(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Hope _ yes going. Already plan the schedule. Go to the babystudio warehouse sale first which opens at 10. Then head down to baby expo.

Thanks girls for welcoming me.. Seem like alot of you are in the late stage of pregnancy. Congrats!

Lil ponyo & babysmurf: for edd, mine is always changing.. Went for 2 scans already and both have diff date. Which one is the confirmed one?
Whiteclover, so have u bought any car seat? Any particular brand in mind? I thou of going baby studio to look at the lucky baby car seat. Initially wanted combi but it's also made in china hence thou of buying other brand such as lucky baby or britax. I don't know the country of origin for britax.
Wah so many newcomers! Welcome all ! I have been silent since I started work ...

Just had a role change n totally loving my new role so happy at work

Found my confinement lady from Malaysia. $2,300 for 4 weeks + transport + ang boa. Not tried n tested by my friend but recommended by the confinement lady of my friend so hope it will turn out well. I'm getting her for 6 weeks .

And I found out I'm having a boy today! Totally caught off guard as we were convinced it was a girl ! I hv no bros, I'm a little worried if I could cope with boy !

Is it worth attending Wong boi boi class?
Sade - originally was thinking of maxi cosi cos my sisters all use that. But also looking at britax. Haven decided.

Hope - no prob. Hoping to settle the cot first. So far only bot the stroller.
Babysmurf, so happy for u, I hv to wait till next tue then can see my baobei. Is ur tummy big? Dr zou said mine look like 2 mths pregnant with twins, she very cute, ask me to double cfm with dr loh on my next scanning is it twins as my tummy too big. I now 7wks 4 days
whiteclover, ok thanks. so much choices and difficult to choose. haha. Its shopping time!

Tutu, congrats for finding out gender.
I am attending the class now, felt that if u like to read books, then can forget abt joining her class. But if u prefer to listen to talks, then can join her class.
Maybe whiteclover can give u advice too cos she's also joining her class.
Lil n precious baby: to take my weight for the first time afte the program put on 1.5kg. Before I already overweight now tummy look the same but lot of clothes cannot fit. Big headache.

Went to pamper myself gone for hair wash. Shiok.
Glad that more newcomers r joining us here, meaning more ivf success rate
really hope that those go thru ivf can ve a successful pregnancy as we been thru so much.

Been feeling really tired n slpy recently maybe becoz bb is getting bigger n my buttock n tail bones is getting more painful, haven had a Gd slp for quite some x

Finally went for detail scan ytd, n bb is so cute during the scan bb is facing up but a while later bb face downwards n we thgt maybe bb is shy n scared, end up we need to go for a walk n chat chat with bb before we can continue again, n really works after walking n toking bb face up again n all is done quite fast;) n glad everythg went well n bb is healthy n it's a princess ;) so happy !!! Daddy's ger

I haven book CL yet wondering still can find a Gd one mah...
Tutu, so far only went for one lesson. I think for first time mummy and if u are the type that don't read up (same as me), then going for prenatal classes would be useful.

If u r taking Wong boi boi classes, better book earlier. Actually, with all the hype abt her, felt that it was overrated. And the class size is huge - squeezed like ants. When I sit down on floor, my toes were touching next couple's mat. Maybe it's cos mine is a weekend class.
Welcome Saralyn!!

Just went for Oscar scan at Nuh today . Scan was ok but got to wait for blood test results . Dur the scan, the position of baby was not suitable to do the measurement . So the sonographer said if position still like that , I may have to go for a walk and scan later . She ask me to try coughing and the baby changed her position and the whole procedure took place smoothly . Cooperative baby
Hello Tutu: Glad to hear that you are happy in your new work role. And, congrats on having a prince :)
Guess what, I went and see Dr Loh today too. I think I saw you. You are the sweet lady in green dress right?
Dr Loh seems to be in a good mood today. He joke and said that he will try and see if can see or not ku ku bird today. At last, too early to tell yet. I really don t mind boy or girl, as long as baby is healthy and happy is most important.

And, my detailed scan will be on 4 Dec. So excited!
I was thinking of getting Dr Ong EK. Heard from my friend he's very experienced n good but his clinic is in mt alvernia tho. I was thinking of just getting him for delivery n I will go back kkh pcc for jabs n assessment.
eskimo, I used Dr Ong EK for my gal. Was worried abt his having moved to Mt A, but think given that there doesn't seem to be much of a suitable choice amongst the TMC in-house docs, I might just stick to Dr Ong again.
Miloqueen: 1st trimester should be an tai Yao. I with TSB still taking her medication. Only after 1st trimester then can slowly cut down.

1st trimester still weak. Need to bu them up.
Miloqueen, i still taking the medicine given by dr zou, should be an tai yao, and she said the medicine also help to prevent spotting.
Hi, sorry to interrupt here. For those of u seeing Dr Zou, can share on her opening hrs n contact details ?

Roughly hw long is e waiting time ?

