to touch! Try to relax... they want to guess, just let them guess lor. People always ask me if I prefer boy or girl, I just said boy or girl still my child so I am ok with either.
