(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Nallova, maybe it's just hormonal change. You'll get used to it.

Ladies, when will you feel baby's movement more distinctly? I'm still not feel it very much...
Koirc, not 20 weeks yet mah! Why u scaring urself dear?
One or two weeks makes a lot of difference you know. We dun feel it as adults but to a growing baby it's a world of difference inside. Just like when your baby is born, you'll notice great changes in him/her in a matter of days and weeks. Have a little patience yeah?
Whiteclover, guess should be the same lady.
Dr loh told me to do prick test at home. N watch my diet. No need to retest.
Me also checking out graco. BTW saw another brand at Robinson. Joie brand. Seems not bad too. Offer at $250plus. Gotta find out more before deciding.
Sade sry wat does GD stand for? Isit diabetic? Coz my sis in law also gt diabetic nw in her pregnancy n ve to monitor with 7 injection so scarry n heartbreaking, she is giving birth in early dec so really worrying. Both my hubby n mine family also gt diabetic history. Really ve to pray hard our bb is Gd n healthy!

You must be xtra careful ya don't drink soft drinks or drinks with too much sugar, for now guess plain water n milk is the best ba, gonna watch ur diet k.
Must learn to get immune to such comments. After babies r born there r even more comments to come.

Ur baby can feel whatever u r feeling so whatever negative feelings u have baby can feel it too n it's not healthy so don't worry unnecessarily.

With GD it forces u to eat healthily. I really hope dr loh won't ask to go for the test.
I'm hving stomach cramp, uneasy, bloated and feel like vomiting. Is this e normal symptoms? Any way or foods that can help?
Eskimo Baby yup have to eat more healthy food now. But not easy esp I have to eat out almost every meal.
If Dr loh asked u to go for test then just have to go for it. Its not fun to fast during pregnancy cos bb been kicking whole morning as I was hungry n fasting. Haha

PSP, don't think u rem me. Guess its your ms hitting u now. Do see your gynae if cramp persists, its normal to feel bloated n nausea. Try to eat more small meal every day before u feel hungry.

Hope4baby, sin its your 2nd bb, then u should be more zai than us. As most of us here are first timers.

Bbshower, actually I seldom drink soft drinks all along, just once or twice a week. Anyway GD is gestational diabetic. Ya hopefully everything will turn out fine.
Hi Ladies

My next doc's appt is on 06/11/2012. That would be my 10 weeks or so.

My appt was fixed a month after my 1st appt which was at 6 weeks.

Waiting for a whole month causes me much anxiety.

Is it actually possible to ask the clinic to make an appt for me for every 2 weeks? Or is it up to the clinic and we can't choose?

My IVF was done at KKH.
I've gained 3kg the last time I weighed at dr Loh's clinic at week 19. Ever since then my appetite has improved n been eating well. It used to be just breakfast n lunch while dinner no appetite but now all 3 meals r good so I don't know how much more I'm going to weigh. Hopefully nothing alarming :p

Sounds like ur ms is kicking in. Just monitor ur cramps. U r no longer spotting rite?
Sade, u mentioned u were underweight b4 preggy rite? It's normal for underweight ladies to gain more during preg than ladies who aren't, no?
Luv ya slightly underweight. So that y I planned to gain more weight during pregnancy so that bb can be more healthy. But now gain weight too fast alrdy. Still have 3more months to go.

Eskimobaby act I also don't know if Dr loh record down our weight or not cos he din mention abt me gaining too much weight. Was.asked to do GD due to family history. So if u r bmi is not high nor any family history, he might not ask u to do GD Test.

Act.most of my friends din do GD Test. Guess its really depend on gynae. Some gynae are more cautious than others.
Hi PSP, sounds like symptoms of morning sickness. I had dry retching for about three days and then the real vomiting started - 6 to 10 times a day. Not everything comes up with each heave but I feel as sick as a dog. My stomach is also making really loud gurgling noises when I lie in bed.

For me, I try to avoid cold water - somehow find that I throw up faster if I drink something cold. Hate ginger so can't try that and peppermint tea plus dried sour plums don't work. Neither does sucking on lemon slices. Spent last night googling cures (Chinese, Malay cures ) but have not found anything to put me out of misery yet. Last resort is the anti nausea pills prescribed by doctor but afraid that will cause constipation which I read is a whole lot worse than vomiting.

Quite at my wits end so if you or any sisters here have any suggestions or solution to morning sickness would be most grateful if you could share.
PSP and Mofmm, I'm currently in ms hell too. I thought last week was bad with my dry wretching but it got worse since Friday as now I'm really throwing up. Really no appetite to eat yet have to constantly eat to prevent hunger as it makes the nausea worse. I'm afraid I have no tips for you as I'm at my wits end too. I still wear my sea bands but don't know if they really work. Since I have them, I just wear them lah. I also seem to have more saliva and my mouth is constantly sour. My sense of smell is so sensitive now that a lot of things make me gag. So far the only thing I can stomach is crackers and fruits!