Congrats tutu. I also saw doc today but still too early to tell gender. Got to wait till detailed scan in 1 month's time. But all I wish is a healthy bb. Yesterday, my colleague told me that his friend bb who got pregnant ard same time like us, the bb stop growing n need to D&C. I felt so sad for the lady. That's why I really treasure this little one growing inside me. I just wish for good health.
Thanks babysmurf and precious! Had the impression some said cant take tcm. I suppose the an tai yao can still go with western supplements given by gynae.
Gd morning!
Wowwww, more MTBs joining us here! Congrats dearies! To the usuals, hope u r all doing gd!!!
Am at 21wks now, I had my detailed scan last Wed & baby gladly showed us his kuku-bird! Hehehe it's gonna be a boy!! My hubby was away (still is) but I'm sure he was smiling away so broadly at sea, hearing e news!
Anyway thank god really, for me this pregnancy is so smooth-sailing. But of cos, e usual backache, leg swell, muscle cramps. And flu!
Just a qn, is it ok for us in e 2nd tri to actually take the small yellow flu pill?

Happy long weekend u alls. I'm gg hari raya visiting to my in-laws & parents today alone wif my baby boy pouch.
Selamat Hari Raya Haji, Ain!
Think the small yellow pill is okay, but best to double check with ur gynae? Hope u recover from ur flu soon.
Dian tang,

Glad to hear ur scan went very well
Would like to check, were u allowed to take a video of what is showing on the screen? I remember last time the sonographer stopped my hubby when he tried filming with his hp..
Dian tang,

No leh she didn't say.. But it was only after that we noticed there's a sign on the wall showing some restrictions, and there was the camera symbol with a slash across it.. Maybe u can ask the next time if u're interested in video-ing.. Cos i always see so many pple video their scans and upload on youtube..
Hi Sade: You were at Dr Loh too yesterday? So co incident
I went in and see him around 2:45pm. I m the lady in light blue dress and grey sweater.
Kittykatty, hmmm I went in 230pm. I was wearing dark blue top n black short. Did u went with your hubby? I think I saw u. Long hair with make up on?
Dian tang,

In doc's clinic doing scanning can take.. But when doing detailed scan at fetal care centre then stopped by sonographer.. Detailed scan clearer
My hubby's colleague whose wife was going to TMC, was told by her gynae in 3rd trimester to go nuh fcc to do the 3D scan to keep as momento.. Very nice, can see bb so clear in tummy.. Maybe u can ask abt that too if interested


That's nice!!
Ve anyone of u done the 3D scan? During the detail scan I request for certain view of the pic then sonographer also say cannot
Min81, u r in 2ww now right? Hope u can join us here soon. U did iui right? Stay positive n relax!

Luv, whiteclover went to baby expo, not much to see. Mostly clothing stores. Mum fairy is there too selling breast pumps n also only one booth selling car seats and play pen and baby cot. V crowded at expo but still ok for the baby expo.
Sade- was there too. Baby expo so small, can finish walking in 5 min. Did u buy anything?

In the end I went to baby kingdom to look at britax car seat.
The britax first class is at $399. But only 2 colors: red or purple. I asked the sales what is the manufactured date and expiry and she said no such thing as expiry. But read on britax that there is. So got to do some more research first. Suspect these r older models.

I see some websites selling britax first class plus at $428.
I saw the britax boulevard 70 at baby expo $428.

There r 3 models there. $298,$398, $428.
Roundabout, marathon n boulevard. If I m not wrong.

Maybe have to go Robinson n see if they carry britax car seat.
Sade, i went down too. It's $459 for Britax Boulevard. Did they raise the price in the afternoon?!. I had more or less decided on Britax so went for it. Think BabyTown website selling at $599.

How were the sales at Hyperstore?
Luv Thanks for correcting me, cos I can't rem correctly. Cos still want to see see look look for car seat. So u getting that boulevard model?
Sade, oh, hee... So long as it's not a case of them suddenly raising price. ;) Yeah, bought it but will get it delivered only in late Jan cos warranty starts from date of delivery. I called Hyperstore to check if they had a better deal n the person said they dun carry Britax.
Kittykatty, yes thats me! Haha not sweet at all i was pulling a long face as i was feeling unwell from nausea n indigestion! Sorry didnt smile but which one is you??!! Tell me

Maybe you are having a girl! That would be so nice. I love girls

Sade- i cant remember a blue top with black shorts??!!
Sade: Yup. Haha....I think that's me
I saw you too.

I went to expo too this afternoon too. So many people. Ya. It's quite small. Nothing interesting. Boy, the weather is really hot today.

Min81: Good luck on your IUI and enjoy your 2ww.

Kittykatty Ya so siao! We r sitting on the same bench. Haha! Nice meeting u!

Tutu hmmm I don't think I saw u. What time r u there? I m wearing sleeveless bright blue top n black bermuda to be precise.
