(2013) ivf/icsi mummies Support group

Reiki baby think drink chrysanthemum is ok sin u r heaty now. Try drinking one or two cup. It's not like u drink it every now n then. I did drink it with wolfberries. Cos I had a bit of cough n sore throat during my first trimester.

Cos I felt that sin body heaty have to drink some to cool it down. Or else fall sick is even more Jia let.

Dr loh is v popular among iui n ivf patients. Felt that for those normal natural pregnancy sisters, they don't know who is Dr loh.

Ya there's a lot of Dr loh patients here.
I also feel a bit heaty.... May be eat too much outside food..
It's quite troublesome for us to heaty... Cos you duno how much chrysanthemum your can take.. Later too much will be too Laing.... I think eat more fruits can help...
Fat chicken - how was your bali trip? Was it also a sahopping trip?
Reikibaby, can try those foil packet 330ml n mix w water to try first? I buy the big bottle apple flavour n mix alittle w lotsa water cos I drink daily. I'm also very troublesome, don't wan eat this n that n if want to eat something after eating a abit I don't wan liao.. He's also doing all the housework n looking after our furkids haha
Was just accosted by this young london weight management promoter who asked me if I wanted to lose weight.

Didn't know how to react at that split second.
Hi kiki, how's your detailed scan?

Hi kiki n whiteclover, like to ask you if you experience any nausea now?

I m still having nausea on and off. Not v serious but will feel nausea at times.

hehe whiteclover, in this situation, i also don't know how to react.
Hi whiteclover

Just back last night... Quite tired... Though didn't do much there...
Just went for 1 day local tour, prepare and attend friend's wedding, next day morning walk at e beach and walk walk in e local mall before taking my flight...
Now my eyes are closing after lunch... Yawnz...

Oh btw, any one of you have a light burning feeling during yr urine?? Minei realized I have this when I drink very little water..
After I drink more and pee then it's normal again...
sade - yes i get nausea on and off, especially after meals. also, after i brush my teeth, i always feel nausea. also don't know why.

fat chicken - light burning feeling means not enuf water. drink more water to avoid UTI. last time at tfc, the nurse always tell me urine color cannot be chinese tea. must be light or clear
Whiteclover, I too get nausea n vomitted afew tImes when I brushing teeth, usually morning vomit yellowish gastric juice...

Sade, I get nausea when hungry too lol..so once feel hungry must quickly eat some food or sweets
Hi Ewea, Cos I thou only will have the nausea in first trimester and yet now I m still feeling it. I m in week 19 now. Furthermore I don't have much ms during my first trimester.

Ya good to eat some sweet or food when feeling nausea.
Fat Chicken/Usagi/Ewea/Chevy/Znatasha/Kitty Katty: Hi All... I would like to share the excited news.. I went for my first scanning at KKH. They did a tummy and V scan on me.. at first tummy scan , saw a water bag. Then the nurse ask me one or 2 embryos transfered. I informed her 2 embryos. So she did V scan, and confirmed is singleton. Can see very cleary the baby size of 1cm + the heart beat! When I see the baby heart beat, dont know why the feeling is really very excited and happy. And suddenly got power .. like all the uncomfortable gone that kind of feeling... now i know what everybody is saying, we have to experience it then we know the journey of motherhood... and Dr Sadhana informed me that I am 7weeks pregnant now. Ask me not to announce to whole world until after 12 weeks... that why we are all here, secretly discuss and sharing ^-^
Coco, hahahahahaha, glad ur bb is doing fine growing strong! 1 milestone crossed

U mean dr sadhana actually asked u not to announce first ah?
when do you start to wear maternity clothings? I was "forced" by my aunt to buy as she said I shouldn't wear jeans which will inhibit bb growth... but it's seem exaggerating to put on the baggy blouse...
Ya lor.. it is too early ba.. My colleague who is five mths pregnant still wearing her normal working dress lei.. and my tummy still flat flat... however, my working dress is more to baggy type.. so no problem for me..
So long as you feel comfortable, then doesn't matter whether u wear maternity clothes. Sooner or later, you won't have a choice but to change to maternity clothes anyway! I'm already having to change my usual wardrobe choices liao.
Started in trimester 2. Dresses- can still fit into current looser dresses. But for pants, found maternity pants more comfy. Been buying From gmarket. Cheap and good.
Coco: Congrats
Hearing you shared about your exciting first scan. I m so looking forward to mine too. Counting down.