Hang in there, it will hopefully ease up after 1st trimester. I'm counting down day by day!
Mofmm n lil, i feel for u. I had bad ms from 7 to 14 weeks too. Be kind to yourself n try to eat whatever you could. Cracker, bread n fruits work best for me. Avoid strong taste n smell food. Eat small n regular. Sweet food worked better for me than savoury. U will feel better. Im 16 weeks n feeling better. Try to sip water thru the day. Drinking all at one go will make u sick. Its hard, but you will get better. Ms is a gd sign bb is growing well
Those hving ms, try sipping Pink Dolphin drink. The pink bottled flavour one. Works for most of my gfs.
Meiji plain crackers works for me when i cant swallow any food. If wan something sweet n sour, can make honey lemon. But dun take too much in case it makes ur gastric uncomfy.
Psp maybe u wanna try eating lotus peanut soup n also if nausea kick in u can try n eat sour plum, to me it works.

Sade I ve already gain 7kg now in week 19 going 20. Seems like GD is a very worrying issue! All of us really gonna eat more healthy food n possible just drink Plain water. Wondering if my gynae will ask me to test for GD a nt?
Lil and mofmm: maybe the anti nausea pill can help . Eat together with vit b6 and eat before your food . I did try to drink ginger drink , sometimes it helps . Sweet plums work for me too . Everyday I try to vomit the sour juices in the stomach, I feel better . I always encouraged myself when I vomit that as long the baby is healthy , I dun mind this feeling . If the vomit really serious til you can't eat anything , it is better to c the doc .
Thanks ladies, will try ginger tea and sour plum. Hopefully I will get better.

I'm having brown discharge today again. I guess really hv to rest well, hv been taking afternoon nap and woke up by e nausea. I still hv a long way to my 2nd trimester.

Mofmm: I thought morning sickness is only in the morning?

Sade: of course I rem u.
Thank you all sisters for your advice - going to get pink dolphin water and vitamin b and sweet (not sour) plums tomorrow and thank you for your encouragement Tutu and Dian Tang.

Hi Lil, seems like our symptoms are mirroring each other! From OHSS to dry retching and now morning sickness hell. My sense of smell has sharpened too like u- i can smell pp walking past and sadly the smell of v old folks esp akes me gag. i make my husband change even his home clothes (for bed) daily and if he forget to brush his teeth before cuddle time, he gets shoved away. hard. Happy to find you on this forum...someone w the same edd too! May we and all sisters suffering from MS get better over time as we all progress.

Hi PSP, yup if you are lucky morning sickness is just in the morning when you do one big heave o. Some of my girlfriends had that. Rest of day just queasy feeling but no vomiting. For some pp the morning sickness last the whole day - Merlion 24/7
Bbshower, the test is not compulsory. Hence gynae might not ask u to test if u r not overweight nor have family history etc.

But to be on safe side, it's doesn't hurt to test. Just that have to fast for 12hrs.

The only comforting issue is that I have to watch my diet. ;-)

Psp yes pls bed rest more. Ms doesn't mean only morning. Can be whole day.
Sade oh both our side gt family history of diabetic. Ve to fast 12 hrs b4 taking the test!!! Wah how to endure??? I don't think I can do it. My 3meals r usually quite heavy n 2 light snack in between
maybe I ve to cut down to lighter meal n c if I can endure...12hrs!!!!! How do u do it? I will sweat n silver if dun eat!
Btw do u gals ve problem with having to go toilet almost every hr or the moment to drink water? I realise I ve to go toilet very frequent, even when I go for scanning, I went toilet already, the sonographer will ask if I m very high tide
coz they can c from the screen. Isit normal???
Bbshower, have to fast fr 12am blood test on 9am n then drink a sweet orange water n then blood test 2hrs later. So its abt 12hrs. Cos have to wait for my turn for to do blood test. I m doing it at tmc.
Ya its so difficult to fast. But no choice.

I also always pee frequently , maybe u try to lean a bit forward while urinating so that can empty ur bladder.
@ ReikiBaby

Thanks for your response. I guess I'll try to check with KKH if they're willing. If not, then I guess I'll hv to look into another Gynae for the rest of my pregnancy
Oct is definitely not good for me. I had sudden vertigo attack yesterday after my dinner. I was shopping in ntuc and suddenly I felt giddy and sweat continuously. Then merlion. Luckily my hb was with me. That was the 3rd attack this mth and just 5days after my bleeding incident.
. I'm thinking if I should just ask my GP to recommend the ENT doctor since my gynae would just said to monitor.
Hope, I went down to the warehouse sale yesterday.

Eventually bought the other type of standing bath tub cos din really like the way the changing pad folds away from the bathtub for the changing station and found the bathtub in the station too small. Now looking for sthg that can let me put all the bathing barang barang next to bath tub.
Ladies with Dr Loh, do you think i can bring forward my detailed scan and the appt with Dr Loh (appt after detailed scan) to tues? Cos after the clumsy fall on sat, i feel aching and pulling which i dun normally have. Dh and I are kind of worried... My scheduled detailed scan and appt with Dr Loh is this Thurs.
Thanks ladies.

Mofmm: Does Pink Dolphin Drink helps? I think im having 24/7 Morning sickness... Im very sensitive to Men's perfume now, make me feel like vomiting. This morning, when i was in the bus, i nearly fainted. OMG, all the white collar men putting on strong perfume that makes me feel so terrible.
Luv & eskimobaby, I know. Can't help but to worry about baby... I am thinking if I should just go for a scan to get a peace of mind. But what will I tell my doctor? She'll probably think I am crazy right?

Btw, I'm having a bad ache in my lower back. I don't know if it's because I was in an awkward position when washing dishes yesterday. You know as the tummy gets bigger, you need to bend forward to reach the tap!
Koirc, im in the same week as you. Me too yet to feel any movement. If this is first preg, usually we dun feel it that early. I have frens telling me that they start to feel at 20+ weeks. Moreover we wont feel it the whole day. So unless the whole day you are in a quiet place and realli observing every move and sound from your tummy. Else quite difficult to notice that little fluttering. Your next scan is next week?
Reikibaby, my next scan is on Nov 14. Btw, I sometimes feel a tingling sensation in the vagina area. Is that normal?
Thanks, ladies for your encouragements and suggestions. I must have been so naive. I never knew that morning sickness and 1st trimester can be so hard.

PSP, yes morning sickness unfortunately is a misnomer. It more like all day all night sickness. Argh. Hopefully, it doesn't hit you too hard. I still have a long way to go too - 5 weeks (if I count week 13). Hang in there, just know that it will not last forever

Mofmm, me too, I push my husband away because there is this smell that I never knew was there! Ha ha! And sometimes when he eats his dinner I have to leave the apartment or stick my head out of the window. I know I should be grateful and happy (and I am!) but I find this really trying and don't know how the other ladies do it. Last night, my husband told me that he misses the old me and I said, "me too, me too". I feel like I'm a shadow of myself now. Sometimes I think pregnancy is so much harder than ttc. Hang in there too, girlfriend. I'm also very happy to have you and all the sisters' support here.

znatasha, oh dear another vertigo attack
Yes, I agree that it's good to see ENT and hopefully get this sorted out once and for all. It must have been such a scary experience!

Reiki baby, please call doctor today and try to bring forward your appt. It's always better to have peace of mind!
Lil Ponyo: I agree with u . Pregnancy is more difficult than ttc. But we are blessed to have one baby , we must keep going to protect it . Keep positive and ms soon be over . Ms usu last til wk 14 .
I think the third tri will be more tough . Enjoy our pregnant moments.
Luv, that's Gd! Glad that you bought something so it's not a wasted trip! I'm not buying changing station so not much research on it Hee.

Reikibaby, I think should be ok if you want just call and check with Alice? But probably you have to walk in for detailed scan instead?
Dian_tang, if I count Week 14, that's 6 more weeks to go! Oh my goodness!! Ha ha, I think I need to set more short terms goals in between.

How are you feeling lately?

PSP, I know, hugs. Makes you wonder how those women in ancient times can work in the field while pregnant! Ha ha!
Lil, Hope,
I just called O&G. Yah detailed scan have to walk in at 8am then level 4 will entertain me. Else just have to wait till Thurs. i make an appt to see Dr Loh tml evening. Wanted go today but to walk in to see Dr Loh will means i have to wait infinitely,,,
As for detailed scan, maybe i will just stick to thurs.

I will on off feel pressure at the vaginal area. Then i will quickly sit down or lie down. Of cos will start thinking whats is wrong. Isit placenta too low or cervix weak. Alot in mind, but i keep tell myself all be fine. I had a doppler so somehw keep me more sane, but also i try not to tink so much. Sometimes tummy churning...i tot baby move? But end up i wanted to poo poo. Then tummy got sound n felt someting moving, i wonder if thats movement or just im hungry. But usuali seems to be the later. So end up i decided not to think so much, cos very stressful.

You have another 2weeks to the scan...erm...go find something to do, i waited close to 5 weeks for this coming scan. I know 2nd trim, gynae dun see us that often so i try not to make myself worried else we still have till end of Dec till reach end of trim 2....if we cant keep peace this 5 weeks, how to tahan for another 2mths. Right?
Reiki baby, How many weeks n days r u now? Cos for detailed scan, need at least 19weeks if I m not wrong. Can try calling alice, should be OK to change but just that hv to wait.
Better go early for a peace of mind.

Ladies with ms, hang in there, jia you, its easier said than done. Try to eat crackers every now n then. Don't wait till empty stomach. Better this way. I always munch biscuits when feeling nausea. Made me feel better this way.

Znatasha do seek help from ent doc n see what he can advise.

Psp, yah if i dun recall wrongly, ms realli subsided ard week 14 for me too. Jiayou jiayou. Take it as losing some weight so that you can eat more n gain weight in trimester 2. I survived on mostly plain crackers and oats that time. And beehoon is what i like that time.

MofMM, you tried the pink dolphin? Works for you? I had bad phlegm so couldnt take any sweet stuff. But many of my gfs gv thumbs up to it. But do remember take plain water too. Especially when when seeing gynae and taling the routine urine test. Else later too much sugar detected.