Ladies: How long do we have to contine with Ustrogen? Just wondering if we still take it orally is it safe for pregnancy? I guess should be all right. If not, they won t prescribe to us. Sometimes I take orally at night cos it helps me to sleep better.
Hi ladies.. I feel like a stuffed turkey .. Had too much of food to eat today. Still in denial.. I've just crossed over to the 30s category today.. So more reasons to eat my feelings away. Had my dr's appt yday. Scans are the nicest part where we can see baby. Saw baby moving and waving. Felt as if baby was wishing me happy birthday.. Hahaha
Kittykatty, it's ok to take orally.... I asked dr Loh and he said ok as long as you can deal with the sleepiness. And for me I gotta take till week 12.

Bbgalore, happy bday! May your wishes come true!
Im also taking the supports till week 12.

Oscar scan @ TMC
1. Ladies, can i check if $450 includes oscar scan + bloodtest + 20week scan?
2. Can pay using credit cards? Cos dun want bring so much cash.
3. Can hubby go in with us for the oscar scan?
Sade - when u took up the package, did u ask the nurse roughly how many more scheduled appts till the end?

Just went for my scan and I wanted to take up the package. But the nurse said cannot 'cos today's not a scheduled dr appt ie I requested to see dr for earlier scan. She said the 10 visits r only for scheduled visits that the dr arrange for and if we see dr outside of the scheduled visit, cannot use package. I was puzzled.
Whiteclover, huh! Is it? She din told me abt that. I was puzzled with what u said now. I will check with her on my next visit then. Cos she told me can use up to 10times n for 2nd trimester, 5 weeks apart for visit, then 3rd trimester every 2 weeks if I m nt wrong.

Y their package is so funny de?
Hi Ladies, after had 7 weeks scan which can see the baby heart beat, what is the next scan that we will be expecting? Is it will be Oscar scan? I received the call from KK and schdelu me for the blood test on 13 Sept for down syndrome test on 1 Oct for scanning... I have not decided on a gynae yet.. but Dr Sadhana say even if I choose private doctor, I still can go for this test at KKH.. any advise here ?
Yah. So confusing. So I can only sign up when I see him during week 20.

dr loh says if he has to guess now, then he would guess princess. That is the same as my sixth sense.
Hi cocolee, after first heartbeat, I saw dr at
Week 11, week 14.(Dr)
Week 12 - oscar scan (at level 4 centre tmc)
Next one is Week 20 - detailed scan (at level 4 centre tmc followed w dr visit)
Cocolee yeah I also had first scan on week 7 , 2nd scan on week 10 n Oscar scan will be on week 12. The 2nd scan tO me is more exciting because u c ur baby develoPment n movement
M going for my Oscar scanning nx tues so excited can't wait to c bb again althgt it's just 2weeks diff

Wondering can we eat potato chips hehehe^^
Reiki, you can try Hilltop. Not too bad.
Mom's Cooking supposed to be healthy but ex.
YLS and Jessie Catering are okay if u're not too fussy.
Thanks ladies for the birthday wishes.

The flu bug has caught me again. Can we take panadol? This Sunday is my brother's wedding and I hope to be well by than.

Another question, when do u all stop taking dupaston? I forgot to ask my dr. I still have another week supply left .. Should I tapper it off frm 3 tablets to 2 and than 1?
BabyG, my doc advised that I can start reducing the dosage of duphaston slowly. But best to introduce one change at a time. For eg, dun reduce dosage and make major change like going back to work at once. Can go back to work first and if okay after a week for instance, can try reducing dosage. I've reduced from 3 to 2 already. Think will reduce to 1 then gradually stop.
Hi ladies, you're invited to join the secret FB group that Sashamama formed some time back for IVF/ICSI Mummies.

If you're keen to join, could you pls drop BabyJourney a PM with your FB email address? See you all on FB soon too! Hee..
Tutu for me I took 2mths of NPL after ER so will start work on week 12. Which is nx week. Actually I felt is Gd n bad. Gd is u get to rest whenever u feel tired n stressfree. Bad is very bored because I woke up abt same time as work, as my baby doesn't seem to like slping
n also dun like to rot on bed.
